Sitra - Fi Website Indicators

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fi website indicators

Points: Five points for the best, one for the worst. If the indicator scales have
three options, the point options are 1, 3 and 5.

Averages are calculated in the website follow-up report:

(1) strategic indicators
(2) usability indicators
(3) technology indicators
(4) project indicators
(5) all indicators

Strategic indicators
# Indicator
The basic messages of the website are in tune with the strategic
The basic messages of the website are not lost among competing
messages, the website does not have any conflicting messages
The change in the number of people following RSS newsflows by

4 The website meets 95% of its expected communication needs

Are all sectors (public, private, citizens) involved in contributing to
the most important online discussion topics?
Has the appearance and tone of the five most important themes
for Sitra's operations taken a positive direction in media and
online discussions?

Usability indicators
# Indicator

On average, it is easy for users to tell what content is firm basic

fact, what is changing content flow, what is online 'buzz', and what
7 is innovation.

Both an investor and a fanatic innovation promoter feel at home

8 on the website

On average, do users get a clear overall picture of the matter on

9 the basis of the first page they browse?

Do users feel that they are supplied with all the additional material
10 they need?

On average, do users feel that they find and understand the

11 information they are looking for in the service?
Sitra employees find the website good and back the content on
12 the website
Is it easy for inexperienced maintainers to add pictures and
13 videos?

Is it quick and easy for a non-experienced administrator to publish

14 a press release?
15 Is it quick and easy for an experienced administrator to publish a
Are competing websites established for such purposes which it is
possible to cover with's publishing tools?

Do half of content pages have visualisation (e.g. video,

17 image, chart) besides text?

Does at least every fifth Sitra employee use the online service as
18 an aid for their presentations instead of PowerPoint slides, etc.?
How large a share of social media discussion directly related to
Sitra's operations is shown on the website?

19 = The last three months' discussions on the basis of the follow-up

Is a discussion picked up from the social media shown along with

20 the relevant content?

Technology indicators
# Indicator
Does provide the software-based interface (API) pursuant
to the ideology for open interfaces?
Has the solution been documented for varying developers?

22 = Would it now be possible for a new developer to become

Can the technical platform be maintained by any party specified

23 by Sitra?
How much maintenance does the technical platform need (bug
fixing, re-starting, etc.)

Project indicators
# Indicator

How large share of the initial list of essential functions can be

25 implemented in the project?

Are the code, working methods or ideas created in the

26 project used in Finnish online projects?

The project is highlighted in discussions/sector media as an

27 example of a good website project. is highlighted as a reference site: the site is used as a
28 benchmark for a good website in the international online field.
Scale Measuring Frequency
reasonably well
poorly subjective 3 months
reasonably well
poorly subjective 3 months
increases From statistics
remains unchanged and major RSS
decreases services 3 months
no subjective 3 months
all but one
no subjective 3 months

for the most part as part of image
no surveying 12 months

Scale Measuring Frequency

in most cases external usability
no survey 6 months
in most cases external usability
no survey 6 months
in most cases external usability
no survey 6 months
in most cases external usability
no survey 6 months
in most cases external usability
no survey 6 months
in most cases external usability
no survey 6 months
yes external usability
no survey 6 months
yes (3 min),
reasonably (7 min), external usability
no (10+ min) survey 6 months
yes (1 min), external usability 6 months
very rarely
yes subjective 3 months
almost random sample of 20
no content pages 3 months
not quite
no subjective 3 months

excellent 90–100%,
moderate 70–90%,
poor 0–70% subjective 3 months
no subjective 3 months

Scale Measuring Frequency

in a limited way
no subjective 3 months
no subjective 3 months
in a difficult way
no subjective 3 months
to some extent (0/3
reasonably (1/3 subjective 3 months

Scale Measuring Frequency

good (over 95%),
satisfactory (85–95%),
poor (under 85%) subjective 1 month (sprint)
several uses
no subjective 3 months

many references
no references subjective 3 months
many references
no references subjective 3 months
Surveyed with usability research tasks

Surveyed with usability research tasks

Surveyed with usability research tasks

Surveyed with usability research tasks

Surveyed with usability research tasks

Surveyed with usability research tasks

Surveyed with usability research tasks

Surveyed with usability research tasks

Surveyed with usability research tasks

Reviewing the service by the editor-in-chief, for example

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