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Aguinaldo Memoir

My Childhood Memories
Birth mother unbearable labor pains, dad go a berso (giant
Father chose the name Emilio
Disposition: meek and shy
3 yrs old smallpox dad gave him a cold bath and he stirred
Juez de Cuchillo spread like wildfire everyone scampered for safety
and Aguinaldo was separated from his mother
Eugenio Valerio (cousin) left him, he was bitten by giant ants,
relapsed from smallpox led to him thinking to himself that these
were proofs for him being a martyr.
Mother Trinidad meager education, worked as a cigarette maker in
government obacco factory of Cavite, successful and promoted to
Teacher and Directress, she met all kinds of people (Spaniards and
Filipinos who looked at her as respectable) she won the hearts of all
those who was in contact with her CARLOS AGUINALDO <3
Siblings (7): Primo, Benigno, Esteban Tomasa, Crispulo, Ambrosio,
Emilio, Felicidad (Tomasa and Esteban died in infancy)
Father: worked as a clerk without salary because he wanted to learn
the job promoted to temporary mayor of Factoria Learned and
brilliant lawyer would not handle cases without merit, made sure his
clients would win and did all for LOVE AND JUSTICE AND FAIR PLAY
Father @ 48: paralysis died at October 6, 1878
I will not forget how people from all walks of life paid their last respects
and tribute to their beloved leader and comrade.
Mom secretly ordered food for people who consoled them because
priest didnt want
My fathers burial was the best ever witnessed in our town.
My Education
Toy given by father: huge basket full of blocks 2inches square, diff
colors, each face had a letter of the alphabet: play and learn alphabet
School of Sotera Aguinaldo (grandmother)
Enjoyed playing with toy guns wind a thin strip of rattan around a
piece of bamboo and then cut a small hole near the knot. Put a wick of
phosphorus and prest! A toy gun.
He shot atis and chico from fruit trees in yard and mayas
Aguinaldo neglected his studies; dad bribed him with a gold coin to
pass each lesson
Finished Crtilla and Mistero counted a hundred pesos BUT, the
mom would give back the coins to the dad after Aguinaldo gives it to
her for safekeeping

PUBLIC SCHOOL taught Spanish Christian Doctrine and The Friend

of All Children, arithmetic teacher loved him, did not punish him
Elected Hermano Mayor
INCIDENT OF TRIPPING: depressed him because he almost broke his
DISLIKE FOR STUDIES: punished several times, failed, in examinations,
Confession and Visit to mom: ask mother for 61 centavos to buy
BIBINGKA for breakfast that Sunday
FAVORITE PASTIME: looking at the ships anchored on Magallanes street
GEOGRAPHYonly subject he paid attention to.
Prayed the rosary every night; often pinched in the ears because he
fell asleep
GARDENING dad taught them, Aguinaldo produced the best
vegetables because he enjoyed taking care and watering plants

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