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Korunk npbetegsge

1 Korinthus 5
Bevezets: Epefreg, mint npbetegsg. Ebben a fejezetben parznasgrl van sz,
s arrl, hogyan lljunk hozz a parznasghoz.
Scipio the Younger, soon after the conquest of Carthage, having retired to his camp,
some of his officers brought a young virgin to him of such exquisite beauty, that she
drew upon her the eyes and admiration of every person. The young conqueror started
from his seat with confusion and surprise. In a few moments, having recovered
himself he inquired of the beautiful captive, in the most civil and polite manner,
concerning her country, birth, and connections; and finding that she was betrothed to
a Spanish prince, named Allucius, he ordered both him and the captive's parents to be
sent for. When the prince appeared in his presence, Scipio took him aside; and to
remove the anxiety he might feel on account of the young lady, addressed him thus:
'You and I are young, which admits of me speaking to you with freedom. They who
brought me your future spouse, assured me at the same time, that you loved her with
extreme tenderness; and her beauty and merit left me no room to doubt of it. Upon
which I reflected, that if I were in your situation, I should hope to meet with favour. I
therefore think myself happy in the present conjuncture to do you a service. Though
the fortune of war has made me your master, I desire to be your friend. Here is your
wife; take her, and may you be happy. You may rest assured, that she has been as
safe among us, as she would have been in the house of her father and mother. Far be
it from Scipio to purchase any pleasure at the expense of virtue, honour, and the
happiness of an honest man. No; I have kept her for you, in order to make you a
present worthy of you and of me. The only gratitude I require of you for this
inestimable gift, is, that you will be a friend to the Roman people.'
In the conversion of Colonel James Gardiner recorded by Philip Doddridge
there is a striking account of how this famous soldier's contempt for the seventh
commandment was ended. While in Paris, in July 1719, Gardiner had spent the
evening in some gay company and had planned an unhappy association with a
married woman whom he was to meet that same night at exactly twelve o'clock. The
company broke up about eleven, and not judging it convenient to anticipate the time
appointed, he went into his chamber to kill the tedious hour, perhaps with some
amusing book. But it accidentally happened that he took up a religious book, which
his good mother or aunt had, without his knowledge, slipped into his cases. It was The
Christian Soldier; or, Heaven taken by Storm, by Thomas Watson. Guessing by the tide
of it that he should find some phrases of his own profession spiritualized, in a manner
which he thought might afford him some diversion, he resolved to dip into it; but he
took no serious notice of anything he read in it: and yet, while this book was in his
hand, an impression was made upon his mind, perhaps God only knows how, which
drew after it a train of the most important and happy consequences.
A. Mit jelent a parznasg?

Hzassgtrs, parznasg, nemi erszak, vrfertzs, szodmia, minden

termszetellenes vgyat, kpzeldst, bordlyhzakat, poligmit, de
mindenfle testisget is. s tilt mindenfle ingerlst a testisgnek.
B. Mit tegyenek a hvk a parznasg ellen?
1. Tisztasg megkvnsa.
Pl. John Newton esete.
Pl. Scipio Africanus mg a pognyban is ott volt a tisztasgra val vgy.
Azrt is lesz olyan ers az, amirl itt beszl Pl az 5. fejezet elejn.
2. beren gyeljnk szemeinkre s rzsnkre.
Legynk berek mindenekben: nmegtartztats, tiszta let trsasg
keresse, de legfkppen TISZTESSGES LTZET lnyok esetben.
3. Hzassgot keressk azok, akik nem tudnak a nlkl lni!
A hzassgot lehet, s kell biblikusan kezelni!
4. Szorgalmasan dolgozzunk.
HA munknkkal vagyunk elfoglalva, akkor nem lesz idnk bolondsgokra.
Pl. Nagyon jl tette az az atyafi, aki imdkozott rtem, hogy legyen sok
C. Mit tegyenek a hvk a keresztyn parznkkal szemben?
Valjban itt fontos megltni, hogy NEM csak az els kt versben lev dolgokrl
van sz.
Amit mg meg kell, itt lssunk, hogy nehz eldnteni, mikor s milyen gond
1. Trjenek meg a felfuvalkodottsgbl.
rdekes reakci a bnre.
A korinthusi letmd egyrtelm megnyilvnulsa volt.
M. rdekes, amikor a bn elhomlyostja az elmt, mg bszke is lehet az
2. Ki kellene, vettethessk a parzna a gylekezetbl.
3. Ne trsalogjanak vele.
M. A Vilg CSAK abbl ll.

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