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What Are The Most Recommended & Prohibited Acts

related To Ashura (10th
of Muharram-Ul-Haram) And
The Historical Significance Of This Day
Muharram-Ul-Haram is the month by which an Islamic year begins. The day is also called
Ashura (day of grief). This sacred month recalls the Great Sacrifice of
Ahl-e-Bayt-e-Rasulullah (Sallallahu-Alihi-Wasalm). Hadrat Imam Husain(RA) and his 72
companions gave their lives in defence of the established path of Islam. Devotions are
insufficient and words are disabled to narrate the great motive of great martyrdoms of
Ashura seeks to promote an entire message of right, gallantry, sincerity, humanity and more
to the people of whole world and invites to recall the purpose of the sacred sacrifice of the
beloved grandson of Hadrat Muhammad (Sallallahu-Alihi-Wasalam).
Unfortunately, sectarianism is depicting a wrong image of Islam in world also regarding the
day of 10th of Muharram. Islam is not just a religion-(set of beliefs and practices); but Islam is
a system and code of entire life. Contrariwise, most of the practitioners belonging to different
sects have developed many innovative beliefs and relate them to the month of
Muharram-Ul-Haram and dont perform those acts on which Rasulullah
(Sallallahu-Alihi-Wasalm) has encouraged his Ummah. So,

Lets Learn How To Spend The Day Of 10th Of Muharram

In The Light Of Shariyah
FASTING: The Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu-Alihi-Wasalam) exhorted his Ummah
on fast of this day and said:
This fast is a compensation for the (minor) sins of the past year. (Hadith:Muslim)
The Holy Prophet (PBUH), when migrated to Madinah Munavvarah, found that the Jews
were used to fast on 10th of Muharram. The Jews told that it was the day when Prophet Musa
(AS) and his followers were crossed the red sea safely and miraculously. And Pharaoh was
drowned into the sea along with his men. That was the mindset of Jews behind fasting. On
hearing this, Prophet (PBUH) said,
We are more closely related to Musa, alayhi ssalam than you, and directed the Muslim
Ummah to fast on the day of Ashura. (Hadith-Abu Dawood)


Then next guided the Muslims, how to fast on Ashura.

Observe the fast of Aashura and oppose the Jews. Fast a day before it or a day after.
Hence, it is very important for the Muslims to fast either on 9th &10th or 10th & 11th of
Muharram to avoid the imitation of Jews.

GENEROUSNESS: This Hadith encourages also to being generous and to spend

more on the family and dependants on this day than what is normally spent. The Holy
Prophet (PBUH) said; One who generously spend on his family on the day of Aashura,
Allah will increase (his provision) for the whole year.(Hadith:Baihaqi)

CHARITY: The importance of giving charity has been reported by Hadrat Abd Allah
ibn, Amr (RA), Whoever fasts Ashura, it is as if he has fasted the entire year. And whoever
gives charity this day it is like the charity of an entire year.

An Intense Need To Know The Prohibited Acts, People

Perform On Ashura
Mourning: The page of Islamic History is filled with the blood of sacred martyrdoms.
This raises a question that should the Muslims start to mourn rather than to understand,
realize and preach the message of these sacrifices? Obviously, answer is an absolute No,
because it is not acceptable in Islam at all.
Abu Saeed (RA) relates that Prophet (Sallallahu-Alihi-Wasalam) has cursed mourners and
those who listen to them (attentively). (Abu Dawood)
Another Hadith in which Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu-ALIHI-Wasalam) said, He is not
from our group who slaps his cheeks, tears his clothes, and cries in the manner of the people
of jahiliyyah.(Sahih Bukhari)
Hadrat Imam Husain (RA) advised his beloved sister Hadrat Bibi Zainab
(Salaam-Ullah-Alayha) to have patience and avoid mourn after his martyrdom. He said,My
dear sister! I swear upon you that in case I die you should not tear your clothes nor scratch
your face or curse anyone for me or pray for your death. (Al-Kamil, Ibn Kathir vol. 4 pg. 24)

Misconceptions: Although, therere several wrong and baseless beliefs of practitioners

which they relate to the day of Ashura. One of the top misconceptions is;
Many people believe that Muharram is only the month of sorrow and it would be a sin and
misfortune if they arrange any wedding event in it. Well, theres nothing to refer this belief
because its just a misconception. In Islam, Nikah is the great Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad


(Sallallahu-ALIHI-Wasalam) and Shariyah doesnt support any idea which refrain Muslims
from performing this Sunnah in Muharram and in any other month as well.

The Top 10 Historical Events, Took Place On 10TH Of

Certain Ahadeeth of Allahs Apostle (PBUH), evidence of historical significance of Ashura.
It shows that the blessings and grace of Allah Almighty is attached with this day from the
beginning of this universe because many significant events were occurred and relate to this
day. Some of them are as followed.
Allah Almighty created Hadrat Adam (AS) then also forgave him on 10th of
Prophet Noah (AS) was saved and enabled his arch to land victoriously by the grace
of Allah Taala.
Allah Almighty saved Prophet Ibrahim (AS) from tyrant Namrood and the big fire
became peaceful upon him.
Alllah Taala united Prophet Yaqoob (AS) with his beloved son Hadrat Yusuf (AS)
after 40 years.
Allah Almighty gave victory to Prophet Musa (AS) and the children of Israel by
splitting the red sea for them and defeated Pharaoh.
Allah Taala brought Prophet Yunus (AS) safely out of the stomach of big fish.
Prophet Ayoub (AS) was cured by the mercy of Allah Almighty.
Allah Pak forgave Prophet Dawud (AS) and granted a great dominion to Prophet
Sulayman (AS).
Allah the great Creator created Loaho Qalam, the sky, the mountains and the seas
on that day.
And the 10th of Muharram, a day when it was rained for the very first time on this
Islam guides the Muslims about all the facts related to this sacred month. So, Ummah must
define its path of life by the teachings of Shariah. May the innovations can be avoided which
deprive most of the Muslims from blessings of Allah Almighty. May Allah Pak guide us
aupon the Straight Path and refrain from all those acts that bring His and His beloved
Prophets (Sallallahu-Alihi-Wasalm) displeasure.

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