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FS 6

On Becoming A Teacher

Episode 3


Name of FS Student: Kier A. Baugbog
Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics Year & Section: Math 4-1
Resource Teacher: Folencio C. Carreon
Cooperating School: Dalandanan National High School

Your Target
At the end of this episode, you will gain competence in identifying possible
linkages between the school and the community, particularly those that will help attain
circular goals.

Your Map
The teacher never lies in isolation. For you to be an effective teacher in the future
it is vital to forge genuine win-win relationship between the school and the community.
To reach your target, do the following tasks:
Step 1: Tour the community around your cooperating school
Step 2: Gather information about the issues/concerns/problems of the community
that affect the school and where the teacher and the students can help. Also,
gather information about the resources of the community.
Step 3: Analyze the possible linkages that the school and the community can
Step 4: Reflect on the vital role of the teacher as a member of the community.

An Observation Guide for a Community Tour

Based on the guide on p.85 of the Teaching Profession (Bilbao,,2006)
1. Schools Locality. Describes the schools location. Describe the
neighbouring areas, and the community. What historical landmarks do
you see? Are there monuments? Read the monument markers. This may
give you an idea about the history of the place. What government
institutions are found there? What non-government organizations are
present? What are the thrusts of this NGOs?
2. Issues/Concerns/Problems. Identify the issues/concerns/problems of the
community. How is the traffic condition? Pollution? How about the peace
and order and situation? Juvenile Delinquency? Security for children?
Political climate? Look into provision of basic needs, like electricity,
water, etc.
3. Resources of the Community. Locate the resources of the community,
that the teachers and students can utilize, like parks, museums, library,
concert halls, movie house, shops, factories, industries, sports, and
recreational centers, health centers, etc. What instructional materials can
be obtained from the community?
4. Community Assistance/Service from the School. How does the school
serve the community? Do the school personnel serve as resource persons?
How does the school participate in town celebrations? How does the
school contribute to the value formation of the community? What
community projects is the school involved in?


Name of the School Observed: Dalandanan National High School

School Address: Dalandanan, Valenzuela City
Date of Visit: September 22, 2016

Locality of the School

The school is just one turn away from the main highway. There
are few residential houses around it, majority of the establishments are
for business purposes. It has five buildings and a huge quadrangle
making it one of the biggest schools in Valenzuela.
The school is just walks away from the Valenzuela City
Astrodome and Valenzuela Emergency Centre. These establishments
are one of the prides of Valenzuela.
In general, schools locality isnt ideal but nonetheless still doing
well in terms of making the ambiance peaceful and clean.
Issues/Concerns/Problems of the Community
During wet season, the community often face worse flood
problem. To give an idea about how worse it is, there are instances that
it will come to a point where the roads are already not passable and
water enters into houses and school.
In other aspects, community is generally quite good. Traffic is
light. I cant say that there are no pollutions, but, it is not observable.
There are good manifestations of peace and order, although police
visibility is minimal. There are isolated cases of juvenile delinquency.
Political climate is peaceful. Most of all, basic need of the community
are completely addressed.

Your Analysis
Name of the School Observed: Dalandanan National High School
new ways School Address: Dalandanan, Valenzuela City
by which Date of Visit: September 22, 2016
the Community
creatively The school happens to be walks away from the Valenzuela
The place has been very helpful in housing different
use astrodome.
activities of the school making it one of the essential resources of the
of community.

The library hub also is one of the assets of the community. The
hub is in the building where the astrodome is located. It is full of books
that suffice the lack or not so enough books inside the schools library.

Community Assistance/Service given by the School

The community launched a project that will assist the pedestrians
during dismissal period, especially students. They have the traffic aids
positioned in front of the schools. It is very helpful for the students. It
avoids the students from harm and makes the parents at peace waiting
for their sons and daughters.
The school is one of the biggest donors whenever there are blood
donation projects of red cross.


I think it is best if the school will conduct more activities outside the school. Use
the astrodome for those activities. Activities like seminars and team building can do. The
school should also have information campaigns regarding the available resources in the
community. They should promote to the students the availability of the library hub just
walks away from the school.
How can the school address the issues/concerns and problems of the community?
They should cooperate with the community and the community leaders. They
should be the one piloting an activity that involves all members of the community which
deals with the cleanliness of the drainage system. It is always with the cooperation where
any problems can be solved.
Aside from that, they should also deal with the discipline of the students. Students
are actually the primary source of waste in the community. They are throwing their waste
anywhere. So, schools should address the problems regarding students discipline so that
they will be able to use the students to inform their parents about the importance of
cleanliness and discipline.
Above all, school should produce quality students. Students are the future
members and leaders of the community. They should taught as early as possible quality
education that develops their knowledge, wisdom, and more importantly values for them
to be responsible members and leaders of the community in the future.
What possible linkages can the community and the school have?
The possible linkages that the community and the school have are
brigadaeskwela, bloodletting activities, leadership development activities, etc. These
activities promotes cooperation within members of the community and school.

Your Reflections
1. How did you feel while you were going around the community? What things
did you learn that you might have taken for granted before?

As I go around the community I felt mixed emotions. I am happy because I

can see the efforts of everyone for the sake of the students. I am sad for the reason
that there are still members of the community who dont have discipline and dont
care about other members. These are the people who continually throw garbage
anywhere. These are the reason of the floods that depreciates the opportunity of
the students to learn.
Ive learned the importance of even the smallest member of the community.
Ive learned that each and every one of us has a role that needed to be fulfilled for
the betterment of us members of our own community.

2. As a future teacher, what do you think will be your role in the community?
I will be the primary community builder. I will be the cause of a poor or
rich community in the future. This is because I will be handling lives of the future
members and leaders of the community.
3. How you will encourage more community participation among teachers and
I will make them understand the importance of cooperation. Discuss the
merits and advantages of cooperating to the community. Problems encountered
inside the school can be solved by cooperating to the community.

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