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20 Zombies to Enliven An Encounter

with the Undead

by Creighton Broadhurst

staple of countless low-level adventures, zombiesthe

shuffling undeadrarely receive any design time beyond a simple

set of statistics.

Storn Cook

Thats a shame as a zombies appearance can give hints and tips about either who
once lived in the dungeon or exactly what the evil necromancer is up to in his lightless
Thus, here is a selection of 20 zombies a GM can use to breathe life into the partys
next encounter with the shuffling undead. Note, the race of the various zombies has
been left deliberately vague so a GM can easily insert them into virtually any setting.
1. A great slash has almost decapitated this zombie. Dried, crusty blood coats its
chest and torso.
2. Wearing almost shredded clerical vestments, this zombies arms and neck
have been ripped and torn by many sharp claws. Its face is transfixed in a look
of pure terrorperhaps frozen at the moment of death.
3. This zombie drags an obviously broken leg behind it. Consequently, it is
slower than its fellows.
4. This zombies stomach has been ripped apart; the remains of its entrails spill
out of the gaping wound creating a grizzly and macabre skirt of sorts.
5. Wearing the remnants of once-fine leather armour and still carrying a bulging
coin pouch at its belt this zombie shuffles forward.
6. This zombies skull has been smashed in, giving its head a strange, squished
appearance. One eye has been totally destroyed and it desperately flails about
to catch sight of its prey.
7. Wearing nothing but a foul, stained loincloth this fat zombies body is a
putrified mass of decaying flesh.
8. This zombie has battered so many enemies to death that every bone in its
hands has been shattered.
9. Wearing nothing by a sackcloth shift, this female zombies head lolls about as
it shuffles aroundthis might have something to do with the noose yet
hanging around its neck.
10. Great clumps of hair have been ripped from this zombies head and it is
missing its nose and one ear.

11. Wearing stained and bloody peasants garb, this hulking male was obviously a
powerful and strong individual in life. Now his skin is sallow and his muscles
stand out like coiled ropes against his shrunken frame.
12. This zombienaked as the day it was bornhas a wooden board slung
around its neck. The board has had one word dubbed upon it in blood
13. A terrible stench precedes the approach of this bloated, corpulent corpse.
14. The beard of this elderly zombie is drenched in blood and viscera while its
body is shrivelled and emaciated.
15. Attractive in life, this female zombie is a horror in death. A huge chunk of
flesh is missing from her neck and her stomach has been ripped apart; entrails
dribble from the gaping wound.
16. This zombie has no legs. Consequently it drags itself along the floor by its
arms and leaves a bloody trail in its wake.
17. One of this zombies hands has been ripped off; the arm in question ends in a
jagged stump of wickedly sharpened bone.
18. Horribly burnt, this zombies skin is shrivelled and blackened. The remains of
its clothes are stuck to its body.
19. One of this zombies eyes have been gouged out and the other rolls in its
socket as if loose. Additionally, one of the creatures feet is clearly broken
its left foot pointing backwards to confirm the point.
20. Dozens of bite marks cover this child zombies small, pitifully thin frame. Its
hair hangs down lankly over its eyes and a low moan issues from its young

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