İdris Bostan, The Establishment of The Province of Cezayir-I Bahr-I Sefid

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FOUNDATION FOR RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY - HELLAS INSTITUTE FOR MEDITERRANEAN STUDIES Halcyon Days in Crete 1V A Symposium Held in Rethymnon 7-9 January 2000 THE KAPUDAN PASHA HIS OFFICE AND HIS DOMAIN Edited by: Elizabeth Zachariadou CRETE UNIVERSITY PRESS RETHYMNON 2002 THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF CEZAYIR-I BAHR-I SEFID Idris BOSTAN Information about the early period of the naval operations of the Ottoman Empire is very limited because of the insufficiency of sources. Despite being a focus of interest, the establishment of the Ottoman Navy is still a subject yet to be elucidated, for the same reason. Still, it is possible to establish some facts by relying on Ottoman sources and by evaluating this information in the light of later practice. This paper aims to find some clues as to the establishment and develop- ment of the province of Cezayir-i Bahr-i Sefid, which was ruled by the highest of- ficer and commander of the Ottoman Navy and the dockyards. The existing information makes clear that, possibly from Saruca Pasha on, governors of the Gallipoli sancak (sancakbeyi) used to run the Ottoman navy and the dockyards. In 1390, Yildirim Bayezid had the Gallipoli dockyards reconstruct- ed to continue shipbuilding operations under the existing circumstances and esta- blished a navy at that date. His due emphasis on the navy brought naval operations of the Ottoman Empire to a turning-point. Saruca Pasha, who was governor gener- al of the Anatolia province at the time, was dismissed from this office to be ap- pointed as Commander of the Navy (kapudan-i derya) with the duty of establ- ishing the dockyards and the navy,' From this period on, all commanders of the navy were governors of the Gallipoli sancak up until Barbaros Hayreddin Pasha, who was made both governor general of the Cezayir-i Bahr-i Sefid province and commander of the navy. Although all commanders of the navy were appoint- ed governors of this sancak, their status was somewhat different from other governors of sancaks. The areas they governed and their future positions at higher offices reveal that their role was more significant. Thus, at the time of Mehmed the Conqueror, senior state officers (viziers) and grand viziers who had fallen from favour or who were appointed to new positions, used to be made governors of the Gallipoli sancak and commanders of the navy. Zaganos Pasha,? who was out of favour (1463), Mahmud Pasha,} following his term of office of grand vizier 1. Bostan, Bahriye, p. 14-15 and other pages referred to in the relevant footnotes. 2. DaNIsMEND, OTK, v. V, p. 175. 3. Tursun Bey, Tarih-i Ebu'l-feth, ed. MERTOL TULUM, (Istanbul 1977) p. 147; MEHMED Neski, Kitab-i Cihanniima, eds F.R. UNAT and M.A. Koymen, (Ankara 1995) p. 785; ASIKPASAZADE, Tevarih-i Al-i Osman, ed. Aut, {Istanbul 1332) p. 171; Y. YOcet— HE. CenGiz, Ruhi Tarihi, Belgeler, 18 (1992) 462. 242 IDRIS BOSTAN (1466), and vizier Mesih Pasha‘ following his defeat at the siege of Rhodes, had all been appointed governors of the Gallipoli sancak and commanders of the navy. In speaking of Mahmud Pasha’s appointment as governor of the Gallipoli sancak, Ibn Kemal defines Gallipoli as a “maritime province”. The grand vizier Gedik Ahmed Pasha was imprisoned at the Rumeli Tower when he was dismissed and pardoned in 1477 to be appointed governor of Gallipoli and commander of the navy.6 In the time of Bayezid I, commanders of the navy such as Young Davud Pasha (1499-1500),7 Sinan Beg (1503).$ and Hersekzade Ahmed Pasha (1504- 1511)? were also governors of Gallipoli. ‘The same practice was maintained during the reigns of Yavuz Sultan Selim and Suleyman the Magnificent as well. Commanders of the navy and governors of the Gallipoli sancak were promoted to be governors general of provinces.’ Some commanders of the navy at the beginning of the reign of Silleyman the Magnific- ent were appointed governors general of the provinces of Karaman, Rum, Damas- 4. Att, Kiinhii’l-ahbar, Nuruosmaniye Library, no 3407, f. 152b. 5. Ian-1 KeMAc, Tevarih-i Al-i Osman, VII. Defter, ed. §. TURAN, (Ankara 1991) p. 279; also §. TexiNDAG, Sadriazam Adni Mahmud Pasa'ya Ait Bir Tedkik Miinasebetiyle, Belleten, 95 (1960) 520. 6. Gedik Ahmed Pasha retained his position as the governor of Gallipoli from 21 Zilka'de 881 - 29 Sevval 882 (7 March 1477-3 February 1478). Basbakanlik Osmanh Arsivi (BOA) Maliyeden Mudevver Defterler (MAD), 176, p. 405b. Some sources claim that the office of governor of Amavud Avionya was conferred on him (YOcet, Ruhi Tarihi, p. 468; Ian-1 KeMAL, Tevarih-i Al-i Osman, VII, p. 470). On Gedik Ahmed Pasha’s first ap- pointment as governor of the Selanik sancak, see Hoca SADEDDIN, Tacii't-tevarih, I, p. 566. 7. He was governor of Gallipoli and commander of the navy in Zilka’de 904 (June 1499) (Ie KeMat, Tevarih-i Al-i Osman, VOI, p. 178). Davud Bey is also mentioned as commander of Gallipoli in 905 (1500) (Matrake: Nasuh, Tarih-i Sultan Bayezid, TSMK, Revan 1272, p. 22). See Ia KeMAL, Tevarih-i AL-i Osman, VUL, p. 220, 243-244 for his holding of this position up until 908 (1502). 8. As governor of the Gallipoli sancak, Sinan Beg was given a gown on 23 and 28 Cemaziyelahir 909 (13 and 18 December 1503): Oser LOE BARKAN, Istanbul Saraylarina Ait Muhasebe Defterleri, Belgeler, 13 (1979) 329, 331. 9. Ahmed Pasha was first appointed commander of the navy in 893 (1488). (ASIKPASAZADE, p. 236; IBN KeMAL, Tevarih-i AL-i Osman, ed. Auer Udur, (Ankara 1997) VIL, p. 108). His second appointment to the same office as governor of the Gallipoli sancak ‘was on 23 Ramadan 909 (10 March 1504). (BARKAN, Istanbul Saraylan, p. 355; Documenti Turchi dell’Archivio di Stato di Venezia, ed. MARIA Pia Papaxt-Faprts, (Roma 1994) p. 37). See MusTara Acika0z, Il. Bayezid devri in’amat Defieri, M.Q, Institute for Social aces, M.A. Dissertation, (Istanbul 1996) p. 40, 84, 106, about Ahmed Pasha’s holding of this office on the dates 26 Cemaziyelahur 910 (4 December 1504), 26 Sevval (1 April 1505), 21 Zilhiece (25 May 1505) and Safer 915 (May 1509). 1s KeMAL states that this position was conferred on Hersekzade as a favour of the Sultan following his resignation from the office of grand vizier and adds that he held this position up until the end of 916 (beginning of 1511) (Tevarih-i Al-i Osman, VIM, p. 237, 281-282) cus and Rumelia. Commanders of the navy Shadi Pasha! and Lutfi Pasha!! were promoted to the office of governor general of the Karaman province; Lala Sinan Pasha,!? Behram Pasha,!? Mustafa Pasha!4 and Mehmed Pashals to the office of governor general of the Rum province; Hadim Sileyman Pasha to the office of governor general of the Damascus province;!6 and Kasim Pasha to the office of governor general of the Rumelia province.!7 According to an appointment defter, there were seven provinces in the Ottoman Empire at this time, that is, between 933-934 (1527-1528): Rumelia, Anatolia, Karaman, Rum, Egypt, Damascus and Diyarbekir.!3 Appointment of Barbaros Hayreddin Pasha and the Establishment of the Province of Cezayir-i Bahr-i Sefid The establishment of a maritime province and the appointment of Barbaros Hayreddin Pasha as governor general of this province and commander of the navy were significant turning-points in Ottoman naval history. The Ottoman Empire had 10. He became governor general of the province of Karaman while he was com- mande: of the navy in Safer 927 (January 1521) (BosTAN GELEBI, Siileymanname, Siileyma- niye Library, Ayasofya Library, no 3317, f. 11b). . He became governor general of the province of Karaman while he was com- mandez of the navy in $a’ban 929 (June 1523) (Bosran, Sileymanname, f. 60b). Since this Liitfi Pasha died in Rebitlahtr 939 (November 1532) while he was governor general of Damascus (f. 143a), he cannot be Lutfi Pasha the grand vizier. 12. He became governor general of the province of Rum while he was commander of the navy in Zilka'de 927 (October 1521) (Bostan, Silleymanname, f. 36b). He became governor general of the province of Rum while he was commander of the navy in Rebitilevvel 929 (January 1523) (Bostan, Siileymanname, f. 46b, 57a-b). 14, Mustafa Pasha (Polak) became commander of the navy in Safer 933 (November 1526) while he was ruler of Avlonya and was made govemor general of the province of Rum in Rebiiilafur 936 (December 1529) (BosTAn, Siileymanname, f. 98b, 117b). . Mehmed Pasha became commander of the navy in Rebitilahr 936 (December 1529} while he was ruler of Silistre and was made governor general of the province of Rum in 937 (1531) (Bostan, Stileymanname, f. 117b, 127b). 16. Siileyman Pasha became commander of the navy in Saban 929 (June 1523) while he was ig hazinedar-bagi and was made governor general of the province of Damascus in 931 (1525) (Bostan, Silleymanname, f. 60b, 72b). 17. Kasim Pasha became commander of the navy in the first month of 932 (1525) and was appointed to the office of the guardian of Istanbul to represent the office of grand vizier and was made governor general of the province of Rumelia in 934 (1528) (Bostan, Stileymanname, f. 77b, 98b). He became second vizier on 17 Saban 935 (26 April 1529) (Menven B. MEHMED, Nuhbetii’t-tevarih, ed. A. Saciett, 1.U. Institute for Social Sciences, Ph.D. Dissertation, (Istanbul 2000) p. 168; Bostan, Stileymanname, f. 108a). He was third vizier in Ramadan 940 (March 1543) (BOA: Kamil Kepeci, (KK) 1868, p. 141). A list dated 944-946 (1538-1540) suggests that he was dead (0. L. BARKAN, 933-934 Hicri Yilina Ait Bir Bitge Omegi, 77M, 15 (1954) 317. 18. Metin Kunr, Sancaktan Byalete, (Istanbul 1978) p. 125-132. 24d IDRIS BOSTAN reached central Burope and it had to achieve a similar success in naval ‘operations as well. What follows is a summary of the historical information as to how the well- known admiral of the Mediterranean world, Barbarossa, became an Ottoman officer. Since we do not have sufficient information either about chief commanders of the Ottoman navy before Hayreddin Pasha or about their achievements, books and archives of the period are very important sources. We are not even sure about the names of previous commanders of the navy. Kemankesh Ahmed Pasha is said to have been the commander of the navy who met Barbarossa at Navarino and brought him to Istanbul,!? yet information as to the name of the commander is to be found only in archives. According to entries in an income and expenditure defter, dating from 940 (1533-1534), the once grand vizier Lutfi Pasha® became commander of the navy on 7 Safer 940 (28 August 1533).2! At that date, on the invitation of the Ottoman Empire, the conqueror of Algiers, Barbaros Hayreddin,22 was on his way to Istanbul. He was welcomed with grand ceremony during which he offered his presents, that is, 21 male slaves, 2 tavashis, silver artefacts such as decanters and mugs, coloured clothes, a crown of coral, two clocks, and velvet, satin, woollen, and brocade clothes to the Sultan on 12 Cemaziyelevvel 940 (29 November 1533).23 At the time, Barbarossa was a well reputed naval commander known by the name of Hayreddin Reis and was recognised by the Ottomans as governor general of Barbary, or Algiers.2# He was accompanied by 10 masters’S and Reshid,2 who 19. DanigweNnp, JOTK, v. I, p.160-161. 20, Liitfi Pasha implies that he held the office of commander of the navy, yet he docs not give a date (MOsaHar KoreKxoo.u, Lutfi Pasa Asafnamesi, Bekir Kittitkoglu'na Armagan, (Istanbul 1991) p. 89). 21. Lutfi Bey was appointed to this office from the office of governor of the Mora sancak (KK. 1863, p. 113). He was paid 50,000 akce on 12 Cemaziyelahir 940 (29 December 1533) (KK. 1863, p. 90), 50,000 akge on 19 Cemaziyelahir 940 (5 January 1534) (KK, 1863, p. 93), 100,000 akge on 28 Cemaziyelahur 940 (14 January 1534) (KK. 1863, p. 97), and 100,000 akge on 23 Receb 940 (7 February 1534) (KK. 1863, p. 115) as his salary. 22. For information about the settlement of the Barbaros brothers in Cezayir, see S. Soucek, The Rise of the Barbarossas in North Africa, Arch. Ott, 3 (1971) 238-250. 23. KK. 1863, p. 68. Woollen clothes given as presents by Hayreddin Pasha were auctioned on 6 Zilka'de 945 (26 March 1539) and sold for 553,500 akce, to be transferred to the treasury (MAD, no 523, p. 667). In the archives of the office of the Pope, the date on which Barbarossa arrived at Istanbul is 9 November 1533 (M. ArikAN ~ P. ToLeDo, X/V- XVI Yiizyillarda Tiirk-Ispanyol Nigkileri ve Denizcilik Tarihimizle Ugili Ispanyol Beigeleri, (Ankara 1995) p. 264). 24. In the document this is stated as Piskes-i Hayreddin Reg mir-i Magfrib el-meshur be-Hayreddin Reis (Presents of Hayreddin Beg, the Famous Ruler of Barbary known as Master Hayreddin) (KK. 1863, p. 68). 25. Commanders of these vessels were each given a gown on 21 Cemaziyelevvel 940 (8 December 1533) (KK. 1863, p. 75). 26, Resid was the brother of Mulay Hasan, ruler of Tunisia, and came to Istanbul to seek assistance from the Ottomans against his brother. The Ottoman Sultan gave him 20,000 akge and a gown during his visit (KK. 1863, p. 75). took sides with the Ottomans in the power struggle in Tunisia. Hayreddin Reis was received by Sileyman the Magnificent, who was in favour of his appointment as commander of the Ottoman navy and as a governor general and was consequently asked by him to meet the grand vizier, Ibrahim Pasha, who was in charge of the government and was in Aleppo at the time to prepare the army for the Zrakeyn campaign. Hayreddin Reis went to Aleppo to meet Ibrahim Pasha, possibly on Cemaziye- lahir 940 (January 1534), and at the end of this meeting, he was appointed as governor general of the Aegean islands (Cezayir-i Bahr-i Sefid).27 Thus, in an in‘am record of 18 Receb 940 (2 February 1534), two gowns were given to Hayreddin Beg for this occasion, when he was about to leave Aleppo.?8 The date when Barbarossa came back to Istanbul is not certain, but when the mother of Stileyman the Magnificent, Hafsa Sultan, died he was in Istanbul as commander of the navy. Hafsa Suitan died on 4 Ramadan 940 (19 March 1534) and some high-ranking officers, including Hayreddin Pasha as governor of the seas (mirmiran-i derya), were given presents. Hayreddin Pasha received two gowns.29 This information denotes that he was addressed as a “pasha” and governor general of a province. The first information about his appointment as commander of the navy to be found in reports of Venetian ambassadors dated from 6 March 1534.30 As spring presents (bahariye)3! he received two garments on 7 Ramadan 940 (22 March 1534).32 When Hayreddin Reis went to Aleppo and turned back, Lutfi Beg was still commander of the navy and he received a sum of money from the state treasure for the oarsmen who participated in a naval campaign on 12 Cemaziyelahir 940 (29 December 1533).33 Lutfi Beg was also paid his last yearly salary (salyane) on 23 Receb 940 (7 February 1534)3¢ When Hayreddin Pasha was made commander of the navy, Lutfi Beg became deputy commander. Lutfi Beg, who was named second commander in the list of officers to receive presents upon the death of the Sultan’s mother, was also given gowns.35 Lutfi Beg might have held his position as governor of the Gallipoli sancak at the time. He received a portion of his yearly salary on 19 Shevval 940 (3 May 1534) as commander of the navy.36 Lutfi Beg 27. Aut, Kiinhii'l-ahbar, Nuruosmaniye Library, no 3407, p. 309. 28. KK, 1764, p. 215, Celalzade claims that he was appointed to Cezayir-i Garb, See Ta- bakitii'l-memalik ve derecatii'l-mesdlik, ed. Petra Kaprer, (Wiesbaden 1981) p. 245a-246a. 29. In this record it says, be-cihet-i Hayreddin Pasa mirmiran-t derya, cameha 2 sevb (commander of the navy Hayreddin Pasha is to be given 2 garments) (KK. 1863, p. 141). 30. ARIKAN — TOLEDO, Tiirk-Ispanyol, pz245. 31. Bahariye is the name given to the garment or cloth given to state officials in the spring (M. SERTOOLU, Osmant: Tarih Lugati, (Istanbul 1986) p. 374). 32. KK. 1863, p. 141. These garments were taken back the same year for 7,000 akce (KK. 1863, p. 142). 33. 456 oarsmen who participated in that campaign were paid 15,048 akce (KK. 1863, p. 90). 34, Lutfi Bey got his last salary as commander of the navy (KK. 1863, p. 141). 35. Lutfi Bey was given a gown (KK. 1863, p. 141). 36. He was paid 50,000 akce as salary (KK. 1863, p. 185). 246 IDRIS BOSTAN was appointed governor general of Karaman at that time and became a grand vizier for Stileyman the Magnificent later on.37 Hayreddin Pasha prepared the dockyards in Istanbul and re-created the Ottoman Navy as an imperial navy to sail in the Mediterranean. He was received by Siileyman the Magnificent on the occasion*8 and a gown was put on his shoulders and favours were bestowed on him on 4 Zilka’de 940 (17 May 1534).39 The new commander of the navy left for Tunisia? with 100 ships: 35 bastardas, 52 galleys, 6 kalyatas and 7 rowing-boats, and 24,400 men consisting of alatcis, oarsmen, and warriors‘! and 270 artillerymen.*? Barbarossa first sacked the Italian shores and reached Benzert on 6 Safer 941 (17 August 1534). In reaction to this, the Spanish King, Charles Quint, launched a campaign against Tunisia with a 300-ship navy and landed his soldiers there on 13 Zilhicce 941 (15 June 1535); he captured Tunisia in collaboration with Sultan Mulay Hasan. Barbarossa was forced to retreat to Algiers and attacked Majorca Island and turned back to Istanbul on Evasit-1 Cemaziyelevvel 942 ( 6-16 November 1535) with his booty and slaves.43 This was Hayreddin Pasha’s first campaign as commander of the Ottoman navy. By relying on information provided by the books and archives of the period, the developments leading to the establishment of the province of Cezayir-i Bahr-i Sefid and its relationship with the province of Cezayir-i Garb can be dealt with. According to a famous historian of the age, Celalzade, when Hayreddin Pasha went to Aleppo to meet Ibrahim Pasha, he was found a suitable candidate for the office of governor general of the place where he came from, that is, of Cezayir-i Garb, and the Sultan was informed of his appointment. As a result, he was duly sent the letters patent of the Sultan, the tabl, the nakkare, and the tug (pennant) on 22 Ramadan 940 (6 April 1534) and was appointed governor general of the Cezayir-i Garb.#4 In Bostan’s Sitleymanname (Book of Sitleyman), it is claimed that Hayreddin 37. Bostan, Silleymanname, f. 147, See Tavyin GOKBILGI, JA, s.v. “Liatfti Pasa”, 38. According to letters of the Venetian Ambassador, the commander of the navy met the Sultan at the end of April 1534 (AeKaN - Toteno, Tiirk-Ispanyol, p. 265). 39. 50,000 akge and two gowns were given (KK. 1863, p. 202). 40, The document says, Diyar-r Magrib’e (To the land of Magrib) (BOA, MAD, 523, p. 668). 41, 2335 alates, 7130 warriors, and 14,975 oarsmen were employed in the navy and were paid 23,703,336 akce for eight months (KK. 1863, p. 204). Bostan gives the same number for the navy, but the number of oarsmen and naval soldiers collected ftom Anatolia and Rumelia is stated as 30,000 (Siileymanname, f, 1472-148b, 168a-170a). The letter from the Veretian Ambassador also contains information on 100 vessels in the navy (ARIKAN — ToDo, Tiirk-Ispanyol, p. 265). 42. 13,500 akge were paid to the artillerymen as the ship-bi Zilka’de 949 (25 May 1534) (KK. 1863, p. 214). 43, For further information about this campaign, see Bostan, Siileymanname, f. 168a-170a. A Tunisian man called Seydi Ali es-serif, who was in Istanbul, reported among other things that Hayreddin Pasha came to Istanbul on 13 Cemaziyelevvel (9 November) (Archivo General de Simancas ~ Spain, Estado 472). 44, Tabakatiil- memalik, p. 24Sa-246a, its money on 12 Pasha was given the “office of governor general of the group of islands at the sea”, meaning the office of governor general of the province of Cezayir-i Bahr-i Sefid 45 Ramberti Benedetto, who had come to Istanbul with Daniele de Ludovici,4 the Venetian Ambassador, states that when he was in Istanbul in the early months of 1534, Barbarossa was made governor general of the seas and was given the title of “Pasha” as the fourth of the four viziers of the Emperor.47 Lutfi Pasha,#8 Matrakci Nasuh,? Muhyi Celebi,5° and other anonymous Ottoman historians>! also claim that the office of governor general of the province of the seas was conferred on Barbarossa. In Matrake1’s Siileymanname, Hayreddin Pasha, who left for Nice on 2 Muharrem 950 (7 April 1543) is called “mirmiran-i bikar” (governor general of the province of the seas).52 Some documents on the appointment of Hayreddin Pasha, on the other hand, tell a different story. In a letter, of which we only have a copy of its translation into Italian, sent by Ibrahim Pasha, who had been in Aleppo for the preparations of the Irakeyn campaign and received Barbarossa there, to the Doge of Venice on Evasit-1 Receb 940 (25 January - 4 February 1534), Hayreddin Pasha’s appointment as governor general of the province of Cezayir and as commander of the navy and the allocation of Rhodes as the place of his residence are mentioned, and assistance of the Doge was required when Barbarossa was at seas.53 45. BOSTAN, Silleymanname, p. 146). 46. He came to Istanbul on December 1533 to negotiate some naval issues (MARIA Pia Prpan1, Elenco degli inviati diplomatici veneziani presso i sovrani ottomani, (Venezia 2000) p. 21). 47, Barbaros Hayreddin Pasha’s salary was 14,000 ducats with an additional one that equalled the first from Rhodes, Egriboz and Midilli, and he had 4,000 slaves. For the English translation of Ramberti’s report, see A. H. LyByeR, The Government of the Ottoman Empire in the Time of Siileyman the Magnificent, (Cambridge 1913) Appendix I, p. 246, 255-256, 314. 48, Tevarih-i al-i Osman, (Istanbul 1341) p. 344. 49. Matrakei uses the term “Cezayir beylerbeyi” when he talks about the first appointment of Hayreddin Pasa and while giving information upon his death, he uses not only the phrase “mirmiran-i bihar” but also “Cezayir-i Garb beylerbeyisi" and thus, falls into contradiction. When the terms he uses referring to Gallipoli are taken into consider- ation, it can be seen that he has been influenced by Celalzade. 50. He was appointed to this office with a salary of forty multiplies 100,000 akge (4,000,000) (Tevarih-i Al-i Osman, Ali Emiri Ktb, Tarih 15, p. 203. See also N. AZAMAT, Anonim Tevarih-i Al-i Osman, ed. F. Giese, (Istanbul 1992) p. 143). This amount of money needs to be viewed with some reserve. 51. Tarih-i Al-i Osman, ed. M. Karazevaex, 1.0. Institute for Social Sciences, Department of History, M.A. Thesis, (Istanbul 1994) p. 332. This work says that he went to Aleppo following his appointment as commander of the navy; see also N. AZAMAT, Anonim Tevarih-i Al-i Osman, ed. F. Giese, p. 143 52. Siileymanname, Tarih-i Feth-t Siklos, Estergon ve istol-Belgrad, (Istanbul 1999) £. 130a. For the writer of this work, see HOSEYIN G. YURDAYDIN, Beyan-1 Menazil-i Sefer-i Irakeyn, (Ankara 1976) p. 12-16. 53, According to this document, of which we only have an Italian translation, Hay- 248 IDRIS BOSTAN In an imperial decree sent to Hayreddin Pasha on Evastt-1 Muharrem 941 (23 July 1534) and in other letters sent to the Doge of Venice, he is addressed as and called governor general of Cezayir,$+ responsible for the protection of the seas and the islands (cezayir).55 In a statute-book of ceremonies written at the time when Ibrahim Pasha was grand vizier (929-942/ 1523-1536), only the governor general of Cezayir is named of other governors general.56 Since the term Cezayir-i Garb is used in Ottoman documents and books for Cezayir in Africa belonging to later years it seems more accurate to call Cezayir as the Cezayir-i Bahr-i Sefid. In a record of salaries of the navy personnel who participated in the Nova campaign from the year 946 (1539), Hayreddin Pasha is mentioned as “governor general of Cezayir and the commander of the navy”.57 During Sileyman’s tenth imperial campaign, which was against Austria, the Ottoman army captured the Shiklosh Tower and among the presents given for the occasion on 7 Rebiliiahir 950 (10 June 1543), a caftan (gown) is mentioned as being given-to the governor of the Inebahti sancak, which is described as a part of the province of Hayreddin Pasha, who was the “mirmiran-i cezayir"(governor general of the islands).58 In a decree directly addressed to Hayreddin Pasha himself as “governor general of Cezayir and commander of my navy”, dated 8 Shaban 951 (25 October 1544), he is required to find the names of those landed cavalry from the sancaks of Gallipoli, Egriboz, Inebahti, and Karltili which were ruled by Hayreddin Pasha, who did not participate in the campaign.5 reddin Pasha was appointed with a salary of 700,000 akce: Archivio di Stato di Venezia (ASV), Documenti Turchi, busta, 3, no 315. 54, ASV, Busta 3, no. 330, 55, Letters of Ibrahim Pasha, dated Evastt-1 Ramadan 941 (15-25 March 1535) and of Sultan Suleyman, dated 24 Ramadan 941 (29 March 1535): ASV, Documenti Turchi, busta 3, nos 334, 336. For the letter of Ibrahim Pasha, see M. Tavyi8 GOKBILGIN, Venedik Devlet Arsivindeki Turkce Belgeler Kolleksiyonu ve Bizimle Ilgili Diger Belgeler, Belgeler, nos 9- 12, (Ankara 1971) p, 54-56. For some other letters of Sultan Sitleyman, see M. TaYyiB Goxeitam, Venedik Devlet Arsivindeki Vesikalar Kulliyatinda Kanuni Suitan Suleyman Devri Belgeleri, Belgeler, 2 (1964) 133-135, 162, 171. 56. In this meeting he sat below the governors generals of Rumelia, Anatolia, and Karaman (Kanunname, Stileymaniye Library, Bsad Efendi, no 2362, p. 802). Since Hayreddin Pasha was appointed governor general of Cezayir in 940 (1534), this record can be dated to the last years of Ibrahim Pasha. Although the statute-book says it was written in 932, this cannot be correct, 57. A 155-boat navy of 58 war-galleys, 82 galleys, 11 kalyatas, and 4 gunboats with 352 mastets, 805 standard-bearers, 2509 alatezs, and 23,538 oarsmen participated in that campaign (MAD, 523, p. 560, 564-565). On this accounts book of the re-capturing of the Nova castle, see also C. IMBER, The Cost of Naval Warfare, the Accounts of Hayreddin Barbarossa’s Herceg Novi Campaign in 1539, Arch.Out, 4 (1972) 203-216. 58, KK. 1765, f. 14b. 59. BOA. KK, 62, p. 575/2. In a decree sent after his death to the judge of Albanian Belgrade on 4 Saban 953 (30 September 1546), he is described as “former governor general of Cezayir", (BOA, D. B$M. File 1, no 62. A similar decree is dated 26 Safer 952 (9 May 1545) (KK, 209, p. 14). Another historian, Celalzade, records that during his second campaign in the islands, Hayreddin Pasha was not only governor of the Gallipoli sancak and com- mander of the navy, but also governor general of Cezayir-i Garb. In another collection of statute-books by Celalzade,‘! the Cezayir and the Cezayir-i Garb provinces are seen separately in the entries for the circumcision ceremony of Bayezid and Cihangir, sons of Suleyman the Magnificent; but in the list of the administrative organis: in Celalzade’s own work,® Cezayir-i Garb is entered as a province, but none of its sancaks are named. Ina sancak conferral defter of the year 957-958 (1550-1551), the two provinces are listed separately: the one in North Africa as “Cezayir-i Vilayet-i Magrib” (the Cezayir province in North Africa) and the other one, which denotes the maritime province as “Cezayir-i Bahr-i Sefid ve Kapudani” (Cezayir of the sea of islands and of the commander of the navy).6 In another entry in the same defter, the description of Hasan Aga, who had deputised for Hayreddin Pasha when the latter left Cezayir for Istanbul, as “mir-i sabik-i liva-i Cezayir” (former ruler of the Cezayir sancak) shows that Cezayir-i Garb was a sancak and not a province in these early days.6+ In the light of this information, we can claim that the province known as Cezayir-i Bahr-i Sefid, or, as the province of the commander of the navy, is one and the same province with nothing to do with the province of Cezayir-i Garb. This province was established following the official appointment of Hayreddin Pasha as an Ottoman officer and was named after the general term “‘cezayir” used for islands in the Mediterranean (today the Aegean Sea), as Cezayir-i Bahr-i Sefid. The relation of this province with the sea is manifested in the addition of “kapudani” (commander of the navy) to the original name to make it “Cezayir-i Bahr-i Sefid ve kapudani”, Hence, in some documents to be found in the archives, the governor general is sometimes called “governor general of Cezayir” and sometimes “commander of the navy” or “Commander Pasha”. Cezayir in North Africa on the other hand, was always mentioned as “Cezayir-i Garb” or “Magrib-i Zemin”. The similarity of the names of these prov- inces created confusion about the identity of the governor general during the first years of the establishment of the Cezayir-i Bahr-i Sefid and the same person was thought to be the governor of both. Cezayir-i Garb was independently conquered by Hayreddin Pasha’s own means and although it was not an administrative part of the Ottoman state, it was considered to be an Ottoman region. When the conqueror of Cezayir, called “Sultan of Cezayir”, came to Istanbul he was received as “Ruler of Algiers”. When he was appointed governor general of Cezayir, he was also appointed governor general of the sea and commander of the navy. At that time, 60. Tabakatii'l-memalik, ?. 293b. 61. AHMED AKGONDOZ, Osmant: Kanunnameleri, (Istanbul 1994) p. 250-251. For the date of the circumcision ceremony, see Tabakatit’l memalik, £. 337a-340a. 62. Tabakatié'l-memalik, £. 14b-15a. 63. F. BMecen-I. $anmy, Osmanli Tagra Teskilatimin Kaynaklarindan: 957-958 (1550- 1551) Taribli Sancak Tevcih Defteri, Belgeler, 19/23 (1999) p. 58-59. 64, EMecen-Sautn, Teveih Defteri, p. 98. Cezayir-i Garb remained as a sancak with Hayreddin Pasha still in charge of its administration and Hasan Aga as deputy governor of the sancak. When Hasan Aga died, Hayreddin Pasha’s son Hasan Pasha became governor general of the prov- ince on Rebiiilevvel 952 (May 1545) when his father was still alive.6> Successors of Barbarossa Hayreddin Pasha, such as Sokollu Mehmed Pasha and Piyale Pasha, became commanders of the navy first as governors of the Galli- poli sancak, to be appointed governor general of the province later on. Sokollu Mehmed Pasha, who was made commander of the navy as governor of the Gallipoli sancak on 4 July 1546, was promoted to the office of governor general as “mirmiran-i cezayir” on 18 Rebiiilevvel 954 (8 May 1547), approximately a year later. The successor of Sokollu Mehmed Pasha, Sinan Pasha, as commander of the navy, was appointed governor general of the Cezayir-i Bahr-i Sefid and commander of the navy on 15 Rebiiilahir 956 (13 May 1548).67 Piyale Pasha was first made commander of the navy as governor of the Gallipoli sancak on 15 Safer 962 (9 January 1555)6 and following his victory in the Minorca campaign in 965 (1557), was promoted to the office of governor general of Cezayir. Information about the sancaks of the province of Cezayir-i Bahr-i Sefid, especially in the first years of its establishment, is insufficient. We know that Rhodes was made the capital of the province with other islands under it and Galli- poli was one of its sancaks. The fact that after the appointment of Hayreddin Pasha as governor general of the province, the former commander of the navy, Lutfi Bey, continued to hold his position supports the thesis that Rhodes was the capital and provides proof that Gallipoli was among the sancaks of the province. When we came to the year 940 Gallipoli became the capital of the province, Rhodes and Lesbos became the sancaks of the province. Six sancaks were named both in the administrative list of Celalzade’s Tabakat’itl-memalik” and in a list in a sancak conferral defter:7! Gallipoli, Egriboz, Karhili, Inebaht, Rhodes and Midilli. At the 65. Ali Emiri-Kanuni, no 250/2; Aziz Samui ITER, Simali Afrika'da Tiirkler, (Istanbul 1936) I, p. 123. 66. Mehmed Bey was appointed to this position with land which brought in revenue of 700,000 akge (KK. 208, p. 76, 169, 187). See also O.L. BARKAN, 954-955 (1547-1548) mali yilina ait bir Osmanh bitgesi, /FM, 19 (1957-1958) 256. 67. Sinan Pasha was appointed to this position from his former office of governor of Herceg sancak with a salary of 700,000 akge (BMECEN ~ $aktN, Tevcih Defteri, p. 58. Other decrees on the period when Sinan Pasha was governor general of Cezayir: KK. 209, p. 47; KK. 210, p. 51. For information about the office of the commander of the navy, see also Imper, Navy, p. 248-249. 68. Piyale Beg was appointed to this position as the mirliva-i Gelibolu ve kapudan with a salary of 550,000 akge (Miihimme Defteri, no I, p. 278/ 1568; KK. 1766, p, 103, 104). 69. 19 Safer 965 (11 December 1557): record on the presents given by Piyale Beg to the Sultan following the Minorca campaign: (Bab-Defteri, BuyUk Ruznamge, D, BRZ. 20618, p. 85. In another dectee of 9 Rebitilahir 965 (29 January 1558), Piyale Pasha is named as governor general of Cezayir: KK, 216A, p. 107). 70. Tabakatit’l-memalik, f. 14b; MAD, 34, p. 587, 589. 71. EMECEN — aittN, Tevcih Defteri, p. 58-59. time of the establishment of the province, Rhodes was given to Hayreddin Pasha as his residence, or the sancak of the Pasha, but later on, Gallipoli became the capital of the province. In the years which followed, various sancaks of salyaneli and of hass status were added to the province. In addition to them, there were many others such as sancaks of timar status which participated in the navy during the campaigns. During Hayreddin Pasha’s campaign in the islands in the year 945 (1538), 19 sancaks participated in the navy from the province of Anatolia. Later on some of these sancaks became a part of the Cezayir-i Bahr-i Sefid.7 72. In a muster-cail defter for 19 sancaks in Anatolia, apparently recorded following the Corfu campaign, captives and casualties are also given (BOA, MAD, no 6160, p. 42- 201). Editor's footnote Almost a year has elapsed since we received Prof. Bostan’s contribution and we sent him the proafs for correction. During this period Prof. Bostan was continuing his research and was obliged to make additions and changes to his initial text, We have been able to insert all the additions into his article except the following two which would change the pagination of the volume. However, as they are obviously important we give them to the reader as an addendum. p. 242, line 8; Sinan Pasha; he was appointed as the governor of the Gallipoli sancak on 23 Cemaziyelahir 894 (24 May 1489) with a salary of 700,000 akge (MAD, 17893, p. 408). p. 242, line 13: Thus, when the governor of the Gallipoli sancak Sinan bey was appointed governor general of Rumelia, Cafer Aga, the chief eunuch, was appointed to the office as Kapudan on 23 Rebitilevvel 922 (26 April 1516). He was given a salary of 500,000 akce (MAD, 7, p. 313b; Ruznamge Register, Atatiirk Library, Muallim Cevdet Coll., no 071, p. 332),

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