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The Devil Wears Prada

I. Tick the appropriate response:

1) What is Andy doing at the beginning of the movie?
a) ( ) Andy is brushing her teeth.
b) ( ) She is reading a magazine.
c) ( ) She is putting her clothes away.
2) What does Emily tell Andy?
a) ( ) It is important to be fashionable to work here.
b) ( ) Interest in fashion is crucial to work here.
c) ( ) It is necessary to read Runway to work here.
3) What does Miranda say after she finishes talking to Andy?
a) ( ) Thank you.
b) ( ) Thats it.
c) ( ) Thats all.
4) What does Emily say about Andys bag before she sees Miranda?
a) ( ) Is that a joke?
b) ( ) This is foul (ugly, awful, horrible).
c) ( ) Are you kidding me?
d) ( ) Bloody hell (British term used to express anger, shock or surprise).
5) Why cant Miranda return from Miami?
a) ( ) There was an earthquake.
b) ( ) There was a hurricane.
c) ( ) There was a blizzard (snow storm).
6) What does the pursing of Mirandas lips mean in the James Holt preview?
a) ( ) She hates it.
b) ( ) Catastrophe.
c) ( ) It is not very good.
7) Who helps Andy to get the unpublished version of Harry Potter for the twins?
a) ( ) Christian Thompson.
b) ( ) Emily Blunt.
c) ( ) James Holt.
8) What is the project Andy is making for the twins?
a) ( ) The volcano project.
b) ( ) The respiratory system project.
c) ( ) The solar system project

II. The sentences below are false according to the story. To make them true change them to the negative form (a)
and rewrite them changing the wrong information by the correct one (b):
1) Andys boyfriend is an engineer.

(a) ________________________________________________________
(b) ________________________________________________________
2) Andrea finds a job as a magazine writer in a fashion magazine.

(a) ________________________________________________________
(b) ________________________________________________________
3) Andy wears high heels on her first day of work.

(a) ________________________________________________________
(b) ________________________________________________________
4) Andy has short wavy hair.

(a) ________________________________________________________
(b) ________________________________________________________
5) Miranda has long black hair.

(a) ________________________________________________________
(b) ________________________________________________________
6) Andys boyfriend is moving to Florida to work there.

(a) ________________________________________________________
(b) ________________________________________________________
II. Write information questions for:
a) ________________________________________________________________________
Andy is an assistant at Runway magazine.
b) ________________________________________________________________________
Andy and her boyfriend live in New York, in an apartment.
c) ________________________________________________________________________
Emily wants to go to Paris.
III. Write confirmation questions for:
a) ________________________________________________________________________
Yes, he is.
b) ________________________________________________________________________
Yes, they are.
c) ________________________________________________________________________
No, she isnt.

Choose the appropriate response:
1) What is Andy doing at the beginning of the movie?
d) ( X ) Andy is brushing her teeth.
e) ( ) She is reading a magazine.
( ) She is putting her clothes away.
2) What does Emily tell Andy?
d) ( ) It is important to be fashionable to work there.
e) ( X ) Interest in fashion is crucial to work there.
( ) It is necessary to read Runway to work there.
3) What does Miranda say after she finishes talking to Andy?
d) ( ) Thank you.
e) ( ) Thats it.
( X ) Thats all.
4) What does Emily say about Andys bag before she sees Miranda?
a) ( ) Is that a joke?
b) ( X ) This is foul (ugly, awful, horrible).
c) ( ) Are you kidding me?
d) ( ) Bloody hell (British term used to express anger, shock or surprise).

6) Why cant Miranda return from Miami?

d) ( ) She had a car accident.
e) ( X ) There was a hurricane.
( ) There was a blizzard (snow storm).
6) What does the pursing of Mirandas lips mean in the James Holt preview?
d) ( ) She hates it.
e) ( X ) Catastrophe.
( ) It is not very good.
7) Who helps Andy to get the unpublished version of Harry Potter for the twins?
d) ( X ) Christian Thompson.
e) ( ) Emily Blunt.
( ) James Holt.
8) What is the project Andy is making for the twins?
d) ( ) The volcano project.
e) ( ) The respiratory system project.
( X ) The solar system project.

II. The sentences below are false according to the story. To make them true change them to the negative form (a) and
rewrite them changing the wrong information by the correct one (b):
1) Andys boyfriend is an engineer. Chef
2) Andrea finds a job as a magazine writer in a fashion magazine. An assistant
3) Andy wears high heels on her first day of work. Low heel shoes / ugly shoes
4) Andy has short wavy hair. Long straight hair
5) Miranda has long black hair. Gray short hair
6) Andys boyfriend is moving to Florida to work there. Boston

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