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Vivendi Universal Games

Thank you for buying SWAT 4. This README file contains information not
included in the game's manual.
The product version number can be found in the file "Release.txt" included in
the installation, in the same directory as the Swat4.exe executable.
Table of Contents
1. Minimum/Recommended Specifications
2. Single Player Notes
2.1 SWAT Manual
2.1.1 The SWAT Editor
2.1.2 Playing SWAT 4
2.2 Commanding your team
2.3 Securing Evidence
2.4 Using Tactical Equipment
2.5 Taking Damage
2.6 Reporting to TOC
2.7 Snipers and Viewports
2.8 Pause and Objective Screen
2.8.1 Completing and Failing Missions
2.8.2 Scoring
2.9 Tips and Tricks
2.10 Sharing Quick Missions with other people
3. Multiplayer Notes
3.1 Hosting a server behind a firewall
3.2 Scrolling through the chat window
3.3 Running a dedicated server
3.4 Kicking and banning players
4. Known Issues
4.1. Installing video drivers
4.2. Installing sound drivers
4.3. Installing DirectX
4.4. Known problems
5. Important Web Sites, Contact Information and Technical Support
5.1. Technical Support
5.2. Customer Service, Support, and Sales
5.3. Other Important websites
6. Warranty and Legal Information
7. Copyright
8. End-User License Agreement
1. Minimum/Recommended specifications

-Minimum Configuration:
Windows 98SE, Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3, or Windows XP with Service
Pack 1
DirectX 9.0c
1.0 GHz Intel Pentium III, Intel Celeron 1.2 GHz, AMD Athlon 1.2 GHz, or equiv
256 MB RAM
32 MB NVIDIA GeForce 2 (MX 200/400 not supported), 64 MB ATI Radeon 8500, or
equivalent graphics card
DirectX 8.1 compatible sound device
CD-ROM/DVD-ROM required for installation
2 GB hard drive space
Windows-compatible mouse
56kbps modem for online play (Cable modem or DSL recommended)
-Recommended Configuration:
Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3, or Windows XP with Service Pack 1
DirectX 9.0c
2.4 GHz Intel Pentium 4, AMD Athlon XP 2500+, or equivalent
512 MB RAM
128 MB DirectX 9.0 compatible graphics card (NVIDIA GeForce 4 TI, ATI
Radeon 9500, or equivalent recommended)
DirectX 9.0 compatible sound device
2.5 GB hard drive space
Windows-compatible 3-button mouse
Cable modem or DSL for online play
2. Single Player Notes
2.1 SWAT 4 Manual
In addition to the hard copy provided to you with purchase of SWAT 4, the SWAT 4
manual is on your CD in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. This file can be viewed by
installing Adobe's free Acrobat Reader software. This software can be installed
using the rp505enu.exe file in the "redist\Acrobat\" folder found
on Disc 1, or downloaded from
- Manual Corrections
On Page 14 of the manual, there is incorrect text. The last line of the first
paragraph should read "All scenarios must be placed in the scenario folder for t
to show up in the Edit menu. These scenarios can be played by clicking on
"Play Quick Mission"".
2.1.1 The SWAT Editor
The SWAT 4 Editor is included with your purchase of SWAT 4. This editor and any
development tools are not supported.
Known Issues with the SWAT Editor:

- Using the Texture Browser to open files other than UTX files will cause
a crash.
- Selecting and copying a SwatMPStartCluster with other map elements
to a new or existing map will cause a crash.
2.1.2 Playing SWAT 4
SWAT is a life saving organization. The use of lethal force should be restricted
only to when the lives of the officers or innocent civilians are at stake. The
use of lethal firearms should only be used in defense of life. The first course
of action for any SWAT officer when encountering any suspects in the field is to
shout compliance (Default Key: Middle Mouse Button while crosshairs are placed
on target) to allow the suspect an opportunity to surrender peacefully.Civilians
must also be asked to comply at the scene of a crime in order to ensure their
safety as well as the safety of others. Once compliant, an individual may be
handcuffed by an officer. Both suspect and hostages should be handcuffed by the
officers before the area is considered clear.
In order to satisfy the Bring order to chaos objective that is present on all
career missions, all suspects must be arrested or neutralized. If suspects are
neutralized while compliant or before being given the chance to comply, a score
penalty for violating SWAT protocol will be imposed at the end of the mission.
To complete any civilian rescue objectives ( Rescue all of the civilians or
the rescue of specific named person) the civilian(s) must be compliant and
handcuffed. If any civilians are killed during a mission, the mission will be
2.2 Commanding your team
As the Element Leader of your SWAT team, you are able to command your AI team
members. The aid of the AI officers in your element is crucial to your survival
and success. Your element is divided into blue and red teams, each with two
officers. You may choose to give commands to the teams separately using the
toggle command targets key (Default Key: TAB) or to the element as a whole
(known as Gold ).
The quick command box at the lower right hand corner is context sensitive and
will change depending on what your crosshairs are targeting. The color of the
square indicates which team will receive your command. Pointing your crosshair
at a door will default to the Open and Clear command appearing in this box
and then pressing the quick command key (Default Key: SPACE BAR) will send the
command to your team mates. Most general orders can be given with the quick
command key.
The graphical command interface can be used (Default Key: Right Mouse Button)
to give more specialized commands to your team members. Targeting a door and
holding the graphical command interface button will give you more options than
are available to you via the quick command box. You can order your team to open
a door and deploy multiple types of grenades before actual entry into a room,
use their optiwand to mirror under the door for threats (if equipped in the
pre-assault equipment loadout menu), and much more.
2.3 Securing Evidence
During a mission, neutralized and compliant suspects will drop their weapons on
the ground. These weapons can be secured by walking up them, targeting them,
and pressing the use key (Default Key: Middle Mouse Button). You can also order
your team members to secure weapons for you. There may also be objective items

or weapons in a mission that need to be secured before the objective can be

2.4 Using Tactical Equipment
The use of tactical equipment is critical for successfully completing missions.
Locked doors can be breached by the player by moving up to the door and
targeting the lock. Targeting the lock high will display a BREACH icon on the
screen, and pressing and holding FIRE (Default Key: Left Mouse Button) will
result in your officer employing a noisy breaching item on the door (such as
a C2 Explosive). Targeting the lock low will display a LOCKPICK icon on the
screen, and pressing and holding FIRE will result in your officer picking the
lock. Targetting the foot of a door will display an OPTIWAND icon on the screen
(if the optiwand was selected in your inventory during the pre-mission loadout),
and pressing and holding FIRE will result in your officer deploying the optiwand
to mirrow under the door (while mirroring, move the mouse to look around with
the wand). Your AI officers can also be ordered to use their various tactical
items during gameplay.
2.5 Taking Damage
When you take damage during a mission, the image of your officer in your heads
up display (HUD) will flash red in the area which sustained the damage. Taking
damage to different areas of the body will result in different negative effects.
Taking damage to either arm will lower your aiming accuracy which is reflected
in the targeting reticule not being able to close as tightly as it would if you
were uninjured. Taking damage in your legs will result in slower movement. If
you take too much damage during a mission, you will be killed and the mission
will be failed.
2.6 Reporting to TOC
Anytime the status of any persons during a mission changes, the new status
should be reported to TOC. Any civilians or suspects injured, dead, or arrested
must be reported by targeting them and pressing the use key (Default Key: Middle
Mouse Button). If any of your team members are incapacitated during a mission,
not reporting them to TOC will result in a score penalty at the end of the
2.7 Snipers and Viewports
In any mission where snipers are present, the snipers will radio in suspect
sightings when they occur. When this happens, you can press the toggle sniper
viewport key (Default Key: PAGE UP) to immediately bring up the viewport of the
last reported highground sighting. You can also bring up the sniper viewport at
any time by using the same key. Some missions have multiple snipers you can
toggle through. When looking through a sniper viewport, the control viewport key
(Default Key: CAPS LOCK) will enlarge the viewport and allow you to control the
snipers with the mouse. When controlling the sniper viewport, the right mouse
button is used to control the zoom of the rifle.
You can also toggle viewports for each of your AI team members. Each officer has
a helmet camera that you can use to see the world from their point of view. You
can toggle through the helmet cams of the officers on both red team (Default Key
INSERT) as well as blue team (Default Key: HOME). When controlling your officers
through their viewports, you can give commands to your officers remotely and
employ more complex multi-team tactics (such as seizing control of a room that
has multiple entrances).

2.8 Pause and Objective Screen

Pressing ESCAPE or the Display Objectives and Scores key (Default Keys: B, M,
and O) will bring up the objective screen. This screen will show the status of
your mission objectives, display the procedures totals, give you the status of
all the officers in your element, and show you the available map for the current
mission. When using the ESCAPE key to access this screen, you will also have the
option of changing your game settings and aborting the current mission.
2.8.1 Completing and Failing Missions
Once all objectives are completed during a mission, a message will appear to
notify you that the mission can be completed. To end the mission, press the
ESCAPE key and click the DEBRIEF button. It is recommended that you secure all
weapons and report all statuses to TOC before debriefing to increase your final
score. If you fail any of your mission objectives, you can end the mission in
the same way although you can keep playing through the level if you choose (you
cannot successfully finish the mission until you restart the mission and
complete all the objectives). You can fail a mission by failing any mission
objective, or by being killed.
2.8.2 Scoring
Your best score for every mission on each difficulty is saved and can be viewed
from the MISSION menu. You can get a better score by not injuring suspects or
civilians, by keeping yourself and your officers uninjured, and by securing all
weapons and reporting all statuses to TOC.
2.9 Tips and Tricks
The optiwand is a critical tool. If you do not plan to carry a wand,
it is a good idea to make sure more than one AI officer is carrying an
optiwand in case one with the wand is incapacitated during a mission.
It is a good idea to optiwand around blind corners. Your AI officers
can also be ordered to optiwand around most corners.
2.10 Sharing Quick Missions with other people
Quick Missions are saved in Pack files, which have the ".pak"
extension. Pack files can contain any number of Quick Missions.
Pack files are located in the <ROOT>/Content/Scenarios directory,
where <ROOT> is the directory to which you installed SWAT 4. To share
a Quick Mission pack with another person, just send the appropriate
pack file to this person and ask them to place it in their
<ROOT>/Content/Scenarios directory and re-start SWAT 4.
Once they have done so, the Quick Missions in that pack will
automatically be available the next time the Play Quick Mission option
or the Quick Mission Maker option is selected from the SWAT 4 Main
3. Multiplayer Notes
3.1 Hosting a server behind a firewall
The supported method of hosting a server for a network game is to use a
configuration in which all network traffic is sent directly to the hosting

computer. Users with firewalls on their network should configure their network
such that the hosting computer meets these requirements. More specifically, in
order to host a game behind a firewall, outgoing UDP and TCP traffic must be
enabled without restriction, and all UDP traffic (incoming and outgoing) on
ports 10480, 10481, 10482, and 10483 must be forwarded through to the hosting
Many commercial firewalls have an option to place particular computers in the
"DMZ", which disables network filtering and meets these requirements. If you are
having problems hosting behind a firewall, it is suggested that you try placing
your computer in the DMZ while hosting.
Users running Windows XP with Service Pack 2 may experience a warning from the
Windows XP software firewall when hosting a server. If given the option,
they must tell Windows XP NOT to block traffic for SWAT4.exe, or else they will
not be able to host a network game.
3.2 Scrolling through the chat window
The arrow keys can be used to scroll up and down the chat message window in
multiplayer games. To do this, press the ESCAPE key to go to the SCORE screen
while in a multiplayer match. Click on the chat message window and use the up an
down arrow keys to scroll up and down through the previous messages.
3.3 Running a dedicated server
SWAT 4 can be run as a dedicated server if the 'Run as Dedicated Server' checkbo
is selected in the Host Game menu. Upon launching the server, SWAT 4 will exit
and the dedicated server icon will appear in the Windows system tray located in
the Windows taskbar (which is, by default, near the bottom right of the desktop)
By right-clicking on this icon, server administrators can exit the dedicated
server, open the server console, or modify server options.
Server settings on a dedicated server can be changed remotely by clients in game
who are logged in as an administrator. If you wish to allow players (including
yourself) to act as administrators on your dedicated server, you must set an
administrator password. The administrator password must be set in the Admin Pass
field (also located in the Host Game menu) prior to launching the dedicated serv
(Note: the dedicated server can also be launched by double-clicking
Swat4DedicatedServer.exe, which is located in the same directory as Swat4.exe.
When launching this way, the dedicated server will launch with the last saved se
settings. To close the dedicated server, right click on the icon and select
"Exit Swat4Server").
It is recommended that when hosting a game normally or through a dedicated serve
that the host be on a broadband connection.
3.4 Kicking and banning players
There are several console commands that can be used to kick players
off of a server, or to kick them and ban them from rejoining. To use

these commands, you must be logged in as a server adminstrator (using

the "Admin Login" button on the multiplayer scores screen).
To use each command, you must first open the console (by presssing the
"`" key), then type the command, and then press the Enter key to
execute the command and close the console.
Command List:
------------Kicking a player by
Kicking and banning
Kicking a player by
Kicking and banning


a player by name: KICKBAN PLAYERNAME

In each of these cases, PLAYERNAME is the name of the player you wish
to kick and/or ban, and PLAYERID is the player identification number
of the player you wish to kick and/or ban.
To show player identification numbers, type the command: SHOWIDS After
typing this command (and if you are a logged in as a server
administrator), the player identification number will show up in
brackets in the multiplayer scores screen, immediately to the left of
each player's name. For example, after typing SHOWIDS, a player who is
named "SwatFan" will show up in the multiplayer scores screen as
"[#]SwatFan" (where # is his player identification number, between 0
and 15). Typing KICKID # will then kick that player from the server.
4. Known Issues
4.1. Installing video drivers
If you experience any graphical problems, please install the latest video
drivers available for your video card. Links to the most popular video card
manufacturers are available at the bottom of this document.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.2. Installing sound drivers
If you experience any sound problems, please install the latest sound
drivers available for your sound card. Links to the most popular sound card
manufacturers are available at the bottom of this document.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.3. Installing DirectX
SWAT 4 needs DirectX 9.0c or later to run properly. To get the latest
version of DirectX, please visit:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.4. Known Problems
-Using Alt-Tab to minimize the game and/or switch to another application

is not supported by SWAT 4. Although it may occasionally work fine,

there are many known problems that can occur. Use it at your own
-Using Alt-Enter to play in windowed mode is not supported by SWAT 4.
-Using Alt-F4 to exit the game is not supported by SWAT 4.
Multiple users under Windows XP
-SWAT 4 does not allow multiple users to be playing SWAT 4 simultaneously on
the same computer using different user accounts under Windows XP.
Installing the application under an administrator account
-If you install the application using an Administrator account, the game can
only be played under a user account with Administrator privileges.
Mouse Focus Changing to Other Programs
-If your mouse occasionally changes focus to other applications, make sure that
these applications are not set to "Always on top." This may include the
taskbar, instant-messaging utilities, and email programs that display
pop-up notification when mail arrives.
GeForce 2 MX: Shadows do not render properly at Medium or High detail.
-Due to limitations on the GeForce 2 MX line of video cards, there is a known
issue where shadows do not render properly with Dynamic Shadow Detail set to
Medium or High. Setting Dynamic Shadow Detail to Low will fix the problem.
Windows 98SE and Nvidia drivers
-Users running Windows 98SE and an Nvidia video card may experience graphical
flickering and distortion when trying to run SWAT 4 at a resolution greater than
800x600. This issue is the result of a known fault within the Nvidia drivers.
Using version 61.77 of the Nvidia drivers may correct this problem.
AMD64 Processors and Nvidia video cards
-Users of AMD64 Processors and Nvidia video cards may experience issues upon exiti
SWAT 4. These issues are the result of a known fault within the Nvidia drivers. U
version 61.77 of the Nvidia drivers may correct this problem.
Windows 98SE and Sound Blaster Audigy
-Users running Windows 98SE and a soundcard from the Sound Blaster Audigy family
of cards may experience intermittent sound skipping. It is recommended that you
upgrade your operating system to at least Windows 2000 to fix this problem.
UnInstalling SWAT 4
-When selecting the option "Delete the entire SWAT 4 directory" everything withi
n the
folder SWAT 4 is installed to will be deleted. For this reason, it is recommende
that you install SWAT 4 to its own directory and not within the desktop or any s
specific folders.
Antivirus Software
-Some antivirus software may interfere with the installation and uninstallation
of SWAT 4. It is recommended that any antivirus software be disabled before

installing or uninstalling SWAT 4.

Windows XP Service Pack 2
-Some machines running Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 exhibit a conflict
between Service Pack 2 and InstallShield, resulting in a failed installation.
If the SWAT 4 installer stops at the "Publishing Product Information" window,
then fails, please try the following options in order:
* Install the latest Windows Updates & drivers for your hardware, then run
the SWAT 4 installer (please refer to section 5.3, Other Important websites).
* Temporarily disable the Windows Firewall, then run the SWAT 4 installer.
* Remove Service Pack 2, run the SWAT 4 installer, and reinstall Service
Pack 2.

remove Service Pack 2:

Click Start -> Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs
Click to select the Show Updates check box.
Click Windows XP Service Pack 2, and then click Remove.
Follow the instructions on screen to remove Windows XP SP2.

For more information, please refer to the following Knowledge Base Article:
How to remove Windows XP Service Pack 2 from your computer;[LN];875350
5. Important Web Sites, Contact Information and Technical Support
5.1. Technical Support
Vivendi Universal Games UK Ltd take every care to ensure that our customers are
treated in a professional manner and are dealt with in a way in which they deser
ve. If you find that you have a technical problem with one of our titles and you
need assistance, please call the relevant number for your country with the foll
owing details to hand.
PC make and model
Graphics and Sound Card make and model
Graphics and Sound Card driver version
Operating System
Direct X Version
System Ram
You can also send us an email anytime, which will be processed within 36 hours.
Please include the above information and refrain from sending in ANY attachments
, as these cannot be accepted by our Technical Support.
French and German language customers can also make use of our online database an
d FAQ available 24 hours under the site address detailed below..
In the unlikely event that you find a fault with one of our products, please ret
urn the title to the retailer where it was purchased for a full product exchange
. Please refer to your local retailer for the conditions governing the exchange
of purchased products.

United Kingdom
+44 (0) 871 0752621
Calls are charged at 0.10 GBP per Minute
Opening Hours are 0900 to 2100
Inc. Saturdays and Bank Holidays
Republic of Ireland
+353 (0) 1530 935001.
Calls are charged at 0.33 Euro per Minute
Opening Hours are 0900 to 2100
Inc. Saturdays and Bank Holidays
+34 902-888498
Calls are charged at 0.08 Euro per minute + 0.10 Euro per call
Opening Hours are 0900 to 2100
Inc. Saturdays and Bank Holidays
Operations/Sales contact for retailers: Yolanda Gomez
+34 91 735 5502
+33 892 880240
Calls are charged at 0.34 Euro per minute
Opening Hours are 0900 to 2100
Inc. Saturdays and Bank Holidays
+49 (0) 190 151200
Calls are charged at 0.62 Euro per minute
For general information:
Opening Hours are 0900 to 2100
Inc. Saturdays and Bank Holidays
Operations/Sales contact for retailers: Joachim Gaubatz
+49 6103 9940939
+32 (0) 900 40458
Calls are charged at 0.45 Euro per minute
Opening Hours are 0900 to 2100
Inc. Saturdays and Bank Holidays
+43 (0) 900 241234
Calls are charged at 0.676 Euro per minute
For general information:
Opening Hours are 0900 to 2100
Inc. Saturdays and Bank Holidays
+352 900 43105
Calls are charged at 0.24 Euro per minute
Opening Hours are 0900 to 2100
Inc. Saturdays and Bank Holidays
+41 (0) 900 480485
Calls are charged at 1.00 CHF per minute
For general information:
For French speaking territories please refer to French Customer Support
Opening Hours are 0900 to 2100
Inc. Saturdays and Bank Holidays
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.3. Other Important websites
SWAT 4 official web site:
SWAT official forums:
Latest DirectX Runtime:
Latest ATI Drivers:
Latest NVIDIA Drivers:

Latest Creative Labs Drivers:
Microsoft Windows Update
6. Warranty and Legal Information
The entire risk arising out of use or performance of the Program, Editor and Man
ual(s) remains with you,
However it is warranted that the media containing the Program shall be free from
defects in material and workmanship under normal use and services and the Progr
am will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying written materi
als, for a period of 2 (two) years from the date of your purchase of the Program
In the event that the media proves to be defective during that time period pleas
e directly contact your retailer.
In order to enforce the above-mentioned warranty retailer should be informed of
the defect at least 2 (two) months following its discovery.
Some states/jurisdiction do not allow limitation on duration of an implied warra
nty, so the above limitation may not apply to you.
This Limited Warranty does not affect the application of any legal warranty prov
ided by the applicable laws and regulations.
7. Copyright
Copyright (c)2004 Sierra Entertainment, Inc.
(c)1998-2004 Sierra Entertainment, Inc.
Sierra and the Sierra logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sierra
Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Windows, Windows XP, Windows 2000, and DirectX are either registered trademarks
or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other
NVIDIA and NVIDIA product names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of
NVIDIA Corporation.
ATI and ATI product and product feature names are trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of ATI Technologies Inc.
AMD, AMD Athlon, and combinations thereof, are trademarks of Advanced Micro
Devices, Inc.

Intel, Pentium III, and Pentium 4 are trademarks or registered trademarks of

Intel Corporation.
Sound Blaster and Audigy are trademarks or registered trademarks of Creative
Technology Ltd. in the United States and/or other countries.
All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their
respective owners.
8. End-User License Agreement
This software program, any printed materials, any on-line or electronic document
ation, and any and all copies and derivative works of such software program and
materials (the "Program") are the copyrighted work of Sierra Entertainment Inc.,
its subsidiaries, licensors and/or its suppliers.
All use of the Program is governed by the terms of the End User License Agreemen
t which is provided below ("License").
The Program is solely for use by end users according to the terms of the License
Any use, reproduction or redistribution of the Program not in accordance with th
e terms of the License is expressly prohibited.
1. Limited Use License.
Sierra Entertainment Inc., ("the Licensor") hereby grants, and by installing the
Program you thereby accept, a limited, non-exclusive license and right to insta
ll and use one (1) copy of the Program for your use on either a home or portable
computer, or if applicable on your console (regular or handled). You may not ne
twork the Program or otherwise install it or use it on more than one computer at
a time, except if expressly authorised otherwise in the applicable documentatio
n which you should refer to if:
The Program contains a Level Editor ( Editor ) that allows you to create cus
tom levels or other materials for your personal use in connection with the Progr
am ( New Materials ).
The Program has a multi-player capability
The Program is licensed not sold. Your license confers no title or ownership in
the Program.
2. Ownership.
All title, ownership rights and intellectual property rights in and to the Progr
am and any and all copies thereof (including but not limited to any titles, comp
uter code, themes, objects, characters, character names, stories, dialogue, catc
h phrases, locations, concepts, artwork, animations, sounds, musical composition
s, audio-visual effects, methods of operation, moral rights, any related documen
tation, and "applets" incorporated into the Program) are owned by the Licensor o
r its licensors.
The Program is protected by the English copyright laws, international copyright
treaties and conventions and any other applicable laws. All rights are reserved.
The Program may contain certain licensed materials and the Licensor's licensors
may act to protect their rights in the event of any violation of this Agreement

3. Responsibilities of End User.
A. Subject to the Grant of License herein above, you may not, in whole or in par
t, copy, photocopy, reproduce, translate, reverse engineer, derive source code,
modify, disassemble, decompile, create derivative works based on the Program, or
remove any proprietary notices or labels on the Program without the prior conse
nt, in writing, of the Licensor.
B. The Program is licensed to you as a single product. Its component parts may n
ot be separated for use on more than one computer.
C. You are entitled to use the Program for your own use, but you are not entitle
d to:
sell, grant a security interest in or transfer reproductions of the Prog
ram to other parties in any way, nor to rent, lease or license the Program to ot
hers without the Licensors prior written consent;
publish and/or distribute the computer images, sound, files, fonts, grap
hics, clipart, animations, photographs, databases or other content of the Progra
m; use any of the computer images related to identifiable individuals or entitie
s in a manner which suggests their association with or endorsement of any produc
t or services;
(iii) exploit the Program or any of its parts, computer images, sound files, f
onts, graphics, clipart, animations, photographs, databases or other content in
the Program, for any commercial purpose including, but not limited to, use at a
cyber caf, computer gaming centre or any other location-based site;
host or provide matchmaking services for the Program or emulate or redir
ect the communication protocols used by the Licensor in the network feature of t
he Program, through protocol emulation, tunnelling, modifying or adding componen
ts to the Program, use of a utility program or any other techniques now known or
hereafter developed,
for any purpose including, but not limited to network play over the Internet, ne
twork play utilizing commercial or non-commercial gaming networks or as part of
content aggregation networks without the Licensors prior written consent.
4. Program Transfer.
You may permanently transfer all of your rights under this License, provided the
recipient agrees to the terms of this License and you agree to remove the Progr
am from your home or portable computer.
5. Termination.
This License is effective until terminated. You may terminate the License at any
time by destroying the Program and any New Material. The Licensor may, at its d
iscretion, terminate this License in the event that you fail to comply with the
terms and conditions contained herein. In such event, you must immediately destr
oy the Program and any New Material.
6. Export Controls.
The Program may not be re-exported, downloaded or otherwise exported into (or to
a national or resident of) any country to which the U.S. has embargoed goods, o
r anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department s list of Specially Designated National o
r the U.S. Treasury Department s Table of Denial Orders. By installing the Program
, you are agreeing to the foregoing and you are representing and warranting that
you are not located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of any
such country or on any such list.
7. Customer Service/Technical Support.

Licensor agrees to provide Customer Service and Technical Support for this Progr
am until such time as the Program is out of publication. The Program shall be cons
idered Out of Publication one (1) year following the date that the Program is no l
onger manufactured and/or distributed by Licensor, or its licensors. Customer Ser
vice as used herein may be provided to you by Licensor representatives by telepho
ne and/or by electronic message (e-mail). Technical Support may be provided to you
by Licensor by telephone, electronic message (e-mail), or by posting of informa
tion related to known technical support issues on a website. The Licensor s repres
entatives may require you to register as the owner of the product prior providin
g any form of Technical Support or Customer Service. Unless otherwise stated in
the Program s packaging or in the Program s user manual, nothing herein shall be con
strued so as to place a duty upon Licensor to provide Customer Service or Techni
cal Support via a toll free telephone number for an unlimited period of time.
8. Duration of the On-Line component of the Program.
If this Program contains an on-line component that allows you to utilize the Produ
ct over the Internet utilizing servers and software maintained or authorized by
Licensor. Licensor agrees to provide the servers and software technology necess
ary to utilize the on-line component of the this Program until such time as the Pr
ogram is Out of Publication, as defined above. Thereafter, Licensor may, in its
sole discretion, continue to provide the servers and software technology necess
ary to utilize the on-line component of the this Program, or Licensor may license
to third parties the right to provide the servers and software technology necess
ary to utilize the on-line component of this Program. However, nothing contained h
erein shall be construed so as to place an obligation upon Licensor to provide t
he servers and software technology necessary to utilize the on-line component beyo
nd the time that the Program is Out of Publication.
9. Limited Warranty.
The entire risk arising out of use or performance of the Program, Editor and Man
ual(s) remains with you,
However it is warranted that the media containing the Program shall be free from
defects in material and workmanship under normal use and services and the Progr
am will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying written materi
als, for a period of 2 (two) years from the date of your purchase of the Program
In the event that the media proves to be defective during that time period pleas
e directly contact you retailer.
In order to enforce the above-mentioned warranty retailer should be informed of
the defect at least 2 (two) months following its discovery.
Some states/jurisdiction do not allow limitation on duration of an implied warra
nty, so the above limitation may not apply to you.
This Limited Warranty does not affect the application of any legal warranty prov
ided by the applicable laws and regulations.
10. Limitation of Liability.
Some countries do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequ

ential damages, or allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so a

bove limitations or exclusion may not apply to you.
11. Equitable Remedies.
You hereby agree that the Licensor would be irreparably damaged if the terms of
this License were not specifically enforced, and therefore you agree that the Li
censor shall be entitled, without bond, other security, or proof of damages, to
appropriate equitable remedies with respect to breaches of this License, in addi
tion to such other remedies as the Licensor may otherwise have available to it u
nder applicable laws.
12. Miscellaneous.
The License shall be deemed to have been made and executed in England, and any d
ispute arising hereunder shall be resolved in accordance with the English law. T
his License may be amended, altered or modified only by an instrument in writing
, specifying such amendment, alteration or modification, executed by both partie
In the event that any provision of this License shall be held by a court or othe
r tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, such provision will be
enforced to the maximum extent permissible and the remaining portions of this L
icense shall remain in full force and effect.
The terms and conditions of a paper printed license eventually accompanying the
Program prevail on any terms and condition of a license eventually included in t
he Program and that could appear on screen.
You hereby acknowledge that you have read and understand the foregoing License a
nd agree that the action of installing the Program is an acknowledgement of your
agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of the License contained here
in. You also acknowledge and agree that this License is the complete and exclusi
ve statement of the agreement between the Licensor and you and that the License
supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreement, either oral or written, and a
ny other communications between the Licensor and you including any inconsistent
written license agreement or on-line help accompanying the Program.

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