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Script and Direction by Ruby M

Filmed and Edited by Leo B

Presented by Aaron K

(outside. Wooded area)

(Filler shots)

Presenter: when you lay your loved ones to rest the last thing you want to hear is
that their grave ornaments had been stolen;
-pauseFor the Jones family this became a heart breaking reality, when in 2010 the
grave ornament that had sat on top of their mothers grave was stolen.
-pauseAfter many years of uncertainty over its location the family submitted a query for
the return of the items; a stone cat and pig ornament.
Within weeks they received a call from the old antique shop in Henley town
centre alerting them that the owner had seen their plea and realised that he had
them in his shop.
The family was overjoyed to have the ornament returned to their rightful place
and Mr Jones said
I am happy that the pig has been brought home
They even offered the heroic shopsman a reward but he humbly declined.

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