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Health benefits of Cassava

Cassava has nearly twice the calories than that of potatoes and perhaps one of
the highest value calorie food for any tropical starch rich tubers and roots. 100 g
root provides 160 calories. Their calorie value mainly comes from sucrose which
accounts for more than 69% of total sugars. Amylose (16-17%) is another major
complex carbohydrate sources.

Cassava is very low in fats and protein than in cereals and pulses. Nonetheless, it
has more protein than that of other tropical food sources
like yam, potato, plantains, etc.

As in other roots and tubers, cassava too is free from gluten. Gluten-free starch is
used in special food preparations for celiac disease patients.

Young tender cassava (yuca) leaves are a good source of dietary proteins and
vitamin K. Vitamin-K has a potential role in bone mass building by promoting
osteotrophic activity in the bones. It also has established role in the treatment of
Alzheimer's disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain.

Cassava is a moderate source of some of the valuable B-complex group of

vitamins such as folates, thiamin, pyridoxine (vitamin B-6), riboflavin, and
pantothenic acid.

Itis one of the chief sources of some important minerals like zinc,
magnesium, copper, iron, and manganese for many inhabitants in the tropical
belts. In addition, it has adequate amounts of potassium (271 mg per 100g or 6%
of RDA). Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that help
regulate heart rate and blood pressure.

Safety profile
Cassava root contains natural toxic cyanogenic glycoside compounds linamarin and
methyl-linamarin. Injury to tuber releases linamarase enzyme from the ruptured
cells, which then converts linamarin to poisonous hydrocyanic acid (HCN). It is
therefore, consumption of raw cassava root results in cyanide poisoning with
symptoms of vomiting, nausea, dizziness, stomach pains, headache, and
death. In general, cyanide content is substantially higher in its outer part and peel.
While peeling lessens the cyanide content, sun drying, and soaking followed by
boiling in salt-vinegar water results in evaporation of this compound and makes it
safe for human consumption.
Prolong consumption of monotonous cassava diet may result in chronic illness like
tropical ataxic neuropathy (TAN) and diabetic mellitus, especially among rural and
tribal inhabitants who are engaged in processing and consumption of exclusively
cassava products.


Removal of Municipal Waste Water: Study showed the although municipal
waste water inhibit the growth of aquatic plants (T. patifolia and S. spontaneum),
these plants have the potential for use in the phyto-reduction process of COD, BOD,
and TSS from wastewater.
Denitrification of Drinking Water: There is a global concern regarding the
increasing pollution of natural water bodies by nitrate secondary to anthropogenic
activities. Results showed the potential to obtain high yields of denitrification using
organic carbon released from S. spontaneum. Study results contribute to the
knowledge on the use of NOSS (natural organic solid substances) as alternative
sources of carbon for denitrification.
Talahib (Saccharum spontaneum) as an Effective Main Component of
Biodegradable Plastic


High protein content: from 20% in green algae to 70% in spirulina.

High mineral content, especially: iodine, calcium, iron, magnesium.
More vitamin C than oranges.
Natural iodine maintaining a healthy thyroid function.
Anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory properties
Large proportion of natural, organic iodine aiding in maintaining a healthy
thyroid function (not to be compared with the toxic substitute added to table
One of the richest plant sources of calcium.
Polysaccharides: important in the prevention of degenerative diseases
including cardiovascular and diabetes 2, increase the amount of feel-good
chemicals in the brain, improves liver function, stabilizes blood sugar.
Waste Water Treatment: Seaweed can also be utilized in the treatment of waste
water. They have been quite effective in the treatment of agricultural waste and
sewage to lower the toxic content of water, such as nitrogen and phosphorous
before the water reaches the rivers or lakes. They also help to get rid of the toxic
metals from the waste released by those industries.

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