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Bunge jumping is an activity that someone

jumping from a tall structure (usually in
hundred meters) with a large elastic cord in
lower feet which cling in your body or ankle and
one of lower cord bound to the point leap.
When the person jumps, the cord stretches and
the jumper flies upwards again as the cord
recoils. The cord stretches because it gets some
energy from the jumping. A jumper will up and
down until the energy of jumping is over. For
this sport, the tall structure is usually a fixed
object, such as a building, bridge, crane.
Definition : Bungee jumping was jumping from
a height or any other term is a jump from a
height of ten of meters to just relying on bungee cord as a safety device,
it will give a extreme adrenaline racing for the person who do it. Bungee
cord is a cord wrapped around the foot as a safety.
Bungee jumping is one of drenaline sport that part of people like it. In
Indonesia there is a place for testing your adrenaline, that is Bali. Bali has
some place for bungee jumping, there are :
1. Bungee jumping Blangsinga, Gianyar Bali. Its become a favourite
location because the location is near
waterfall which has a wonderful waterfall
2. Bali Bungy, Seminyak, Bali. The location
exact in front of the beach.
3. A.J
Seminyak, Bali. It has a 45 meters crane
bungee jumping while enjoyable the
4. Bali Adrenaline Park, Kuta, Badung, Bali. This place
some adrenaline activity start from bungee jumping
5. Bali Tower Bungy, Bali Tower, Kuta. It has 45 meters
crane for
bungee jumping and there is waterpool that specially
when you are faliing down.
Health benefits : overcoming stress, train flexibility of
expedite circulation blood to the brain and can be a therapy to overcome
phobia of height.

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