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Syllabus for CS 4341 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Textbook: Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig. Third
The goal of this course is for students to get an understanding of AI techniques, including
classical techniques such as hill climbing, as well as more modern approaches such as Bayesian
reasoning and machine learning. Students will be able to apply these techniques towards nontrivial problems, including a problem selected by the students.
Office hours (Fuller 138):
Tuesdays: noon 12:50
Thursdays: 2:00 3:00
40% twice a week quizzes
40% four group projects
20% group final project
A: >= 90
B: [80, 90)
C: [70, 80)
NR: < 70
It is possible there will be an upward curve. Under no circumstances will I curve downwards: if
the class average is 95% we all did our jobs and should celebrate with good grades.
Grading components
Quizzes. Instead of having a midterm and final exam, we will have twice a week quizzes on the
recent readings and lectures. Keeping up with the reading and paying attention in lecture is the
trick to doing well on the quizzes. Questions from the assigned reading will typically be
straightforward. Questions based on lecture content will be more in depth, as everyone had the
opportunity to ask questions. As not everyone can be engaged at all times in the term, the lowest
two quiz grades are dropped. Therefore, please do not ask for makeup quizzes.
Group projects. There will be five projects assigned throughout the term to be done in groups.
Final projects. The course has a student-driven final project. Students should assemble into
teams of 3 to 5 (can be different than teams for group projects) and come up with an idea and
implement it. Final projects are worth as many points as two group projects, so the scope should
be moderate.
Note: to pass this course, you must score at least 60% on both the quizzes and group project, and
must contribute reasonably to the final project. Reasonably is defined as not getting emails
from your group members that you blew them off.

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