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My name is Ra A Ana Vanessa and I found out about Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest
from educational fair ,from Open gates day where I communicated with students about the
provided future of this university.My older friends helped me and they gave me good advices and
arguments about why they have chosen this academy.
I have chose this academy , because Im a young girl passionate about the business inviroment,who
wants to follow in the future what she loves and like. I consider that my economic profile from
highschool and all the information accumulated in four years of study will help me .
My student years at ASE I imagine as a unique experience through I will make new friends ,new
memories that will last for a life time.I want to involve in projects and activities and I want to learn
from the best . In future I will consider to accept a job in my area depending on what opportunities I
have,but first I want to involve , to live my first year as a student and then maybe in year 2 I will
make this step.
After I will graduate from my chosen program , I want to continue my studies and to expend my
I was a student of The Superior School of Commerce N.Kretzulescu and in my four years there I
was involved in a lot of activities: I was vice president of the school counsil in my first year,I
attended volunteered such as: RIUF (Romanian International University Fair) where I interacted
with new people from different countries and guide teenagers to find where they want to study,I did
this for about three years,Bucharest Half Maraton where I was part of a great team.
For over 3 years I was involved in education programs and projects intended for
adolescents, youth and adults, for 2 reasons: I see in these initiatives "my way" for a time horizon in
the medium to long term, falling to the combination of personal skills and professional desire. I
think a non-formal education activist needs, above all, patience, consistency, thirst for learning and
a measured dose of enthusiasm to put in effect transformational programs, inclinations that I believe
that I can use to my advantage and causes for which I advocate.
Possibly the most relevant experience for the position in question is my collaboration with the
Municipality of Bucharest through The Projects and Educational Programs Centre, in the past two
In Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest I want to involve as much as I can and learn from the
best teachers.Im a person that love to work , to achive great things and to put some passion in it.


Semnatura candidatului

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