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The President of the Republic of India (Hindi:

, Bhrat Gaarjya
i) is the Head of State of India and the Commander-in-chief of the Indian Armed
The President is indirectly elected by the people through elected members of bot
h the houses of the Parliament of India, the Legislative Assemblies of all the s
tates of India and the Legislative Assembly of the Union Territory of Puducherry
, as well as, the Legislative Assembly of the National Capital Territory of Delh
i and serves for a renewable term of five years. The oath of the President is ta
ken in the presence of the Chief Justice of India, and in his/her absence, by th
e most senior judge of the Supreme Court of India.
Although Article 53 of the Constitution of India states that the President can e
xercise his powers directly or by subordinate authority,[3] with few exceptions,
all of the executive authority vested in the President are, in practice, exerci
sed by the Prime Minister with the help of the Council of Ministers.
The President resides in an estate known as the Rashtrapati Bhavan[4] (which rou
ghly translates as President's House) situated in Raisina Hill in New Delhi. The
presidential retreat is The Retreat in Chharabra, Shimla and Rashtrapati

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