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What makes me special?

It is quite difficult for a person to write about himself. Unfortunately, I can not remember any
good example of beginning the introduction of such topic, but I suppose the way of my writing,
perhaps, would be satisfactory.
I would like to start from some words about my family, it has a large significance in my life. Our
family is rather big, but I like to spend free time with my little brother more than with others.
That is why, maybe, I feel like seventeen or eighteen years old, though I am twenty. I respect my
father very much, he is one of the mainest persons in my life. I agree with the opinion that a child
should be brought up in a complete family, by a mother and a father. I appreciate such family
values and I will try to keep them in my future.
I like children and, actually, it is not so difficult for me to communicate with them. I always try
to find free time to play with my little nephew, it is better for him than watching TV all the time.
Actually, I am a sociable person, but I do not like big companies and parties, I do not need too
many friends, it is more comfortable for me to have a small group of persons, but every day I
interact with other people and it does not bother me.
I am interested in politics as much as in languages, I think everybody should know the political
situation of his country. If I had little more free time, I would like to observe the history of
fashion, I consider it has a rather big significance in human history.
I do not like psychology, but after watching the last film about Sherlok Holmes I came to
conclusion that there are different ways of observing, learning people's characters, such as a way
of dressing or writing. Also, I would like to try myself as an archer, I think it is very interesting
and gripping.
Unfortunately, I did not answer the question, but I think there is always something in everybody
that makes him or her

3.Advantages And Disadvantages Of Studying Abroad And Studying

Education is one of the most important words in lives of many people. IF you have good
education all doors are unlocked to you. Nowadays, it is becoming more popular to study abroad.
My own opinion about it is that is very good. Person, who studies, maybe better than others, or
just looks for something new, must try such a thing. Because, it would be a great experience on
future life. Just imagine, you will tell people that you were in Sweden, or in Norway or
somewhere else. It is better for your language. Also, one of the pluses of studying abroad is
independent life. You will live in the other country, with strangers. It is a wide experience. You
will study in prestigious European universities.
One of the mains minuses of studying abroad is that you are far away from your motherland,

from your friends, relatives, etc. You will miss them. And maybe, you will not like the studying
abroad, you will have some language barrier, or something else.
I think it is very good policy of university, to connecting with universities abroad. It makes our
life more interesting to study.
4.For and against fast food:
Fast food is the most comfortable invention of humanity. If you live in the mega city, you use
such thing often. Its comfortable for life in large city, because people who live there hurrying t
often to their works and they must eat quickly to get to work in time. And people who come from
small town or villages are not used to eat fast food and they eat just for their enjoyment. Fast
food is also good trend for a lot of companies. They use fast food like excellent business.
I think that positive aspects are less than negative. Actually for Americans because they use fast
food much more than people from other country for example Russia. There are not so many
departments of fast food. Just in large cities. There is fast food in Moscow, St. Petersburg,
Novosibirsk and others.
Fast food ruins human organism because of the bad things in fast food. Fast food can live for
a long time and being good for eating. American becomes fatter and fatter every day and soon
they can do their common health of nation worse because much of them eat such thing much
during their life.
5. Mobile phone, computers, laptops, TV there just a several of new technologies. Now, we
cant imagine our life without these things. There is everywhere, in different spheres of lifestyle.
You can find them anywhere. Outside, inside, whatever
So, why there are so important? Why humanity couldnt live without them? If ancient people
lived without new technologies, why we couldnt?
I think that because of humanity need to progressing. During all our lives we want to be faster,
higher, and stronger. Therefore in relation to new technologies, we too grow.
We have already got used to new technologies so that we can not imagine life without at all, for
example, a cellular telephone or the computer. And it is good. Because, such technologies are
very useful in our everyday life. Something is necessary, just taking phone, calling. And thats
all. Tomorrow, due to computer you can make some presentation or something else.
So, i think that, new technologies are important. For example: I can connect with someone in
USA through the WWW, or computer.
8.Problem of deforestation.
Nowadays, the problem of deforestation becomes more and more serious problem. This problem
hurts our environment and ruins our ecology. As all knows, forests are creating oxygen. We cant
live without this element. Forests make our nature cleaner and fresher. But, as you know, today,
money is everything, and people will make also everything, to earn, to get this money. Most

harming forests are tropical forests in Africa and in South America.

There are few ways to save our nature. For example, humanity must create some new chemical
element, which would make same energy as from forests. We must stop this problem, before it
will be a tremendous problem.
What about Russia, I think its not so important problem for our country, because we have huge
supports of forest. But I think that the best way for other countries to solve the problem is
recycling. Humanity must recycle all his wastes, instead of throwing it away. Basically, this
away is nature. All wastes are going into rivers, lakes, forests, etc. So, it means that, if we will
recycle our products, we will help, first of all, for ourselves, and nature. We must protect our
land, so lets do it.
9.The Most Popular Career Choices For Young People In the Next Five Years
For the student, the question of a choice of a place of work always was ticklish and actual. It is
actual and now. This decision isn't accepted simply so, it is necessary to weigh all for and
against. Not all graduates manage to go to work after the study termination. Therefore the
majority, as a rule, go not on a speciality.
What about our city and vacancies here?
As all of us know, more recently our Yakut State University has turned in North-Eastern Federal
University. Its absolutely other level, other, new purposes, and new possibilities.
The policy of university is that, that it does an emphasis on creation of new shots. It is very good
for students. Because, in our interests to make so that our university became one of the best. I
think during not only the nearest five, but also more years, and interesting work in the structure
of university will be considered as the most favourable.
Yakutia is an amazing land with inimitable culture, severe climate and wonderful place to have
rest and travel. Mysterious and rigorous Yakutia is situated in the north of Eastern Siberia in
Russia. One can hardly name a country with such variety of climate zones and kinds of forests. It
is land well-known as a land overcoming giant expanses of the tundra and taiga, impassable
mountain ranges, boggy lands dotted with dozens of lakes.
Here, in Yakutia a lot of people of different nationalities live, these are Yakuts, Russians,
Ukranians, and indigenous population which is mostly represented by Evenks, Evens, Chukchee
and Yukaghirs. Yakuts are people who really love their country, traditions, and culture. At the
beginning of the summer all people come together for several days saluting new season
national fest called Ysyakh, a real festival of music, dance, poetry and sports.
The Yakut national dishes are mostly prepared from milk, meat and fish. They are highly
appreciated not only for their taste, but nourishing qualities as well. To my mind, Yakut national
kitchen is the tastiest and totally inimitable all over the world.
Also Yakutia is one of the most highly-developed regions of Russian Federation. At present,

concentrates of tin, gold, platinum, silver, rare metals, diamonds, coal are exported from the
republic to other regions of Russia and abroad. Yakutia is also one of the leading suppliers of furs
all over the world.
11. What is better: to read a book or to look adaptation on the screen?
What are the differences and similarities between these two opinions?
Some people say that reading is boring, and it is better to watch a film. But all understand that in
a film you would not see some, maybe important, events or characters, and films are becoming
crude after an appearance.
So similarity between these two aspects is that both these processes tell one story. For example,
Harry Potter. Very interesting book, not less interesting film.
And difference is that the book is perceived better because you in details read all book, you do
not pass any details, and in general, all is clear.
The main word of this topic is imagination. When you reading book, you have a possibility to
imagine, to create your own vision of film. You can imagine yourself as a main hero of novel,
you can ride on a unicorn and fly on a dragon.
What about me, I dont care which way to use. I can go to cinema, and watch the film, I can lie at
home and read a book. It is your own choice. If you like watching, please go watching.
12. Id like to discus topic about animal testing. Everyone has chance to live, everyone has alike
laws. Animals which taken to test for checking different disease dont direct their life like dolls
or trees. People practiced such thing since ancient time when people began to make operations.
But there is another opinion this question. People are the strongest animal in the World. Animals
became our helpmates because they save us from danger disease. Of course if animals can speak
they would against to be a test for such things. There are a lot of monuments in different
countries, for example there is a monument for the rat in Novosibirsk. Novosibirsk is the brain of
Russia. All scientists and science factories were brought by soviet government to this city thats
why this city uses the animals for testing a lot in the science purposes.
In my opinion animal testing is necessary for peoples health and people will do every what they
can do for protection their life.
The importance of technology
Just try and imagine, that you wake up in the morning and realize that all the
technologies created by human-beings disappeared as they never really existed. It
goes without saying, that mankind as we known it before will disappear after its
It is quite evident, that people nowadays almost lost their ability to do something
with their bare hands, or produce something for a living. We turned into the society
of the absolute consumption.
However, let us go on fancying about that apocalyptic morning further. The
technologies begin to vanish in reversed order of their inventing, step by step.

First of all, mobile connection, the global web Internet, computers and other
gadgets are taken away from us. People have to go to the libraries and post offices
again and talk to each other by ordinary phones. It seems, these are little
inconveniences that can be solved. The lives of people get slower, but no means
Second, all the mass media system, including newspaper, radio, television, as well
as kitchen equipment, for example, refrigerators, ovens, running water vanish from
the face of the earth. The electricity, telephone, medicine and social services are
being replaced by fire, old-fashioned letters and ancient forms of treatment, in their
turn. Beginning with this point, it is not possible to lead our usual life, as all the
forces are sent for recovery of social connections and other kind of work. The
marauding is flourishing. Here and there are occurring national outbreaks, masses
begin to show their brutal features. The governments try to improve the situation.
Next, all the buildings, transport and city infrastructures disappear completely.
Some of the people unite into some kind of tribes to defend themselves from
another people who have gone into marauding and anarchy. The government
cannot control the situation anymore and wind up itself. Such notions, as culture,
humanism, religious belief or civilization loose their significance and just sink into
oblivion. The main purpose now is to get food and survive. In the end, the greater
majority of people die of starvation, different diseases, coldness or murder. The left
part of people returns to the half savage, or even animal, condition.
As we see, the connection between technologies and society are quite obvious.
Actually, our society is based on its technologies and unable to exist without them.

The Problem Of Unemployment Z Motya

The problem of unemployment is the one of the most actual problems of our society today.
According to the information of the Federal statistics service Rosstat, the number of unemployed
people accounts for about 5,5 million people. It is 7,2 percent of population. The source says, the
number of the unemployed has decreased 11,9 percent against last year April. February of 2009
was the highest peak of the unemployment, when 7 million people had no job.
When statistics says that the situation is improving, we see that it is not really improving. For
example, stuff reduction is continuing in organizations of Yakutsk. Moreover, it is still difficult to
find a job for young specialists. It is meant, to find not a simple physical work, but a job of
intellectual character. Every year thousands of young people graduate from institutes and
colleges, but only a little part of them mange to get a job they want. Therefore, it is important to
think about this problem beforehand.
To my mind, there are several ways in solution of this problem. First of all, it depends to a large
extent on the efficiency of the government. The government must control all the processes itself
and apply the plan of management actively. In that level, the government must increase the
number of working places by the realization of national projects.
Next, privately owned enterprises. The small-scale business plays an important part in the
economics of the country. Nowadays in Russian Federation the taxes for small-scale business are
too high. Therefore, it is difficult to start your own business from the very outset. To solve this
problem, the taxes must be brought down. Banks must give credits with less percent to people

who are going to start a business.

In addition, the Ministry of Education must manage the amount of professions that will be actual
subsequent years. They say, todays schoolchildren should enter specialized secondary education
colleges, because the country is lack of workers, while a lot of people with higher education have
no jobs. However, parents prefer the higher education for their children though.
To my mind, the problem of unemployment cannot be solved completely. But rational politics of
the government and responsibility of every citizen can considerably change the situation.

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