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Comparison between IES 2016 and 2017 syllabus for

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Difference between ESE Syllabus 2016 and 2017 for Electrical Engineers(EE)
February 1, 2016
You are here to know the
Syllabus diff between electrical IES 16 and 17, new added papers in ese 2017 in electrical engineering,
Difference between IES 2016 and 2017 syllabus, New topic added in ESE 2017, removed topic from
ESE Syllabus,
Every person knows about the changes in the general studies paper (Paper 1) but they might not be aware
about the changes about the technical papers. There are major changes in the technical paper also. Here with
the help of different colours we try to highlight the main differences in between what has been added and
removed totally in IES ESE syllabus.
RED colours: Content which has to study for IES 2016 only and completely removed from 2017 onward.
BLUE colours: Content which is newly added in IES 2017 SYLLABUS.
IES(ESE) 2016

IES(ESE) 2017


APTITUDE PAPER ( Stage-I, Paper-I).

General Studies and Engineering Aptitude

Part A: General English: The question paper in

General English will be designed to test the
candidates understanding of English and
workmanlike use of words.
Part B: General Studies: The paper in General
Studies will include knowledge of current events and
of such matters as of everyday observation and
experience in their scientific aspects as may be
expected of an educated person. The paper will also
include questions on History of India and Geography
of a nature which candidates should be able to
answer without special study.

1. Current issues of national and international

importance relating to social, economic and
industrial development
2. Engineering Aptitude covering Logical
reasoning and Analytical ability
3. Engineering Mathematics and Numerical
4. General Principles of Design, Drawing,
Importance of Safety
5. Standards and Quality practices in production,
construction, maintenance and services
6. Basics of Energy and Environment :
Conservation, environmental pollution and
degradation, Climate Change, Environmental
impact assessment
7. Basics of Project Management
8. Basics of Material Science and Engineering
9. Information and Communication Technologies
(ICT) based tools and their applications in
Engineering such as networking, egovernance and technology based education.
10. Ethics and values in Engineering profession


Electrical Materials( Material Science)

Band Theory, Conductors, Semi-conductors and
Insulators. Super-conductivity. Insulators for electrical
and electronic applications. Magnetic materials. Ferro
and ferri magnetism. Ceramics, Properties and
applications. Hall effect and its applications. Special
semi conductors.

Electrical Materials( Material Science)

Electrical Circuits
Circuits elements. Kirchoffs Laws. Mesh and nodal
analysis. Network Theorems and applications.
Natural response and forced response. Transient
response and steady state response for arbitrary
inputs. Properties of networks in terms of poles and
zeros. Transfer function. Resonant circuits.
Threephase circuits. Two-port networks. Elements of
two-element network synthesis.EM Theory
Electric and magnetic fields. Gausss Law and
Amperes Law. Fields in dielectrics, conductors and
magnetic materials. Maxwells equations. Time
varying fields. Plane-Wave propagating in dielectric
and conducting media. Transmission lines.

Electric Circuits and Fields

Measurements and Instrumentation

Units and Standards. Error analysis, measurement of
current, Voltage, power, Power-factor and energy.
Indicating instruments. Measurement of resistance,
inductance, Capacitance and frequency. Bridge
measurements. Electronic measuring instruments.
Digital Voltmeter and frequency counter. Transducers
and their applications to the measurement of nonelectrical quantities like temperature, pressure, flowrate displacement, acceleration, noise level etc. Data
acquisition systems. A/D and D/A converters.

Electrical and Electronic Measurements:

Control Systems.
Mathematical modelling of physical systems. Block
diagrams and signal flow graphs and their reduction.
Time domain and frequency domain analysis of linear
dynamical system. Errors for different type of inputs
and stability criteria for feedback systems. Stability
analysis using Routh-Hurwitz array, Nyquist plot and
Bode plot. Root locus and Nicols chart and the
estimation of gain and phase margin. Basic concepts
of compensator design. State variable matrix and its
use in system modelling and design. Sampled data
system and performance of such a system with the
samples in the error channel. Stability of sampled
data system. Elements of non-linear control analysis.
Control system components, electromechanical,
hydraulic, pneumatic components.

Control Systems:

Electrical Engineering Materials, crystal structures

and defects, ceramic materials, insulating materials,
magnetic materials basics, properties and
applications; ferrities, ferro-magnetic materials and
components; basics of solid state physics,
conductors; Photo-conductivity; Basics of Nano
materials and Superconductors.

Circuit elements, network graph, KCL, KVL, Node

and Mesh analysis, ideal current and voltage sources,
Thevenins, Nortons, Superposition and Maximum
Power Transfer theorems, transient response of DC
and AC networks, Sinusoidal steady state analysis,
basic filter concepts, two-port networks, three phase
circuits, Magnetically coupled circuits,
Gauss Theorem, electric field and potential due to
point, line, plane and spherical charge distributions,
Amperes and Biot-Savarts laws; inductance,
dielectrics, capacitance; Maxwells equations

Principles of measurement, accuracy, precision and

standards; Bridges and potentiometers; moving coil,
moving iron, dynamometer and induction type
instruments, measurement of voltage, current, power,
energy and power factor, instrument transformers,
digital voltmeters and multi-meters, phase, time and
frequency measurement, Q-meters, oscilloscopes,
potentiometric recorders, error analysis, Basics of
sensors, Transducers, basics of data acquisition

Principles of feedback, transfer function, block

diagrams and signal flow graphs, steady-state errors,
transforms and their applications; Routh-hurwitz
criterion, Nyquist techniques, Bode plots, root loci,
lag, lead and lead-lag compensation, stability
analysis, transient and frequency response analysis,
state space model, state transition matrix,
controllability and observability, linear state variable
feedback, PID and industrial controllers.
NOTE: Only some topic has
been removed and remaining topic is as it is.


Electrical Machines and Power Transformers

Electrical Machines :

Magnetic Circuits Analysis and Design of Power

transformers. Construction and testing. Equivalent
circuits. Losses and efficiency. Regulation. Autotransformer, 3-phase transformer. Parallel operation.
Basic concepts in rotating machines. EMF, torque,
basic machine types. Construction and operation,
leakage losses and efficiency.
D.C. Machines. Construction, Excitation methods.
Circuit models. Armature reaction and commutation.
Characteristics and performance analysis.
Generators and motors. Starting and speed control.
Testing, Losses and efficiency.
Synchronous Machines. Construction. Circuit model.
Operating characteristics and performance analysis.
Synchronous reactance. Efficiency. Voltage
regulation. Salient-pole machine, Parallel operation.
Hunting. Short circuit transients.
Induction Machines. Construction. Principle of
operation. Rotating fields. Characteristics and
performance analysis. Determination of circuit model.
Circle diagram. Starting and speed control.
Fractional KW motors. Single-phase synchronous
and induction motors.

Single phase transformers, three phase transformers

connections, parallel operation, auto-transformer,
energy conversion principles, DC machines types,
windings, generator characteristics, armature
reaction and commutation, starting and speed control
of motors, Induction motors principles, types,
performance characteristics, starting and speed
control, Synchronous machines performance,
regulation, parallel operation of generators, motor
starting, characteristics and applications, servo and
stepper motors.

Power systems
Types of Power Stations, Hydro, Thermal and Nuclear
Stations. Pumped storage plants. Economics and
operating factors. Power transmission lines. Modeling
and performance characteristics. Voltage control.
Load flow studies. Optimal power system operation.
Load frequency control. Symmetrical short circuit
analysis. ZBus formulation. Symmetrical
Components. Per Unit representation. Fault analysis.
Transient and steady-state stability of power systems.
Equal area criterion. Power system Transients. Power
system Protection Circuit breakers. Relays. HVDC

Power Systems :
Basic power generation concepts, steam, gas and
water turbines, transmission line models and
performance, cable performance, insulation, corona
and radio interference, power factor correction,
symmetrical components, fault analysis, principles of
protection systems, basics of solid state relays and
digital protection; Circuit breakers, Radial and ringmain distribution systems, Matrix representation of
power systems, load flow analysis, voltage control
and economic operation, System stability concepts,
Swing curves and equal area criterion. HVDC
transmission and FACTS concepts, Concepts of
power system dynamics, distributed generation, solar
and wind power, smart grid concepts, environmental
implications, fundamentals of power economics.


Analog And Digital Electronics And Circuitsa

Basic Electronics Engineering:

Semiconductor device physics, PN junctions and

transistors, circuit models and parameters, FET,
Zener, tunnel, Schottky, photo diodes and their
applications, rectifier circuits, voltage regulators and
multipliers, switching behavior of diodes and
Small signal amplifiers, biasing circuits, frequency
response and improvement, multistage amplifiers and
feed-back amplifiers, D.C. amplifiers, Oscillators.
Large signal amplifiers, coupling methods, push pull
amplifiers, operational amplifiers, wave shaping
circuits. Multivibrators and flip-flops and their
applications. Digital logic gate families, universal
gates-combination circuits for arithmetic and logic
operational, sequential logic circuits. Counters,
registers, RAM and ROMs.

Basics of Semiconductor diodes and transistors and

characteristics, Junction and field effect transistors
(BJT, FET and MOSFETS), different types of
transistor amplifiers, equivalent circuits and frequency
response; oscillators and other circuits, feedback

Microprocessor architecture-Instruction set and
simple assembly language programming. Interfacing
for memory and I/O. Applications of Micro-processors
in power system.
Communication Systems
Types of modulation; AM, FM and PM. Demodulators.
Noise and bandwidth considerations. Digital
communication systems. Pulse code modulation and
demodulation. Elements of sound and vision
broadcasting. Carrier communication. Frequency
division and time division multiplexing, Telemetry
system in power engineering.

Power Electronics
Power Semiconductor devices. Thyristor. Power
transistor, GTOs and MOSFETS. Characteristics and
operation. AC to DC Converters; 1-phase and 3phase DC to DC Converters; AC regulators. Thyristor
controlled reactors; switched capacitor networks.
Inverters; single-phase and 3-phase. Pulse width
modulation. Sinusoidal modulation with uniform
sampling. Switched mode power supplies.

Analog and Digital Electronics:

Operational amplifiers characteristics and
applications, combinational and sequential logic
circuits, multiplexers, multi-vibrators, sample and hold
circuits, A/D and D/A converters, basics of filter
circuits and applications, simple active filters;
Microprocessor basics interfaces and
applications, basics of linear integrated circuits;
Communication Systems
Analog communication basics, Modulation and
demodulation, noise and bandwidth, transmitters and
receivers, signal to noise ratio,
digital communication basics, sampling, quantizing,
coding, frequency and time domain multiplexing,
power line carrier communication systems.

Power Electronics and Drives :Semiconductor

power diodes, transistors, thyristors, triacs, GTOs,
MOSFETs and IGBTs static characteristics and
principles of operation, triggering circuits, phase
control rectifiers, bridge converters fully controlled
and half controlled, principles of choppers and
inverters, basis concepts of adjustable speed dc and
ac drives, DC-DC switched mode converters, DC-AC
switched mode converters, resonant converters, high
frequency inductors and transformers, power


Engineering Mathematics
Matrix theory, Eigen values & Eigen vectors, system
of linear equations, Numerical methods for solution of
non-linear algebraic equations and differential
equations, integral calculus, partial derivatives,
maxima and minima, Line, Surface and Volume
Integrals. Fourier series, linear, nonlinear and partial
differential equations, initial and boundary value
problems, complex variables, Taylors and Laurents
series, residue theorem, probability and statistics
fundamentals, Sampling theorem, random variables,
Normal and Poisson distributions, correlation and
regression analysis.
Computer Fundamentals:
Number systems, Boolean algebra, arithmetic
functions, Basic Architecture, Central Processing
Unit, I/O and Memory Organisation; peripheral
devices, data represenation and programming, basics
of Operating system and networking, virtual memory,
file systems; Elements of programming languages,
typical examples.
Systems and Signal Processing :
Representation of continuous and discrete-time
signals, shifting and scaling operations, linear, timeinvariant and causal systems, Fourier series
representation of continuous periodic signals,
sampling theorem, Fourier and Laplace transforms, Z
transforms, Discrete Fourier transform, FFT, linear
convolution, discrete cosine transform, FIR filter, IIR
filter, bilinear transformation.

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