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Paul Revere

By Jessie Kelly

This book belongs to:


The Life of Paul Revere

Paul Revere was born in Boston,
Massachusetts in 1735. Boston
was a very important city in The
American Revolution.

Label the map above with a compass rose, using

the directions North, South, East, and West.

When Paul Revere was young, the

United States did not exist.
America was a part of Britain.
America was divided into thirteen

Find the Massachusetts colony and

highlight it on the map.

Paul Revere went to work with his

father at a young age. Paul
Revere's father was a silversmith.
A silversmith is a person who
makes goods out of silver or other

Label the compass.

What pieces of silver are southeast of the

Paul Revere worked as a

silversmith for many years, but he
also had other jobs. He was a
cartoonist, a soldier, and a
Paul Revere drew
political cartoons
for local

Paul Revere was a

soldier in the French
and Indian War.

Paul Revere was a messenger,

carrying mail and news on

Paul Revere's shop was near the

Boston Harbor. Many ships came
into the Boston Harbor to load and
unload goods. Paul Revere
learned many things from the
captains of the ships and the
travelers to Boston.

The people who lived in America

were called colonists. The
colonists were ruled by England,
even though they were thousands
of miles away. They had to follow
the laws of the King of England.
Many colonists were unhappy
about the British government's

King George III

King George III was the king of

In Paul Revere's time many people

joined groups and clubs to talk
about their work and make friends.
Sometimes these clubs were for
people who had the same ideas.
One group Paul Revere belonged
to was called the Sons of Liberty.
The Sons of Liberty believed that
the thirteen colonies should be
free from England.
What was one group that Paul Revere
belonged to?
Why do you think the Sons of Liberty
believed that the thirteen colonies
should be free?

The British government needed

money. They decided to make the
colonists pay taxes on the goods
that they bought. Some items that
had taxes on them were tea and
paper goods.

The colonists protested the taxes.

They did not want to pay them
because they were not allowed to
vote for them. The Boston Tea
Party was organized by the Sons
of Liberty.

During the Boston Tea Party

colonists dressed up like Native
Americans and boarded ships to
unload the tea they were carrying.
Instead of unloading the tea, the
colonists dumped the tea into the
Boston Harbor, ruining all of the

The King of England was very

angry that the colonists did not
want to pay the taxes. He ordered
ships to surround the Boston
The blockade of the harbor caused
all trade to stop, which made the
colonists angry too.

Looking at the picture, what do you think was

important to the people of Boston?


The colonists that supported

freedom for the colonies were
called Patriots. The British troops
thought that if they destroyed the
Patriots' supplies and captured
the Patriot leaders, the other
colonists would obey. The Patriots
found out about the British
soldiers' plan and made their own
plan to warn other Patriots when
the attack happened.

The Patriots' plan was to send two

men on horseback from Boston to
Lexington to warn Patriot leaders
that the soldiers were coming.
Paul Revere was one of these
riders, Williams Dawes was the
other rider. Each man was to take
a different way from Boston to

On the night
of April 18,
1775 a friend
of Paul
Revere's was
to hang
lanterns in the
steeple of the
Old North
Church in
Boston to help
warn the
Patriots. One lantern was to be
hung if the soldiers were coming
across the land to attack. Two
lanterns were to be hung if the
soldiers were coming by sea,
meaning across the rivers.

That night Revere and Dawes saw

two lanterns in the church steeple.
They made sure the Patriots in
Boston saw the signal and were
ready. Then the men took two
different routes to Lexington.
Revere and Dawes borrowed
horses, boats, or whatever else
they needed to spread the words
along the way to Lexington.

Paul Revere made it all the way to

Lexington and delivered the
message. He met up with William
Dawes and they rested. Samuel
Prescott joined them and they
rode towards Concord, the next
town. Just as they left for Concord
all three men were caught by
British soldiers.
Dawes and Prescott escaped, but
Paul Revere did not. After a while,
the soldiers let Paul Revere go, but
they kept his horse. Paul Revere
had to walk back to Lexington.
Important events:


Early the next morning the British

soldiers were almost at Lexington.
The patriot militia was ready for
them, because they had been
warned the night before. The
Patriots had moved their weapons
and had gathered to fight the
What is a militia?

Paul Revere was one of the men
who warned other Patriots and
allowed them to be ready to fight
the British. If Paul Revere had not
warned the Patriots, we might still
be living as an English colony.

Main Ideas:
Many people overcome
obstacles to help expand
people's rights and freedoms
in our democracy.
The natural world and people
around us shape what we do.
People must choose how to
use limited resources.
In a market economy,
governments collect taxes for
a variety of reasons.
Consumers and producers are
interdependent because of
specialization, and both
benefit from voluntary

1. What is the capital of Massachusetts? _______________________

2. What two states border Massachusetts on the north?
_________________________ and ___________________________
3. What state borders Massachusetts on the west?
4. What two states border Massachusetts on the south?
_________________________ and ___________________________
5. What ocean borders Massachusetts on the east?
6. What is the name of the river that runs north-south through west
central Massachusetts? _____________________________________
7. Paul Revere rode northwest from Boston to warn the people of
approaching British troops. To which nearby town did he ride?

Paul Revere Word Search













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