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Write an SOP that Shines

A thoughtful and well-written SOP often results in admission and denial.

Were a match, so that why you should take me. (O) correct mindset
If you present yourself as merely someone whos outstanding, then that
doesnt really appeal to the board.
Dont tell me youre interested in our department.
Tell us what you
Present a classic story to cover/adorn the fact they MBA applicants merely want
to make money.
Assess your interests and ability before you start writing your SOP

Myth 1

How to apply
Faculty members, what their publications were for the last 5 years; go to their
publication, and see if their limitations and research understanding would be
doable for you.
Its all about whether your contribution fits their program, what they are doing.

Myth 2

No five paragraph templates, starting with motivations, educational

backgrounds and so on. This doesnt have any coherence because this would
be a five paragraph structure instead of a complete essay.
Dont put information thats accessible in the CV in your SOP.
What to include:
Research experience (19:10)
(leads to the research question)
Weird essay questions:
How to eat a banana
How to fix a toilet, make it flush
Dont tell, show evidence (Dont say Im good at fixing things, but describe the
process of a case in which you fix things successful, with outstanding results.)
Make sure that every sentence in your essay exists solely to support one
central theme. (UC Berkeley)
Dont be afraid to tell them that you were once an underdog
2010 Failure (J. K. Rowling at Harvard)
Show that you are a sincere applicant, have tenacity, and are a
humble underdog.

What to do
1. Conduct research on the program and faculty well.
2. Check the professors list of who hes tutoring
Be concise
Rolling 2 (2 )

Before: (not concise)

My recognition of the fact that the book was finally finished was a deep
satisfying moment that will forever linger in my memory.
After (concise): it is about clear, rather than easy
Completing the book at last gave me an enduring sense of fulfillment.
Words to avoid for their lack of explanation
I can contribute
Appealing to me
Its important
Helping people
Help solve the problems
Id like to contribute
Dont write to emotional
Write in a light tone, dont get too philosophical, metaphysical, dont lecture.
Sample 2: problems
My Masters thesis investigates the relationship
Issue vague
Field which field
Many, plenty of vague, are there examples?
The first paragraph should be just tossed out.
She should: What methods are adequate, what are not, how to improve on it
Sample 1: Good sample
Use my talent whats your talent?
Replaced by LCD panels specific

SOP is mostly
Research oriented
Personal Statement: could be stories, the point is to demonstrate your
personality and how your response relates to the topic being asked.
Teachers recommendation
How does the professor meet you?
What classes the student took?
You can email the professor in advance, this only applies if its a PhD, doesnt
work if you apply for a Masters.

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