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Virus Research 80 (2001) 67 – 74

Identification and molecular characterization of 18

paramyxoviruses isolated from snakes
J. Franke a,*, S. Essbauer b, W. Ahne a, S. Blahak c
Institute of Zoology, Fishery Biology and Fish Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians-Uni6ersity Munich,
Kaulbachstrasse 37, D-80539 Munich, Germany
Institute of Medical Microbiology, Infectious and Epidemic Diseases, WHO-center of Comparati6e Virology,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ludwig-Maximlians-Uni6ersity Munich, Veterinärstr. 13, D-80539 Munich, Germany
State Veterinary Office, Westernfelderstrasse 1, D-32788 Detmold, Germany

Received 23 March 2001; received in revised form 4 July 2001; accepted 10 July 2001


Viral agents from 18 different snake species (families Colubridae, Viperidae, and Crotalidae) showing respiratory
symptoms and neuronal disease were identified as paramyxoviruses by typical cytopathogenic effect (CPE), electron
microscopy, and hemagglutination inhibition. Detailed molecular characterization of the viruses was performed by
partial L- and F-gene-specific reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and sequencing, nucleotide
and amino acid sequence alignment, and phylogenetic analysis (PHYLIP). RT-PCR of the partial L-gene (566 nt) was
successful for all 18 viruses; amplicons of the partial F-gene (918 nt) could be obtained in 16 cases. F- and L-sequence
alignment revealed similarities to Fer de Lance virus (FDLV) ranging from 79 to 88% on a nucleotide basis, and 94
to 99% on an amino acid basis. Phylogenetic analysis of the ophidian paramyxoviruses resulted in three clusters for
the L-gene sequence and corresponding clusters for the F-gene sequence, indicating no species specificity. We analyzed
the F-protein of the snake paramyxoviruses, which proved to have an identical conserved motif of heptad repeat A and
predicted a furin cleavage site. This uniformity distinguishes the snake virus group from the other type species of the
subfamily Paramyxo6irinae. For further classification, we aligned the sequences of the ophidian paramyxoviruses and
members of the Paramyxo6iridae, such as Sendai virus (genus Respirovirus), mumps virus (genus Rubulavirus),
measles virus (genus Morbillivirus), human respiratory syncytial virus (genus Pneumovirus) (Van Regenmortel and 10
co-authors, 2000) and Hendra virus, which have recently been suggested as type species of the genus Henipavirus
(Wang et al., 2000). Maximum sequence similarity was found to the partial L-gene of Sendai virus, with 56%
nucleotide and 61% amino acid identity. The FDLV and Sendai virus cluster in the phylogenetic analysis of L- and
F-protein regarding the Paramyxo6irus type species and Hendra virus and show the closest relationship. Regarding
the biological properties, the antigenic distance, and particularly the low homology of available sequences, we propose
a new genus for the reptilian paramyxoviruses within the Paramyxo6iridae. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights

Keywords: Paramyxoviridae; Reptilian paramyxovirus; F-protein; L-protein; snake

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 49-89-2180-2968; fax: 49-86-280-5175.

E-mail address: (J. Franke).

0168-1702/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 8 - 1 7 0 2 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 3 5 3 - 7
68 J. Franke et al. / Virus Research 80 (2001) 67–74

The first epizootic disease among snakes caused with the previously studied paramyxovirus iso-
by a paramyxovirus (Fer de Lance virus, FDLV) lated from a tropical climber adder (Elaphe oxy-
was reported 25 years ago in a serpentarium in cephala; Gono-GER85), (Ahne et al., 1987, 1999)
Switzerland (Foelsch and Leloup, 1976; Clark et and with the as yet unassigned FDLV (ATCC VR
al., 1979). Since then, several paramyxovirus-like 895) (Van Regenmortel and 10 co-authors, 2000).
particles have been isolated from snakes, lizards, The viruses were propagated in iguana heart cell
and turtles. Ophidian paramyxoviruses (OPMV) monolayers (IgH2, ATCC Cl-108) at 28 °C, using
have been identified in, e.g., Boidae, Elapidae, Minimal Essential Medium supplemented by 10%
Colubridae, Crotalidae, and Viperidae (Essbauer fetal bovine serum as described previously (Ahne
and Ahne, 2001). Paramyxovirus infection shows et al., 1999). One week after infection, cell cul-
clinical signs such as hemorrhagic and prolifera- tures showed cytopathic effects (CPE) consisting
tive pneumonia, pancreatic necrosis, and central of large syncytia formation, followed by cell de-
nervous system symptoms (Jacobson, 1986). tachment from the monolayer and lysis of cells.
Viruses isolated from reptiles were shown to be Infected cell cultures were frozen and thawed for
antigenically related, but they are distinct from harvesting of the viruses. After removal of the cell
mammalian and avian paramyxoviruses (Clark et debris, viral particles were pelleted by ultracen-
al., 1979; Ahne and Neubert, 1989; Richter et al., trifugation at 100 000× g for 2 h at 4 °C and
1996). negatively stained for investigation by electron
We investigated 18 viral agents isolated between microscopy (Zeiss EM 109). Samples revealed
1989 and 1999 from various snake species of the pleomorphic, spherical, and tubular-shaped envel-
Colubridae, Viperidae, and Crotalidae families in oped particles. Virions were 190– 480 nm in di-
Germany (Table 1). The viruses were compared ameter. Some disrupted particles had released the

Table 1
Host and accession number (GenBank) of snake viruses used in this study

Host Virus L-gene F-gene Acc. number

nt aa nt aa

Bothrops atrox FDLV-79 100 100 100 100

Elaphe oxycephala Gono-GER85 88 97 88 99 AF349404
Crotalus cerastes CrotCe-96 88 97 87 99 AF349411
*Atheris squamigera AtheSq-96
*Crotalus spec. CrotX2-96
*Crotalus enyo CrotEn-96
Elaphe guttata ElaGut-91 87 96 n.a. n.a. AF349408
Crotalus spec CrotX1-96 86 96 n.a. n.a. AF349405
Trimeresus fla6omaculatus TrimFl-89 81 94 79 95 AF349409
Pituophis melanoleucus PituMe-89 81 96 80 97 AF349406
*Lampropeltis mexicana LampMe-89
*Vipera palaestinae VipPal-89
*Agkistrodon bilineatus AgkiBi-89
Elaphe situla ElaSit-92 80 96 79 97 AF349410
Bitis nasicornis BitisN-96 80 96 79 97 AF349407
Cerastes cerastes CeraCe-98 79 95 79 97 AF351137
*Bitis caudalis BitisC-98
*Atheris squamigera AtheDe-98
*Crotalus durissus CrotDu-98
*Crotalus durissus CrotDu-99

Virus code includes the year of isolation. Nucleotide (nt) and amino acid (aa) sequence identity (%) of the investigated ophidian
paramyxoviruses to the FDLV. Isolates in boxes originate from the same outbreak or collection. Viruses with identical nucleotide
sequences are marked with *. RNA of two isolates could not be amplified (n.a.) with F-gene specific RT-PCR.
J. Franke et al. / Virus Research 80 (2001) 67–74 69

et al. (1999). We designed primers for the partial

F-gene sequence by alignment of the FDLV
(ATCC VR 895) (kindly provided by G. Kurath,
Western Fisheries Research Center, Seattle,
USA), of the human parainfluenza virus-1 (HPIV-
1) (M22347), and of the Sendai virus (M30202)
sequences. Three primers were used for semi
nested RT-PCR: F1 (5%-GCA CAG ATA ACN
TGA GGG ACA CCA TA-3%), and the reverse
complementary primer F2 (5%-GCA GCN ACA
CAA TTG GCT ATG AC-3%). RT- PCR condi-
tions were modified according to the method de-
scribed by Pfeffer et al. (1997). Each RT-PCR
sample contained 100 pmol primers, 5 ml viral
RNA, 200 mmol dNTP (Promega GmbH,
Mannheim, Germany), 10 ml Taq extension buffer
(10×), 50 ml dithiothreitol, 1 unit RNasin
(Promega GmbH, Mannheim, Germany), 2.5
units Taq polymerase (GibcoBRL, Life Technolo-
gies GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany), and 1 unit
reverse transcriptase (RAV-2, Amersham Phar-
macia, Buckinghamshire, UK). The first-strand
synthesis was carried out at 45 °C for 30 min.
Fig. 1. Electron micrograph of negatively stained paramyx- After denaturation at 94 °C for 30 s, 30 PCR
ovirus-like particle exhibiting pleomorphism. Several particles cycles were performed at 94 °C for 30 s, at 55 °C
have a spherical shape and released nucleocapsid. Bar: 50 nm. for 45 s, and at 72 °C for 45 s, followed by 4 min
at 72 °C. In a second round, 2 ml first amplifica-
helical nucleocapsid (Fig. 1). The size and mor- tion product and 48 ml reaction mixture as de-
phology of the viral particles were consistent with scribed above but without reverse transcriptase
those seen in the family Paramyxo6iridae (Van and RNasin were amplified under the same condi-
Regenmortel and 10 co-authors, 2000). tions, except for the annealing temperature, which
To investigate the antigenic relationship, the 18 was increased to 55 °C. The PCR products were
OPMV were tested for hemagglutination at room analyzed by gel electrophoresis and visualized by
temperature by using 0.5% chicken erythrocytes. ethidium-bromide staining and UV light. The
Hemagglutination titers ranged from 1/64 to 1/ RNA of all 18 isolates and Gono-GER85 was
256. Furthermore, hemagglutination was inhibited amplified to fragments of approximately 566 nu-
by using a rabbit antiserum against the isolate cleotides (nt) as expected for the partial L-gene
Gono-GER85 (Ahne et al., 1987). sequence (Fig. 2). Amplification of the RNA from
For molecular characterization of the 18 16 out of the 18 reptilian viruses and Gono-
OPMV, we performed a nested reverse transcrip- GER85 resulted in the expected 918 nt for the
tion polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) target- partial F-gene sequence (data not shown). Purified
ing the partial L- and F-genes. Viral RNA was amplicons were sequenced on both strands with
isolated from 400 ml supernatant of infected tissue the corresponding L- or F-gene primers (sequenc-
culture showing CPE. Isolation of RNA was car- ing service: GATC, Konstanz). Nucleotide se-
ried out by using the RNeasy Mini Kit (QIAGEN quences obatined were submitted to GenBank
GmbH, Hilden, Germany). Primers targeting the (Table 1). Out of the 16 isolates, for both the L-
L-gene of FDLV were used as described by Ahne and F-gene sequences, six different nucleotide se-
70 J. Franke et al. / Virus Research 80 (2001) 67–74

quences could be revealed. Two additional nucle- 79% (TrimFl-89, ElaSit-92, BitisN-96, CeraCe-98,
otide sequences were obtained for the L-gene; BitisC-98, AtheDe-98, CrotDu-98, and CrotDu-
these could not be amplified in the F-gene specific 99) to 88% (Gono-GER85) (Table 1).
RT-PCR (Table 1). Nucleotide sequences of In the paramyxoviruses, the F-protein precursor
CrotCe-96, AtheDe-96, CrotX2-96, and CrotEn- (F0) is cleaved to the functional F1 and F2
96 proved to be identical (AF349411). Identity proteins by cellular proteases, e.g., furin. A highly
could also be shown for PituMe-89, LampMe-89, conserved domain, the heptad repeat A, is located
VipPal-89, and AgkiBi-89 (AF349406) and Cer- close to the cleavage site, which encompasses the
aCe-98, BitisC-98, CrotDu-98, and CrotDu-99 fusion receptor (Scheid and Choppin, 1974; Klenk
(AF351137). The viruses with identical sequences and Garten, 1994) (Fig. 3). We analyzed this
originated from the same collection or outbreak F-protein region of the OPMV and compared
and occurred in the same year (Table 1), al- with the type species of the subfamily Paramyx-
though, virus CrotDu-99 was isolated from the o6irinae (Fig. 3). These were obtained from Gen-
offspring of a snake infected with the identical Bank as Sendai virus (M30202), genus
virus CrotDu-98. Respiro6irus, measles virus (E04903), genus Mor-
Nucleotide sequences were aligned by using billivirus, Hendra virus (AF017149), proposed
CLUSTALW multiple sequence alignment (Hig- genus Henipa6irus (Wang et al., 2000) and mumps
gins, 1994) and compared with the sequence of virus (AF143383), genus Rubula6irus. Obtained
FDLV. Partial L-gene sequences revealed similar- nucleotide sequences of partial F-genes were
ity to FDLV ranging from 79% (CeraCe-98, translated, and the amino acid sequences were
BitisC-98, AtheDe-98, CrotDu-98, and CrotDu- aligned (Higgins, 1994). The eight nucleotide se-
99) to 88% (Gono-GER85, CrotCe-96, AtheDe- quences of the OPMV resulted in three different
96, CrotX2-96, and CrotEn-96). For the F-gene, amino acid sequences for the partial F-protein
similarity of nucleotides to FDLV ranged from (Fig. 3, 41–3). The Gono-GER85 and the

Fig. 2. Agarose gel (2%) electrophoresis of RT-PCR products of the 19 snake paramyxoviruses exhibits the 566 nt of the partial
L-gene. Cell culture supernatant was used as a negative control. Gono-GER85 was used as a positive control (marker: 100 bp
J. Franke et al. / Virus Research 80 (2001) 67–74 71

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the precursor fusion protein of a paramyxovirus. The positions of signal sequence, cleavage site
hydrophobic fusion peptide, heptad repeat A (conserved domain), heptad repeat B, transmembrane domain, and cytoplasmic tail are
shown. The region investigated in this study covering the cleavage site up to the heptad repeat A was aligned with eight ophidian
paramyxoviruses and four representatives of Paramyxo6irinae genera (Bellini et al., 1998). Identical amino acids are shown as dots,
identical amino acids in all sequences are marked with *. The snake viruses differ in four amino acids in the complete region (1 – 3
). The conserved domain is 100% identical. Alignment of the ophidian paramyxoviruses with the Paramyxo6irinae and Hendra
virus shows 100% similarity to Sendai virus in the conserved domain.

CrotCe-96 sequence proved to be identical to the (M30202), but is different from that of measles
FDLV sequence (Fig. 3, 41). Recently, a partial virus by one amino acid, from Hendra virus by
F-gene paramyxovirus sequence was obtained three amino acids, and from mumps virus by four
from the venom glands of a Fer de Lance viper amino acids (Fig. 3). The fusion cleavage site of
(Bothrops jararaca) (Azevedo et al., 2001). This Morbilli-, Rubula-, and Pneumoviruses are highly
sequence (AF251500) showed 84% nucleotide basic and contain R-X-R/K-R consensus se-
identity, 87% amino acid identity, and 94% simi- quenses that are required for cleavage by furin
larity to the corresponding sequence of the FDLV (Hosaka et al., 1991). The Respiroviruses (Sendai
(Bothrops atrox, USA), which was used in this virus) do not have this furin-cleavage site and use
study. different host cell proteases (Scheid and Choppin,
The investigated viruses proved to have the 1974). All the investigated partial F-proteins of
snake viruses reveal a R-X-R/K-R consensus mo-
same TSAQITAGIAL motif as a conserved do-
tif indicating furin usage in F-protein cleavage.
main in the F-protein; this is identical to the
Further studies should establish the functionality
conserved F-motif published for Sendai virus
of the OPMV F-protein.
72 J. Franke et al. / Virus Research 80 (2001) 67–74

The obtained snake virus and FDLV nucleotide bootstrap values. The nucleotide sequence of
sequences were used for phylogenetic analysis. Sendai virus was added as an outgroup (Fig. 4a,
Calculations were carried out by means of the b). The L-gene sequences revealed three clusters
phylogeny inference package (PHYLIP), version (Fig. 4a: A, B, C). However, analysis of the
3.5c (Felsenstein, 1993). Estimation of phyloge- F-gene resulted in two clusters (Fig. 4b: A, B).
nies for maximum parsimony analysis of the par- The two isolates forming cluster C (Fig. 4a) in the
tial L- and F-gene was performed by using 100 L-gene tree (ElaGut-91, CrotX1-96) could not be

Fig. 4. Phylogenetic tree of FDLV and the investigated ophid-

ian paramyxoviruses. Analysis was carried out by using
PHYLIP and maximum DNA parsimony. Values on each Fig. 5. Phenogram showing the genetic relationship of FDLV
branch represent% bootstrap support (100 × bootstrap). The and the type species of the genera of Paramyxo6iridae, the
Sendai virus was used as the outgroup. (a) Phylogenetic analy- measles, mumps, Sendai, HRS viruses, and Hendra virus.
sis based on the eight different partial L-gene nucleotide Analysis, based on a 549 amino acid (F-protein) and a 700
sequences (566 nt) of the investigated ophidian paramyx- amino acid (L-protein) PHYLIP calculation, was performed as
oviruses and FDLV revealed three clusters (A, B, C). (b) Six described in Fig. 4 without using an outgroup. Analysis based
different partial F-gene nucleotide sequences (918 nt) of the on a part of the L-protein (a) and F-protein (b) shows the
investigated ophidian paramyxoviruses and FDLV resulted, classification of the paramyxoviruses. The FDLV and Sendai
after phylogenetic analysis, in two clusters (A, B). virus are grouped together (D).
J. Franke et al. / Virus Research 80 (2001) 67–74 73

Table 2
Comparison of sequences of representative species of Paramyxo6iridae to FDLV shows similarity (%) to FDLV based on nucleotide
(nt) and amino acid (aa) sequences

Genus Virus L-gene F-gene Acc. number

nt aa id/sim nt aa id/sim

Respirovirus Sendai virus 56 61/75 42 28/50 M30202

Rubulavirus Mumps virus 53 44/62 26 23/45 AF143383
Morbillivirus Measles virus 52 58/78 40 27/49 E04903
Henipavirus Hendra virus 49 48/79 39 27/62 AF017149
Pneumovirus Human respiratory syncytial virus 32 29/51 17 22/48 HRU27298

The F- and L-gene (nt) and protein (aa) sequence were analyzed concerning identity (id) and similarity (sim).

amplified in the F-gene-specific RT-PCR. This virus (Table 2). The low homology of available
distinct formation of nucleotide sequence suggests sequences suggests that the OPMV are only dis-
too great a sequence divergence to allow the tantly related to the established genera of
binding of F-gene primers. Host specificity could Paramyxo6iridae. Viruses within each genus of the
not be shown in the phylogenetic tree generated subfamily Paramyxo6irinae share at least 40% se-
either with partial L-gene sequences or with par- quence identity (Yu et al. 1998). Therefore, we
tial F-gene sequences. The same assumption was propose that FDLV is a type species of a new
found during the study of L- and HN-gene se- genus within the Paramyxo6iridae.
quences from paramyxoviruses of reptiles isolated Phylogenetic analysis, based on a 549 amino
in North America and Europe (Ahne et al., 1999). acid (F-protein) and a 700 amino acid (L-protein)
To date, OPMV are not included in the present PHYLIP calculation, showed that the FDLV clus-
taxonomy of viruses. Only FDLV is listed as an tered with Sendai virus, genus Respirovirus (Fig.
unassigned species of the family Paramyxo6iridae 5a, b: D). The results indicate a relationship of
(Van Regenmortel and 10 co-authors, 2000). Re- reptilian paramyxoviruses with Respiroviruses,
garding the classification, we analyzed, for the despite their use of different cellular proteases for
first time, the detailed sequence relationship of protein modification (Scheid and Choppin, 1974).
partial L-gene and F-gene sequences of OPMV. Gono-GER85 was previously shown to lack
FDLV was compared with the type species viruses antigenic relationships with the Sendai, mumps,
of each genus within the paramyxovirus family measles, influenza-A, and influenza-B viruses
(Van Regenmortel and 10 co-authors, 2000) and (Ahne et al., 1987; Ahne and Neubert, 1989).
with Hendra virus (AF017149). A comparison of Furthermore, several OPMV were found to be
nucleotide sequences of the F- and L-genes and antigenically distinct from mammalian and avian
proteins of Sendai, mumps, measles, Hendra and paramyxoviruses (Clark et al., 1979; Ahne and
HRS viruses revealed the low similarity of FDLV Neubert, 1989; Richter et al., 1996). A further
to these species. The least similarity of partial difference between mammalian, human, and bird
L-gene sequences was detected to HRSV with 32% paramyxoviruses and the reptilian paramyx-
in the nucleotide sequence and 29% in the amino oviruses is their temperature optimum (Mayr et
acid sequence, and the highest similarity was al., 2000). Sequence homologies and antigenic and
found to Sendai virus with 56% in the nucleotide biological properties of reptilian viruses indicate
sequence and 61% in the amino acid sequence. that they cannot be assigned to the existing
For the F-gene, the similarity of nucleotide se- genera, and that they might represent a distinct
quence to HRSV was 17 and 42% for Sendai evolutionary lineage within the subfamily
virus. The amino acid sequence alignment showed Paramyxo6irinae. In conclusion, we propose a
a similarity of 22% for HRSV and 28% for Sendai new genus for the reptilian paramyxoviruses.
74 J. Franke et al. / Virus Research 80 (2001) 67–74

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