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Trisha Litong

Campus Project
Academy of Machiavelli
The Academy of Machiavelli was inspired by the Italian philosopher Niccolo di Bernardo
dei Machiavelli. Machiavelli was known for his controversial political views, and one of his key
compositions was The Prince. Within the campus design, the Academy of Machiavelli
incorporates the beliefs and ideas the philosopher had. There are five basic beliefs Machiavelli
had that will be outlined in the following essay.
Machiavelli believed that ...Men are wretched creatures who would not keep their word
to you, you need not keep your word to them. To put it simply, Machiavelli thought a ruler
should not rely on trust if it would not benefit him. Thus, the principal has complete access to
any part of the campus through a secret and underground passageway. Through these
passageways, the principal can check on his students and teachers at any time he wishes. He can
do so by anonymously entering their residential buildings and areas where he usually would not
go unless intrigued to do so. Additionally, the Principals Palace is surrounded by a hedge maze,
only solvable by whomever he deems trust-worthy.
Machiavelli asserted that it is far safer [as a leader] to be feared than to be loved. In
other words, in order to get subjects to follow orders in the most effective way, a rule of terror
should be utilized. The domineering principal will have rule over the students, teachers, and
staff, which will be visible in his separate palace and office centered in the middle of the
academy. Even the quality of the principals furniture will showcase his high rank. Instead of
wood and concrete, his furniture is made of white marble, gold, velvet, and other materials that

give off a condescending aura. As it is visible in the furniture designs, the principal has a
marble-and-granite podium where he delivers to the school body whatever he chooses. Thus,
through physical appearance of the principals working and living conditions, others will know
their position and fear their school head.
In addition to having a strong leader fueled off fear, Machiavelli emphasized the
importance of a strong ruling body, and that it is necessary to maintain social order. Although it
is obvious that the principal has the most authority, power is still trusted to the teachers and staff.
While their furniture is not as ornate as the principals furniture, it is still more exquisite than the
students. For example, the students have wooden desks with a single compartment, while the
teachers have desks with more compartments including hidden compartments, and gold
handles. Also, while the student and teacher boarding houses have similar outward appearances,
the interior of the teacher residence has more amenities and appliances. Finally, the teachers and
staff are the ruling body under the principal with special privileges and the ability to set codes of
law for the students.
These codes of law are based on general observations of the student psychology and
morals, just as Machiavelli had proposed. Instead of setting laws based on preconceived notions
of how humans should act, the teachers and staff will create contracts they believe will meet
student needs. At the beginning of every academic year, each class will concoct laws in an
assembly held in the campus auditorium. In the assembly, teachers will listen to student needs
and observe the class. When the assembly is over, they will create codes of law for that specific
Machiavelli was adamant about the importance of definitive rule by stating that anything
a ruler does should be justified by appropriate reasons. Thus, with the principal being the

academys ultimate ruler, he would determine all architectural construction and changes he sees
fit. He is allowed to construct a swimming pool or bowling alley in the middle of the academy,
as long as he can support those ideas. He is also allowed to choose the type of furniture,
appliances, and people each of the residencies hold. All of the designs presented have been
created by the principal. Which is why his office is in the middle of the school building, his
palace is hidden from the population, and he has secret access to the underground passageways.
To conclude, the principal gets the first and last say on what the academy will experience and the
kind of lives his subjects will follow. With his example, the principal will achieve his ultimate
goal of teaching students how to become strong, decisive, and when the time comes,
manipulative leaders.

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