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Financial assets at fair value

Financial assets that do not meet the criteria for classification at amortized cost
shall be measured at fair value. Financial assets measured at fair value are subclassified into the following:
1. Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss are financial
assets whose changes in fair values after initial recognition are recognized in
profit or loss. Financial assets at FVPL are further sub-classified into the
a. Financial assets designated at FVPL
Notwithstanding the business model of the entity or contractual cash flow
characteristic of a financial asset, PFRS 9 gives entities the option, on
initial recognition, to designate a financial asset as measured at fair value
through profit or loss if doing so eliminates or significantly reduces a
measurement or recognition inconsistency that would otherwise arise
from measuring assets or liabilities or recognizing the gains and losses on
them on different bases.
The fair value option is available only on initial recognition. Once a
financial asset is designated as financial asset measured at FVPL, such
asset is recognized at fair value until the financial asset is derecognized.
b. Held for trading securities
Financial assets that are neither designated to be measured at FVPL nor
qualify for recognition at amortized cost are classified as held for trading
It is acquired principally for the purpose of selling it in the near
On initial recognition it is part of a portfolio of identified financial
instruments that are managed together and for which there is
evidence or a recent actual pattern of short-term profit-taking; or
It is a derivative
2. Investments in equity securities measured at fair value through other
comprehensive income are financial assets whose changes in fair values
after initial recognition are recognized in other comprehensive income.

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