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Great Expectations Dialectical Reading Journal


This simple thought of Pips truly shows the

hierarchy of power in this family, as well as
how much fear and friendship really impact
his opinions about people. He is willing to
The guilty knowledge that I was going to
do anything to please his sister, the woman
rob Mrs. Joe - I never thought I was going to that he fears, but doesnt consider the fact
rob Joe, for I never thought of any of the
that he was going to hurt his friend-Joe. I
housekeeping property as his (Ch. 2, Page really Pind this interesting because of the
fact that I am the exact opposite. If I was
afraid of something, I would rather Pight
against it rather than succumb to its will. I
would much rather try to please the people
that I love rather than the things that I fear.
When you read between the lines, you can
"I had seen the damp lying on the outside of see that all these different objects are
my little window, as if some goblin had
horrendous or terrifying such as the
been crying there all night, and using the
goblins, spiders, and phantoms. Using such
window for a pocket-handkerchief. Now, I creatures to symbolize Pips home makes
saw the damp lying on the bare hedges and me beg the question-what does Pip see as
spare grass, like a coarser sort of spiders'
his home? Is it all a nightmare for him?
webs; hanging itself from twig to twig and Surely his sister does provide both physical
blade to blade. On every rail and gate, wet and emotional stress at home, but this is
lay clammy, and the marsh mist was so
different. He isnt describing his living
thick, that the wooden Pinger on the post
situation, hes describing his whole town-
directing people to our village-a direction
the village, the marshes, the Hulks-all of it.
which they never accepted, for they never Further evidence that supports this is when
came there-was invisible to me until I was he talks about a sign pointing to his village,
quite close under it. Then, as I looked up at but no one dares to enter. Though this may
it, while it dripped, it seemed to my
not hold THAT much signiPicant meaning,
oppressed conscience like a phantom
its still eerie to notice the hellish things
devoting me to the Hulks. (Ch. 3, Page 13) inside Pips head, as well as how Dickens
portrays these things in his writing.

At this point, it is basically a fact that this

mans a runaway convict due to the
When a man's alone on these Plats, with a manacle on his leg and his unmistakable
light head and a light stomach, perishing of paranoia of law enforcement closing in to
cold and want, he hears nothin' all night,
detain him. But what if this man is ill. No,
but guns Piring, and voices calling. Hears?
not physically ill, though living in a cold
He sees the soldiers, with their red coats
marshland with minimal food, supplies, or
lighted up by the torches carried afore,
shelter can certainly guarantee that. I think
closing in round him. Hears his number
the mans mentally ill. This proposition
called, hears himself challenged, hears the would his support constant hallucinations
rattle of the muskets, hears the orders. (Ch. as well as how his mental disability could
3, Page 17)
have prevented him from making
reasonable or even legal choices which
could have made him end up in jail.
This town seems to have great distinctions
between the rich and the poor. Though Pip
doesnt seem to have a satisfactory living
situation himself (because his source of
income is coming from a blacksmith), he
does refer to the place that he lives as the
village, so Im assuming his family is
middle class. They also referred to a
I had heard of Miss Havisham up town
downtown and an uptown. Downtown is
everybody for miles round, had heard of
most probably for the poor and homeless.
Miss Havisham up townas an immensely
Uptown is obviously for the rich, but the
rich and grim lady who lived in a large and
way Dickens paints the picture in my head, I
dismal house barricaded against robbers,
really think it sounds like there arent many
and who led a life of seclusion. (Ch. 7, Page
rich in this town due to the fact that one
rich mistress is the talk of the whole town.
When I previously stated that this town
seems haunted or eerie, it could be because
there are so many people with malicious
intent looking to plunder what ever they
can. Thats probably why the rich, as few as
there are, must live a life or seclusion and
isolation because they fear for their lives.
I took the opportunity of being alone in the
court-yard, to look at my coarse hands and
my common boots. My opinion of those
accessories was not favourable. They had
never troubled me before, but they troubled
me now, as vulgar appendages. (Ch. 8, Page

Im going to be a bit bold and ask how this

is going to affect his relationship with Joe.
They recently found deeper respect for one
another, but now Pip is Pinding it harder to
accept his predetermined future role as a
blacksmith. Even though Joe hasnt shown
signs of aggression before, I wonder if he
will retaliate at this shocking news.

I coaxed myself to sleep by thinking of

Miss Havishams, next Wednesday; and in
my sleep I saw the Pile coming at me out of
a door, without seeing who held it, and I
screamed myself awake. (Ch. 10, Page 72)

I Pind it a bit funny that for comfort, Pip

thinks of Miss Havisham, an old uncanny
woman that lives in solitude, and Estella, a
pretty, yet vicious girl which taunts and
harasses Pip. Also, isnt her house as scary
as the mysterious man with the Pile. I
remember Pip speciPically remembering a
ghost-like Pigure with a white dress in her

I had believed in the forge as the glowing

road to manhood and independence.
Within a single year all this was changed.
Now it was all coarse and common, and I
would not have had Miss Havisham and
Estella see it on any account. (Ch. 14, Page

I think its great weve got to see some

major character development in Pip.
However, what Im truly interested in is
what Pip is going to do about this. It seems
pretty clear that life wont just go on for
him, but he also realizes that there arent a
lot of options for him. Either he works as an
apprentice for a well-respected member of
the community, or he Pinds peace with Miss
Havisham. Either way, Pip needs a miracle if
he wants satisfaction in his life.

Either Orlick, or the strange man who had

shown me the Pile. (Ch. 16, Page 112)

In my opinion, neither theory makes

complete sense. Orlick may have gotten
mad at Mrs. Joe Gargery for a little bit and
he is hot-tempered, but I dont think he
would risk losing Joes trade in the process.
If a middle-aged man is attempting to learn
from a blacksmith, he obviously very
desperate and poor. He cant afford to
perform such brash actions. As for the
mysterious man, Pip helped the convict, so
theres no reason for any hostile action.

I wish to have a private conference with

you two, said he, when he had surveyed me
at his leisure. It will take a little time.
Perhaps we had better go back to your
place of residence (Ch. 18, Page 126)

Rules and guidelines touching on safety

must have been very different back then it
is now. In the modern day, inviting a
stranger to your house because he wants to
talk is suicide. If anything, I would buy
him a coffee/meal and talk right there.

It truly is sad to see Pip let go of everything.

However, I Pind it enthralling that Joe is the
And while I was occupied with these
only person he misses. Of course his sister
deliberations, I would fancy an exact
and uncle were a handful, but he doesnt
resemblance to Joe in some man coming
even think about the person he loves
along the road toward us, and my heart
(Estella) nor his dead parents and brothers
would beat high. -As if he could possibly be
at the church. It truly shows us that the only
there! (Ch. 19, Page 149)
love he had for this town was from the only
person who ever loved him back.
Its pretty clear that Pip isnt used to his
new lifestyle, as well as he has no idea
A shilling-unless you wish to make it
whats in store for him. In the Pirst instance,
more. I naturally said I had no wish to
Pip sees the anxiety in the coachs eyes and
make it moreI began to say I hoped I was realizes that Mr. Jaggers must be a feared
not interrupting-when the clerk shoved this man in the community, something which he
gentleman out with as little ceremony as I didnt anticipate. He also doesnt which way
ever saw used, and tossing his fur cap out
to act around certain people. Trying to be
after him, left me alone. (Ch. 20, Pages 151 polite and gentleman-like, he formally tried
& 152)
to pardon himself. Right after, the man was
kicked out. He doesnt fully fathom or
comprehend the fact that he is RICH.
I Pind this statement quite funny coming
There was something wonderfully hopeful from Pip. Pip was referring to a person that
about his general air, and something that at was just born to serve others and mooch off
the same time whispered to me he would
of their power, but wasnt that Pip himself a
never be successful or rich. (Ch. 22,
couple weeks ago-destined to be a
blacksmith under Joes trade? I Pind that a
bit ironic.
Heres the thing- did Pip know what he was
signing up for? Or did here the words
acquire property and just jump right in?
He really doesnt seem to know what he
He knew more of my intended career than
hopes to achieve in London. If I were him, I
I knew myself. (Ch. 24, 183)
would have wanted to know about the deal,
the tutoring I would receive, as well as
some more details about my mysterious

"I soon contracted expensive habits, and

began to spend an amount of money that
within a few short months I should have
thought almost fabulous. (Ch. 25, Page

It appears that Pip really does know what

he signed up for, considering his newfound
delight and knack of spending money. At
Pirst I thought he was timorous of the whole
situaton, but I guess he quickly adapted,
wasting no time at all and wasting his
benefactors (Miss Havishams) money
when and wherever he possibly can.

I see two possibilities at why Mr. Jaggers is

amused at Drummles behavior. First off,
Mr. Jaggers could actually see himself in
Drummle, being that both of them are coldhearted bastards. There could also be the
Through all his stages, Mr. Jaggers followed
possibility that because of his lack of
him with the same strange interest. (Ch.
emotion and abundance of conviction that
26, Page 200)
he wants to take him in just like he took in
Pip, though this one seems a bit more
unlikely considering that he took in Pip
because he was paid to do so, not because e
wanted to.
I get where Pip is coming from. Even though
I am surprised that he doesnt want to see
Let me confess exactly, with what feelings I Joe, I can relate to it because its like your
looked forward to Joes coming. Not with
parent talking to your teacher on Open
pleasure, (Ch. 27, Page 203)
House. Its just a really embarassing
moment for the student, so I cant bring
myself to hate Pip for this one statement.

Estella looked more bright and beautiful

than before, and I was under stronger
enchantmant. (Ch. 29, Page 223)

Wow; after everything Pip has been

through, he still cant seem to stray from
Estella. I love how he thought he was no
more that course and common boy that
Estella taunted daily, but when he sees her
again, he just cant seem to feel any other
way. This really makes me wonder why
Miss Havisham told Pip to love her when it
is so obvious that he has his eye on no other

It's very strange that Mr. Wopsle changed

his name, and proffesion right after Pip
became rich and famous. Though it may
Meanwhile, Mr. Waldengarver, in a frightful
seem peculiar, I think that hes just trying to
perspiration, was trying to get himself out
mirror Pips success with the mindset of if
of his princely sables. (Ch. 31, Page 239)
a boy destined to be a blacksmith can strike
it rich in London, then why cant I do the

Hell be eighty-two next birthday. I have a

notion of Piring eighty-two times, if the
neighborhood shouldnt complain and that
cannon of mine should prove equal to the
pressure. (Ch. 32, Page 242)

Taking a bit of a break from discussing

Estella and Pips miserable relationship, I
wanted to talk about the irony in this
statement from Wemmick. Though I have
no problem whatsoever regarding the fact
that he wishes to celebrate his fathers
birthday in style, I do think that its a bit
ironic that he chooses to shoot off canons
when his dad is deaf.

My lavish habits led his easy nature into

expenses that he could not afford,
corrupted the simplicity of his life, and
disturbed his peace with anxiety and
regrets. (Ch. 34, Page 254)

Though Pip makes this remark, he doesnt

do anything to prove that he actually cares
about his friend. He claims that he ruined
his life, yet he makes no attempt to reform
him and/or pay off his debt. His actions, or
his inability to make any does beg the
question- does Pip care for Herbert at all?

"The whole business was so cleverly

managed, that Herbert had not the least
suspicion of my hand being in it. (Ch. 37,
Page 279)

I particularly like this like for a few reasons.

First of all, it shows that Pip has matured
and grown up a little since his darker
nature in the previous piece of
commentary. However, you truly see the
irony play out. You see that Pip is Herberts
mysterious benefactor just like Pip has his
own one as well.

The line that has just been spoken not only

answers questions of the past, but it also
sets up so many things for the third part of
Pips expectations. With Pips dreadful
convict being his mysteriois benefactor, all
of his hopes of marrying Estella have
vanished. She was NEVER promised to him,
making his whole journey of becoming a
gentleman futile and pointless. He left his
happy (though not wealthy) lifestyle with
All the truth of my position came Plashing Joe behind because of a false hope, a false
on me; and its disapointments, dangers,
dream that isnt coming true. His time with
disgraces, consequences of all kinds, rushed Miss havisham- also pointless. It simply
in in such a multitude that I was borne
turns out that Estella is her wrecking ball;
down by them and had to struggle for every she just wants to seek vengeance on men so
breath I drew. (Ch. 39, Page 298)
they can feel the pain and suffering she felt
on her wedding day. If I were Pip, I would
wish that the convict never appeared on my
doorstep, claiming to be the reason for all
my success. I would be clinging on to false
hope, but at least I would be motivated to
keep pursuing Estella. Now, all those
dreams went down the drain, along with
Pips motivation, conviction, and reason to
continue living the pathetic and miserable
life of pursuit and declination.
For a life full of misery and distress, we can
Pinally see how Pips one true friend Pinally
"Herbert received me with open arms, and I comes through and becomes the beacon of
had never felt before, so blessedly, what it is sunshine Pip needs him to be. However, I
to have a friend. (Ch. 41, Page 319)
Pind it ereally funny that his true best friend
is someone that he pays everyday and is
someone he had beaten up.

In jail and out of jail, in jail and out of jail,

in jail and out of jail. There, you got it.
That's my life pretty much, down to such
times as I got shipped off, arter Pip stood
my friend. (Ch. 42, Page 323)

It is clear that Magwitch is deranged and an

unruly man because he had to summarize
his life story by literally stating hes always
been a convict evading the law. However,
you can always see that there was no other
choice for him becaus ehe was born in
poverty in a world controlled by the rich.
You can also see that htere is good in him by
how made good relationships and had a

Nonsense she returned, This will pass in

no time. (Ch. 44, Page 340)

Out of all the things Estella has done to Pip,

this has to take the cake and be the biggest
piece of evidence for her being a coldhearted girl. Even though it is evident that
she was brought up in a distraught
environment, the fact that she cant seem to
understand Pips deep passion for her
shows that she had never experienced the
thing, not even for Miss Havisham. All this,
combined with the fact that shes marrying
Drummle (the man whos nickname was the
Spider, the man who Jaggers, another coldhearted devilish Piend, took interest in, the
man that seemed incapable of any emotion
throughout the novel) truly proves she can
understand in context, the idea of love, but
can never full grasp how to love others.

This is where Pip breaks away from his

childish fantasies and obsessions of Estella
and truly shows his passion and love for the
woman. No longer is this a childish crush
You have been in every prospect I have
for Pip anymore; Estella isnt that, she is the
ever seen since - on the river, on the sails of essence that Plows through Pips world, the
the ships, on the marshes, in the clouds, in thing that keeps him motivated, keeps him
the light, in the darkness, in the wind, in the going. Estella isnt a person to Pip, she is a
woods, in the sea, in the streets. (Ch. 44,
part of his existence. She is like the
Page 340)
molecules of air around Pip. These thoughts
not only prove Pips higher levels of
thinking, but how he and his love for Estella
have matured since the Pirst time he laid his
eyes on her at Satis house.

There was something so natural and

winning in Clara's resigned way of looking
at these stores in detail, as Herbert pointed
them out,and something so conPiding,
loving, and innocent, in her modest manner
of yielding herself to Herbert's embracing
arm (Ch. 46, Page 352)

The true love and chemistry between

Herbert and Clara make readers like me feel
sad for Pip, knowing that Pip never had or
will have such a poetic relationship with
Estella. As Herbert and Clara are like
magnets to each other, Pip and Estella are
the exact opposite, each pulling further and
further away.

It was an unhappy life that I lived, and its

one dominant anxiety, towering over all its
other anxieties like a high mountain above
a range of mountains, never disappeared
from my view. (Ch. 47, Page 357)

As a reader, you can really see how Pip sees

his life as one giant pile of misery- his
parents and brothers died, his sister was
very abusive, he has always been
surrounded by convicts, and the love of his
life married his nemesis. However, he
doesnt realize that pain and misery is a
part of everyones life, and we all have to
learn to deal with. Very few people are truly
happy because its so hard to avoid
misfortune and misery.

It is pretty obvious that Pip thinks that Mr.

Jaggerss servant, Molly, is Estellas birth
mother. I dont understand why Dickens
The action of her Pingers was like the
made this out to be because Molly is such
action of knittingSurely, I had seen exactly
an underdeveloped and unimportant
such eyes and such hands, on a memorable
character. Knowing that a character that
occasion very lately. (Ch. 48, Page 365)
weve only met three times during Pips
expectations, who will Estellas father be?
Will his identity even be revealed?

What purpose I had in view when I was

hot on tracing out and proving Estellas
parentage, I cannot say. (Ch. 51, Page 381)

Where Pip thinks he is hunting down

Estellas parentage because he loves her, I
believe hes doing it because he is chasing
false hope. If her parents are a convict and a
murderer, I think Pip wants to show her
that shes no better than the adopted son of
a blacksmith.

At the beginning of this episodic novel, we

the mud and ooze were coated with lime, see Pip describe these marshes as ghastly
and how the choking vapor of the kiln crept and demented. We see this hasnt changed
in a ghostly way towards me. (Ch. 53, Page in the many years that have passed. To Pip,
these marshes will forever be a no mans
land Pilled with horrors and terrors.

Its my wedding day, cried Biddy, in a

burst of happiness, and I am married to
Joe! (Ch. 59, Page 448)

Well this is quite terrible news for Pip. Not

only did the love of his life marry his arch
nemesis, his second choice, Biddy, got
married to someone he considered a father
Pigure. I honestly wonder how Pip will cope
with this, as well as what Dickens has in
store for the ending of this book.

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