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FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 2010 5-8PM
West Side Rowing Club - Foot of Porter
$45/Person or $90/Family

TopTen Reasons to join Sam’ Epic Journey!

1. Historic Clam Credit for those over the age of 100.
2. James Cameron will rerelease Titanic as a documentary about
state government.
3. According to Joe Biden, this year’s clam bake will be a BFD!!
4. What do you get when you cross the shiftiness of The Lord of the
Ring’s GOLOM, with the insane right wing conspiracy theories
of Glen Bek?
5. Joe Golombek is hoping he can come but he has to wait and see
if Steve Pigeon will buy him a ticket.
6. If anyone throws tea bags at us, we’ll throw clam shells at them!!
7. Rumors abound that the bratwurst will launch a coup against the
ruling clams under the pretense of calling for reform of the
knockwurst and in the end Steve Pigeon will get a job.
8. Sam will unveil his new diet plan, it’s called “primary challenge.”
9. To demonstrate his commitment to government transparency,
Sam will wear Lady Gaga's bubble suit.
10 Don’t let this be the last clam bake.

! Yes! I will attend because Sam’s the man and I hear it is the best party of the year!
! Although I am unable to attend, enclosed is a donation for $
! Enclosed is my check for $ for tickets at $45. per person
I’m bringing my family of enclosed is my check for $90.
! I have enclosed extra clams for Sam’s future plans $
Address E-mail
City State Zip Phone
I/we are paying by: ! Visa ! Master Card
(please complete all of the above information)
Credit Card # Exp. Date
Please make checks payable to: Citizens for Sam Hoyt

Mail this form to: Citizens for Sam Hoyt P.O. Box 855 Buffalo, NY 14205 You may also
respond and pay securely online at the Events Calendar on our website at: or For more info call: 716-812-2049

Carol Alaimo, Bryan Ball, Heidi Billitier, Peter Blake, Frank

Bogulski, Tim Boling, Lauren Breen, Kevin Brinkworth, Jr.,
Bob Bulman, Katie Campos, Ken Case, Craig Chapman, Judy
Chick, Jim Ciminelli, Sanjay Connare, Mary D'Innocenzo,
Ina Downing, Carrie Dzierba Chris & Tara Evans, Arthur Eve,
Jr,. Garett Farrugia, Donald Finn, Keith Frome, Cynnie
Gaasch, Joseph Galvin, Teresa Glanowski, Tom Gleed, Ken
Graber, Betty Jean Grant, Robert Harding, Howard Henry,
Carla Higgins, Wendy Higgins, Julie Jackson Forsberg,
Brendan Kelleher, Bruce Kogan, Rich Kreiger, Kelly Kroese,
Chenyl Lee, Robin Lenhard, Joe & Lori Mascia, Chris
Mathias, Prish Moran, Ken Peterson, Linda Ray, Jeff Rice,
Joshua Rivera, David Rivera, Gayla Robinson, Jim
Sampson, Natalie Shatkin, Michael Shatzel, Nick Sidoti,
Carol Speser, Greg Stevens, Jeff Stone, Tina Teabagger,
Creative: Mills & Associates
Barrett Wadsworth, Dennis Ward, Amy Watson

The Epic Bioluminescent Menu!

Clams, Beer, Wardynski’s Sausage, Various Salads, Barbecue
from Fat Bob's Smokehouse, Desserts, Soft Drinks,
& Live Entertainment from The Skiffle Minstrels!

With Orchidaceous
Entertainment for theKids!
Sno Cones, Prizes, the Buffalo Zoo Mobile & More!
Give your baby sitter the night off
& bring the whole family for one low price!

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