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Should a Woman Work Outside the Home?

Should a Woman Work Outside the Home? an essay by Mohammed Akade Osman
discusses the advantage and disadvantage of having women outside their homes. The fact
about physical stature and emotional capabilities between woman and men. The author
indicates that when woman work outside the home is morally wrong from religious point of
view, it is also form of social injustice, can broke their harmonism family, social problem and
can change the woman character. I agree with Mohammed Akade Osmans idea that woman
work outside at home can be broken down the harmonism in their family, can cause divorce,
increasing the crime, and can be change the woman character, although I just speak based on
my own experiences.
in the article, Mr Mohammed Akade Osman stresses point of view of a woman
outside at home gives her equal right with man, social independent and financial problem is
actually very narrow and superficial. Another statement that support Osmans stress is The
Bible and The Koran which state that the woman should stay at home and do the house work.
From my experience, I agree with the author statement. In Koran Surah Al-Ahzab number
thirty three Allah has said that And let you stay in your houses and do not make up and
behave like those ancient pagan. The things that I got from this message is Alah want to
keep a woman from many things that can harassing womans honour. When woman go out
from house, it can be make some trouble for woman, such as raping.
In another statement, Osman said in the essay that the basic fact is that woman are not
like a men, naturally in physical stature and emotional capabilities. I agree with this
statement, because I ever work in a team with woman. When we want to lift such as a table,
cair, and other things, the woman always complain that she wont do that because it is heavy
and include the mens jobs. The woman also can not give the strong decision when pressure
God made men to take care of woman, another statement that state by Osman in his
article. I do agree with this, as we know that Allah has give the strengtness to men not to
woman. So that is why, Allah has give command to woman to stay at home for protect
woman with the trouble except the woman going out with her husband or father to protect

When the woman go out, it can be destroy the society especially in humanism in their
family. I agree with this, based on my experience that I was on that situation. When my
mother going out to work, I just got a little attention from her. I just do my homework,
cooking, and others by my self. The result of all this, I become a naughty boy, sometime I did
fight with my friend, disturbing the girls, and making others trouble at school.
Another one is the morals of society are lowered or completely lost that state by
Osman in fifth paragraph. I agree with this based on the data and news that ever we heard that
many of woman pregnant illegitimately, this is cause of many woman go out from her house
at night lonely. Woman can get rape from the devil man. When the woman has pregnant, she
just do abortion. As we see, many illegal doctor that want do the abortion. Another example
that many baby that just throw out in the road, rubbish bin as the result of the bad things that
happen when woman go out from the house.
In summary, the statement that Mohammed Akade Osman state and my personal
beliefs about woman should not go out to work is almost alike. The problem will always and
always happen if this situation always run. And to top it off, I suggest to woman just become
a good housewife and trust to your husband or father to give you a financial and others thing
you need.

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