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Legers Grading Policy

Grade Weights:
In Infinite Campus, all categories of grades weigh the same.
Categories of grades are:

Non-fictional Standards
1. For each reading unit on an informational standard,
Students will take a pre-test before I begin teaching the
material for that standard.
2. They will take a post-test at the end of the unit for me to
assess student growth and pinpoint those students that
are still struggling with the concept.
3. After the post-test, I will remediate students that did not
make a passing grade. This is to ensure that they will
perform better on the written Unit test.
4. The Unit test will count twice in the grade book.
Fictional Standards
1. For each reading unit on a fictional standard, students will
take a pre-test just as they do with informational
2. With fictional standards, we follow lessons provided in the
Journeys text book. The text book is used very little with
informational standards, because the lessons do not align
to informational standards set forth by Common Core.

3. After the unit in the text book, students will take a test on
the story and vocabulary from the that story. This test will
count once in the gradebook.
4. I will use a new story to review the concepts of that
standard before students take their post-test.
5. The post-test will be taken and then reviewed with the
students as a whole group.
6. Students will then be able to complete test corrections for
half credit added to their grade for every missed question.
This corrected test grade will go into the gradebook.

Quiz grades will go into the gradebook once.

Late Work:
After an assignment is due, 10 points is taken off of the
assignment for each day it is late.
Each week, I will communicate missing assignments, the due
date, and the points deducted in Progress Packs sent home
weekly in Friday Folders
After 5 days without the assignment, I will send home an
Important Message explaining the assignment and the
severity of your child not having it turned in yet. This letter
will need to be signed and returned.
After 10 days, the student will receive a zero in the grade

Missing Work:
If an assignment is never turned in, it will be classified as missing,
and will receive a zero in the gradebook. See Late Work section
for policy on Late Work before it is classified as missing.

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