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PRESS Essay Format (Timed Write)

Brainstorm/plan/gather evidence for 5 minutes; write for 20-25 minutes

P = Problem the author sees in society and addresses in the text

R = Reasons why the author(s) believe(s) this is a problem
E = Evidence the author uses, evidence you have gathered form contextual readings
S = Solution, if any, the author proposes to combat the problem either explicitly or
[S = Stance. Your opinion and stand on the argument
Your stance might be:
+/+ Agree with problem and solution
+/- Agree with problem, disagree with solution
-/- Disagree with problem, disagree with solution]

Your goal is to explore the societal problem(s) that is/are being addressed in

Note: Be sure to cite quotes as shown below:

In the film, ...the smoggy backdrop isnt the result of special effects
(Authors name), but is instead the result of the actual, thick air pollution of

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