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Colegio Bosques

del Alba

1. - Remedies eyes and dark circles.
Page. -> 3
2. - Remedy nerves and colds.
Page. -> 4
3. - Remedy for varicose veins and burns.
Page. -> 5

Home remedies

4. - Remedy for dandruff and arthritis.

Page. -> 6
5. - Remedy against salmonella and gingivitis
Page. -> 7
6. - Remedy shoulder pain and foot.

Written by: Lpez cruz Ian


Page. -> 8
7. - Remedy phlebitis and circulation.
Page. -> 9
8.- Bibliography.
Page. -> 10

Remedies for tired eyes

put a rojadas for about 5 minutes and then changed by

Remedy for eyestrain 1: Cut the sheet (stalk) of aloe

others to complete about 15 to 20 minutes of treatment.

Vera and wring up to the tear until one drop of

juice. Leave a few seconds and rinse with water with
chamomile, or simply with water. Repeat this remedy in
the morning and evening.



2: Several



thrown cornflower in very clear water and boiled, the fire

vessel. The vessel is made in this infusion must be new
and be used exclusively for that must be removed. This
water is used to wash the eyes and not only relieve
eyestrain but also when they are swollen. Bathrooms eye
will be made twice a day: in the morning and before

Remedy for dark circles

3. - Cucumber. Cucumber also has moisturizing
properties and help shrink the skin. We will do the same
with the potatoes. Cut the cucumber into slices and we
put them in the eyes. Feel a cooling sensation while our
puffiness and swelling to go away. Remember that we first

Remedy for nerves

4.- Manzanilla. It is very common but sometimes little
used to treat nervousness. It has sedative and calming
effects on the nervous system. It helps reduce stress,
inhibits muscle spasms in the stomach and in turn is
analgesic. Prepare a tea with a cup of water and 4 grams
of flowers. Let stand 10 minutes. Drink up to 3 cups per
5. - Tila. Last but not least, on the contrary, linden is a
plant family but you can get in a Hierberia or in a health
food store. The linden tea is one of the most used for
nerves thanks to the natural sleep - inducing and relaxing
properties. To prepare the infusion boil two or three cups
of water and when it begins to boil, add three tablespoons
tea and boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let

cool. Take a cup of tea in the mornings and evenings,

preferably without sugar.

Natural remedies for coughs, colds and flu

6. - Lemon juice with honey Squeeze the juice of 4
lemons in a glass, add two tablespoons of honey and
honey mix until dissolved. You take the juice. It is
recommended to do this home remedy once it has taken
food and preferably do it in the morning and lunch, repeat
for 3 to 5 days.

7. - Honey sola. - Take two tablespoons of honey in the

morning and two tablespoons of honey at night. This

years to control symptoms of this condition. This time, you

should not buy cream or gel, because the way that yields
better results, naturally.

Remedies for burns

9. - Apply cold water on the burn site by at least about 10
minutes, but you have water, you can take milk. This is to
stop the burn.
10. - Apply as soon as possible a chamomile cream ,
which besides disinfectant the area, will help keep you
clean and compose faster.
11. - You can also place cold packs of tea highly
concentrated chamomile using gauze, cotton prevents it
sometimes leaves a residue.
12. - If you burned an arm, hand or a finger, you can
put green chile, just cut it and wear it, do not drag

helps to relieve the annoying sore throats and also to

expel phlegm. Repeat for 5 days, although this could take
at least once a week when you have no discomfort.

Natural Remedies for Varicose veins

8. - Aloe Vera. This is one of the home remedies for

varicose veins

more effective, used for hundreds of

Remedies for Dandruff

Remedy for dandruff 13: Squeeze the juice of
a lemon fresh which will be applied after shampooing
(when you are rinsing the hair) which will make the hair

has a shine gloss but also removes viscosity and

prevents dandruff.

Remedy for Dandruff

Remedies for salmonella

14: Boil water the roots of

Remedy for salmonella 17: Pour 2 tablespoons cilantro

beets (especially the most recommended to combat

in a cup of water is boiling. Cover and let cool. Strain and

dandruff is white) and this water should be massaged on

drink 3 cups a day.

the scalp with your fingertips each night.


Arthritis Remedy

of juice blueberry or bilberry which has soothing and anti

15. Arthritis Remedy: Eat cherries, if possible, several

Remedy for salmonella 19: Boil 25 g. Plantain and 25 g

times a day. It can be in the form of cakes or jams to

of marjoram in a liter of water for 10 minutes. Strain and

which should not add sugar to them.

let cool. Drink throughout the day

16. Arthritis Remedy: Pour a handful of parsley in a

quart of boiling water, water is removed from heat and let
it sit for 20 minutes. Then strain and half a cup of this
water is taken before each meal.



18: Consume


- inflammatory bowel properties.

Remedies for gingivitis or bleeding gums

Remedy for gingivitis 20: Eat a quarter of apple raw
especially after DECOMER.
Remedy for gingivitis 21: Prepare a tea with a teaspoon
of anise dry, and 1 teaspoon rosemary 3/4 cup boiling
water for 10 minutes, then strain it and use the liquid as
a mouthwash every hour.
Remedy for gingivitis 22: Use as mouthwash, every
morning and every night a teaspoon of apple cider
vinegar in a cup of water and even drink a glass of the
same mixture with each meal.

Remedies for shoulder pain.

Remedy for shoulder pain 23: Perform massage, soft
and round, with a little oil to deflate the area.
Remedy for shoulder pain 24: Boil raw potatoes in a
little water. Remove once you get to the boil. Still warm
potatoes and place in a cotton cloth. Place, as a poultice
on the affected area.

Remedies for foot pain.

Remedy for sore feet 25: Soak feet in a basin of warm
water (not too cold or too hot) where one to two
tablespoons of sea salt is added. Then rinse with clean,
fresh water, pat dry feet. Then apply circular massage
with a moisturizer and slide your thumb hard by the foot
arch pain to disappear.
Remedy for sore feet 26: Boil three cups of water for 10
minutes. Then add seven leaves of mint. Remove from
the fire. When warm, place this preparation in a container
wide enough to fit your feet well. Soak your feet for 5
minutes. Then rinse with fresh water.

Remedies to actvate circulations

Remedy for circulation 27: Prepare a bath with 15
grams of leaves of chestnut Indian dry, 2 teaspoons dried
thyme leaves, 2 teaspoons of leaves of nettle fresh and 2
cups water. Mix ingredients and pour hot water. Then let
cool for 20 minutes. Pour into mixing bath with four liters
of water.
Remedy for circulation 28: In Eastern countries there
is a traditional remedy which must be made bathrooms
with jengibre feet. To prepare this bath should mix one
fourth ground ginger root in two liters of hot water and
then must enter the ocean.

Remedies for phlebitis

Remedy for phlebitis 29: Crush fresh milk thistle leaves
into a paste. Then apply on the affected area and then
this area is covered with hemp. This remedy is to

be applied until we notice some improvement in the

swollen part as many times as needed
Remedy for phlebitis 30: Mix 100 g of chamomile
flowers and 100 g root dill. Put 1 liter of water to
boil; when a boil, pour the mixture of herbs and let stand
a few



straining. Then




previously sterilized bottle. Take a rate of twice a day.


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