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Justiniana Edera, San Jose, Dinagat Islands

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics VI

I. Learning Objectives
1. Derive the area formulas of a square and rectangle.
2. Solve for the area of a square and rectangle.
Psychomotor: Write solutions in finding areas of a square and rectangle correctly.
Appreciate various ways of deriving area formulas of square
and rectangle.
II. Learning Contents

Deriving area formulas and solving for area of square and rectangle
flash cards, pictures, bond papers, ruler, pencil

III. Learning Experiences

Teachers Activity

Pupils Activity

A. Preparatory Activity
i. Prayer:
Class please stand let us
pray first. Aerlene lead the

(Aerlene lead the prayer)

ii. Greetings:
Good morning class

Good morning sir

Good morning visitors
Good morning classmates

Alright, class take your seat

Thank you

Is everybody present this


Yes sir

1. Mental Computation Drill: Finding the Perimeter of Polygons

Class on our past lesson in

math we learned how to get the
perimeter of a polygon.
Now we will have a short game
about perimeter.
I will call two (2) of you to
answer or solve it mentally. Just
give the kind of Polygon and its
perimeter enable to win.
Are you ready class?

Yes sir!

The first one who can give the

correct answer will be challenge
by another.

Alright, let us start our game.

Okay let start with Paolo and
What kind of polygon and what
is the perimeter of this object?
(flashes a card with polygon
and given value in their
respective side)

Yes, Paolo

Sir, that polygon is a square

is 32cm.

You may take your seat now Catherine
Who wants to challenge Paolo?
Yes, Jimaica
Ready? 1,2,3
(flashes another card)

What is your answer Jimaica?

Sir, that polygon is a rec

perimeter is 34cm.

Correct Maica!
You may take your seat Paolo.
Who wants to challenge Jimaica?
Yes, Melissa.
Give the kind of polygon and its perimeter of this

Yes, Melissa?

That kind of polygon is

its perimeter is 30mete

Jimaica, you may take your seat now.

Any challenger? Yes Maica.
Ready Maica and Melissa?

Sir that kind of polygon

its perimeter is 48cm.

Yes, Maica?
You got it right.
You may take your seat now Melissa.
Who wants to challenge Maica? Okay our last
challenger Reynaldo.
Get ready here we go.

Yes Maica again!

Sir that kind of polygon

its perimeter is 30mete

Our winner is Maica, give her a round of applause.

2. Motivation
a. Show the following:

Cllas, what is
the Perimeter
Figure A?
Yes Jon Javee
Very good Jon Javee
How about object B? Avy Joy
Very good Avy Joy,


Sir, figure A is rectangle and its

perimeter is 24 square units.

The perimeter of figure b is

perimeter 16 square units.

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Alright class lesson for today is
about the Formula for finding the
Area of square and rectangle.
We will start from the area of
The AREA of Square is = (Side)2
or s2

The area of a square is (side)2 or s2

What is the area of square?


I have an example

Area of Square = S2
Or A =S2
Substitute the value of the side
A =6cm2
A =6cm x 6cm

So the area of this square is
Alright, lets try another example
What is the area of a square
whose side is equal to 7cm. Who
can try to solve this on the
board? Yes Ian
Are you through Ian?

Yes sir
Sir, the Area of a square whose
sides is measuring 7cm is 49cm2

So, what is your answer?

Yes sir
Very good
Now we will go to rectangle?
The formula to find the area of a
rectangle is length times the
Please repeat Jovell

To find the area of a rectangle we

multiply the length by its width or
length times the width.

Correct Jovell.
I have an example

If the length is 10cm and width is

5cm what is the area of the
Area of Rectangle = l x w
L = 10 cm
W = 5 cm
What is the given length?
How about the width?
Correct. So if we multiply 10cm
by 5cm the answer is what?
= 10cm x 5 cm
That is right.

Sir 10cm,
5cm sir.

Sir 50cm2

= 50 cm2

So the area of this rectangle is


Lets try another example. If

rectangle has the length of 7cm
and the width is 4cm what is the
area of the rectangle? Who can
show the answer on the board?
Yes, Noemi

A(rectangle)= l x w
= 7cm x 4cm
A= 28cm 2

a. Give more examples.

Who can answer this on the

Yes Maica answer number one,
and Aerlene for number two.

A(rectangle)= l x w
= 8cm x 4cm
A = 32cm2

A(square)= s2
A= 121cm2

Very good Maica and Aerlene.

b. Activity: Group Work (triads)

a. Each group constructs the following on bond paper and indicates
the dimensions in cm. (They have to measure the actual
dimension of the figures.)
Square, rectangle.
Class we will have a group work,
group your selves into 3. Bring
out your rulers and pencil; each
group will construct the
following on a bond paper:
square, rectangle.
Alright do it now.

(everyone will look for their

desired group mates)

Listen, measure the dimensions,

then write the formula for the
area and solve for the area of
each figure. Do it for 20mins.

(after 10 minutes)
Okay Aerlenes Group show to
us your work.

Very good everyone.

(the called groups will show

what they have done and
explain their work)

2. Fixing Skills
Direction: Given the following objects find the dimension, then
solve for the area.
Class with the same group
and your ruler, pencils, and a
bond paper. Measure the
dimension of the following.
-A long bond paper
-Teachers table
-A memo pad
-one of the charts in the

After your work write all the

members at the back of your
work. Do that for 15 minutes.

Yes sir

(After 15 minutes)
Pass your work paper.

3. Generalization
Class again lets have a
What is the formula to get
the area of a rectangle?
Bryan Anthony.
Very good.
How about the area of a

Sir, to find the area of a

rectangle we multiply the
length by its width or length
times the width.

The formula to get the area

of a square is (side)2 or s2

Very good.

C. Application


Direction: Draw the give figure with its dimension. Write the formula in finding its
area then solve.
1. A rectangle whose length is 15cm and its width is 10cm
2. A square whose side is 3.5cm
3. A rectangle whose length is 20cm and the width is 25.5 cm.
4. A square whose side is 5cm.
A. Direction: Write the formula for the area of the following:
1) rectangle
2) square

B. Direction: Solve for what is being asked.




Solve. Show neat and clear solutions.
1. A rice field is in the form of a rectangle. If its length is 38m and its
width is 25m, how many square meters can be planted with rice?
2. A square flower plot has a side of 5m. What is its area?
3. A glass top of an office table has a length of 105cm and a width of
61cm. what is its area?
4. A four equal sided wall clock has a side of 13cm. what is its area?

Prepared by:
Jupiter T. Bacuado

Checked by:
Ma, Adelaida R. Gravanza

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