AS Questionnaire For Opening Sequence

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AS Questionnaire for Opening Sequence

For AS media, I have to asked to create a 2 minute opening sequence for a film of an
genre, this will be a British independent film directed and produced by myself. I have
decided my genre for my opening sequence will be crime drama.
Completing the question will be very useful for me, after all the aim of audience
research is to understand what the audience want.
1. Gender (Please tick)
2. What character do you prefer to follow in a crime drama film? (Please tick one)

The investigator
The victim
The criminal

State the reason for picking one of the above.

3. What location do prefer a crime drama to be set in?

On the road side

State the reason for picking one of the above.

4. Do you prefer a crime dramas opening sequence to be set.

Early Moring
Late evening
At night (very dark)

5. Should my opening sequence involve

Police chase scene

A kidnapping
A murder
A flashback sequence of a crime
b) If you chose a flashback sequence of a crime, state what crime you would like
to see.

6. Do you think slow motion should be included in my opening sequence?


7. Do you prefer crime drama films opening sequences to establish the narrative for
the film or dive straight into the action, so that the audience is left questioning
the plot?

8. If you stated that you prefer the opening sequence to dive straight into the action,
should the music be fasted paced to enhance the action or silent so that the
audience can focus only on the action?

9. Do you think it is better for the titles to overlay on footage or have their own
frames to pause the action and create suspense for the audience? Here are some

10. List what instruments you think would be best to build up tension in a crime
drama opening sequence?

11. What do you think is most important to establish in the opening sequence?
(Please tick one)


Please state another aspect of a film that you think is more important to
establish in the opening

sequence if you selected other.

12. What features of other crime drama films would you like to see in my opening
sequence production (this can include props, makeup or location, etc.), other
ideas are also welcome to this question.

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