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Great again

Write about a beloved princess of an imperial kingdom, one who will be responsible
for the annihilation of her people in order to escape the tortured voices haunting her
mind. The voices in her head are the voices of the people that her subjects had slain
for glory and wealth. Write on how conflicted she was in killing her friends and
family that had loved and cherished her, the same people who had destroyed
countless of cities and who had each committed murder.
They are her family, and these people are her kind and loving subjects, they are
fiercely loyal to one another and are devoted in protecting each other, but their
greed grows stronger every day, the destruction of countless civilization had been
carried out to quell it, yet it is never enough, their hunger is insatiable. She is their
last hope of redemption. She is their savior, one who would end their reign of greed
in their own blood. These people whom had loved her, laid their weapons for her,
cherished her, will die by her hands, and there is none to stop her.
They ravaged a far off country and enslaved it in her honor as soon as her infant cry
pierced the sky. They obliterated the city, set a blazing fire onto centuries of history
and culture, change the names of their captives, stripped them of their identity, and
brought their knees to the ground. The conquered wept pitifully for their city and
were forced to fervently utter words of praises for their soon to be empress.
I will not go to them, no amount of coaxing and threats will move me from this
accursed place stated the disgrace Grand Duchess, a look of casual indifference on
her face. Her hazel eyes however, betray a trace of panic and wild rage. They
darken into burnt umber as they finally rest on her equally relentless dull blue ones,
silently challenging the renowned psychiatrist to defy her command.
A disheveled royal messenger, one of her highnesss lesser known cousin, had
arrived at midnight, carrying a summon demanding that the grand duchess to be
returned to the palace by first light. A sense of foreboding enveloped her as she
analyses the hasty summon. It had only been a few months since the grand
duchesss trial; it is highly unlikely that they have reached an agreement regarding
her punishment. She is the long awaited heir to their kingdom, every single drop of
blood that pulsates through her veins is deemed more precious than the abundant
treasures that they possessed.
Every nerve in her body warns her that the kingdom is safer with their heir chained
and confined beneath the surface of the realm of the living. However to act on
intuition alone would be useless. She is more than aware that her doubts will land
on deaf royal ears. The psychiatrist took a deep breath and calmly replied The
order is issued by the high court, I have no authority to stop them your grace

A silence followed, one that assured her that her royal highness should never be
allowed to take a single breath out of the confines of this fortress. In that very
moment as their eyes met once more, a feeling of utter grief and hopelessness and
above all fear embraces her. A rare look of something that almost resembled
desperateness now settles on her highnesses eyes. The air around her resonates
dread. She could feel in the very depths of her skeptical and cynical heart, (if she
could call it one) that the heir agrees with her, she should not be free from her
An eerie beam of the moon shone on them. The psychiatrist could feel the stifling
weight of her decision. The grand duchess searched her eyes. In the light of the
moon she looked almost like a child, vulnerable and in need of protection. A strange
notion as she has always portrayed her upbringing in her every action, a stoic and
elegant lady, capable of commanding and heralding their battalion with the same
quiet and assuring grace that she had wielded in all of her undiscriminating
interactions. For the kingdoms immense legions, there has been no greater reason
for them to greet death fearlessly until the day of her birth.
A mirth of laughter erupted from the young grand duchesss lips...

Just let me speak to her/ She is dying/ What are you saying, you have the best
of the kingdoms physician at your disposal, how can she be dying? You locked her
away for 3 months, what have you been doing, unhand me, let me through/ Let
him pass/ My lady, the court/ the court, there will be none/ My lady?/ Let
him through/ Tauri, tell your grace that i accept my fate/ My lady?/ Go, you
have only one hour
Tauri?/ Your Grace?/ Did she tell you that Im dying, do you think I look it?/
Dying? Dying does not suit you Azaes, Ill tell you whats dying half of the people
had pitched in front of the damn palace begging their eyes out for your release/
Now why would they do that/ Azaes do you think Im joking? Rumours of a
rebellion and a siege in your name is spreading like fire, the people are not happy,
even the court is unsettled, they want to welcome you home, every one of those
pompous silly cousins of yours, your aunts and uncles had come in and out of the
high chamber pleading for your return, no one believed that you/ That I
massacred our battalion single handedly, didnt your father train me well, didnt I
excel at every form of combat Tauri, you lost to me at every one of them remember,
you didnt want to share any of you desserts with me for a month, that was mean, I
still havent forgiven you for that
Azaes!/ He was one of them Tauri have you forgotten, your father pleaded to me,
hed asked me WHY, I could not answer him Tauri, WHY dont I have an answer?
Icari and Saeri, they begged me to stop, I begged to myself too, and you, YOU want
me to come home to my family? AFTER Ive taken yours, why is Draco still silent in

his scabbard? He should be at my throat the moment you saw me that day/ Azaes
please/ Have you no love for you father and brothers? Is the blood of the heir so
precious that the death of 10,000 can be pardoned?/ AZAES!/ He raised me
alongside you,loved me, Icari...Saeri...are they not my brothers too?/ PLEASE
YOUR GRACE stop/ Im not certain Im her anymore Tauri/ I know you could feel
it too, shes dying isnt she? I tried Tauri, but its getting unbearable/ What are you
saying? You are YOU, GIVE me a NAME!!, Azaes I beg of you, give me a name! Ill
slay his entire family, Give me a NAME!!/ Tauri, run, there will be no escaping me,
evacuate the kingdom, cut all ties , never asked of me, and pray I never find you/
If any member of the royal family had asked for her true evaluation of the grand
duchess, she would have to fabricate a lie. Every single person in the kingdom has
convinced themselves pitifully that her highness has experienced a momentary
bout of insanity, her nonchalant nature in handling her trial, had only served to
strengthen their delusions of her. Insanity is far from it, she is every bit as functional
as the rest of them.
She recognizes who she is dealing with the instance that their eyes met for the first
time that horrifying night. She could not believe that she would live long enough to
witness let alone experience the final days of glory of their great kingdom. The
grand duchess is the long awaited savior, a ruler who was promised to them, and a
ruler who they desperately need. One who will annihilate and destroy to restore
balance. One who will protect them from themselves. The end of their era has
But she, the kingdoms beloved daughter, is reluctant to run it red. Her guilt is still
intact but its grip is waning. She is slowly forgetting the memories of her childhood,
erasing them painfully.
It will not be long now. She could feel it, it pulsates and vibrates from her very
presence. The savior is preparing herself for their execution. A sad smile graced the
grand duchesss lips. In that very moment, the psychiatrist caught a glimpse of her
unyielding logic of their inevitable extermination by her hands. The psychiatrist
found herself agreeing with her soon to be murderer.

The heir is devastated, but there is no place for such weakness comes dawn
tomorrow. At dawn, the grand duchess will be ready. At dawn she will arm herself. At
dawn their murderer will bring triumph and glory. At dawn they will be a part of a
bloody history. As the sun stands tall and proud above them, they will be dead, and
the heir will be utterly alone. Their kingdom shall be great again.

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