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+ Heritage

Planning | Development | Design | Archaeology | Heritage | Transport

Lanpro Archaeology + Heritage provide independent advice

on all stages of promotion and construction of developments
from land acquisition/due diligence right through the design
process and to the eventual discharge of archaeological and
built heritage conditions.
We have a strong reputation for practical,
commercially focussed advice and a
pragmatic problem solving approach. Our
aim is to minimise planning constraints and
financial risks posed to development by
archaeology and built heritage.
Archaeological features are not always
visible on the ground surface, and can be
overlooked when assessing the purchase
value of land. Issues with the settings of
heritage assets within and beyond the
boundaries of development sites can
have a major impact upon the amount of
developable land. We offer a free rapid
appraisal of any site nationwide to provide
vendors or purchasers with the likely costs/
constraints should the land be developed.
Our experience is extensive, both in terms
of geographical coverage and the spectrum
of projects. This depth of experience aids
our negotiation with LPAs and enables us

to identify and agree innovative solutions to

clients archaeological problems.
We differentiate ourselves by our
commitment to our clients projects and
goals. We ensure all archaeological work
undertaken is absolutely necessary and
appropriate both in terms of scope and
timing. We will rapidly identify known
constraints to development. Where
appropriate, we will negotiate to defer
archaeological costs to post-determination.
We will provide or obtain fixed costs for all
work undertaken and we will ensure that
work is conducted within the agreed budget.

We differentiate ourselves
by our commitment to our
clients projects and goals.

We offer an entirely independent and

confidential service. We have no ties
with local authorities or archaeological
contractors and you can be comfortable in
the knowledge that we wont try to cross
sell services, focus on excavation as the
preferred solution, or have any conflicting
relationship with the Local Planning
Authority advisors.

provide the same level of service
irrespective of the size of the development.
We operate on schemes as diverse as
house extensions to multi million pound
developments. Our approach is aimed
at tackling questions such as Does any
archaeology need dealing with and,
if so, how can it be dealt with quickly,
cost-effectively and with least risk to the

Our archaeological + heritage services

+ Initial advice on land acquisition/
due diligence
+ A
 dvice on the need for, cost
and duration of works
+ A
 dvice on the discharge
of planning conditions
+ Desk Based Assessment
+ Heritage Statements
+ N
 egotiation with LPAs
and statutory consultees
+ P
 roduction of Written Schemes
of Investigation/Specifications
+ D
 efining, procuring and
managing fieldwork
+ Expert witness
+ Listed Building Consent
+ Conservation Management Plans
+ Level 1 4 historic building recording
+ Historic building assessments

For more information,

please contact:
Paul Gajos
01777 552001 |
Mitchell Pollington
01904 803 800 |
Norwich Office

Colchester Office

Retford Office

York Office

Brettingham House,
98 Pottergate,
Norwich, NR2 1EQ

Unit 2, Parkside Office Village,

Knowledge Gateway,
Colchester, CO4 3ZL

Office 16, Retford Enterprise

Centre, Randall Way,
Retford, DN22 7GR

Blake House,
18 Blake Street,
York, Y01 8QG

Tel: 01603 631319

Tel: 01206 656021

Tel: 01777 552001

Tel: 01904 803 800

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