Daily Monday 10-7

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Monday, October 10th, 2016

Boys and Girls water polo @ El Cap

They cannot take away our self-respect if we do not give it to them.
--Mahatma Gandhi

It is Homecoming!!! Tomorrows dress up day is Toy Story Day, so wear your cowboy and cowgirl
gear. Then Wednesday is Incredibles Day, wear your favorite Superhero gear, Thursday is Inside Out
Day, wear your clothes Inside Out and Friday is Insane Blue and White Day. We will have a rally,
parade, tailgate, and dance all on Friday
For the 1st time in over 15 years there will a Homecoming dance after the homecoming football game
this Friday in the gym. Prices are $3 without ASB, $5 without, $7 guest passes. Guest passes are
available in the SBO or room 105 and are due on Wednesday, October 12th.
And speaking of dances, our annual Sadie Hawkins Dance is on October 29th with this years theme is
college theme so girls start asking those guys and get your college gear ready.
The weight room is open M-F from 6:30-7:30am for you early birds, also this Saturday the weight room
will be open from 10:00am-2:00pm. The weight room will be also open during lunch and homeroom on
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday beginning this week. No food or drink allowed and you must rack
your weights.
Anyone looking for something to do after school? The Atwater wrestling team will start having off
season practices and conditioning. If you are interested in wrestling this winter, this would be a good
opportunity to start learning and getting in shape. Practices start today at 3:30pm in the wrestling room.
Hope to see you there

Juniors & Seniors

Senior picture retakes are TOMORROW in the Gymnastics Room. Last name of letters A-F will be
4:00-5:00, G-O is 5:00-6:00, and P-Z is 6:00-7:00

Clubs/After School Program:

FCA meets today during lunch at 12:15 pm in Room 314. Come get fed both physically and
spiritually. You don't want to miss out on Coach Rhoades' wise words and inspiring message
Remember Falcons to check your school email every day and stay Falcon Strong!!

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