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Module 2
(Lectures 7 to 9)
1. Determine the wave propagation velocity of a longitudinal wave in a constrained rod of: (a) steel, (b)
cast iron, (c) concrete with
2. Determine the wave propagation velocity of a torsional wave in a constrained rod of: (a) steel, (b)
cast iron, (c) concrete with

3. Derive an expression for the wave propagation velocity of a longitudinal wave in an unconstrained
elastic rod with Youngs modulus, E, Poissons ratio, v, and density, . Neglect the effects of radial
displacements in your derivation. How does this velocity compare with that of a longitudinal wave in
a constrained rod?
4. A constrained steel rod is subjected to a harmonic axial stress at a frequency of
(a) Determine the wavelength of the axial displacement along the rod.
(b) Determine the phase angle between displacement measured at point on the rod located 1 ft, 10 ft,
100 ft, 1000 ft, and 10000 ft apart.
(c) Repeat Part (a) for loading frequencies of
5. A constrained steel rod is subjected to a harmonic torsional stress at a frequency of
(a) Determine the wavelength of the angular rotations along the rod.
(b) Determine the phase angle between rotations measured at point on the rod located 1 ft, 10 ft, 100
ft, 1000 ft, and 10000 ft apart.
(c) Repeat Part (a) for loading frequencies of
6. The finite rod shown above is half steel and half cast iron. If a stress pulse of amplitude
(compression positive) and frequency
travel through the steel in the +x-direction, determine
the displacement amplitude of the transmitted wave that travel through the cast iron.

7. The finite rod shown above is subjected to an impact load that produces a rectangular axial stress
pulse of amplitude
and duration 0.1
its left end. The left end of the rod is free and the
right end is fixed. Assuming that the impact began at
, determine and plot the axial stress at the
mid-point of the cast iron section from
Dept. of Civil Engg. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur


8. Consider the layered soil deposit shown above. Determine and plot the paths of the refracted and
reflected rays if an incident ray path strikes the lowest boundary at a
angle. Show only the first
reflection and refraction at each layer boundary.

Dept. of Civil Engg. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

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