Adenovirus Sampling and Transport

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Graefe’s Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol

DOI 10.1007/s00417-006-0283-9 LABORATORY INVESTIGATION

Roman Wölfel
Martin Pfeffer
Evaluation of sampling technique and transport
Sandra Essbauer
Sylke Nerkelun
media for the diagnostics of adenoviral
Gerhard Dobler eye infections
Adenovirus sampling and transport

Received: 23 August 2005

Abstract Background: Human ade- by IFA. Neither isolation of HAdV by
Revised: 23 December 2005 noviruses (HAdV) may cause pha- cell culture nor by qPCR was nega-
Accepted: 20 January 2006 ryngoconjunctival fever, follicular tively influenced by this pretreatment.
# Springer-Verlag 2006 conjunctivitis or epidemic keratocon- Surprisingly, both commercially
junctivitis (EKC). Especially, out- available VTS performed signifi-
breaks of the latter may lead to severe cantly worse than the NaCl-mois-
economic losses when preventive turised swabs. This was shown with
measures are implemented too late. regard to virus recovery rates in cell
Thus, a safe sampling method, proper culture as well as viral genome copy
specimen transport conditions and a numbers in the qPCR. Conclusions:
fast and sensitive diagnostic technique Based on our results, the following
is mandatory. Methods: Two com- recommendations are provided to
mercially available virus transport improve sampling, transport and di-
systems (VTS) were compared with agnostic techniques regarding con-
two NaCl-moisturised sampling de- junctival swabs for diagnosis of
vices, one of which comprises Da- human adenovirus infection:
cron-tipped plastic-shafted swabs and (1) application of local anaesthetics,
the other a cotton-tipped wood- (2) NaCl-moisturised VTS for ship-
shafted swab, available in most ment of specimens, and (3) detection
ophthalmologists’ offices. Down- of HAdV by qPCR. The latter method
stream methods for specific detection proved to be superior to virus isola-
of HAdV included direct tion by cell culture, including subse-
immunofluorescence assay (IFA) of quent identification by IFA, because it
R. Wölfel (*) . M. Pfeffer . conjunctival swabs, virus isolation by is faster, more sensitive and allows
S. Essbauer . G. Dobler cell culture and quantitative real-time simultaneous handling of a number of
Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology, polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). samples. Hence, countermeasures to
Neuherbergstrasse 11, Furthermore, the influence of appli- prevent further virus spread in an
80937 Munich, Germany
e-mail: cation of local anaesthetics prior to outbreak situation can be implemen-
Tel.: +49-89-31682637 swabbing on subsequent detection of ted earlier, thus reducing the number
Fax: +49-89-31683292 HAdV was investigated. Results: of subsequent adenoviral infections.
Application of local anaesthetics had
S. Nerkelun a positive influence on the amount of Keywords Viral transport . Clinical
Bundeswehr Medical Specialist Service
Section of Ophthalmology, swabbed cells, thus increasing the samples . Adenovirus
Munich, Germany chance of obtaining positive results keratoconjunctivitis

Introduction tivitis (EKC). The latter is commonly caused by species

HAdV-D, particularly by serotypes 8, 19 and 37, whereas
Human adenoviruses (HAdV) are a leading cause of acute follicular conjunctivitis and pharyngoconjunctival fever are
conjunctivitis in clinical practice [7, 8, 15]. HAdV most frequently caused by HAdV-B serotypes 3 or 7 and
infections of the eye may lead to pharyngoconjunctival HAdV-E4 [1, 12, 18]. Most EKC outbreaks are commu-
fever, follicular conjunctivitis or epidemic keratoconjunc- nity-based and transmitted from person to person by
fingers or have been reported to occur due to contaminated – Does the material of the swabs or the swab shaft
ophthalmologic solutions and instruments [5, 8, 23]. influence the results of qPCR?
Because of crowded living conditions, military personnel – Are there significant differences in the performance of
are at particularly high risk for ocular adenoviral infections. commercially available VTS compared with a simple
For example, in spring 2004, an outbreak of conjunctivitis NaCl-moisturised transport method regarding detec-
appeared at different locations of the German armed forces, tion of viruses by cell culture and/or qPCR?
causing disruption of military training and even closure of
some military facilities. Finally, a total of 940 eye swab Based on our experiments and results, we provide
samples of symptomatic patients were analysed, but only recommendations on adequate VTS for efficient investiga-
12 adenovirus-positive samples were identified. In conclu- tion of EKC outbreaks.
sion, a majority of patients who where clinically diagnosed
as EKC contracted conjunctivitis of another, yet unidenti-
fied, aetiology [24]. This incidence stresses that during an Materials and methods
epidemic outbreak of conjunctivitis, rapid laboratory
diagnosis is required to adopt appropriate preventive Conjunctival samples
measures and to limit spread of the virus if necessary
[21]. Collection and preparation of patients’ specimens is A total of 73 conjunctival swabs were collected from adult
of fundamental importance for diagnosis of adenoviruses. patients with suspected viral conjunctival infections by
Because HAdV are cell associated, specimens have to be physicians at the Ophthalmology Specialist Service Sec-
collected in such a way that they comprise as many intact tion, Munich. The eyes of 51 patients were anaesthetised
cells as possible [9]. During transport and shipment of the topically with one drop of oxybuprocaine (4 mg/ml,
specimens for further investigation, samples should be kept Conjuncain single dose, Mann-Pharma, Berlin, Germany)
under conditions allowing later identification of HAdV 1 min prior to sampling; controls were taken from 22
either by virological or molecular methods. patients without topical anaesthesia. Using a Dacron-tipped
The gold standard for laboratory diagnosis of HAdV swab, both upper and lower conjunctival surfaces were
conjunctivitis is virus isolation by cell culture, usually vigourously wiped, rotating the swab during the sampling
requiring 1–2 weeks for completion [16]. More rapid process to ensure that the entire conjunctival surface was
assays have been developed, including enzyme immuno- sampled. The specimen swab was rolled, using slight
assay, direct immunofluorescence, DNA hybridisation and pressure, onto the 6-mm well area of a microscope slide. It
electron microscopy [4, 16, 17, 19, 22]. These techniques was ensured that the whole swab tip was used to prepare
can be complex, laborious and often inappropriate for the slide. The smear was air-dried at room temperature and
routine situations. In contrast, real-time polymerase chain then fixed in ice-cold acetone for 10 min. After immediate
reaction (real-time PCR) assays are now widely used for transfer to the laboratory, the number of conjunctival cells
diagnosis of viruses in most microbiological laboratories. on the slide was counted using a phase-contrast microscope
Protocols have been developed for HAdV detection in prior to diagnostic treatment of the specimens.
ocular swab samples, offering significant improvement in
speed and sensitivity [10].
In cooperation with the German National Reference Cells and media
Laboratory for Adenoviruses, Hanover Medical School, we
were involved in the investigation of a suspected outbreak Culture cells employed in this study were A549 cells
of EKC in the German Armed Forces, as mentioned above. (human lung cell line) kindly provided by Frank Hufert,
We found that in the past, recommendations for sampling University of Freiburg, Germany. Cell cultures were grown
techniques were partially based on popular or traditional in minimum essential medium (MEM; Invitrogen, Karls-
assumptions [9]. Several studies investigating the ability of ruhe, Germany) containing 3% foetal calf serum (FCS;
different viral transport systems (VTS) to maintain viability Biochrom, Berlin, Germany), sodium bicarbonate, penicil-
of HAdV were carried out [2, 6, 11, 13, 14]. However, it is lin, streptomycin and amphotericin B (all from Invitrogen,
difficult to compare these results since they were carried Karlsruhe, Germany).
out under different conditions, employing a variety of
methods for viral detection. However, none of these studies
compared rapid virus isolation and quantitative real-time Viruses
PCR (qPCR). The purpose of our study was to address the
following questions: HAdV type 8 from a clinical isolate was kindly provided by
Hermann Schätzl, Technical University of Munich,
– Is application of local anaesthetics to the eye prior to
Germany. A viral stock was obtained by inoculation of
swabbing necessary, and does it affect the detection of
A549 cells. Supernatant was harvested when a nearly
HAdV by cell culture or quantitative real-time PCR?
complete cytopathic effect was observed and was briefly
centrifuged (10 min, 1,200 g) to pellet cellular debris. The 21°C. The diluted stock controls were stored at −80°C
titre of the viral stock was determined by immunofluores- until final analysis.
cence (IFA), as described below. Stock aliquots containing
6×105 focus-forming units (FFU)/ml were stored at −80°C Time-dependent stability The swab of each transport type
until use. The HAdV stock was serially diluted in MEM to was inoculated with 50 μl of a virus dilution (6×104
test for different initial inoculum concentrations. FFU/ml) and immediately placed into the respective
transport medium. Dacron-tipped plastic-shafted swabs
stored in NaCl were used for comparison. Tubes were
Topical anaesthetics maintained in the dark at 21°C for 0 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h,
96 h and 120 h. Subsequent to the respective storage
Oxybuprocaine-containing eye drops (50 μl, 25 μl and periods, tubes were frozen at −80°C and finally analysed
12.5 μl) (novesine, 4 mg/ml oxybuprocaine, chlorhexidine by IFA and qPCR. As controls, 50 μl-aliquots of swab-free
diacetate 90 μg/ml; OmniVision, Puchheim, Germany) virus dilutions stored at −80°C for the corresponding
were mixed in a reaction tube with 50 μl of the following inoculation period were used.
HAdV solutions: FFU 2×105/ml, 2×104/ml, 2×103/ml.
MEM was added up to a final volume of 1,000 μl. Reaction
tubes were incubated for 60 min until further cell-culture Centrifugation culture and detection of viruses by IFA
and qPCR processing.
Titres of viral samples and stocks were determined using
96-well plates containing 80% confluent A549 cells.
Viral transport systems (VTS) Samples were vortexed again prior inoculation. Following
aspiration of the medium, each well was inoculated with
Two different VTS were evaluated. One was the Copan 100 μl sample. The plates were sealed with an adhesive
New Virus Transport System (Copan VTS, Copan, film and centrifuged at 2,000 g for 30 min at 25°C. After an
Bovezzo, Italy) comprising a liquid virus transport medium additional incubation period of 30 min, the inoculate was
in a sponge carrier located at the bottom of the tube. The removed. To each well was added 200 μl MEM containing
Dacron swab tip is placed in direct contact with the 3% FCS, and plates were further incubated at 37°C and 5%
medium-soaked sponge. About 900 μl transport medium CO2. After 48 h, the cell culture supernatant was carefully
could be easily squeezed out of the tube for further sample removed; plates were air dried and fixed with fresh
processing. The second was the Viral Culturette (BD VTS, methanol-acetone (1:1 v/v) at room temperature for 30
Becton-Dickinson, Heidelberg, Germany), a swab-tube minutes. IFA staining was done using the Imagen adeno-
system containing Hanks balanced salt solutions. Medium virus kit (DakoCytomation, Cambridgeshire, UK): The
is sealed in a reagent cradle, which has to be broken after monoclonal antibody solution was diluted 1:3 with phos-
insertion of the rayon-tipped swab. There is no instruction phate-buffered saline (PBS) without any remarkable loss of
given by the manufacturer as to how to recover the sample sensitivity (data not shown). To each well, 40 μl of diluted
from the tube: We added 900 μl MEM, inserted the swab antibody solution was added. Plates were then incubated
again and vortexed the tube. Thus, about 900 μl medium within a moist chamber for 30 min at 37°C. Excess reagent
could be extracted. For comparative purposes, we took 15- was washed out with 100 μl PBS. PBS was then drained
ml reaction tubes (VWR, Darmstadt, Germany) comprising off, and the plates were again air dried at room temperature.
900 μl sterile 0.9% NaCl (Braun, Melsungen, Germany) Mounting fluid (DakoCytomation, Cambridgeshire, UK)
plus either Dacron-tipped plastic-shafted swabs or cotton- was added, and wells were examined using an inverted
tipped wood-shafted swabs (all from VWR, Darmstadt, fluorescence microscope at x100 magnification. Cells with
Germany). All experiments were performed at least twice an intracellular, nuclear or cytoplasmic granular apple-
by different investigators. green fluorescence were considered HAdV-positive. The
average turn-around time for clinical samples examined by
this technique is 56–60 h.
Inoculation of transport systems

Concentration-dependent stability Both commercial VTS, Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR)

Dacron-tipped plastic-shafted swabs and cotton-tipped
wood-shafted swabs stored in NaCl, were evaluated DNA was extracted from samples using the Qiagen DNA
using the following virus inocula: FFU 6×105/ml, kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany), according to the manu-
6×104/ml, 6×103/ml, 6×102/ml, 6×101/ml and 6×100/ml. facturer’s instructions. qPCR was performed using a
All swabs were inoculated with 50 μl of the specified viral LightCycler (Roche, Mannheim, Germany) with generic
stock concentration and stored for 24 h in the dark at primers, as described previously [10]. Cycling conditions
were modified slightly by reducing the extension period at
65°C from 60 s to 15 s. The average turn-around time for
clinical sample preparation and qPCR analysis was 4–8 h.
The positive control standard, a HAdV-2 PCR amplicon
(nt. 18856–19137 of the HAdV-2 sequence) cloned into a
pGEM-T easy plasmid vector, was kindly provided by
Albert Heim, Medical University of Hanover, Germany.
Concentration of the plasmid was determined by photom-
etry and calculated as genome equivalents (DNA copies)
per millilitre. Serial dilution of the HAdV plasmid was used
to create a standard curve. DNA concentrations were
calculated considering the sample dilution factor using the
LightCycler software. The standard was stored at −20°C in
aliquots until use.

Fig. 1 On average, only 10±2 conjunctival cells were wiped off

Statistical analysis from nonanaesthetised patients (n=22). In contrast, 119±7 conjunc-
tival cells can be obtained from patients with locally anaesthetised
The Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to determine eyes (n=51, P<0.0001)
significant differences between the different sample
groups. Statistical analyses were performed by using
GraphPad prism 4.00 for Windows (GraphPad Software,
San Diego, CA, USA). Results are given as mean ±
standard error of the mean (SEM). P values are given when
appropriate. Significance was accepted at P<0.05.


Benefit of local anaesthesia

We found significant differences in the number of

conjunctival cells obtained from patients with locally
anaesthetised eyes compared with nonanaesthetised control
patients (Fig. 1). Particularly, united cell structures, as
demonstrated in Fig. 2, were only obtained following
pretreating the patients’ eyes with oxybuprocaine. To
investigate possible influences of the local anaesthetics on Fig. 2 Conjunctival cells and united cell structure wiped off an
cell culture and qPCR, we added different amounts of anaesthetised eye (a 100-fold magnification, b 400-fold magnification)
chlorhexidine-conserved oxybuprocaine-containing eye
drops to three solutions with different HAdV concentra-
tions . Concentrations of local anaesthetics were deliber- of the highest concentration of oxybuprocaine, we
ately overrated, corresponding to a maximum of 1 drop observed cytotoxic-like cell damage in seven of 18 wells.
added directly to a specimen. Results of titrations of However, in all cases, the appropriate FFU titre was re-
centrifuged cultures are summarised in Table 1. In presence trieved. Differences between the groups were nonsignifi-

Table 1 Stability of human adenoviruses (HAdV) in presence of local anaesthetics (LA)

Inoculum Log-focus-forming units per millilitre
log FFU/ml Control 50 μl LA 25 μl LA 12.5 μl LA
Mean SEM Number Mean SEM Number Mean SEM Number Mean SEM Number

5.3 ∞a 6 ∞a 4 ∞a 6 ∞a 6
4.3 4.0 ± 0.01 6 3.9 ± 0.06 3 4.0 ± 0.02 6 4.0 ± 0.02 6
3.3 2.9 ± 0.08 6 2.9 ± 0.11 4 2.9 ± 0.16 6 3.0 ± 0.08 6
FFU focus-forming units, SEM standard error of the mean
More than 300 focus-forming units per well
cant (P >0.9). We did not see any comparable cell damage
in the diagnostic process of specimens from locally
anaesthetised patients. Likewise, by using DNA extraction
and qPCR protocols described above, we did not find any
significant influence of oxyprocain on real-time detection
of HAdV-DNA (data not shown), indicating that neither the
local anaesthetic nor the conservation material inhibited
detection of HAdV by qPCR.

Influences of VTS on cell culture and qPCR results

We compared the performance of NaCl-moisturised cotton-

tipped wood-shafted swabs and Dacron-tipped plastic-
shafted swabs to the Copan VTS and BD VTS: Titration of
several solutions with different virus concentrations
employing the culture centrifugation technique provided Fig. 3 Concentration-dependent stability of human adenovirus
no significant difference between controls and cotton- (HAdV) DNA in different transport media: The amount of viral
tipped wood-shafted swabs. In strong contrast to these DNA that can be recovered from commercial virus transport systems
results, almost 90% of the infectious virus was lost by (VTS) is up to 2 logs lower when compared with a NaCl-
storage in Copan or BD VTS. (Table 2, Fig. 5). The number moisturised transport system (P=0.03). The quantitative real-time
polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) results of cotton- and wood-
of DNA copies of samples stored in Copan or BD VTS was containing swabs did not significantly differ from the Dacron-made
significantly lower compared with controls. The corre- swabs
sponding qPCR results of the remaining two swab systems
revealed no sign of inhibition by cotton- and/or wood-
containing swabs after storage for 2 days (Fig. 3). corresponding samples stored with NaCl-moisturised
Dacron-tipped plastic-shafted swabs, viable virus was
detected for up to 5 days using cell culture. With qPCR,
Stability of adenovirus storage in different VTS differences between the tested transport media were less
distinct (Fig. 4). Inoculated virus was detected over 5 days
Clinical HAdV specimens are commonly sent by postal in commercial VTS as well as Dacron/NaCl swabs.
service for further virological investigation. Therefore, we
tested the stability of a 6×104 FFU/ml virus solution stored
in the dark at room temperature. At day 0, similar amounts Discussion
of HAdV were detected in all transport media when tested
by immunofluorescence (Table 3) However, the HAdV Specimen collection and transport is an important issue in
titre decreased in the Copan VTS as well as the BD VTS as virological diagnostics. In case of a suspected outbreak of
early as 24 h in the storage period. After 3 days, no virus EKC, reliable microbiological diagnosis is needed to
count was detected for either commercial systems employ- confirm clinical diagnosis or to avoid inappropriate
ing culture centrifugation technique or IFA. In the treatment and overreactions. The first objective of this

Table 2 Concentration-dependent stability of human adenoviruses (HAdV) after 24-h storage

Inoculum Log-focus-forming units per millilitre
log FFU/ml Control Copan VTS BD VTS Cotton/wood/NaCl
Mean SEM Mean SEM Mean SEM Mean SEM

5.8 ∞a 4.6 ± 0.08 4.5 ± 0.03 ∞a

4.8 4.7 ± 0.07 3.4 ± 0.03 3.3 ± 0.03 4.6 ± 0.02
3.8 3.8 ± 0.05 2.4 ± 0.06 2.4 ± 0.10 3.6 ± 0.09
2.8 2.7 ± 0.07 Øb Øb 2.5 ± 0.16
1.8 Øb Øb Øb Øb
0.8 Øb Øb Øb Øb
FFU focus-forming units, VTS viral transport system, SEM standard error of the mean
More than 300 focus-forming units per well
Less than one focus-forming unit per well
Table 3 Time-dependent stability of human adenovirus (HAdV) in virus transport systems (VTS) over 5 days
Log-focus-forming units per millimetre
Day Control Copan VTS BD VTS Dacron/NaCl
Mean SEM Mean SEM Mean SEM Mean SEM

0 4.7 ± 0.13 4.3 ± 0.04 4.2 ± 0.06 4.7 ± 0.01

1 4.7 ± 0.08 3.7 ± 0.05 3.5 ± 0.06 4.7 ± 0.04
2 4.7 ± 0.13 2.8 ± 0.06 2.6 ± 0.00 4.7 ± 0.02
3 4.7 ± 0.03 2.3 ± 0.00 Øa 4.6 ± 0.01
4 4.7 ± 0.03 Øa Øa 4.3 ± 0.03
5 4.6 ± 0.01 Øa Øa 3.8 ± 0.01
Less than one focus-forming unit per well

study was to determine if local anaesthesia of the eye Results of this study on HAdV infectivity in centrifu-
should be recommended for HAdV specimen collection. gation indicate a significant difference between the tested
Because HAdV replicates mainly within the nucleus [3], it VTS for virus preservation. In contrast to specific virus
is most important to collect as many conjunctival cells as
possible. We showed that topical application of an
anaesthetic is an appropriate way of collecting material
for diagnostics, which does not interfere with downstream
techniques such as qPCR, an important screening method,
or virus isolation by cell culture. The cytotoxic-like effects
that we observed in cell culture at the highest concentration
of local anaesthetics are most likely not relevant for the
investigation of clinical samples. The appropriate amount
of anaesthetic eye drops (50 μl) corresponds to the
complete dose normally administered to a patient’s eye.
Therefore, the amount of local anaesthetics in the specimen
will always be much lower.

Fig. 4 Time-dependent stability of human adenovirus (HAdV)

DNA in the investigated transport media stored at room temperature.
Curve progressions for Copan virus transport system (VTS) and BD Fig. 5a, b Representative details of immunofluorescence-stained
VTS differ significantly from controls (P=0.03). However, differ- human adenovirus (HAdV)- infected cells in 96-well cell culture
ences between control and Dacron/NaCl are nonsignificant (P=0.13) (100-fold magnification). a Virus stored on an NaCl-moisturised
swab for 2 days. b Same virus sample stored in Copan VTS
transport media, sterile cotton-tipped wood-shafted swabs Concerning recommendations for adenovirus viral
are available in most general practitioners’ and ophthal- transport medium, HAdV DNA was fairly stable in all
mologists’ offices. However, no investigation is available media tested, but both commercially available systems
on inhibition of PCR or interference with cell culture by the from Copan and Becton-Dickinson did not perform as well
natural materials these swabs are made off [20]. In both as the NaCl-moisturised swabs in preserving HAdV
commercial systems (Copan VTS and BD VTS), HAdV infectivity for rapid cell culture detection. Hence, neither
survival was reduced when compared with NaCl-mois- system can be recommended for specimen transport of
turised Dacron-tipped plastic-shafted swabs. These results ophthalmologic samples for HAdV diagnosis, regardless of
are in contrast to previous studies [6, 13], which found the downstream methods used. Furthermore, both com-
adenovirus to be rather stable in commercial VTS. This mercial VTS were up to three times more expensive
discrepancy may partly be explained by differences in the compared with the swab/tube combinations, which were
test protocols, such as incubation time (up to 17 days) or used in this study. In conclusion, our recommendation for
virus quantification (TCID50). For example, high concen- an adenovirus transport medium is an NaCl-moisturised
trations of HAdV type 2 were used to inoculate different Dacron-tipped plastic-shafted or cotton-tipped wood-
VTS, and this may be a further reason why no decrease in shafted swab stored and shipped in a standard reaction
virus titre was detected at 22°C over a period of 10 days tube. Although virus titres maintained the initial level for
[13]. Nevertheless, our data demonstrate a loss of HAdV almost 4 days, fast transport and shipment is crucial to
viability depending on the VTS if a routine diagnostic test achieve diagnosis in due course. Because of its much lower
(rapid cell culture detection method) is used as the read-out turn-around time and wider availability compared with
system. rapid cell culture detection, we strongly recommend qPCR
The surprising results of the well-preserving nature of for a fast and sensitive screening of ophthalmologically
NaCl-moisturised swabs without any additives are also not relevant HAdV.
easy to interpret. One suggestion we can come up with is
that at least some of the ingredients of the commercial VTS Acknowledgements We acknowledge the excellent technical
interfere with virus viability. This might be due to the support of Heike Prabel, Aileen Lorber, Peter Klein, Rahime
nonenveloped morphology of HAdV naturally having a Terzioglu and Gudrun Zöller during the course of this study. We
high tenacity. But we have no explanation as to why a thank Dr. Albert Heim, German National Reference Laboratory for
commercially available VTS causes more harm to a virus Adenoviruses, Hanover Medical School, Germany, for his helpful
support in setting up the quantitative HAdV real-time PCR. The
than physiological NaCl moisture does. Similar experi- views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not
ments with other nonenveloped viruses, e.g. enteroviruses, necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the German
may show whether this HAdV-specific phenomenon does Ministry of Defence or the German Government.
apply to other nonenveloped viruses as well.

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