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Alan Garfoot 2008

Published by Lulu Publishers

Also by the same Author:
The Tantric Heart
Soulific Lover

Dawn of the Neo-Modern:

Art, Humanism & the Meme
By Alan Garfoot

Book Contents:

Page 1

Chapter 1: The Future of Human Perspectives: Dawn of the NeoModern

Page 2

Chapter 2: The Next Phase: Humanism & Neo-Modernism

Page 10

Chapter 3: Growth from Within: Introspection, Art & Memetic

Page 26

Chapter 4: Free Thought: The State, Propaganda & Memetic

Page 77

Chapter 5: Skill of Self: Flourishing & The Underclass

Page 91

Chapter 6: Engineering Consciousness: Human Nature, Social

Scope & Genetics
Page 116

Chapter 7: Neo-Modernism: Energy, Education & Global

Page 145

Chapter 8: The Future & Neo-Modernism

Page 156

Chapter 9: Psionics: The Future of Mental Philosophy

Page 164

Chapter 10: The Nuclear Fusion Bomb & The Black Hole:
Page 175


Page 180


Page 183

The Freud Model of the Self

Page 185

The Kantian Model of the Mind

Page 186

Model of Autonomy of Ideology

Page 187

A wise man once said the aim of writing and philosophy
is not to describe the world; the point of philosophy is to change
the world. This book makes this attempt to change the world by
bringing to light views and ideas which are the traditional
cornerstones of contempory modern thought and then challenges
them in order to shape a picture of humanity which is both
positive and progressive. This book discusses the transformative
powers of the artform in terms of individual and cultural
evolution through elaborative synthesis. This book explains how
our projection of will onto profane objects which forms our
ideology takes place. There is much discussion as to the limits of
human freedom through our autonomy formed by our objectified
beliefs. This book creates a synthesis of consciousness and
cognition in its section on the future of mental philosophy. The
book elaborates upon genetics, human nature and social
designing through eugenics and the dangers of genetic databasing.
This book details meme theory in terms of liberty and
self sculpture determining the nature of our will. In this book
humanism and post-humanism are seen as the backbone of
global development and international infrastructure. In this book
the tangent of both individual, society and planet are discussed
with the aim of an ideal vision of how the future can be formed
by our actions in the present, safeguarding our future from
negativities. In this book the issue of the manipulation of
cognition and consciousness in state cohesion is considered in
depth. There are generalisations as to the critical nature of the
underclass and human flourishing regards technology and what
a world free of work would be like in its essential dynamics.
There is a discussion of the possibilities of Post-Modern and Neo
Modern development across the world into the near and far
future. Finally there is a brief discussion of the nature of gravity
regarding the technology of the gravity shield and the nature of
the nuclear fusion bomb in regards to the destruction of a black
hole should one be discovered too close for comfort.

Chapter 1
The Future of Human Perspectives: Dawn of the NeoModern
Probably the best way to introduce this book would be to
provide a brief overview of some of the concepts and discussion
areas in the first chapter. As such I shall give a brief overview of
the meme a look at modernism, Post-modernism and Neomodernism and a look at humanism as an ethical structure for
world uniting ideology. I shall also look at work which deals
closely with these areas. As such this book deals largely with the
flourishing of individuals throughout society, how technology if
implemented properly may soon relieve us from much of the
labour which is required and what a society freed from work
would be like in its ideology and essential dynamics.
The meme is an analogy between genes and ideas: that
both are selfish replicators. Genes compete in the natural
environment in what Charles Darwin calls the struggle for
survival. Mutation happens sporadically and if the mutation
gives the animal a greater chance of survival or gain of resources
then through successful survival the mutation or adaptation is
passed on to the offspring. Memes are ideas made mobile each
idea competing for survival against each other idea through their
relevance to the natural environment, how each idea has a praxis
to the lived environment. As our natural environments become
more complex with the advances of science and the use of
advanced technology so too must our ideas evolve and adapt
through this space in our minds. The meme is more than the idea
as transmitted from individual to individual as our ideas are part
subconscious so too is the meme part subconscious with the
copying of gestures and posture a part of our deep and textured
subconscious learning of other people. As such as humans our
capacity for copying, visualising, reasoning and elaborating is
immense spanning the whole of the subconscious and our
capacity for transmitting consciousness and cognition is
staggering with the meme transmitting the raw meaning of
consciousness and cognition.
The meme and its subconscious depth demonstrate the
subtlety of humanities most common evolution: more brain cells.
The growth in the number of neurons and the depth of each ones

dendrite structure shows a positive trend for each successive

human being studied. Neuron development in human evolution
has shown increase through the development of our
communicative powers and capabilities; through memes. Back in
our evolution into what is Homo Erectus two animals would
copy each other, the meaning more subconsciously shared then
consciously the ability to mimic and share cognition can bridge
the individual consciousnesss and be shared in this copied state.
The depth, boundaries and balance of self and of
visualisation exist as a triage and of are all marked by our use of
creative reason as self conscious and aware yet limited beings.
Our perception and our reactive conscious self are not just
pragmatic instincts, we are like other animals rational to an
extent deemed by structure, elaboration and trained knowledge.
Unlike the rest of the animal kingdom human beings have the
capacity for trained knowledge of a highly elaborate nature and
reason and imagination of a profound depth and structure.
Ambience exists as a sense that we have along with our other
senses and this ambiance links in with our peripheral perceptions
to form the unconscious which represents our perceptions to
ourselves. Our communicative capacity and our potential for
visualisation correlate with our depth, elaboration and subtle
background ambient self either in communication or
introspection. As such the potential for expansion of self exists
as far as concepts exist we can expand in whatever direction we
can reason or desire. In self there is choice, in self there is that
which is chosen and events which benchmark self and personal
history beyond the subjectivity of what exists, there is that which
metaphysic is.
This capacity for the engineering of consciousness
through the copying and more autonomously through our
capacity of visualisation is breathtaking, the main driving force
of evolution: the ability to copy and share a meme state on the
verge of consciousness, this increased communicative ability: is
bettered only by the capacity for introspective visualisation. Both
are principles of thought evolved around the principles of
abstraction and reason; what makes humanity different from the
animal kingdom.
With new ideas and new technologies come fresh
perspectives, perspectives of intuition and perception,
perspectives of society and cultural consciousness; perspectives
of self and ideology. All eras of humanity are marked by a style

of thought whether they be the sacred three supernal powers with

an all powerful god or technocratic liberal liberation and
potential self it is all how well our ideas fit with reality as we
have experienced it.
Some ideas such as religious ideas as time goes on lose
their attractiveness as their deity has little to no existential value
to the average everyday woman or man. Ideas need to be finetuned though as to fit reality exactly and there are so many
different perspectives and interpretations that the process of fine
tuning can and should take a lifetime. But during that lifetime
our perspectives may change many times, each time acquiring a
new element; something unexplained or left for granted in the
old personal paradigm.
With the increasing complexity of meme structure only
available to a subtle and ambiently aware individual copying and
the meme state for most of us ends there. With introspective
visualisation and meditation we can calm the mind and as skill is
gained imprint into the unconscious and create elaboration. Ideas
act as structure imprinted into the flow of consciousness; we
energise our minds with idea in cognition and conscious thought
with ambient dendrite patterning and growth depicting the shape
of consciousness and the shape of cognition. Much the same as
two elements can combine to make a compound with different
properties than the elements that constitute it, so too can clusters
of neurons can have neuro-synaptic firings in different sequences
to mean slightly different things or create slightly different sense
impressions as the brain is divided. As such neurologically the
mind is wired of synapses and consciousness is weaved out of
the cognitive fabric of the brain. There exists room in the flux of
the stream of consciousness for imprint and hence therefore
elaboration as well as receptively tuned in introspection when
the mind is in balance and harmony. Memory becomes psionic
structure with the sequencing of neurons in the limbic brain
recording each moment of existence we have with exquisite
lucidity. If our minds have the potential for expansion it is in the
depth of the meme, introspection, elaboration, meditation and
metaphysic that we must search. I have now outlined the meme
and highlighted some of its relevance to this book. I shall now
continue to discuss humanism and explicate some of the main
constituents of what ideology are both culturally and to us as
individuals and beings.

Life in pre-modern times was difficult and conditions of

humanity harsh, land was feudally owned by knights or the
ruling order and serfs tied to the land worked for a portion of the
produce. The Christian faith ruled over ideas with their thinking
from Leibnitz, Spinoza and Descartes. Advanced Christian
thought at the time speculated the idea of monads: vessels of
god-like consciousness which transcended the physical world
and exists in a different dimension aside from the physical
dimensions of height, depth, breadth, ether and time. In premodern times there was an air of dogmatic fatalism, the belief
that if god the all- mighty ruler cannot intervene and change the
situation with man on earth then all is lost and nothing can be
done, all our prayers are worthless. Power lies in the hands of
those with might and no amount of prayer will change that, the
laypeople are powerless in the process to do anything about
anything. Really the power of god is the power of affirmation is
the basis of autonomy as an imprint form has a lot of power. In
an imprint everything which is the subconscious and higher
consciousness is willed into by the conscious. There is a pause,
for a moment there is intense focus then there is another pause,
this makes the imprint stand out in the memories time template
making it a more conscious memory.
Thankfully the state is liberal and the people have power
our guardians who are entrusted with this power govern for the
people in proportional representation for each area and as parties
discussion focuses on analysis, discussion, criticism, debate and
synthesis. According to the Marxists power is in the hands of the
ruling classes and those who own the means of production and
all the social structure embodies capitalism and their rule over
us, they are the bourgeoisie and we are the proletariat. Marxists
believe with strong conviction that god is merely the prosaic
counter-thought used to justify the oppression which existed in
these times. With the enlightenment and the age of reason came
the winning of the war against nature in the battle for survival
against the elements. Humanity with new technology could
produce more than enough for sustenance but instead of being
used for the betterment of humanity the excess is used to
accumulate more capital and this increased profit kills the need
of the actual labour in production, bad news for the workers who
are then laid off in the trimming of overheads. If only
production could be based around need not profit then besides
the organisation of labour and production there may one day be a

society so harmonious there would be no need for the state. We

still need the state for its civil responsibility in the passing of
laws and as an arena for debate of current the current issues
much like we need police in maintaining law and order but one
day these bay be fulfilled by different social structures. The
place the House of Lords plays to the House of Commons in the
debating and decision making is crucial, there must be long and
structured debate and time for contemplation and consideration
before issues can be truly decided on and in society of the future
matters could be decided upon by vote with the coming age of
technology sweeping in over us.
From Marxism comes communism, in communism
resources instead of being owned by landlords the land is state
owned; the sustenances profit going straight back into society.
Ideology is the reflexive thought of a people oppressed not only
by the ruling elite the oppressors, but god also for he or she
oppresses us as the principle explanation of everything which
happens to us. According to the bible we were cast out from
goodness and we are born with an immortal sin; our lack of piety
is punishable by any disappointment or ill-fate in life.
Humanism is borne out of Existentialism and Marxism.
A main argument for the existence of god is that existence is a
necessary element and constituent of the perfect beings
definition so by definition the perfect being exists. The
Existentialist holds that essence does not precede existence;
something cannot be defined into existence as the Cartesian
philosophers would painfully admit. In Marxism the Bourgeoisie
the land and capital owners are quickly replaced by proletariat
elected protective state custodians, what we find is that here in
the UK much of the land is tied to lords and ladies who maintain
and guard the land from corporate exploitation so the house of
lords has two functions. Its first function is as an arena of debate
and decision and the second function is the guarding of the land
from corporate exploitation. Marxists believe that god is a
delusion and exists as an idea which pragmatically suits an
oppressed people. In todays world the exploitation plagues
mankind beyond all boarders as geo-capitalism tries to maximise
its profit margins at the expense of workers rights and working
conditions. With such a divide widening between the poor and
the rich across the globe we have to really ask where all our
money is going accumulated as all this excess capital of the
worlds bourgeoisie. Essentially money and investment are the

limits of potential with this in mind could this reserve of money

not be spent a little wiser. Humanism believes that human
matters and concerns are the highest concerns of which we can
involve ourselves in and it is the alleviation of suffering from the
human condition with which we should strive for. To humanist
thinkers religion is really a smokescreen which prevents humans
having enough empathy to solve the worlds crisis let alone the
social issues of peace and global solidarity. Humanists deny god
any plausible causality in the world in which we live. Humanism
exists as a good platform for a global cause of humanity with its
cause seeing beyond religion, ideology and other belief systems
to the real issue which is at stake; the progressive betterment of
the conditions of humankind.
In the world as it is today in the post modern world
ideology has come to mean more then the symptomatic god and
belief structure of oppressed people it has come to have a more
casual meaning: life style. Ideology means the working beliefs
and active ideas in our belief structure which motivate us to do
the things we do. If ideology has come to mean lifestyle then it
has come be that we are all ideologies of at least some broad
similarity as sure as that we are human. The ideology that we
have is relative to the life we have experienced and our beliefs
will be tailor fitted to the way we live our lives, that is true of all
humans. In postmodernism we are free to choose and shape our
own belief structures in the hope that a good culture of the future
will emerge from the chaos of social interaction. As such we are
at liberty to pick and choose our culture from inside society
every symbol a cultural symbol and every code a cultural code;
such is the message of the liberal media and free press. Ideology
constitutes ideas and how they work with the world in navigating
ideas in our perceived existence: we have a belief structure and
choice is forced upon us. In post modernism we live in a pick
and mix society where the cultural codes of many different
groups intermingle. We can choose ideas and maxims from
many different groups and choose and combine ideas to our own
liking we can for instance be part Pagan and part Buddhist. What
strikes us in the postmodern world is how we are free to mix up
the signs and cultural codes we are free to do something called
self styling which is the active choosing of beliefs and ideas and
cultural media such as music and books we create an embodied
social self.

In neo-modernism the self is liberated from work by the

increasing introduction of robotics and fusion power. With the
hydrogen fuel cell revolutionising transport and agriculture there
increasingly could be with very few jobs and increasingly work
that is now labouring becomes mechanised with the introduction
of robotics in the means of production with an eye for the
introduction of robotics everywhere in all walks of life. Culture
is radical in a neo-modern world with style and cultural codes
being self chosen to the production of the goods itself, being a
part of automated industry. This sort of culture the product of
unifying ideology in the introduction of a global method of
production such is neo-modern ideology and the neo-modern
will. Such is the problem of hegemony the sameness and
repetition of the means of production of post modern art and the
quest for originality solved as each is the producer of his or her
own individualise symbolism and cultural identity.
In a post modern and increasingly neo-modern world
this potential that we have as humans to become ourselves of a
higher state can be utilised to inspire that part of the social
subconscious known as the social dynamic. If neo-modernism is
the correct way forwards then work will be replaced by humans
having free time to perfect all aspects of self. In this free time we
become the artists, theologians and philosophers which Marx
and Plato desired for their future generations. We are all gifted
with almost limitless potential all that is needed to turn this
potential into skill is patience and time. As we learn a new skill
what happens in our brains is that the skill exists as a sequenced
firing of synapses. As the skill refines itself through repetition
new dendrite structures grow and the cognitive neural code is
shortened, the cognitive code requiring less brain cells and
synapses. As such brain cells are aware of the abstract cognitive
meanings of other cells dendrite structures and synapses;
intrinsic to the synapse firing as a part of a sequenced meaning
and what that sequenced neural code meaning stands for in a
cognitive representational value. With the mind you can refine
producing a shorter neural code with the same meaning just
using new dendrite pathways and structure to equate for a whole
sequence of synapse firing with a simplified structure using
single new synapses to equate for whole chunks of code. In
elaboration chunks of neural code are made longer and new
dendrite pathways emerge making for emboldened and
broadened meanings which constitute our perspective. In

elaboration depth and substance is added to the object of mental

focus and objectification: this can be done through meditation,
art or music. As such the human ability to develop concepts and
ideas through communication and elaborate ideas and develop
their selves is unique. It separates humanity from the rest of the
animal kingdom as we have these unique capacities but whether
these capacities develop or not is down to the individual and is
down to society. We have what I would like to call the human
blueprint which has much potential and many capacities.

Chapter 2
The Next Phase: Humanism & The Neo-Modern
Philosophy & The Dawn of the Neo-Modern
This is a short sharp book, a short sharp new book on the
cutting edge, on the front lines, and the core of the debate and at
the outer most edge of where the minds scope can go. It is NeoModern in the way it deals with technology, in the way it deals
with global affairs, the way it considers self and the way it
considers the future possibilities of humanity to be. This book is
about art, how art sculpts the ego the self and represents to us
what is more than our current self and perception in the
subconscious, in the way art is our higher self our embodied
deeper self and our future self as yet to be sculpted by our hands
such as we are self creators. It is humanistic in the sense as it
deals with objectivity to dispel delusions of an objective
overbearing force halting our progression and being the excuse
of our inhumanity and that to sculpt our ethics our highest
achievement and true nobility as a race. But it is finally about
idea and the evolution and communication of ideas and such
forces which work deep within the self to shape the self. So it is
about the memetics and the social subconscious as much as it is
about current affairs, ideal states, world unity, liberty, freedom,
democracy the underclass and the intuition of our perceptions.
It is about the raw, core stuff we are made of also, the matter of
all physicality out of which stuff I am made and of what mental
essences and energies may be supervening my body that I may
be constituted also, which is in the realm of metaphysics.
Fractals of Consciousness
The universe is mathematical down to the last
description of its essence, but before this essence came to be as
the material world something must have existed before,
something unknown to us. It would be simpler to say that
through the essential nature of the nothing which existed before
creation introspected and hence came to be as something. An
explosion comparatively small concerning the dimensional space
involved expanded and cooled and now exists as the myriad of


stars accelerating towards the ends of the universe, as proved by

red shift experiments on supernova, the universe is expanding
and accelerating. The edge or mass at the edge of time and space
to which we are accelerating came into existence at the same
time as the big bang. And the same way the universe
introspected on itself and came into being so we to introspect
and likewise come to being and true self. There is a fifth
dimension though a dimension which represents in zero-point
fluctuations which represents that which is limitless and beyond
on the outside of the sphere of existence, this universe of limited
corporeal matter. Like the zero-point fluctuations there exists a
fifth dimension of ether through which light moves as has been
shown through interference patterning tests where there is a
photographic plate in a dark room, light is allowed in through
two slits in the curtain, if photons (light particles) move like a
longitudinal wave then there will be many interference patterns
that show, not just the original two slits of light but faint bands
where the two pathways of light converge in their movement
around the slits of light, just like ripples in a pond.
The gene is a solid foundation within the fractal of
existence it lies at the centre of all cells of the human body and at
the core of every sentient living thing on earth. It is despite
neuron-synaptic firings the only determinant that is a reduction
of core causality from the chain of causalities that can be
attributed to consciousness. Therefore in the consideration of
what is consciousness, what is sentience, what is cognising life
itself the gene plays a key role for the matter of materialism.
What is also true though and more important in our
considerations of what is consciousness and cognition is that of
the liquid crystal cell membrane and the stimulation which is the
electrolyte ions, connectivity between the energy of the brain and
the energy of consciousness.
The highest outcome of this matter is our minds our
neural consciousness and sentient awareness based on the
dendrite pathways of neurons of different functions, the
elaboration of mental code a product of experience in an
objective environment affecting the subjective self, certain
qualities of the human blueprint are developed and others
become overlooked or made redundant, a store as such for later
introspective development. As such the human being and human
nature are fractal developments from the blueprint of what could
possibly be.


In the fractal of consciousness there are two different

analyses of a neurons activity, these are token identity and type
identity which I shall outline here. Token identity identifies the
neural mental moment in cognition as the particular cells
dendrite pathways triggering a synapse and the neuro-peptides
release stimulating a particular part of the liquid crystals cell
membrane. Type identity considers the type of neuron in
particular where the cell exists in neural structure. Both type and
token identity can explain how individual thoughts and moments
of cognition are representational as sequences of fired neural
cells. From this we have a structure of repetition throughout all
of the animal kingdom though with humans having the most
refined and developed mind bar the porpoise with larger more
defined brains then humans. As such we can be considered a part
of the fractal of nature that has developed through time through
evolution into the creatures we are today.
One can postulate the existence of either being a material
soul born of our genes which develops through life or an
immaterial soul, which transcends the corporeal world of objects
and is transcendental and exists in a higher dimensionality
between physical lifetimes. We can worship the higher
dimensionality and the matter each respectively for their sacred
properties believing self is the product of such unity between the
two. A step beyond would be to consider the whole of infinity
outside the sphere of existence and think that if the whole of
space and is infinite is there a chunk which is mine and infinite,
if so is it infinite in itself, is there some nexus that could be
postulated connecting us to infinity and this is what is
represented as our higher self.
Ultimately it is the higher energetic essence of the
matter, which we should come to objectify, the higher energy of
matter released in consciousness. Pi is the essence of infinity; the
infinite decimal number embodied in all circular and spherical
manifestation from atoms to the edge of space. Perhaps then this
part of the fractal of life could give a sacred credence to the
liquid crystal cell membrane and the gene. The resonance of the
genetic matter within us is what we call life itself and the
electrical stimulation of the cell wall the computation of
cognition. The gene and the vibration of all matter of the essence
and existence of life at the zero-point level is what maintains the
incredible coherence of the manifest universe. Perhaps


introspection and meditation upon this vibration can link us with

a part of our essence primordial, a part of our essence united.
It would be the goal of humanity to come to a sentience
a perspective with the ability to perceive the life in other entities
and objects, to see the real beneath the mundane. That on the
achievement of this the human race will have evolved beyond
competition to survive to the principles of collective ownership
of humanity and co-evolution. This comes from the mind
introspecting upon itself, becoming its own tool, its own vehicle
for experience and knowledge and we begin to take power from
the will we have found from the murky primordial depths of the
Neo-Modernism, Humanism & The Human Environment
Think intensely about the world, about how we fit into it
and how we think, like an animal in the wild would be suited for
their environment our minds are suited for our world and the
mind is almost without limit, even beyond the limits of our
imagination. Has humankind really come to the highest
cogitation of our environment? The natural environment that we
think about as a part of our human uniqueness we think with the
capacity for introspection and self awareness. We think in
abstract ways also, the deeper intuition of what is surreal to the
mind in its waking the unknowable we seek to know in the
subconscious as an introspection.
There are those who seek to prove almost an infinity to
say as if by more than chance we are fated unique and through
higher self not just subject to the whims of the universe and that
we are uniquely designed to suit whatever environment we
choose to imagine, choose to create, choose to design through
technology for ourselves.
Humans however as much we embody the natural world
the lush nature with its intrinsic beauty and necessity we must
take to a small degree, the degree we have necessity and require
for survival not selfish want or aesthetic desire from nature we
must take. In the aesthetic though we have a representation of
self and this self must remain represented in order for the
dynamic of human consciousness to remain abstract and free
flowing with its ingenuity. We have written language, the
sciences and the maths out of what can we create and through
which we can understand and shape the world, this is our higher


human nature, as creators. What environment can we create for

ourselves in this bid for survival from the forces of nature? To
remain in harmony with ourselves as a race and with the planet
as a world-wide ecosystem the future may require our colonising
beneath the waves, in the skies above the waves, other planets
and potentially other star systems. With a new energy core such
as nuclear fusion in the infrastructure of society the possibilities
really become more limitless as to what humanity can create as
within the physicality of social possibility we have an infinite
which can be converted into production through robotics, the
infinite of power. Hence energy is ultimately important, as it is
the driving force of mechanisation and the source of movement
for the machinery of humankind, the mechanics of humanity
itself. While on the one hand we have endless future possibilities
in the now there is on the other hand a burgeoning crisis of war,
famine and exploitation at the spearhead of the problem of
human survival itself, of human existence. The problem that we
must set to conquer is the pollution of the air, the skies and the
oceans and the famine and food shortage of endless millions.
Crisis looms both in our in our front yards and overhead in the
ever-present skies there are issues humanity must be setting itself
to overcome and issues humanity must be coming to accept.
If our most powerful imaginative possibility, idea or
ideal of the future is our highest ambition to expand across the
cosmos, to go to the stars, to space and live on other worlds or
create other worlds like our own through terra-forming other
planets then surely we must first learn to live on the earth to our
fullest and most perfect degree. We should come to be to the
Earth and its ecological harmony to our full advantage and
capacity, to be in a natural state of harmony with Gaia. We
should come to flourish from the vast potential of its natural
laboratory of bio-chemical synthesis to a state where we all have
a perfect quality of life.
With the advent of nuclear fusion the shape of global
human existence and quality of life the global equality of rights a
most fundamental force of Neo-Modernism, which is the power
of technology transforming the qualitative future world, which
we live in, is in effect again. From the same primordial source in
the will of humanity within reason and ingenuity the will for
creation which has transformed the human race from one social
era and epoch of history to another comes again the will of
modernity in the will of Neo-Modernism.


The enabling of the whole industrial and ecological

infrastructure of the human race to expand and develop around
this potential made through inter-governmental and international unity allows a neo-modern age to arise. The essential
unity and capital the funding enabled by the wealth of the
powers will produce a full-embodied neo-modernism of
humanity in the future through right courses of action in the
present being taken. This is a wave and movement in human
history, which aims and hopes to see every country come to its
threshold of productivity, harmony, and stability. NeoModernism is a movement to seek nations to work in harmony
with other nations so that the world can function as one, as a
globe in fairness and equality.
With a humanistic outlook of the power and potential of
humans as a species, self judging and introspecting the
governmental standards of all countries within the United
Nations (UN) can be improved to see human rights as a culture
of the future and a victory of positive nature in the battleground
of the self in the present climate of plurality. A global plan to
manipulate positively the tangent of humanity for the future for
the better for all countries and to the benefit of all citizens in the
present and in the future comes as ideals and ideas embodied in
the now, and therefore through their lived status as active ideas
and ideals as a way of the future. To move the planet forwards
towards a better future of collective humanity is the aim of NeoModernism, then there can be the call, the appropriate and
necessary level of change within creative ability of the global
powers and superpowers for improve the quality of life of all
individuals on the face of the globe.
Then with water, food, housing and necessity
requirements, human needs meet improved standards, improved
to a degree that the modernising process will have worked. That
there is provided for more and more of the citizens of a country
in the future through this modernising process then there would
be without the modernising process. That each country can have
its necessary development in turn and come to a neo-modern
level of ownership of the state by the educated people and a
technological level of development necessary for the people to
exist and flourish in harmony with the citizens of other nations.
The Nature and Direction of Neo-Modernism


The apex of social development is the sum of the entire

social infrastructure and the dimensions, which the infrastructure
has in its polity in the direction of its future development. This
includes all social structures such as health, justice, food
production and industrial process which manufacture the world
of the future as we see fit to create, our own vision of utopia, and
manifest in a social apex of power. As it is the needs of the
citizens of a country must be met, their rights must be founded
and given credence and authority as idea, ideal and law for there
to be the flourishing of a people and a betterment of civilisation.
There needs to come a point in global history where all
nations deal with each other not just in negotiations of their
boundaries as countries and as states but in the seeking of a
better collective future for the citizens of their own and each
others citizens. There comes a need for a global vision of the
future where the futures of all citizens are accounted for and the
needs of humanity are assessed and catered for in this global
vision. There needs to be an ecological element to this vision to
this sight of the future and in this ecological sight a unity and
flourishing of humanity and a unity to humanity in its positive
vision of itself, humanity not human race. In the tenets of
humanism we see humanity as a force in itself not subject
beneath any objective forces but its own positive ambition and
its own better nature enshrined as the ethics and ideals of the
present. We are our own masters and free of objectifications
such as a god and other worlds to which we bear our failings of
the present but we are free to develop and flourish in the
objective experiential freedom that we have. No longer blinded
by the sun of past objectifications we can come to understand the
contours of reality truly. As humanity expands in its scope and
the people become more open minded and more educated then a
shift of modernism takes place where we are more subject to our
own unique human nature then the nature which governs the
animal kingdom and the rest of this planet. We in this quest
become more harmonious and ethical; we become the refined
and bettered makers of our own destiny.
As a race we become more evolved that is better suited
for the world in perspective and mindset thus adding to the
nature of politics of the state and political structure. As the
politic evolves a more positive harmonious central hub of society
comes to exist that is the apex refines and becomes more precise
and positive in ethic and benefits societies citizens more having


being ruled by a government more in advance of its original

In turn this allows a more refined trade flow to other
nations which increases the countrys wealth, industrial power
and infrastructure which allows for a greater quality of life of the
citizens of the country, their rights human rights assured so that
their lives match the standards of other people in other countries
and states. It is the powers the national powers that emerge from
modernism, the modernising process that brings the powers of
nature under human control and the powers of humankind under
the control of the collective self as in democracy. The powers
control from which humanism emerged and from which a quality
of life can be founded as the highest of the objective, which is
ethics and not a principle such as a metaphysical god. It is up to
humankind to set its own standards and be responsible for its
own quality of life.
The nationalism in the sense of a nation united,
developed and positive and continentalism as in empowered
continents of trade, commerce and cross-cultural research and
development is an essential constituent of the vision of the ideal
social standards beyond the conceiving of borders as individual
nations. With the embodiment of the future ideal floating in
zero-gravity above us in the form of shared space-stations in the
immediate cosmos there is the sign of the future but space ports
for when space fare becomes the lived possibility and existence
of humanity seem a long way off. Continents as unities such as
the European union (EU) well in the sense of continental unity,
each nation with pride in their collective identity and each able
and willing to contribute to the production of social and global
goods and goals also needs true founding in the present in order
to be considered valid and successful steps forward that have
made the future what it is. This sort of collectivism in turn
enlightens humanity enough to see how it needs to change in
order to safeguard the future from becoming negative and the
quality of life becoming subjective or secondary to some other
ideological goal.
Global goals and goods as in cultural standards and
social and international projects that benefit nations need to be
the essential actions taken in the present in order better current
conditions. Behind these goals and goods we see humanity
leading itself to the solution of the worlds problems both
individually manifest in the minds of the citizens and as a whole


in the policies of world governments. A co-evolved unified

world government is the product of not competition but inner
drives for peace and survival. As such the old must be
embellished in the new and political survival in the elite for past
rulers must be in order for succession to be successful, such as
the House of Lords functions in the UK today.
WMDs Technology and Neo-Modernism
The world needs to develop its continental and
intercontinental level of social systems networking in order to
make the nation more integrated as a part of the continental and
international unification. Countries within those continents
should support in each other to become more unified and cosufficient, more developed and for the citizens of each country to
flourish in peace and harmony. This race to global unification
should be of a race to humanity to flourishing not an arms race
where the object is power and not flourishing or a race for
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) this sort of race to
modernity produces then a unification of the of the forces of the
human world each lending support in the form of manpower,
technology and raw materials. The race to modernity improves
society and does so in two ways, that as of politics of
organisation of the means of production improves so citizens and
civilians and their quality of life can improve forthright from the
production of material goods and food. Secondly that in NeoModernity that the powers, the apexes of power of each country
all point in the same direction to the development of rights,
technology and harmony, not to the development of weapons of
mass destruction and the inevitable consequential apocalyptic
war that though such weapons development would follow.
Where there is the development of nuclear fission the United
Nations (UN) must be allowed access in order for there to be
equilibrium on this level of international affairs for if there is
imbalance there is the loss of everything and the loss of all traces
of civilisation also would follow, it only takes one nuclear
weapon to start the chain reaction. There should be
superstructure between nations so that there are no more
foreigners just citizens of a planet. We should be protected
within the country we are in on the continent we are on with
police and military might justifying with force if necessary the
rights of free society. Functionalism and the functionalist school


of thought claims that before modernism solidarity was

mechanical with a rule of warriors, noble kings and tribal chiefs.
After the coming of the age of reason and its developments in
technology the solidarity is what would be called organic as each
of the superstructure institutions of society fulfil different roles
each member of staff trained to do a job in the police and justice
sector or healthcare contributing to the function of society like
the organs of a body, the social whole
In the upper echelon of social structures of highly
refined or refining of ethical standards must be seen, a politic of
justice and law and order must come to rule. Through this of all
the separate strata in the creation of society and in existing
society benefit from this stability and rule of law. Above all else
the national apexes must be in alignment and harmonious
concordance which in turn contribute to the development of the
continental and world apex and the will of world change, a
greater and most positive and harmonious world change of the
social and ecological tangent.
This in the right balance this idea and ideal of NeoModernism and the advent of nuclear fusion and hydrogen fuelcell technology as co-dependants in the creation of the energy
matrix within which all social structures rest is the starting point
in what will produce a national, continental and global unity. In
its necessity for internationalism to flourish in the creation and
usage of new diverse cutting edge technologies in new ways will
transform the self, where self representation as fashion itself will
stem from the will of the individual; not just the production line
themselves through people becoming embedded in this
technology and able to create self to new levels such as the
manipulation of automated systems to produce to demand
peoples own designed styles as a cultural note of the effect of
Neo-Modernism and the emancipation it brings. The aim of NeoModernism is to equalise and equilibrate the global means of
production and to harmonise the social apex and its associated
structures. A control of the state must be achieved by the people
along with the capacity to introspect with agency and evolve
through synthesis new ideology as refinements of old ideology.
Harmonising at the tip of the apex of society with other
international apexes utilising the international superstructure of
the United Nations will form into a well-founded individualised
planetary consciousness of unity and positive synthesis. That the
military and justice systems will stand for the people for their


human rights not against or above the people as a method of

Humanism & World Unity
As in the unification of nations in respect to the
development of a unified Africa as there is a European Union
and to such a standard of the E.U.s level of solidarity and ethical
standard cannot stress the importance enough of. There needs to
be co-operation between African nations in order for there to be
created an international solidarity which will last the test of time.
As a platform for continental government debate humanism sees
the goals of social improvement as the real goals and brushes
cultural and historical differences in order to rectify the human
condition where it needs help such as in third world countries.
Infrastructure like motorways and transport networking all need
constructing and maintenance. International unity of a level
where social structure crosses all boundaries and as a plateau of
philosophical contemplation and debate it is necessary for
countries to band together to share resources and the mode of
production to increase the quality of life of all citizens across
national boundaries. Plans must be thought through to specific
detail and brought together in order to be born together as one as
part of an African Union (AU) in the same way as the European
Union (EU), United Kingdom (UK) and United Nations (UN).
The creation of a global consciousness is the creation of
a tribal consciousness of global scope, that we are citizens of a
world not just a nation. The humanistic acceptance of moral
structure as a core objectification of human existence should be
repeated world-wide. We should not subjectify ourselves and
blame our lack of agency and acting to some falsified objective
force such as god or the nations state where the state is too
strong. Instead of being such rigid social actors we should be
making ourselves fluid enough to see through the co-operation of
nations to structuring and building up all countries and the
potentials of that country so that emancipated by technology and
Neo-Modernism no population of earth would feel a bitter pain
or resentment enough to wish the destruction of the state or any
other society nor civilisation. As was shown by the Iraq war we
have tragically come to our being a nation which swallows
superficial propaganda through the tabloids, as to the truth of
other nations and to most nations representation besides this


intravenous drip of sentiment and belief from the media even if

untrue such as Iraq having weapons of mass destruction our
knowledge of other nations and of the world and its possibilities
is small and largely culturally stereotyped. That is the
multinational and cultural stereotypes of the labels and signs we
consume on a daily basis in the time space compression of the
world in its globalisation is largely the result of the media and is
often belief and not fact, this is so the proletariat of different
nations do not unify and rebel, there is always some issue or
news story which takes precedence over our human commonality
and truly divides us as nations. Within humanist ideology we see
a human being as a person as a being with the right to a quality
of life through the sanctity of life. As freedom must be protected
and the tyranny of state avoided, the state of the people, of the
majority must not become oppressive to individualism. We must
be protected so that individual self may flourish and that positive
self may become and emerge, civilisation, society become its
envisioned ideal state.
We must enshrine and protect this social unity through
empathy so that in the architecture of societys ideology and in
our cultural narrative and cultural meta-narrative, that reason and
technology can be used to end human suffering worldwide, the
great story of humanity coming to be in the tide of NeoModernism is propagated through inspiration and introspection.
It is as if self in its becoming highly advanced through
introspection, inspiration and synthesis becomes a part of an
accelerated culture. With the representation of self becoming the
empowered social self through the lived idea of the concepts
underpinning the structure and shape of our individuality we are
but a nation comprised of our own streams of individual
consciousness representing as we choose through the conscious
and the subconscious. Nationalism is a pride held in the national
unity, its image and its associated cultural consciousness but
rarely extends further then which football or rugby team we
support in the world of sport. We must take nationalism and
national pride and develop from it the pride of the individual in
his or hers being a citizen of the world not just the citizen of a
country or continent. As such the nation must evolve as one into
a multicultural harmony where everyone develops everything
positive within themselves as a people, we grow from a
competitive and selfish human race into an empathetic,
introspective and inspirational true humanity.


In urban areas the cities architecture and design is

reflected in the social dynamic, subconsciously as well in our
social consciousness and our individuated state of mind merging
in itself with the social dynamic of peripheral or subconscious
essences and energies. After the times of post second world war
Post-Modernism in the construction of social necessities and
cultural revolutions that have occurred due to increased
technological knowledge which was borne of the second world
war there could be little improvement besides the Neo-Modern
use of robotic technology to take over from the Fordist assembly
line production methods in the western capitalist mode of
production. If production were nationalised and the mode of
production bought under the control of the people then the
advent of robotic production lines could be used to full effect to
benefit the citizens of western society.
It was with industry and the technological and cultural
revolutions of freedom and power across the west in the post-war
era which bought post-modernism to the people in the
globalisation of culture. This brought a new perspective of self to
the fore and this self expression and freedom of style in the
freedom that was cemented in the winning of the war by allied
forces not the fascist Nazi state that liberalism has flourished in.
We live in a world where we are all seeking some goal of some
sort or in our ideals seeking some sort of perfection. We find this
ideology of seeking goals and ideals is founded through our ideal
inspirations that lead us to our aspirations, our goals we have
which are inspired by cultural objects or peoples actions. We
make of these inspirations our own personal ideology, and then
from inspiration and introspection in the refinement of the ideal
and the perfect we refine the self to a new level. To in the whole
create ideal perfect lives for ourselves we need the tools of
introspection and synthesis to form our opinions and beliefs.
This is of course the ideal the truth for many if not all
people in the world this world to navigate is often a very
negative struggle for survival then an aspiring for new successes.
Such as is the third world and the poverty stricken nations of our
planet; their manipulation in the global division of labour leading
to capitalistic goals of cost reduction in the manufacturing of
products: each worker being paid pence for a weeks labour.
This is the sort of inequality which Neo-Modernism seeks to rid
the world of through equality of working rights and a global
minimum wage, it is time the worlds proletariat united under a


common banner of humanity and equality. Society is a whole

and within nationalism and conceptions of nationalistic society
some would like to conceive and believe that society is a
homogenous and tight-knit. These people try to justify racism
out of nationalistic socialistic values, they would like to see a
more united country as an expression as a passion of their self,
but see it in their own narrow visioned way and hence are
dogmatists of not race but religion in their own sense.
Discrimination would be true of any political individual if their
personal desire and misguided social political objectifications
ruled vision to such an extent that they become prone to the
desire for a superficial explanation to international or social
problems such as race or nationality. But what could be seen in
more of us in our national and international ideologies is the
entirety of humanism its objectification of flourishing as an
individuals despite genealogy and the individuals vital needs
and rights as a core of internationalism which we should try to
envisage as even more tight knit in our vision of the future, for
then we are humanity and not the human race. We should
envision and view the scope of national contribution of the
nation to the world and what arrangements in the modes of
production will allow for the most progress forwards as
individual societies. Of the gene we are all born, with the gene
we seek an empowering pre-history to empower us in the now
that we feel a part of something and are individually recognised
as special and unique. A pre-history with personal empowerment
is needed to keep our energies fixed in the now but we go back
many thousands of years earlier to the stories of Atlantis and the
sunken civilisations at the end of the ice age we all are
descended from. In the creation of a personal narrative of human
civilisation perhaps it is the limit of the imagination we should
go back to envisage a civilisation of harmony, an Eden like
golden era or stage of human flourishing. Surely then as we are
all descendents of the same primordial fractal we are all human
equals of cognition, we are all individuals of experience and vast
Our country as all countries as nations must be see the
future with a poignant fluidity as to allow its multicultural and
international existence enter periods of great positive
international modernisation and change to allow the positive
future of global unity of all ethnicities to flourish. A global
superstructure must come into being and to allow the world


nations to unite. For the time to come of Neo-Modernism itself

to come into social history and shape the epoch of present day
humanity to make the most positive creation of humanities
imagination and positive manifestation that can be made the
actual in the possible future.
Neo-Modernism & The Future
Neo-modernism is a new way of seeing the individual
the mind and the self, it is not just the globalisation of the world
it is about the globalisation of the self also. A realisation that we
are a collective species sharing the earth and as a part of the
human race emerging from times of imbalance and chaos and
coming to a period of peaceful order and co-operation. In this
new Neo-Modern era we see the improvement of ethics and
human rights to new levels and the unification of the global
forces and nations of Earth to allow this new epoch to emerge
and for humanity to flourish. Humankind must be seen as
emerging as a whole as a planet to tackle the problems of
pollution and poverty worldwide and any other afflictions of the
human race. Then as a collective enterprise we can reach for the
universe before us in a bid for the stars as a collective one but we
must reach for the skies first and develop the third world so that
all human beings the world over have a quality of life acceptable
and a opportunity fair and equal. In this neo-modernism we shall
see the subjectification of the objective precedents such as class
and god in cultural code to become truly amorphous of human
representation to the self of the self. Having the style designed
by the self in the home with the cultural codes and stylistic
symbols as we choose and produced through automated
machinery where the symbols of the self will truly emerge and
evolve through the complete individuation and individualisation
of style and fashion culture. Building from this of a self designed
micro-world through symbology within the hustle and bustle of
the macro fractal of society will exist. In neo-modernism we will
see the hundreds and thousands of starving fed and the countries
of the world so in disrepair and in chaos bought back to order
and development through unified world development.
International social super structure must be created in
order to maintain the harmony of all countries in accordance
with each other, a solid concrete bond of commitment not a
plastic non-aggression pact or peace treaty uniting beyond


boarders. In order for the world to move forwards it must heal

the past, Afghanistan and Iraq must be clear precedents of the
rebuilding of nations, not the destruction, exploitation and
expropriation of countries. This positive sentiment through the
powerful forces of the human world being brought together in
collective enterprise to bring about globally automation
increasing the production power of the world and unifying as one
the human species over the power of nature but become a
milestone in the weaving of the collective story, of the metanarrative of the human race and how the human race emerged
not through competition but through collectivism humankind
emerged as humanity. Through new technology the nuclear
fusion power plant and the hydrogen fuel cell engine a
technological and therefore social shift in consciousness
becomes possible, a door to the future begins to open and a new
modernity, a Neo-Modernity becomes the now.


Chapter 3
Growth From Within: Introspection, Art & Memetic
The Meme, Art and Neo-Modernism
Throughout this short book I shall focus on many
specific ideas, among the most important of these are the
individual, art, society and culture, all in relation to the concept
of the meme. What I will go through is an analysis of the meme
in this chapter taken as a philosophical concept of sociological
and psychological value, indeed it is the toolkit of concepts and
developed ideas that one takes into any debating arena which is
the critical development of all people with opinions on issues in
todays world, or indeed enables our view of this world today.
This book is at its most innate about the spark of passion in our
hearts that we have that keeps us inspired and alive, our
individuality and our freedom to develop in our culture and the
flame of hope in our lives which keeps us striving forwards in
times of crisis, the ultimate personal art we can develop as
human beings, and whatever this capacity for imagination can
bring into the world. All thoughts have their place in our
perspective, like the mesh of a spiders web our minds are
fabricated of intricate meanings and beliefs, and these in some
way or another influence the way we see reality, right down to
the way we perceive events and the world around us. We
objectify that is place on pedestal ideas about ourselves the
nature of people and the nature of reality and conceptualize
around these core ideas; this produces our perspective and
perception of reality. It would be as if our unique cognition itself
would crystallize slowly out of the frame of mind and
experiences we have had into the being we are today. In
intellectual circles we discuss the concepts and their weighted
importance in discourse and as such refine continually our
understandings of the world. Our understanding is demonstrated
in the elaboration of our perspective in debate but despite
however many possibilities we can imagine and structures to
reality we can visualize we are forever in seeking of better
explanations and paradigms of understanding, as if we were like


plants trying to grow to a state of perfect knowledge about the

Concentration upon the meaning of social objects such
as the sequence of events which have shaped the world or the
attitudes which people have leads us to create a frame worked
understanding in the support of some existing or ideal state of
the world and the reasons for its being that way. As we consider
the issues deeper get drawn from the conscious mind into the
edge of our mind, the sub-conscious boundary of what our mind
is presently capable of. As we synthesize the intellectual ideas
and thoughts about the world with the emotional content of
ourselves and the social influences of the world we synthesize
what is a new perspective, and as such along timelines and down
tangents we live our lives. In the modern world we live in the
hustle and bustle of the information society, where everybody is
combined in an intricate mesh of each individuals will, ideas,
and the great social mass through which all social action is
It is the navigation of this great social will and the
finding of ones true self ourselves which is the not only the
essence our individual autonomy but is ultimately the greatest
goal in our lives. Indeed it is interesting to think right here at the
beginning that underneath some ideas or in our attitudes there
may be a element of false consciousness, of an alienation in our
lives that prevents us from achieving all we are capable of and
shaping the world as we would make it. Ultimately we live in
wait of what is true insight into ourselves and how we can make
the world better for others as well as ourselves.
Art, Visualization and Introspection
The creative aspects of our mind are the most unique to
humanity, it would be as if the human race and the evolution of
life would evolve towards a sentience and language capable self
awareness from which representation in art is possible. The
effect which art has upon us is invariably different as each
individuals conscious awareness of themselves in relation to art
is individual and unique so the question here turns from the
artifact and the production of the art form to the cultivation of
artistic will, depth and ability in the individual as it is ultimately
from which art comes, from which perspectives are stretched to


new boundaries and enlightened. It is this sheer quality of the

mind to visualize and represent to ourselves imaginary objects
which is most in need of cultivation and refinement, from this all
opinions form and the possibilities of what we can perceive and
empathize with. Ultimately the limit of our power of
visualization is the boundary to our mind and hence the solution
of the worlds problems as they exist.
The basic idea of aspectual shape is very simple: in any
intentional state, the objects on which the mind is directed are
represented a certain way.
(Tim Crane, 2001)
The idea I am going to follow through with here is called
aspectual shape, the art of creating mental images, the raw stuff
from which our imagination creates images; the human minds
most innate artistic capacity that of visualization. Tim Crane in
Elements of Mind takes the art of visualization to the
philosophical level of contemplation. Aspectual shape is the
mental architecture of visualization as such there is an element of
synthasia or crossover of the senses in visualization as all of the
senses have an aspectual shape. All the senses can all be used in
the imagination of possible sensations such as image, colour,
sound, touch and smell, the aspectual shape is the contours of the
imagination when bought under the mental faculty of focus.
Even the isomorphic representation of objects to our
consciousness as par the imagination has embedded in it the
subjectivity of our instinctual mind of likes and dislikes and the
aspectual shape of objects of sensation has a profound effect on
our conscious intelligence. As such objects represented to our
intentional awareness are represented a certain way that would
be the way of the subconscious as it has been imprinted and
developed through our lives and life experiences. Due to this
instinctual coloring of the product of our imaginations and the
product of sensual representation we find the self embodied in
everything we do. This embedding of the self is what keeps us
within repeating cycles of belief and opinion, we are on intuition
and instinct prejudiced to certain thoughts and opinions by our
perception of reality and our introspective visualization of our
beliefs and opinions, if this is so how can we find true autonomy
and freedom within this trapping mesh of embedded and
embodied opinions and beliefs. How can we escape the current


personal paradigm of embodied and embedded opinions and

beliefs for long enough to gain insight into other ways of life and
other peoples ideology? If we try to imagine something such as a
tree for instance we could imagine it perhaps twenty or so
different times each time using a different aspectual
configuration and inter-sensory combination created in the
aspectual shape of the mind, the minds eye. The aspectual shape
would basically be the conscious and subconscious method of
the individuals representation of the objects of imagination and
sensation. It is the way the individual object of imagination or art
in our mind as drawn by the imagination. The individual
qualities of each of the different visualizations of a tree or group
of trees may have been very different but there will still be
similarities in the content of visualization or that visualization
channeled through the subconscious then into the content of the
artform. This shows us what the aspectual shape is; how we
think of something and in what ways through the fallible senses
and the imagination we think objects through the objectives
mental architecture of aspectual shape. It all comes from the
social introspection and that part of self the super-ego (which
represents social conditioning) and individual introspection with
that part of the self the ego (that which represents our own
introspective self conditioning. The sum of this is the self
mediated by the perceptions we have had and the perspectives
we have come to know and through their existence have learned
from has comer to shape our lives. As such it is the interplay of
the two the ego and the superego the individual and social
introspection which has created our perception and perspective
of the world as we have it today.
An intentional state on the other hand is the state of
mind we are in when we direct our concentration and focus upon
an object either physical or mental. Focus upon objects whether
these objects are real or imaginary forces us into an intentional
state, as we go into an intentional state, a form of focus or
imagination, meditation or contemplation comes to be within us
and we stay aware and transfixed upon some particular object in
the will in our intentional state.
Aspectual shape is therefore the way in which objects, in
the world real or in the world imaginary are represented to us, as
such aspectual shape is unique to everyone, we all see the world
a slightly different way and we all imagine the world in different
ways aspectual shape is very much unique to each individual and


the dendrite wiring of their mind., we would each be our own

unique artists of our own unique world. The intentional state also
depends upon the emotional state of the individual, are we
feeling negative or positive, where in our considerations do we
place the object of contemplation in our lives, what intrinsic
worth does the object represent to us. So underneath or
mediating the intentional state we have the emotional or
empathetic state which determines the positive and negative
contours of visualization.
The underlying mechanism here that I am trying to get at
is that if we combine the human powers of our will and emotion
in our intentional state then through the development of the
human subtle self we can use the imagination and visualization
to program ourselves and become artists of introspective
ingenuity and genius. When we undergo the creation of art in the
mind there crystallizes through the subconscious to conscious
representation; new platforms of perspective and perception, in a
sense are evolved ready for us to utilize in our expanded
consciousness. In our minds we have many different crystallized
ideas, beliefs and perspectives of many different things as such
we are complex and sophisticated individuals each with our own
history of experiences and each with our hopes, aims and desires.
Social Introspection & The Meme
George Herbert Mead was a social scientist in the 1920s
and was a founding member of the interactionist school of social
thought. Interactionists study the individual world of the people
in society to gain clues to the individual meanings behind social
actions and believe that human interactions are the core of what
should be studied in Sociology. Things like what it is to live in
society as a part of the class system and a part of the workforce.
What interests interactionists is the socially constructed
meanings and our motives behind our actions are and what the
world means to us as individuals in a global society and division
of labour. Interactionists like Marxists are interested in how our
ideas are reflections of our lived reality and how our actions are
reflections of our ideas which we have cultivated into a
perspective. The two other main schools of thought in sociology
are the Functionalists who study the function of groups, social
cells and institutions as symbiotic parts of a social whole and the
Marxists who study the global division of labour and inequality


of the classes of people of the world, Marxists have a radically

different view of the ownership of the mode of production and
how this filters to the rest of the social superstructure making
institutions an embodiment of the capitalist ideal restricting our
freedom no matter how free or liberal our democracy is, we are
still ruled by the upper classes whos game and aim for us is
oppression and exploitation. The Functionalists tend to study the
functions of society, how each social structures existence in the
whole is functional such as the education system in preparing us
for work after the days of school have ended. As such
Functionalists study individuals and how social institutions
affect our individuality and our autonomy. The function that
education has in preparing people for the working lifestyles they
will adapt, as they grow older and the function that the media has
in promoting a view and a way of life and maintaining the beliefs
and opinions which keep society stable and what it currently is.
The Marxists study society and the inequalities caused by the
capitalist economic system we have, the massive inequalities
between people and countries and argue for ways of improving
social realities through uniting the working people the proletariat
against the mode of productions owners the bourgeoisie in an
attempt to increase the social freedom of the masses through
production on social demand not production for the
accumulation of profit and capital, societies development
becomes fine tuned to societies needs no the needs and will of a
powerful social elite with the agendas of personal wealth, if only
the elite of society were philanthropists funding world research
which would benefit humanity instead of lining their pockets
with more profit, who would have the world advance with their
accumulated capital instead of hording it in a selfish and
decadent way. Usually these sociological perspectives of
Functionalism and Marxism are combined on individual issues
so that we are left with a fuller picture of how society works and
where modern society needs improving. As Mead is the
sociologist I gave mention to earlier in the chapter and
Interactionism is one of the central pieces in my understanding
of global society I shall start with a quote from one of his more
famous works Mind, Self and Society:
The mechanism of introspection is therefore given in the social
attitude which man necessarily assumes towards himself, and the
mechanism of thought, in so far as thought uses symbols which


are used in social intercourse, but is an inner conversation.

(Mead, 1934)
As I was talking about with visualization with the way
that we use subconscious and conscious symbols with which we
encode meanings we encode images into our imaginations,
experiences into our will and beliefs and opinions into our
personality. Each time we imagine, visualize or meditate we
imprint the subconscious with an aspectual collection of
conscious and subconscious symbols, as such through our
objectifications and our focus we create symbolic effects upon
our template of the will. We imprint the vast and powerful
subconscious with the focus of the conscious mind which exists
in aspectual shape as the embodiment of our already formed
beliefs and opinions. Mead here uses the term introspection for
what I call a style of thinking and a type of thought which is
directed upon the individuals experiences opinions and
perspectives, as such through introspection we find ourselves
looking inside ourselves for answers, clues and ideas to the
deeper and greater meaning of things, meditating upon lifes
riddles either in a group as a social introspection or alone. The
social attitude Mead speaks of is very similar to Freuds superego which is the representation of social energies and opinions
upon the self mediating the desires of the self as it is created by
the individual. As such the mechanism of thought is the mental
architecture of introspection as a mental process and the symbols
are the raw unconscious particulars which can be combined
together to produce conscious meanings, they are the symbols of
thought. Where Mead says the social attitude we take towards
ourselves he is making explicit the way in which we use
introspection in group conversations to arrive at opinions and
beliefs, to boil down the particulars of our perspectives of our
conversation into the underlying facts we consider and discuss
and the opinions that collectively we form out of this
introspection. The social symbols of meaning and contemplation,
the raw constituents of lexical intercourse are learned from group
moments of discussion and are re-employed in the attitude we
take to an idea or statement when we consider it alone by
ourselves in our own introspection, the way the same attitude of
criticism, debate and synthesis learned from group debate and
introspection is used when contemplating things by themselves
as individuals. He calls it a mechanism because the way our


minds work is part mechanical in nature, as such the power of

introspection is innate and a part of our functional architecture of
our emancipated minds in our free liberal democratic society;
different mechanisms exist in the minds functional architecture
and exist to be used in different situations. As an example if a
person in the street attacks me the minds mechanism will be
adrenaline and I am now ready to either take to the fight if I feel
my chances are that I may win or to run away if the odds are
against me and I am outnumbered. The idea of the mechanism in
our minds and how mechanisms work is essential to explaining
the further details of the meme and memetic cognition and
consciousness in the construction of our conscious cognition as
shaped by social and individual forces.
Where Mead talks about symbols we can consider the
symbol as working constituent of our conscious visualization and
introspection. As such words are symbols and they have their
associated meanings embedded in the conscious and their shapes
embedded in the subconscious which we use in the process of an
introspection. As such symbols are any word or the raw
constituents of a visualized image, the raw stuff out of which we
think to ourselves, to come to an understanding about how
human psychology is self constructed from introspection and
governed by our objectifications. As such the aspectual shape of
the images we conjure in our minds when in introspection or of
the words we speak when contemplating reflects the intentional
state of the person in the moment, how we are in ourselves when
contemplating or discussing. The use of the term symbol when
describing letters on a page or the words and sounds in a
sentence when pronounced is accurate to the way in which we
use the medium of language most developed in human beings to
create conscious logical and rational thought. As language
develops and the intricacy of the symbols we use and the way we
use them becomes more complex such as represented in the
artform. Art becomes more elaborate and represents deep
structure in the conscious artistic and the unconscious mind in
the artform, the representation of meaning deep and inspiring
through its abstract imaginative and artistic reflection and
contemplation. The artform allows us to create embodied long,
complex and intricate meanings embodied by the object of art,
the use of the symbols of introspection in new creative ways in
order to inspire the individual when they come to introspect upon
the meanings contained within the artform. The use of art as a


method of introspection and creation of new meaning, through

which we create a synthesis and objectification which filters into
the subconscious dynamic of personal will transforming our
instinctual perception of meaning inherent to objects represented
in the life world and innate to our perspectives. New meaning
either in written sentences of books and magazines or as
advertisements and infomercials is coming at us all the time in a
bid to refine individuality on mass to keep society a solid unified
mass with very little room for deviation from the conceived and
accepted norms and values. All of the time though the way in
which we use our language is an expression of the emotional and
intellectual sentiment we feel within us, the product of our life
experiences or the product of our opinions and beliefs. In PostModern society we have liberal tenets to our democracy which
protect our personal freedoms from mass cohesion by the state.
With this liberal freedom we create a personal paradigm of idea,
opinion and belief, a self-culture of belief, orientation and style
from the meanings, messages and cultural codes of the mass
media, this movement of self-styled individuals using meaning
emancipated from tradition is small but the future of society
exists in its infancy and is evolving from within our current
society of cultural homogeneity and cultural sameness and
repetition of style, a subtle cohesion and socialization of mass
produced culture that subcultures of the future reinterpret and
reuse in their own agendas of individual freedom and self design.
How we express our emotions and beliefs and how we
understand ourselves in todays world is critical, introspection is
the key in its essence to the truth and structure of self and society
of the future, but most importantly it is the future evolving from
within democracy embodied in the cultural objects we interpret
and the meanings we create which is best through its
contribution to inspiration, debate and synthesis for the whole of
humanity as society evolves its culture through the lived ideas,
beliefs and opinions of the emancipated individual people of
global society.
As such we use symbols and signs in all of our thinking
and ideas, we use them in social intercourse having
conversations with family, work colleagues and friends.
Discourse pretty much makes humanity what it is today. As the
culture of language and shared cognitive meaning has evolved us
larger brains then the majority of the animal kingdom so too has
our perspectives and the perspectives we are capable of evolved


and will continue to evolve into the future with the evolution of
denser brains and neural tissues but the issue here is not
increasing the size of the brains to produce an new effect in
cognition it is the learning of how to make more of the brains we
have as we only use on average ten percent of the brain in our
whole lifetimes. With the right musical, artistic, poetic and
memetic expression of the will, written and symbolized at the
right times for our understanding stretches the boundary of the
minds perceptions and innate inspiration as represented by the
subconscious thus increasing the depth and density of our own
personal paradigm of perception and perspective on the self and
the mind. The world as a social totality will be forever persueing
its individual national goals, ambitions and plans for the world,
what we need now in the Neo-Modern era is a harmonization
and sharing of international ideology and conscious co-operation
between nations to better the right and quality of right for all the
classes in all societies.
I shall now come to describe how ideas, opinions, beliefs
and perspectives in social circles of debate and discussion
become crystallized as concrete ideas in our individual minds.
As such the objects of social introspection become as the
architecture of our minds, functions of our perception and
introspection. As such the patterns of thought and the patterns of
the self are governed by individual ideas we objectify as core to
our belief systems in effect active chosen memes to which we
are a participating host. When we discuss something in a group
of people such as whether someone is a good person or how
attractive somebody is we are in essence introspecting to our
own personal opinions and beliefs and then comparing these
beliefs to the beliefs of others. The only difference is that instead
we are introspecting in a group not by ourselves so there is more
room for development in the inter-subjective realm of ideas,
beliefs and opinions. It is in this group state that the majority of
work on our opinions, our wills and our concrete fully formed
and core active ideas takes place, we are formed by the group
introspection and consciousness. What Mead talked about is the
inner introspection by ourselves where the social attitude of the
group is imagined and as an individual we introspect with the
same core structure of debate and synthesis that we would have
as a part of a group debating and introspecting core issues. We
create new understandings of objects and transform our
perspectives to new levels of inspiration and synthesis with our


liberal freedoms. Introspection happens in groups and as such we

create group perspectives often the product of the most respected
and revered members of the social circle of debate, as such other
individuals personal power comes to influence us and the more
fluid in opinions we are the more we are at risk of following
anothers individual ideology even if it be flawed or negative in
nature. An example of group introspection would be someone
orating in a public place and the crowd to whom he is speaking
absorbing temporarily the memes propagated by that individual
if they correlate and correspond to the individuals collection of
memes that empowers and embodies their lives. As such the
state of mind and intention that we come to inhabit when
introspecting is made both by ourselves when we are alone and
reflecting and the social situations we have experienced with
others who we can introspect with which has tempered our will.
As such we gain new insight from social situations and
introspections which can become the object of our thinking and
perspective in the future when the memes have been properly
absorbed by the individual. The central tenets of what we believe
in are rarely something we change through introspection as they
are our concrete embodied and embedded beliefs, we cling to
these beliefs in times of crisis and they form the main
constituents of our self image and the core body of what we
believe in. In our introspective synthesis it all depends on how
attracted we are to ideas of another or how much we respect that
person as to whether we adopt these new ideas or abandon our
old ones. Wide reaching media published opinion and idea
makes in our day and age intellectual trends that are restricted to
considerations of our own countries, rarely does the modern
individual consider the plight of nations in other countries such
is the division of labour internationally divided with little or no
room for unification and proletarian solidarity. The collective
medias from which we take our daily opinions and inspirations
need to take into consideration the futures and destinies of other
countries and peoples of the rest of the world including the
oppression and exploitation to make citizens more aware of the
true state of the world with an eye to fixing the massive
disparities of workers of different nations seen internationally
and elevating the suffering experienced by millions in the second
and third worlds. The media should expand its scope, broadness
and depth of what is reported to the public in order to be
effective in enabling a positive future for the rest of mankind


worldwide to be shaped from what is represented in the mass

media. It is necessary in this coming age for international
agreements to be devised together and kept to and policies drawn
up that reflect the will of humanity globally in such a way, as it
is possible of creating a global social destiny of future unity and
harmony which is collectively better for humanity as a whole.
Empathy as such is a core glue of social functioning and
represents the higher part of our nature as a sentiment, empathy
in excess or deficiency colours our perception and makes us
either resistant or open to new perspectives and memes. Empathy
is a potential we are capable of as human beings and acts as a
social glue uniting people beyond the limits of their perspectives,
empathy as a human power underscores the whole future
movement of human cultural existence in the psychology of
groups and social cells, social interaction at every level. It would
have to be a part of Neo-Modern ideology of culture, art, social
thinking and would have to be considered as a real potential of
human individuals and hence a part of society of the future
where empathy is embodied by institutions and enshrined as a
core tenet of social functioning and normalcy and is real and
experienced in the life world we occupy in present day life and
in the future.
If we lose sight of the potential that human beings have
for positivity and fulfilled self and individual purpose and
existence then the quality of every individuals life sufferers as a
consequence, it is the ideal that we pursue in our lives that gives
both power and hope to the perspectives we have today. Power
or a sense of power as it is in human psychology is the dynamic
of the will and the will is embodied most through the human
capacity for creativity, ingenuity and art, including the capacity
for social art the individualism of style, the art of everyday living
into the world tempered our will like a sword is tempered into a
finished shape. Everything is ultimately a capacity of the will, to
be able to make the will flow in certain shapes and down
particular unconscious channels, using the cultural tools of
debate synthesis and interpretation with which we are equipped
we can ultimately refine our minds, our perspectives and our
sensation of inner feelings such as empathy, compassion and
creativity. A social sentiment is hence captured in our society,
liberty, freedom and personal development and refinement. For
these things to be the protected virtues of our society
safeguarded into the future so that our offspring and the


successive generations of humanity upon earth can prosper into

the future as our freedom as individuals has to be safeguarded by
objectification, embodiment and institutionalization. The will for
this freedom to be unoppressed or coerced by the masses is
represented in artforms depth and subtle intricacy, in the cultural
objects of our days and times we need to find this freedom of
liberty which we have been awarded by the striving and
struggling for improved social rights and new political systems
which safeguard our freedoms into the future. A common
understanding of shared human frailty and strength, the essence
of what it is to be a human and in this humanism that we are all
similar and unique with the contours of consciousness being
roughly the same for all individuals depending upon paradigm of
perception and intellectual perspective across the globe has to
come to be to improve the social cultural consciousness of the
global masses, we must be aware of the truth to be inspired to
change the status quo if individuals are exploited or oppressed.
The truth of human suffering across the globe has to be realized
by human individuals as a whole and better perspectives for the
future can be postulated, forged, adopted and evolved in place of
both negativity and hostility of the past if conflict has existed.
The use our imaginative capacity in the world and the knowledge
of how the individual creative mind works in assessing different
situations and viewing potential outcomes is the ability to see
things differently and from an empathetically founded base as
empathy mediates our contemplation and colors our perspective
and perception of the world. If there is one human power we
could all do with more control over and skill with it would be
empathy as empathy is the basis of our introspection and
visualization hence coloring the contours of our perception and
mediating our autonomy, agency and to act as individuals in a
democracy. It would be the human capacity to come to new
understandings which requires empathy as we must share an
empathy with each other to see the actions and beliefs of others
as valid in their own right in the plurality and inter-subjectivity
of people and their beliefs about the world, their perception and
perspectives. We must learn how to channel our stream of
consciousness: our thoughts and our feelings within the structure
of self that we live within in the moment so that positive
empathy is within the psychological knowledge and potential of
the individual. To a reasonable extent control of the individual is
empathy based manipulating common sentiments of the


individual to produce a desired effect, using people as a means to

an ends not an ends in themselves. The will as such would be the
most central focus of this emotional manipulation by individuals
or states, the will in itself artistic and in itself the embodiment of
cultural consciousness but in itself remaining an object of deep
and profound subtlety, an unpredictable unknown in the
schematics of self. Before we begin to praise the driving force of
modernism, the product of the enlightenment and technological
revolutions the greatness of rationality and logic the one half of
the human mind which we all have in common we should stop
and consider for a moment before us the ability for creativity and
imagination in shaping the future of mankind, the future we can
create for ourselves as individuals. It has come to a point in
human history where for the future to progress the nature of how
we live and the way we think and feel about the world should
change and improve becoming more enlightened and
individualized. There has to be a shift in human thinking, it is
time for a new renaissance and enlightenment of individualism,
empathy and artistic representation to learn more of that final
frontier of the self the human will and the human wills
possibilities within the conscious and the subconscious artistic
representation that inspires the emancipated individuals to new
heights and prepares us for the future and teaches us how to live
together in peace and harmony as one inspired united human
The Concept of the Meme
What are memes? To give a general definition of what a
meme is allows me to take this enquiry further as different
authors have described the nature and function of memes
differently. The Selfish Gene, a book by Richard Dawkins in the
field of sociobiology has the principle aim of making a case for
egalitarian beliefs of human prosperity and how these have
arisen and being destroyed by the totality of our selfish nature as
replicating beings, in some memeticists eyes we are hopelessly
and brutally selfish beings interested only with our share of
wealth the measure of our success as people and breeding,
passing on our genes to the next generation, replicating
ourselves. People would be the bearer of ideas memes which
compete in the intellectual environment for survival and genes
which would be the replication of people competing for survival


in the natural human environment as it has been constructed

through successive generations staking a claim for increased
rights, freedom and liberty, the analogy between genes and ideas
(memes) would stand that we are and ideas are selfish
replicators. Alongside what would be considered the natural
characteristics of strength, mental alertness and mental agility we
would find that which makes human evolution so radically
different to that of other animals evolution is how ideas, cultural
meanings and individual understandings come to affect our
ability to manipulate the world we live in to our advantage.
Whereas the concept of the gene explains the biological side of
human replication and thus evolution their needs to be an
explanation of the ways that ideas are replicated between people
in order for human evolution in the modern sense to be explained
at the social or indeed the global level of the interplay of our
ideas, beliefs and opinions. The human world is operated not by
purely biological factors but instead by meanings, the core
constituents of our beliefs and ideas, the evolution of this
meaning and meanings is the essential piece of what we have to
find in our lives and our perspective evolves over a timeline and
fixes in place a tangent upon which we embark through life. As
such the meme, the thought ideological particular of the human
being, presents itself as a causality for evolution but ideas must
be capable of replication (being passed around) through the mass
media or individually person to person, ideas have a shared
cultural space to compete with each other for survival as such in
the inside of the human mind we find ourselves hosts for
varieties of memes designed to fulfill a function or role in the
human psychology of individuals, our memes correspond to our
personal experiences and the depth of our perspectives. Memes
are essentially copies that animals such as chimpanzees make of
each other in their primitive communication, the transmission of
cognition and consciousness to each other through replication
and mimicking of each others social body language that is until
through evolved bigger brains expanded our capacity for
communication beyond any other animal in the natural world. It
is thought that this capacity to replicate meaning has been the
main advance from primates into mankind. Our capacity to copy
each other and the depth and complexity of what can be copied
cognition to cognition has evolved and that this is genetic
evolution caused by a memetic evolution as copied cognition
becomes more complex and more elaborated utilizing more of


the subconscious potential that we all have. I use this phrase

memetic evolution in many different ways in this book so dont
get stuck to this one initial definition as memes as replicating
ideas or cognitive states. Ideas are copied through our
introspective construction from the original or the copy we have
experienced as it has been seen in artwork or presented to us in a
group introspection of some sort and this too was most probably
a copy of another copy. Copies all the way to the original
artform and the introspective mind of the artist, it would appear
that artists in all forms have a lot of power and freedom
ideologically as they are properly in charge of the will and to
some extents the subconscious too, such as the creativity and
introspective imagination involved in religion and all religious
reinterpretation as a part of the Neo-Modern age.
What is it about the idea of god which gives it its
stability and penetrance in the cultural environment? The
survival value of the god meme in the meme pool results from its
great psychological appeal. It provides a superficially plausible
answer to deep and troubling questions of existence.
(Dawkins, 1979)
Memes come from the mimicking of human beings
copying other human beings, attitudes, ideas and emotional
responses from the minute subtle flick of the wrist or some other
gesture being copied to the way people share their love is a
meme or collection of memes based upon our personal intimate
knowledge of the people we are close to. Our learning of and
understanding of an ideas meaning is when it has successfully
copied itself from person to person or through the mass media.
The idea which has copied becomes our own personal meme
from which our considerations and actions in the life world is
based. Some analogize memes in the negative light likening
ideas to computer viruses infecting our minds and making
ourselves hosts, an accurate analogy for some visualizations of
the nature of ideas and ideological transfer between people, those
to whom we ascribe a high level of respect and empathy. Ideas
are nothing more than mentally bound objects being passed
around from person to person through personal transmission and
the mass media. Because I see the conceptual use of memes as
capable of expansion into a tertiary field composed intrinsically
of philosophy, sociology and psychology and uniting the


contours of each subject under a framework of the meme and its

relation to our personal psychology I shall rework Dawkins
theory of the meme into a new light for a twenty-first century
understanding. Before this though I shall start with a book which
was studied highly before the coming of modernism the history
behind the psychology of the experiential state and thus the
meme as described by one of the most distinguished
philosophers Immanuel Kant.
In the 18th Centaury the philosopher Immanuel Kant
developed the concept of cognition that is of how we, ourselves
come to an understanding and knowledge of the material and the
sensible world around us. As such this was a forerunner of early
psychology as developed by the gestalt psychologists Jung and
Freud as the concept of normal cognition and sensation was
institutionalized by the medical profession and through the
Victorian social structures of mental health asylums the
uniqueness of cognition came to be known. As such his model of
the mind was pinned on four main components of cognition
these were sensation, intuition, understanding and finally
concepts, all of which I have re-used in my model of ideology
and autonomy but I shall give a brief discussion here as to how
Kants model of the mind worked. Sensation is the bodily means
of having sensations, the organs of sight, hearing, taste are
examples of sensation as all of them perceive data about the
world around us and relay this to the central nervous system as
neural code, this is where the next three concepts are worked.
Intuition is the means where as the sensory information of the
material world is given a place in our cognition as neural code in
our sphere of perception that it, our perceptions of objects in the
world around us are made sensible to us as representations,
intuitions would be the avenues for the self becoming aware of
information about the world which surrounds us in its material
form. For example right now we are perceiving the whole of the
room around us but we are only really focused on one or two of
the intuitions were are concerned about, such as the piece of
paper you are reading or the words you are focused upon are the
only intuitions you give your attention to, the rest of this sensory
information is placed in the background and resides temporarily
in the subconscious. You whilst reading were only aware of the
general shape of the room, which is of course until we have
stopped reading this and look around a little or shift our
awareness to the contours of the room as we are still reading.


Memes essentially would be at work in our perspectives but they

also work at the intuitional level of our minds shaping the world
we perceive, the way we perceive meaning in objects and
perceive the world a certain way would be explained by the
presence of memes in human psychology coloring the
experiences that we have in the life world and forming the
principle focus of our introspection the self and the idea, whether
our ideas fit the world we live in. The understanding is what
sensations are represented to and the understanding composes a
part of our rational understanding of ourselves and the world we
inhabit as individuals. The understanding exists in the neo-cortex
of the cerebrum located in the area of the mind where we would
ascribe the qualities of higher cognition, creative and logical
thought and knowledgeable understanding of how to operate the
world. If we shoot a person for some vengeful reason then we
are able to do so because we have a rational understanding of
how the gun works and how to aim it at a target, this for instance
would never be able to be done by a lesser primate.
Where the individual perspective we have comes into
play as memes operate all levels of individual sensation, intuition
and understanding is in the thinking mind. As such we all have
an understanding as well, we have a highly individuated
understanding, the memes and ideas at work in the level of
rational mind called the understanding would filter the intuitions
to only represent what our conscious minds are used to and can
handle, these intuitions would be worked through the isomorphic
will and imagination of representation and would function of
accord as groups of inter-related memes in their place in the
psychological structuring of the individual from the intuition of
sensation to the concepts we employ in the understanding of the
world. We could use the analogy that could be compared with a
memetic weeding we all should go through in our lives the
learning to deconstruct the self and our perceptions and come to
a new enlightened perspective of reality. The understanding is
built from our experiences and learnt wisdom and points to the
final part of Kants critical philosophy which ties in powerfully
with the work I discussed earlier on with introspection and
intentional states, the power and the use of concepts in the
creation of our understanding and our perspective as individuals.
To operate a computer it is necessary that we have
software concepts to structure our rational understanding, how to
operate the software requires that we know what the title bar is,


how to save work and how to use the software itself to produce
whatever it is we use a computer to produce. As such the
labeling of the individual parts of an ideology or belief structure
and the understanding of how the concepts all fit together to
make the understanding what it is all comes under the concepts
at use in understanding how an ideology or belief system is
constructed. It of course is possible to run a computer on
instincts without knowing all the details in our conceptualized
understanding but the basic labels of the component parts and
how they work is even required to provide the essential
constituents of our understanding no matter how pragmatic and
hands on we are with technology. Likewise an individual can
operate at one level with a computer and write essays and similar
documents but if the computer should break a different level of
understanding, that of the hardware is necessary in order to fix it,
this also requires knowing the concepts for each of the
component parts and the way in which they fit together and
interact in order to fix it properly, the sophistication of the
concepts we use as such leads to different levels of analysis,
different levels of understanding and this as such can be taken to
the social world in the contemplation of our depth of
understanding of the human condition. The sophistication of our
conceptual understanding of the world creates and shapes the
perspective we have of it, two different people in society say one
who works as a musician and one who works as a researcher
may share the same beliefs about the world but the conceptual
understanding of the researcher is more developed and fine tuned
to describe the particulars and how they relate to each other so
whereas the artist can express a deeper and more moving
sentiment about the social world as expressed in the artform the
research person is more adept in describing the details of how
society functions and can be improved or where it goes wrong.
To make a broad definition of what a meme is so its
function in all levels of the human social existence can be plotted
I shall begin with a discourse on the ways in which the life
world is impacted and affected by the meme. Then I shall then
discuss the memes links with culture, linguistics and art, link it
in with cognitive models of the mind and finally settle on an
argument on memetic evolution in the subtlety of artistically
geared creative thought and action. For the introductive
explanation though I shall use this definition: A meme is a way
in which our perception is mediated to perceive the world from a


particular view, the view of another from which we gained the

copy which is in our mind. In expressing this intellectually I
quite like the concept and idea of the memetic lens as an analogy
to the lenses of a pair of glasses representing the world a certain
way, rose tinted glasses being a perception of the world as better
then it really is. As such a memetic lens is formed of will and
resides in our subconscious, it represents the crystallized ideas
and opinions which we have and represents these ideas in the
level of cognition known as intuition the sentiments which we
have, our individual preferences such as our likes and our
dislikes our prejudices and opinions as represented in our
intuition of the world hence superficially justifying our
embodied and objectified ideas, beliefs and opinions. This
coloring through memetic lenses is the representation of any
object in our perception or meaning in our framework is
represented a certain way be the object of focus be ideological or
physical. A meme is an active working idea in our individual
personal paradigm of perception and perspective the state of
elaboration of our cognitive thought systems so that a particular
idea is embodied and represented through first sight in intuition.
The ability to visualize is one half of the understanding
of a concept or idea that we have as such the opinions that we
form in the first person empathetically and imaginatively in the
moment will colour the future introspections we have of the
same or similar thought. I shall start with life world accounts of
memetics and then give a psychological account of the nature of
memes and meme theory. I shall then explain and describe the
nature of artistic memetic processes internal to the individual and
then apply them to a model to explain the how the artistic use of
the will effects and evolves memetic beliefs and subconscious
structures, I will make mention to the active functioning of the
brain through conceptual ideas and ideology but shall largely use
analogy as this writing is about experiential psychology which
places as precedent the individual in their state of cognition in
the moment.
The Memeplex & the Life World
As we have seen, memeplexes are groups of memes that have
come together for mutual advantage. The memes inside a
memeplex survive better as part of the group then they would on
their own. Once they have got together they form a self-


organizing, self-protecting structure that welcomes and protects

other memes that are compatible with the group and repels
memes that are not.
(Blackmore, 1999)
In the life world the meme exists as the mental objects
and the thoughts that we have on understanding or contemplating
objects of consideration. We come across many ideas, cultural
styles or symbols even sexual preference due to its nature in the
will can be reduced to a type of symbolic cultural language we
learn to communicate internally to ourselves in our introspection
and communicate to the outside social world around us in the
styles and cultural codes we use, as such sandwiched between
the introspective and the outrospective we find the self as it
exists as an object to us. There would be first of all in memetic
consideration the life world objects, keys, hats and all of the
other inanimate objects, which are functional but have no deeper
meanings beyond themselves in the consideration of memetics.
The meaning essentially of a block of cheese is that it is
foodstuff and that it is consumed, introspection with a little
knowledge can reveal how it is made and how it is composed but
other than that there is little room for memetic development of
such simple objects. The next type of meme would be the life
world intellectual meme that is of newspapers, billboards, logos
and televisions, of the mass media in general. In themselves the
same level of object memetics as in the artform in these
situations are brought about to us as objects of consideration but
there are functions and meanings more profound that are
contained within these cultural objects. The importance of these
memes is deep as they represent some element of the
subconscious to consciousness they represent two things both
initial memes mediated by memetic lenses which may latch onto
the person in introspection making way for further memetic
growth through continued contemplation of the artform agreeing
with the central memeplex which is the personal paradigm of the
self, the self as a representation of the memeplexes power over
us and survival outside the host embodied in the artform.
Anybody likes it when they see the ideas individual inside their
minds represented in the greater world around them in some
cultural form as it represents a justification of the self and our
personal preferences in life. A comparison exists between the
memetic state of society subconsciously in the memetic pool of


the social dynamic of the consciousness of people in society and

the memetic pool in the artistic state of evolved consciousness of
the artist. Anything artistic that is too profound and beyond us
requires a level of depth within the psyche from which we come
to comprehend the artforms true meaning. It is from this depth
within the self and the psyche that emerges the greater meanings
and subtleties of the artform as the true key to any artwork is the
subtlety of the message of the artform and the introspection
required to grasp in contemplation that artforms real meaning.
Through the means of representation of the art on the
canvas, words on a page or in the form of music or sculpture
emerges a state of mind as copied and conjured from the artists
individual memetic pool within the confines of their own mind,
the stuff of each individuals particular introspection is unique to
that individual at that time. As such deeper meanings and hidden
subtlety exist within the artform and are there are deep subtle
meanings to be found in life through study and structured
knowledge of the world and through meeting individuals who
have deep meanings and have decoded some of the worlds
subtlety, subtlety is expressed through the artform as an artifact
which feeds through its introspection back into the social world
where it becomes considered as art. Of course the meme as the
idea on the billboard is of a shallow empathetic level of
interpretation instead of deeper intellectual interpretation and
subtlety is indeed rare in the life world but if you look hard
enough can be found in some more abstract works of modern art.
Grace, beauty, pain and strife in the life world are all the core
emotional constituents of what we would call art the ultimate
meme as copied from the mind of the artist evolved and
synthesized in the meme pool of the artists own individual mind.
Artistic concepts which guide and mediate our introspective
contemplation are all subtle concepts as they require the vehicle
of art to carry their message unless they have been directly
experienced in memetic transmission individual to individual by
the artist to the contemplator in which case the meme is
transmitted as a cognition person to person, the subconscious
element of the meme being the most profound aspect, how ideas
govern which perceptions are filtered out from subconscious
sensation and what dynamics the human will consists of, what
happens through the artform is a highly advanced memetic
transmission through introspection and subtlety. The artistic
scope of meme here becomes deep and all cultural objects have a


degree of subtlety about them but this subtlety is just the innate
principle the artist worked from in the creation of the artform.
This inherent subtlety to art is here to be explored as the artistic
and the intellectual meme which fixes our perceptions in place
and constitutes our perspective would be linked through the deep
subtle meanings represented by the artistic and the intellectual.
As such there are great multiplicities of perspectives, which can
be formed to the use of catchy slogans, stunning billboards and
in the hidden depths of the underground cultural consciousness
to the nature of urban graffiti artwork on its claimed walls. The
artist in each appeals and appalls different people; our
perspectives in this respect are largely subjective and bound by
personal preference to what we personally like. This memetic
construction from intellectual introspection and from the artform
in turn produces our life world perspective and social
memetics, a representation of our opinions and values in
subconscious instinctual form which contributes to the social
dynamic. Ideas and opinions which are very closely linked into
our individual personality and ego and represents what I shall
call our memetic state of personal evolution, that our own
individual paradigm is tailor fitted to the beliefs we have and the
experiences which have shaped us. In this respect the images and
the emotional level of intellectual decoding which comes off the
sign infested world of billboards and newspapers, of the cultural
mass media and all of the individual ideas enshrined in our mind
are borne of gesture and body language of a deep subtle level of
existence into the egoistic world in which we live. We take from
the culture of the world and bring it into the individualized
culture of the self. We objectify and reify the messages we
perceive into our own contextualized neat little package of how
we perceive and work the world of matter and physical objects
and how we work the individual will through introspection
accordingly. As such in new-age ideology a separate paradigm
from science exists, a paradigm of sensory development crystal
energies and sacred meditations, all using the ether of the fifth
dimension as their vehicle of causality. As such the memeplex of
a new-ager will accept supportive esoteric ideas and beliefs and
reject others which do not equate with the paradigm the
individual chooses to adopt and believe in, an example of an
accepted idea would be that of astral projection in the dream
body where true consciousness as it exists in the waking state
emerges in a dream state and the individual can navigate the


constantly changing and morphing world of dreams, an example

of a rejected idea would be that of sacrifice in paganism, too
gory, dark and negative for the emancipating religion of spiritual
light the new-ager is a part of in their personal paradigm, beliefs
and opinions in this paradigm supporting what is perceived
through meditation on the subconscious and the unconscious
trying to retrieve whatever subtlety there is to perception and
sensation in a bid to develop abilities such as aura sensations and
energetic intentional healing states to the minds cognition when
developed down that avenue of thought.
Memetics provides a new way of looking at the self. The self is
a vast memeplex - perhaps the most insidious and pervasive
memeplex of all. I shall call it the selfplex
(Blackmore, 1999)
This process is the producer of the next type of the social
memetics we have, that would be our sense of self and our self
image, the essential selfplex of memes that as a totality govern
the way that we feel about and construct ourselves out of idea
how we interpret and explain ourselves and other people within
the self. This would bring us to the final part of our consideration
of social memetics which I shall discuss, the division and
categorisation of these different memetics so that when I make
my final conclusions as to the nature of human mental and social
ideological evolution; the final perspective on the ramifications
of the conclusion is all the more sound and functional as a life
world and psychological explanation of human beliefs, actions
and ideas. How the self develops into the future is of principle
importance as this progressive self development is essential to
our understanding of the structure of memetics as a science. In
the striving for the new beginnings of a post-materialist world
where we are all enlightened to a new degree never before felt
possible in times past through introspection and the creation of
the artform made possible by more free time due to increased
robotic automation, in the mode of production. In this future
society which we on the brink of we all exist emancipated by our
ideas through the power of individual art to represent more the
idea in its complexity and subtlety. The core stuff from which
the self is made, the core of our ideas rarely ever changes it is the
peripherial ideas we have which change the most as these ideas
are still trying to prove their worth in order to become core ideas


of the self-plex and have their existence secured in the mind of

the individual for a lifetime.
This would be one of the new pillars in human thought
and contemplation to explain how a shift in memetics could
effect change in the social psychology of peoples and nations,
how civilisation itself could change, what would occur in this
change and how our individual consciousness and our self-plex
is constructed of social essences and energies represented to the
individual in introspection. The mass social memetic state of
society would be located at the level of institutionalised
ideology, it would represent mainly science as a core tenet of
society with a strong belief in liberty which makes possible the
pluralism of religious and cultural ideas and embodiments from
which we can construct the self-plex and create our own
personal culture of mixed cultural codes with their own
introspected and inspired meanings in the recreation of culture at
the individual level. The mass social memetic as it exists in the
social dynamic would reside also in cultural artefacts such as
c.d.s, books and television, all aspects of the mass media and
that the cultural messages of the mass media would be an
accurate expression of the social mind, empathetic social
emotion and the collective will of the human race at the time the
objects were written and produced. As such it is this way in
which memes are located in books at the top of the social
memetic dynamic as embodied in the institutions of education as
that in these institutions of education the work involved entails
the bombardment of the individual with hundreds of new memes.
In education the memes are synthesised and studied almost
exclusively in artefact form directly from the books in print
which guarantees the memes survival into the future and its
propagation to the future generations as they study the work. As
such from their learning the raw subconscious subtle core of the
meme will filter down through interaction in the social
subconscious to the social dynamic and have its subtle influence
there. The meme filters its way through social structures such as
the media through the people which have studied the media or
memetics and through interaction socially within the social
structures that exist the essence of the meme spreads itself, even
if the original content of the meme is lost, such is the nature of
the subtle social subconscious. Susan Blackmores account of
the meme and the memeplex really is evoking as it provides us
with an analogy through which we can come to understand how


the individual perspective and personal paradigm is formed of

ideas and how these ideas knit together. We have to start
considering the self as a bundle of inter-related relevant ideas
from which we are constructed and which enables our perception
of the world and our perspective on life. Everything from our
personal tastes, our political opinions and our religious tastes and
beliefs are all a part of a massive bundle of the self, the selfplex which is constituted of our core beliefs and opinions which
we rarely change and from which our perspective is formed. This
is of course when we come to see the self as a memeplex, a
collection of co-existing ideas and beliefs centred around core
sentiments and meanings of the self and about the world in
which we live, it is really from here that a proper deconstruction
of the self can begin and a re-crystallization of the memeplex of
the self begin through our own introspection upon what we
would like to keep and would like to change about the self we
Consciousness & The Neuro-meme
To explain the ontological nature of the meme it is first
essential to divide the mind into two concepts, that of the
neurological mind as it exists as neurons firing as part of a
composite structure each neuron having a different meaning as
expressed as neural code depending upon the synapses used,
each neuron has a different subconscious meaning and these
neural meanings and subconscious symbols combine together to
break into consciousness from the subconscious and make a
detailed and structured cognition of the world around us such is
the functioning of the biological brain. The second concept is the
mind as it exists as an experiential state of perception through
the presence of which it can be said we think thoughts and are a
self, a person with a mind. Our thoughts will always have an
aspectual quality to them as the imaginations use in free thinking
and perception is deep and profound and in any intentional state
even in the abstract introspection of thought and idea aspectual
shape is the vehicle of representation. As such this collaboration
of many subconscious symbols to make a collective symbol
representative of neurological function and neurological synapse
firing as a part of the neural code of which the symbol is
composed. Brain cells are a part of a collective whole which
represents to consciousness how they are constructed of


individual subconscious and unconscious meanings is a part of

the brains biological function in our cognition of ideas and
objects. The mind as according to neurological science is the
functioning of the brain but the meme and the complexity of
human social interaction is better understood in the realm of
experiential idea as resting on biological function rather than
explanations relating to the actions of the biological structure
itself. As we are the sum of our biological parts so we are
therefore drawn to consider what the experiential state consists
of and how the experiential state can cope with concepts such as
the meme and introspection, ideas which would be lost in the
consideration of the neural functioning of neurons and dendrite
pathways. On the individual cellular level and the neo-cortex
area level cells groups have different types which have
corresponding different functions and roles in the consciousness
and cognition of the individual. Cell structure and type depicts
different functions in the mind but all neural tissues have
different functions and cognitive meanings associated with them
indeed the areas which each individual thinks with are
individualized and slightly different for each individual. As such
it is the collective combined meanings that neurons have which
produces conscious cognition of the self and of the external
world of perceptions around us. The knowledge passed and
created between the cells would be memetic nature as the brain
cells are copying a particular meaning between two or more cells
which is weaved on mass through all the brain cells in an area to
create an active part of our conscious cognition. This is because
even in cellular communication and at the slightly more
experiential side the level of intuition information is being
copied and encoded in the mind as it synthesizes our sensations
and perceptions of what is in the world around us. There would
be a reduction to what is known of the experiential mind to codelike combinations of neural meanings which in their sum add up
to cognition and consciousness. That which exists in the
neurological system of code and symbols underpins the actual
intuitions of our experience of the world. The cognitive system
evolves through the growth of dendrite structures to create new
synapses which carry new or deeper meanings within our
perception or cognition of our ideas. It is the composite
meanings of the neural tissue of our brains through which our
intuitions are constructed and represented as neural code and will
evolve with the memes and memetic structure we have added


through study and introspection. It is in the level of cognition

and consciousness which is the intuitions in which a memetic
lens crystallizes: representing some aspect of the understanding
or our rational conceptual framework is embodied in the
perceptions we have as they are encoded as intuitions. We
subconsciously encode into the intuition an object of our
perspective or our understanding and perceive the content of the
encoded idea in our perceptions directly; as such we perceive the
truth or falsity of our understanding and perspective directly in
the form of our intuitions. The function of brain cells in whole of
cognition is restricted by neurological type of the cells being
studied and the token that is represented by the firing of an
individual synapse of the cell. As such our brains are composed
of such a intricate structure one area of the brain containing
many different cells, as they have been programmed by the lives
we have lived. Brain cells evolve all the time connecting and
branching to new neurons, if the nature of the mind is capable of
evolution and change then so is the brain and the place for the
meme in understanding human evolution has been explained in
the scope of our individual evolving cognitive experience
throughout the evolutionary timeline of our ancestors history.
As such we are subject to two memetics, the internal
neurological memetic as a set of subtle instructions learnt from
the conversation, introspection or the artform as it is interpreted
developing the neural connections; the depth and broadness to
our minds and our mental scope, the intuitional capacity of the
mind and the meme as described in its experiential state as an
active idea in the individuals life world as an object of
contemplation, introspection and meditation. We have yet to
really branch the enquiry into the effects that art; inspiration and
creative will has upon the meme but at least for this now the
stage that discussion can take place on has now been set. As such
the idea that memes are like viruses can be given some credence
as an idea a thought which is repeated through its own devices
inside the mind once the individual has been subjected to it
becomes embedded in our mental architecture that is in effect on
repeat in the mind playing with our introspective capabilities
catalyzing new mental sequences and dendrite structure growths
as such through the infection of the self with memes can and
does change our style and type of cognition so does the way in
which we perceive the physical and social world change. This
also ties in with the nature of developmental and educational


psychology how in the early neurological and rudimentary

periods of life we are given memes in the form of education of
the operation and manipulation of the body, self and world
develop in the school environment and slowly crystallize into
our cognitive perspective as we become teenagers and adults.
We are in total the composite amalgamation of memes both
dormant from the past and active in the present in our minds and
our cultural consciousness. We should view ourselves as such
the product of a lifetimes meme accumulation for the remainder
of the enquiry and that within our potential and our creative and
logical capacities there exists in the power of subconscious
memetic pools of reanalysis and creative synthesis unique to the
individual in which new memes and memetic structures are
developing and taking form and it is from the creative essences
and energies which the inspiration of our true individuality
Only brain states have the necessary qualities to replicate: They
can cause similar entities to arise through information transfer
(Aunger, 2001)
Brain states are the states of cognition and consciousness
that we have in the moment and that are copied between
individuals in moments of memetic transfer. In the above quote
what Aunger is trying to get across is that in the mimicking or
copying of another human being leads to his or her brain state
being copied and arising in the mind of the individual who
copies it. As such by information transfer what is meant is that
through the subconscious awareness we have a unique corridor is
opened for the transfer of subtle meaning and conscious
cognition. It is the mental state which is copied and through
these mental states arising in the individual the entity or object of
thought naturally arises too through information transfer through
the subconscious mind. As such the entities of brain states are
the intentional objects upon which the mind is directed, the
information transfer can be either conscious in the form of
artwork, poetry or music which is all well and good or the
information transfer can be subconscious in which case it is the
subtle part of our imagination of our minds which decodes the
mental state and copies the object upon which the individuals
mind is directed through cognitive transfer which is a part of the
power of the subconscious mind to copy directly a state of


cognition from one individual to another where the object is

represented the way it would be if its cognition was that of the
original bearer of the cognitive brain state, as such this is how
social learning takes place with the brain state of the teacher
being copied by the students as they engage with the topics of
study, it is not just the words and ideas which are copied by the
students the brain state, the state of mental cognition of the tutor
is copied also along with the information which is conveyed by
traditional spoken language. If this idea about brain states is true
then the way that we introspect in groups bears under this
revelation also, the mental states of those who we respect or
empathize with are copied directly into our minds and it is then
that we are bombarded with new memes, how easily we can be
lead by someone with a perspective who might not have our best
interests at heart. As such if the mental state is copied first and
then come the words expressing personal sentiment or ideology
then these ideas of sentiment or ideology are due to be readily
accepted as true or good by the individual as the subconscious
has already been primed empathetically through the transfer of
the cognitive brain state and the vestiges of self which are
included in the copy of the brain state into the subconscious.
Surely then being primed by the copied mental state the ideas
and words of the respected individual will naturally find their
home in the mind of the copying individual as cognitive state
and self has been copied directly into the conscious and
subconscious priming the individual in the preparation for the
contents of the social introspection. How easily we are lead by
the empathy of respect or friendship in other individuals,
individuals which have their own plans and their own agendas.
With the neuro-meme the idea is pretty straightforward;
brain cells pass information to each other through synaptic
terminals at the end of dendrite pathways, as such information at
the neuro-cognitive level is composed of the sequence of
synapse firing in a cluster of brain cells equating to a conscious
meaning which is dependent upon the brain but can be
considered a property of the mind which we have. As such braincells, neurons, copy each other and the neuro-synaptic meanings
which they have inherent to their synapse firings are passed
backwards and forwards between cells through the neural tissue;
maintaining the original cognitive mental meaning to which the
brain cells equate. Replication of the neuro-code of an individual
set of cells to another cluster or set of cells requires the use of


dendrite pathways and synapses to convey the meaning from one

set of cells to another. As such the neuro-meme is the copying of
one set of cells to another set of cells so that expansive cognition
can remain fluid and still retain the cognition of the most recent
intentional state.
We are individually constructed of neuro-synaptic
meanings, a brain state is our state of mind in the moment and a
brain state is the total sum of our minds cognition as it is in every
second of our waking lives. Through the replication of the brain
state we are viewing into the depth of memetic evolution that is
the transfer of consciousness between two individuals through
the use of the raw subconscious information conveyed via means
of a language through which to communicate coming after the
copying of the cognitive state, as such between artistically
minded and gifted individuals there is the possibility of the
merging of the individual meme pools of artistic synthesis and
refinement into one shared meme pool, as such artists inspire
each other even if it is body language that the mind uses as a
template used for the acquisition of the state of mind of the other
individual it is still the raw state of cognition which is shared
between individuals. The entities which would arise are the
individual objects of introspection and inspiration as thought
individually in each person involved in the memetic transfer of
cognition and consciousness. The quality of the replication
would be the aim of Robert Aungers work, as it is the qualities
something must have in order to be an object of replication
which would be most central to the considerations of memetics.
As such when a state of mind is copied and embodied in the
representation which art allows which allows and expresses the
most subtle, profound and refined meanings of self, synthesis
and introspection there is something unique made in the human
artform of the cultural artifact, something which expresses the
uniqueness of humanity as individuals and which represents the
most unique of human capacities, the capacity for creative
cognition and abstract consciousness, that would be the power of
the artform which serves as the next section we shall come to
Memetic Evolution: The Art Form
This individual memetic pool in the mind of the
individual we can compare to the cultural and social memetic


pool as given in the social dynamic and as embodied in the mass

media of cultural artifacts, ideas, beliefs and opinions from
which we all take a part of our inspiration from this and from the
natural world of majesty and beauty. The individual memetic
pool is where new ideas and perspectives are constantly forming
and crystallizing out of the liquid of the will, altering the social
perspective and consciousness which we have. The memetic
pool as it exists in the individual is located more in the shadowy
depths of the subconscious as it is to this depth that the meme
and the primordial artistic will spans. The mind which represents
to us the world as it is, and which colors our perception with the
self in the intuitional level of the human psyche and will. Before
the self actually perceives the world of sensation it has already
been colored by the instinctual self which represents in the
subconscious the beliefs and opinions we hold in the conscious
in our rational understanding. As such the full use of the human
will is the prize for those who are truly introspective beings and
through meditation have learnt to temper the will as a constituent
of the rational self. The individual who understands this and has
uncovered all of the human self that they are be it conscious or
subconscious in nature is indeed enlightened to a personal
freedom from ideology and the empathetic manipulation of
others who we would give our respect such as peers. This pool of
memetic advancement from within the mind of the individual
would be in comparison the source of the individuals own
culture and would be their inner source of inspiration and
synthesis and the source from which they project themselves as
states of cognition and their artistic talent onto the rest of society.
As such in the individuals production of their personal artform,
even life world art, the art of our own representation of our
creative style of dress in the being of a social actor the individual
reaches into these memetic pools of self and mind and draws
forth the meanings of the cultural symbols employed in our
personal style and the methods of social cultural expression
embodied in the attire we dress in. We bring art into the world
for comparison to other peoples art or to develop the art for the
benefit of the sense of self and refining our method of expression
in the artform that the individual has. As such memes and the
memetics of self and consciousness and the individual memes
relationships to each other in their arrangement in self
consciousness and the social consciousness rearranges and alters
through the programming of the self which in western


democracy we are at liberty to do, we are programmed by

meaning in particular the meaning of different memes in the
memeplex of the self, if ever we are feeling disempowered,
feeling out of touch with current perceptions of reality or lacking
the vital energy of self then we are at liberty to change the
memes in the memeplex for new ideas which explain perception
of reality differently or leave us feeling emancipated and
empowered. The power of the meme in its effect upon the mind
and its subjective perceptions of reality as mediated by structures
held deep in the subconscious is startling, on its many different
levels of action the meme and the memeplex mediates reality and
our perceptions of the world of material objects to such an extent
that two individuals perceptions of reality and perspectives
which explain these perceptions may be radically different:
neurological structures in the brain responsible for things like
aura perception and telepathy become redundant in childhood as
we learn from our parents social subconsciousnesses whether
such abilities need developing and can take root in the cultural
environment provided, with a lack of these advanced higher
cognitive skills being present in the parents leads to the mental
faculties dendrite structures in the conscious and the
subconscious becoming redundant in the child existing to be
developed if the skills become the focus of the meditating,
introspecting and synthesizing consciousness in later life such as
in their late teens for instance. As such the nature of our
perceptions of ourselves and our perceptions of our own
individual potentials and capabilities that we have is constantly
changing from day to day the world progressively changes in our
content of its perception as the mind expands upon its higher
cognitive capacities and as such the memes in our own personal
memeplex must evolve and adapt to cope with these new
perceptions of reality as the mind opens. As introspection is the
process and mental architecture through which this technique of
meme selection works we can now see how memetics as a
subject and endeavor is responsible for the evolution of our
perceptions and is responsible in the dynamics of the
subconscious for the introspective and individual creation of the
artform of the individuals creative will and its contours of self
which are embodied in the artforms creation by ourselves. As
such the human race is capable of evolving its perceptions and
perspectives through the use of the creative and intuitional will
upon which we introspect, meditate and objectify. As such the


synthasic effect of good artwork takes us beyond the unity of

perceptions and sensation to a more primordial subconscious
plateau of introspection, inspiration and contemplation, good
artwork is that which works beyond the realm of common
sensation and evokes within us the hidden subtle meanings and
sublime process which the artform created represents. I shall
now make my final conclusions as to the nature of the evolution
of human consciousness through present day culture and through
human history.
Throughout human history we have communicated
meanings to each other through different art forms from the
Thuthark runes of Scandinavia to the hieroglyphics of ancient
Egypt we have developed first of all our culture and have
constructed this culture out of individual signs and symbols,
which have meaning to the consciousness we are and world
perception and perspective of the individual. As such we also
have developed the arts of music, dance and drama and have
become able to capture emotional, euphoric and inspiring states
and the manipulation of these states of mind in music, poetry and
art which we can either adore and love or ignore and belittle. The
word as such of ancient civilizations was a progression from the
glyph with its basic symbolic meanings open to interpretation,
now with combined glyphs forming words in the Roman and
Ancient Greek language the sophistication of intellectual
discourse and the anatomy of the experiential state as we can
describe it was theirs to understand and develop upon with the
languages of Ancient Greek and Latin.
As such the idea and the meme have become
increasingly powerful alongside emotion as emotions facilitate
our passion which we hold in the objectification of our embodied
ideas of our core selves and the memeplexes of which our self is
constructed. The other arts of humanity combined into this
sphere of contemplation and creative introspection such as
sculpture and painting has allowed the evolution of human
meaning as idea and neural codes and influences ultimately the
evolution of memetic structures which we all have embedded in
the more subtle aspects of our cognition and our subconscious
the chance to evolve and develop through language and memetic
transfer throughout human history. From social uprising, the
enlightenment and the artistic renaissance and through civil war
the grand cultural or social memetic and its narrative of reason
conquering all the harshness of peoples reality across the globe


as a movement in humanism for the workers in other countries to

have better wages and better working conditions as a part of their
human rights. As such the individual is readily inspired and has
been influenced and inspired by the social dynamic and the
beauty and lusciousness of nature in the natural world and as
such its composite memes in their memeplexes and our own
individual meme pools of introspection, analysis and creative
synthesis from which to create the artforms of the future which
will inspire future generations to come. As such we are all social
actors and we have developed and will continue to develop for
the rest of all history. As such the human will and our
understanding of our individual will is particular to each
individual as the will is something highly individuated. The
human will is something which has both its conscious elements
in the way we interact with the world and the people who live
upon it, as such we can also be using our will to enable the
subconscious to become refined and the degree to which we have
autonomy over the will increases as the refining process takes
place. As such the will manifests either as will or as mental
intention as it is otherwise known in philosophy. The human will
is a will which has developed and evolved throughout our
individual histories and has been influenced by our experiences,
introspections and synthesizing contemplations and is fully
conscious as a part of ourselves. The human will underpins all of
cognition if we visualize it is done through the facilitation of the
will, likewise if we choose to remember something from
memory then it is through the will of the individual that we recall
our memories from the subconscious.
The meme and the human will has produced what we are
today as a society; a heterogeneous mix of socially enabled
individuals following their own complex tangents and goals. As
such we are all perusing our own personal objectifications such
as a belief in the coming to be of ideal states of humanity, ideal
as in emerging from the memetic cultural mix of ideas, values
and beliefs. As such the human race has many potentials and
abilities; humans have a great opportunity for potential emergent
individualities constructed from the plethora of emancipated
cultural styles and cultural codes of what is now a fully
international society, this freedom from oppression and freedom
to choose our own style and ideology is one of the many
freedoms enshrined in the founding of the democracy in which
we live.


As such analyzing the shared social meanings between

individual people who exist in their own unique and insular and
self concerned life-worlds as such is studied for clues leading
to a bigger picture or more enlightened perspective of the social
truths underpinning individual actions and lifestyle ideologies.
As such the nature of social interaction studied then can be
inferred or imagined and visualized by the interactionist
sociologist using his or her own unique state of mind and state of
empathetically bound cognition to judge social truths. As such in
individuality we form ourselves and our self identities from the
plethora of cultural codes and stylistic symbols which exist
emancipated in the Post-Modern and Neo-Modern eras of the
international society in which we live. We create our
individuality around common shared meanings within us that we
are socialized into and unites us as a society despite all our
individuality and personal differences. As such we are all
socialized from a young age to accept the values and ideals of
the society we are a part of and we learn that we must curb
personal desire and selfish wants the impulses of the Freudian id
which we must learn to overcome if we are to be true members
of the society of which we are a part. To have these basic core
ideas and values of unity embodied in the self is to unite each
and every man, woman and child under a common banner of
multicultural nationality. There are many methods of
socialization that we must go through in western society such as
the emerging from the education system as reasonably well
educated individuals ready for the workplace and for the world
of work. The workplace where some form of physical or mental
labour is the mission of the day and where uniformity exists
between individual workers and a sameness of attire and clothing
is a part of the cultural normality of the workplace. As would be
inferred from the workplace ideology which governs the
functional interaction of individuals there is little or no room in
the workplace for rebellious individualism, it is outside of the
working environment where we can refine and perfect our
individuality. As such we are all socialized into particular ways
of acting and taught acceptable behaviors as such we take on
both the cultural norms and the social values of society of which
we are a part. From the plethora of emancipated styles, cultural
codes and ideologies the individuals style takes on a level of sign
consciousness in the life world. As such it is a part of our
cultural inheritance to utilize our freedom to the maximum


degree and effect possible in order to achieve a highly

individualized style of the self which reflects and embodies our
true self as a part of societys social dynamic of cultural
representation and social consciousness. We construct our
individuality around shared social meanings is to create the
values and norms of society within the individual which instills a
desire for a quality of life and a degree of ethical standards
which mediates our impulses and actions. In light of this
socialization we all go through the essential conditioning of the
individual within society through which our individual
perspective is governed and we become individuals but highly
socialized unique and well rounded individuals through the
balance of the individuality of democracy on one hand with the
sameness and homogeneity required by the capitalistic system on
the other hand, these shared social meanings which are
socialized into us to begin with through the family and later the
education system. Throughout our lives these instilled and
socialized ideas come to dominate our working perspective and
perception of self with the embedded ideas constituting the core
of our beliefs and opinions in the memeplex through which the
self is constructed.
The human mind has the ability to construct meanings
and interpret cultural essences and objects, this ability to create
meaning in our lives points to the mysterious subconscious and
its function in conveying that which we initially draw from the
composite parts of our higher cognition and expanded
consciousness out of the potential which exists hidden away in
the subconscious mind. This higher cognition and expanded
consciousness is afforded by the development of the
subconscious mind becoming a part of the conscious mind
allowing new mental skills. As such through meditation,
objectification and introspection we are all capable of
uncovering to some extent the shadowy space of the
subconscious. As such the subconscious mind is used and
experienced in both formerly perceiving the changing contours
of our perceptions of the world, the subconscious is also
involved latterly in interpreting the world in which we live, as
such forming a perspective of the self and in particular a
perspective on the nature of our perceptions and how in effect
the sum crux of the experiential state existent in the selfs
cognition boils down to the critical concepts of the individuals
mediated perception (how objects are represented to the mind)


and perspective (the ideas and wisdoms that we operate and

navigate the world with) both in the experiential state in the
moment. Will as such is the cognitive mechanism through which
the core of human actions is possible through the will facilitating
the agency and autonomy borne of introspection, meditation and
objectification. As such our sentience as a species is related to
our self awareness and how this is the product of essential shapes
in the will which introspects to become self-aware. The will is
used in thought to stimulate different areas of the mind such as
the use of will in intuitions and how these intuitions become
colored by the wills representing the opinions and beliefs of the
rational understanding in the cognitive level of the intuitions
shaping and forming sensory data before it becomes represented
to the self. The will is also essential in our considerations of the
future, how we will ourselves along a tangent through life and as
our ideologies are bound by willed belief which helps keep in
place the causal determinants which determine the course of the
individuals tangent through life. The will is also essential if we
desire to come to an understanding of how art develops and how
the individual objects of the artform become developed and
embodied cultural artifacts of artistic and introspective worth.
One of the ways that memes or transmitted ideas survive is
through the experiential state which we all have, by embedding
themselves in the intuitional layer of our consciousness and
cognition finding their relevance and worth in the interpretations
we intuit from the sensations we have of the material world, as
such the life world when the individual is being the host to
intuition encoding memes is full of many subtle and special
meanings to the rather mundane perceptions we would otherwise
have. The memes or ideas from which we form the mental
objects of representation and the thoughts we have and introspect
upon stretch deep into the individual subconscious as to be at the
deepest level the will itself in the form of a perception altering
memetic lens of an embodied meaning which functions as the
meme or idea represented in the sensation of objects, as an object
of mental focus. As such when a memetic lens is focused upon
the world of objects then these objects take on a subjective gloss
as the meaning in the memetic lens effects the representation of
the objects and therefore shapes the discussion of them which
follows, as such a memetic lens could be a lens of optimism or
pessimism coloring the world we perceive, inhabit and
experience with either positive or negative energies. As such the


creation of a memetic lens requires that an idea or essence of an

idea comes to rule the ideological self through its proximity to
the apex of objectification, only our familiar and deeply
embedded ideas and thoughts can become memetic lenses as any
other type of idea or thought would not be embedded in our
cultural mindsets deep enough to create a working memetic lens
which mediates and colors our perceptions and creates perceived
meanings innate to the world bought through the focus of the
mind in the life world which we inhabit.
The personal emotional experiences we have as
individuals of the many human emotions such as fear, guilt,
anger, remorse, love and empathy or any other emotional state
when objectified reveals to the individual a number of
empathetic triggers in the self whose firing triggers the
emotional state in the inner mental and outer social worlds of the
individual person. When an emotion becomes objectified it
becomes a part of our personal paradigm of understanding and
belief, it would become a part of our ideological makeup which
we have as conscious self aware beings. As such it is rarely that
we would objectify an emotional state on its own, what would be
far more likely is the objectification of an idea, a symbol or a
person who is to them revered as sacred or profane and the
associated emotional connotations and energies inherent to the
person, idea or symbol when introspected upon by the
individual. It is in the introspective meditation that we form the
most original parts of our own personal ideology as objects of
contemplation, objectification and reflection which are the
products of the individual meme pool which we access through
introspection and meditation. Our will is most evident and in its
prime with the creation of the artform and cultural artifacts
through deliberation and hard work utilizing the entirety of the
human will as subtle intuition which guides the designers
skilled hands in the creation of the artform. Our skills are
employed to maximum effect when in the production of the
artform so much so that through the creation of the artform we
find the subtle nearly subconscious structures to our own
perceptions, perspective and the individual meanings of neurons
which have a neuro meaning in the sense of the sequence of fired
synapse terminals of many millions of cells in the brain at any
given time which creates their composite conscious meaning as
collective brain tissues, each area of tissue representing to the
self a different part of our cognition of the world and the


cognition of the self. Each brain tissue area is tailor suited to the
cognition of different aspects of our unified consciousness. Of
the cognition of ourselves and of the perceptions we have of the
material world of sensation and physical experience all material
objects are represented in a certain way as to fit the instinctual
coloring of the intuitional part of our cognition the apprehension
of perception from which the cognition of the rational
understanding can compose a schematization of that intuitional
neural code that represents to our consciousness a detailed
picture of the immediate surroundings of the life world in
which we live.
Now to aid the discussion of the artform, the creative
will and the individual memetic pools alive and functional within
each of us I shall introduce a term which has not been used
before in the considerations of sociology, psychology or
philosophy. This new concept I shall be adding to the debate and
discussion is the concept of aphoria, aphoria basically means
artistic creative will and as such the concept of aphoria is related
to the functional dynamics of meme pool as one exists within the
creative mind of each and every living human being on earth.
Aphoria also helps understand the human faculty of introspective
creative synthesis as it takes a great amount of creativity to mix
together and merge two different belief systems or ideologies
which wouldnt usually fit together in any sort of decent shape
such as combining Marxist communism with liberal democracy.
It can be synthesized by the individuals own aphoristic creative
will of the individual meme pool, all that is necessary for this
kind of ideological hybridization and many other forms of
synthesis to take place is creative will enough to see where ideas
share their meanings and where there is crossover of opinions,
beliefs and ideas. The level of the artistic experience to which we
have been subjected throughout our lives and the aphoristic
states we have entered into in the creation of the artform whether
it be art, poetry, sculpture or music is really irrelevant the point
is that we can all pursue artistic endeavors and expand and push
back the boundaries of the mind in doing so. Aphoria all depends
upon the intentional state and directedness of the human will in
artistic introspection in the creation of the artform, for ourselves
as individuals in order to become completely artistic and free
from all ideological dogma we must come to effect a new
autonomy in our lives, this new autonomy is effected through the
breaking down through meditation and introspection of the old


mental thought cycles and the associated brain states which hold
these egoistic thought cycles firmly in place. These thought
cycles that we have in our consciousness are the product of the
mental conditioning and socialization that we have gone through
as a part of our behavior and thought patterning since our early
childhood and mental states which the cognitive human will
exists within. Cycles of thought are created through the knitting
together of ideas to other ideas through an inherent innate
causality which webs together ideas into clusters of relivance,
ideas which are related to other ideas through causality of
content and form creating a mesh of ideological causality ready
for introspection, this mesh when introspected upon may lead to
a spiral of thought when thought along a timeline in the form of
a repeating pattern hence the phrase of a downward spiral if the
content of the objects of thought be negative.
As such we need to break down the innate patterning and
structures within our thought processes in order to make our
cognition more fluid and our belief structure more autonomous
so that when we introspect we have more freedom and choice in
what we introspect over. Through the sounds of music, the subtle
movement of dance, the will and words of poetry and prose,
within these artforms that we use and the art that we can sculpt,
paint and sketch memes and memetic structure can evolve and
develop new meanings and structures within our cognition and
consciousness. The human mind indeed is the primary object of
our introspective development; it is as if we have been
wandering in our lives seeking that ultimate representation in art
from which we can come to understand the subtlety and totality
of the self and the subconscious. It is as if the meme, the idea as
it exists in the subtle subconscious represents to itself through
the art which we create. The meme of memetic structure is
allowed briefly in the artform the human ability of introspection
which we have for the meme to use in its coming to a self
understanding of its own nature as idea. It is for the artform to
bring to us fulfillment of the capacity for expression that we
have. Within the moment of artistic expression we can
experience enraptured states of self realization in the artform and
create exalted euphoric states of intention through the aphoria of
artistic expression when the mastery of the artform is learnt.
From within the pure will and the subconscious their lie skills
and abilities we have yet to truly develop and it is the artform
and the aphoristic intention and introspection which we use to


decode the artform are the medium and the human powers that
these latent skills and capacities shall develop through the use of.
We are capable of achieving a consciously expansive
state of cognitive aphoria through the more sophisticated use of
the experiential state and therefore the mechanical apparatus of
the human mind. This leads us to believe that there are subtlety
contained states of expanded consciousness and higher cognition
within the human ability to focus the mind. For example if we
focus on a word on a page hard enough for long enough then the
word loses its meaning and we end up looking at a funny
meaningless abstraction of letters, this is because meaning is
encoded into particulars such as words through the human minds
ability to focus, what is revealed here is the ability to re-encode
meaning into a particular word through its becoming
indeterminate under the human ability to focus the mind thus
allowing for meaning especially new meaning to be encoded into
the concept itself.
As humans we have a fascination with the nature of
meaning and the faculty of intuited sensation which can be
developed in the arts through the development of the artform in
all its forms. Using the groundwork laid out in Immanuel Kants
work as a starting point for the nature of such an inquiry into the
nature of artistic philosophy I shall take the basic works of
Kants intuition based psychology and develop its concepts
further in the analysis of the works of Schopenhauer. Sensations
are perceived through the five known senses, the whole body
representing its entirety of sensation of the material world
coming through the capacity of intuition to the cognitive
representation of the world to our conscious rational awareness
which we experience as our understanding of sensation and the
world of perceived material objects and the concepts we use in
understanding our intuited existence in the material world.
Synthasia, Art & The Meme
What Schopenhauer calls the principium indivduationis, the
division into particular things, only occurs in the phenomenal
world. The world of will is the entirety of all that exists.
(Warburton, 2000)
The individuation of objects takes place in the
subconscious and represents the world of material objects as


individual intuitions as a part of the unified intuition which is the

whole of sensation. The sublime is the underlying structure of
cognition and therefore reality as revealed through artwork and
represented through aphoristic introspection, meditation and then
solidified and made a part of our conscious cognition through
objectification. The underlying mechanism of isomorphic
representation, which is the representation of objects to our
conscious cognition, is the human will. The human will either
actively focused upon intuitions of the material world such as the
intuition of words when actively reading a part of some text or
passively acquired intuitions of the external world when focused
upon some internal state such as in introspection or meditation.
As such the inner mechanisms of introspection and meditation
seek to internalize the focus of the individuals will bringing
through the mechanisms of thought a more refined perspective of
self and more autonomy to ourselves as social actors. As such
the human will actively and passively represents the external
world of objects to the internal world of self and ideology. Our
ideas and beliefs which we introspect upon are given causal
weight and importance in our ideology through the mental
process of objectification where the idea is embodied and
embedded with objective causal meaning such as the idea of God
for the Christians and the idea of false consciousness (where the
objectivity of inequality in the division of labour is replaced by
the objectivity of some other force such as God in the ideological
constitution of the individual, true consciousness being the
awareness of the workers inequality in the class consciousness of
society) for the Marxists.
The principium identifies and determines individual
objects as individual intuitions through identifying the contours
and character, the limits and boundaries to reality which is
responsible for the individuation of objects. Kantian
philosophers believe that all we can know are the representations
of reality as given through the subjective senses which perceives
an objective world of objects as they are in themselves. Objects
are perceived as sensation and represented via intuition to our
conscious rationality through the manifold of sensation through
which our senses are unified and individuated as separate senses
of representational content.
.Synthasia is a state where the senses merge and share
representational content often causing confusion to the
individual as the boundaries of individual senses morph and


merge in the manifold of perception and individuated objects

take on confusing properties such as the sound of a colour. In a
state of synthasia though much as sensations can merge as
intuitions so too can new intuitions emerge which would be
filtered out by the subconscious. Much the same as intuitions can
merge in synthasia so too can intuitions deepen and broaden
representing more noumena (the world as it exists in itself) as
phenomena (the world as it exists as representation).
The principium indivduationis is where the entirety of all
that is sensed through the senses is divided into individual
intuitions that become individuated intuitions of particulars and
objects as particulars of sensation as represented in their
multiplicity to the conscious rationality of the individuals
personal unique understanding. Schopenhauers conception of
the principium indivduationis is synthasicaly constructed, that is
synthasia is a space where all intuitions as sensations merge and
colors can adopt the sense characteristics such as those take on
the qualities of other senses such as those as the sense of touch.
Synthasia is the state of mind where the individuated senses
merge and overlap to allow a mismatch between the senses
where the individual qualities of the intuition overlap with other
senses and create a merged meaning such as the smell of a funny
colour. Within this synthasia there is a construct within the
human will as like a prism of meaning which all sensation and
intuition is filtered through at the deepest level of the will.
Synthasia would be the experience where the totality of sensed
cognition of the senses blends into one singularity of
representation and as such represents itself through the many
senses as they are constructed out of the synthasic state.
From this neurologically constructed state of synthasia
information is fed through basic cognitive cycles of sense
representation into the higher cognitive faculties of rational
understanding. These constructs within the human will would be
the initial basic understanding of the world as we would have it
and it is in its totality finally tied together into a solid state
through the concepts we use in the way that we use them. It is
within this higher cognitive mesh of inferred and thought
meanings that the concepts we use really fuse together into the
rational understanding that we have as individuals. When
creating art in the form of the artform the effect that the
individual piece of art has upon the mind of the individual when
it creates itself in the mind of the introspective artist is unique. It


is as if the artform creates a plateau of contemplation of the

subconscious mind by the conscious rationality of the individual.
In the creation of the artform by the individual consciousness it
is the principium indivduationis that the cognitive change in
perspective takes place within leading to the individuation of
individual represented objects taking on new individuated
meanings or new added depth and breadth of the objects
representation to the conscious self. As such the acquiring of
breadth and depth of the meme when represented in the form of
the artform and artistic memetics as tokens of sensory experience
takes place when evolution of the individual idea occurs in its
many forms of possible synthesis. Art is something which sparks
deep within the individual an internal recognition of who and
what we are in the present global political climate. The creation
of art in the musical and pictorial sense of representation creates
new meanings within itself using the will of the individual as the
carrier of its deeper individually unique message as art.
Experientially as we are human with our own unique perspective
and perception of the human world of cultural signs and
symbolic cultural codes we experience the new aspectually
created meaning of the artform as it is created by the self or lived
as individual meaning instantaneously by the social actor the
artist of the created art is in its highest state as the point or source
of creation of the individual artform. At the same time as this
artform has an effect on the canvas of our life and the
perceptions of the life world as modeled by our individual
perspective, the artform exists in its subjectivity as art and the
true objectivity is to be found in the consciousness of the
individual artist in the creation of the artform as it is interpreted
by the cognitive consciousness of the individual as a participator
in the viewing of art, inclusive of the mental representation of
self and reality within the artform is truly profound. The content
of the principium indivduationiss prism of meaning, the
individuation of intuitions into their different individual
meanings as would be through the perceiver of the individual
artform through which the artform has shone through would be
the ego and super-ego of the individual artist. The active superego or social self of the artist as perceiving the artform in the
moment as the individual nature of the artform as it explains
itself to themselves and teaches the will to form and flow in new
ways would be the active self which interprets all intuitions as
they would be as constituents of the unifying artform.


As such being individuals as the host of memes can

prove insightful and creatively productive as the meme pool of
the individual is constantly evolving and conjuring new
meanings. There would be so to say a homunculi or passive
representational self as an artist of expression and representation
representing the near-infinitely complex representations of the
individual artform with its individual memetic existence at work
within the representation. The structure of crystallized ideas in
the principium indivduationis and one might say the inner or
deeper self of representation one might say represents and
expresses the physical world of objects as our subconscious self
perceives it from the moment that we are born till the moment
we die these would be the deepest memetics and memetic
structure the memetics and memetic structure which effects the
nature of our sensory intuitions.
Memetics as such would be the start of the
developmental advancement of experiential psychology and in
some ways, theoretically, the end of materialist determinism (the
reduction to the brain state) in psychology as the role that ideas
(individual memes) have in our psychology. The analogy of the
homunculi or representational perceiver is still used in neuropsychology as a way of explaining the conscious motor sensation
and action control within specific cell locations of the human
neo-cortex. As a new meme is the analysis and synthesis of an
old meme or old memes and the insight, inspiration or otherwise
aphoria that is added as the content of the meme is added to the
new meme as it exists in the sensory schemata as produced in the
memes different function in the mind or relation to sensory
representation of the individual world as a new meme would
then the individuals individual memetics is relational to the type
of reality conceived of as idea and the memes necessary to the
explanation of the functioning of this near-abstract reality. This
could be in relation to the sensible and intuitional regions of our
cognition where the life world interpretation of meanings could
have been changed or sufficiently altered through the adoption of
new memes and new memetic structure. It could be within the
higher cognitional aspects of our mind where we choose to or
cease to believe a particular idea and have developed new skills
in representation and interpretation such as musical or artistic
ability as could exist within all individuals within society. As
such memes occupy a space within our perspective mindsets and
have a largely indeterminable shape of interlock between each


other but the many different natures within the self prove that the
arrangement of memes is largely subjective constituting through
their specific arrangement the perspective and perceptions of the
individual. Memes exist within their arrangement as a part of the
human psyche of the individual as much as they are part of our
individual perspective, suffice to say that in our qualitative
experience of the meme as an object of thought of which through
the contours and definition of the human will we can understand.
The memetic lens that the individual memes constitute can be
thought of as a real existential object of thought relating to the
human will and the internal representation of external objects to
the internal world of self and ideology.
What I shall now do is provide a new introspective
psychology model relating to the functions of the human will and
how these functions relate to ideology and the internal
representation of the human will. An analogy which allows a
fuller understanding of the internal introspective apparatus of the
individual human will. As such we think in trains of thought, an
underlying causality which links individual objects of
introspective thought together along a timeline of thought. A
train of thought is a somewhat familiar phrase expressing how
we would think to ourselves introspectively but these trains of
thought as would be in effect are actually structured more like
chains with causality connecting one link in the chain to another.
Links which supervene and overlap each other and inter-causal
precedents which link one idea to another within the individual
layers of the human will. As our intention comes to meditate
upon a particular idea, one of the links of these causal chains to
the other related links in the chain, this one thought link and
other related thought links in their chains will arise in the
consciousness of the individual until the chain of thought is
represented or a new chain of thought is selected through the
causality inherent to the interlinked chains of thought.
Alternatively the individual may carry out some work in the life
world and end the introspection altogether at that moment when
the human mind works these chaotic sequences into individual
trains or chains of thought often residing in the subconscious
waiting to be thought of again as the individual object of
introspection. In the consciousness of the individual but in the
deeper levels of the subconscious, these chains of thoughts
presence is felt only through the human will as a subtlety. What
is required to change the chains of introspection we are currently


engaged within is a trigger thought which catalyses a given

introspective load into an introspective thought which is different
in nature to the content of the previous thoughts, the causality
inherent to the new chain of though being different to the
underlying causality of the old chain of thought. That is, a
thought present in two or more individual links in a chain of
thought that allows a causal jump from one state of
contemplation to the next exists as an individual object, the new
chain of thought has inherent to it a causality which is new and is
not represented in the old chain of thought. A thought or
sensation, which acts as a trigger can be either an object in the
life world which provokes some form of inner discourse, an
idea or memory which while introspecting promotes a pathway
or method of introspection. As such the structure of our
introspective thought processes can be explained through the use
of this simple model, it would be that the structuring we have
inherent to our cognitive and conscious thoughts evolves
throughout time and this, as is my conclusion would be through
the processes of artistic aphoria we are allowed a individuation
between chains of causality. The experiential chains from which
we are constructed at the level of self and causal thought and the
level of intuition we have in the form of our introspective
capacities and the ego we have are ultimately the result of the
memetics and memetic structure we have learnt and developed
individually within ourselves from the world of sensory
As such there is developmental work on our perspectives
and our ideas carried out all the time throughout the life-course
of the individuals upon themselves. The perspective we have
come to occupy is more developed and advanced then the
perspective we were in a few years ago and as such it will
continue to develop along with it capacities for thought and
action as long as we are alive in the conscious cognition of our
chosen environment.
The Meme & Social Evolution
In the day and times in which we live today the light of
Post-Modernism and individuality which is borne of PostModernism burns brightly as our capacity for individuality. This
potential of individuality coupled with a consumerist postindustrial society makes for a culture of hedonism (pleasure


seeking) and self-finding unique to our day and age. As such

living for the moment and enjoying what little room for our own
lives we can make is the main motive in our society; this coupled
with the pursuit of our personal private property in the form of
money and financial investment makes for a blind society to the
troubles and problems of the now and the tangent of the
collective social future. Socially objective goods such as
conservationism and natural minded consciousness exist only
because there are members of society with the will to occupy as
individuals and as a collective structure that space within the
social system. That these created social structures allow room for
such members to occupy the aforementioned space, attributing
their individuality to the collective social good. As such in order
for the dream of post-materialism, an intellectual vein in which
this idea of the individual as a fully autonomous self contributing
to the collective good of society both as a memetic analyzer and
synthesizer is to truly come about and flourish. There must be
higher states of pleasurable and developmental aphoria for
individuals to experience and gain from their individual
empowerment. This as such lies in the power of the individual
artform and the ability for the individual person to find
themselves within the artform, self discovery and creation in the
same moment as artistic individuals. As such the creation of new
memes and memetic structure and evolution of the memes we
have through the internal art and the production of new artifacts
and perspectives of art is a principle of what could be called the
next enlightenment of man; an enlightenment in which we
become aware of how to evolve the functions of the brain and
mind and evolve to new levels of emancipation the nature of the
Through the development of the universities of each
country, of the higher education systems in every country and
the inter-departmental discussion of fundamental ideas there
would be at the highest level of awareness the development of
new memes and memetic structure, leading to new perspectives
of the world. It was once said to me by an individual that I am
not a citizen of a country I am a citizen of a planet and when
perspectives have evolved so far as to allow this state of mind to
exist at the international and policy making level there may be
true and positive changes to the way the world works and the
way in which we live our lives. As such the creation of socially
existing memetic pools such as the ones which exist within


higher education that any individual from any social strata who
has aspiration and access can contribute too without the
extraneous barriers of cost and profit will greatly increase the
memetic functioning of the country and henceforth the world and
will contribute to the inspiration which results in progressive
paradigm shifts in all of the sciences and the arts which are there
to be studied. As such in order to make more genius with which
to change the world and its introspected tangent it is necessary
that these individuals with their memetic structure have place to
grow, a will to temper and an individuality to be perfected. Only
then can the benefit of such unique original and inspirational
perspectives come to create the world progressively again and
again in the name of the Neo-Modern. Creating the world anew
each time in the name of the collective betterment of the quality
of life and the conditions of each of the members of the entire
human race as embodied in their contribution to the memetic
evolution of the human race.
The Meme & Neo-modernism
Modernism was the belief that through science and
applied rationality we could come to inhabit a progressively
better and better world, humanity liberated from the forces of
nature and human narrow-mindedness by the forces of human
rationality. It was hoped that through science we would be
liberated from our ignorance as a people and that applied
technologies within the mode of production would deliver for us
greater harvests and plentiful amounts of the material goods of
the world and that the revolutions of the industrial age would
continue to mechanize and liberate the world we live in. Of
course however this is not how events occurred or transpired to
be; science was put to its use in warfare and instead of the hand
that feeds, science, became the hand of genocide with the
invention of mustard gas and machine guns which dominated the
first and second world wars. So too it can it now be said that
with the failure of Modernism we live today in the Post-Modern
age of globalized and globalizing countries and multinational
corporations. The meme and art, the power of creative
inspiration to be found within the process of introspection would
make a case for Neo-Modernism; that is science as an inspired
creation has to be used in duality with a refined sense of wisdom:
a sort of care of application as nurtured by culture in order to be


used properly. As such with a faith in science and rationality

dwindling it is a faith in art; the creation of new embodied
perspectives which must lead us on into the future. This is
because art is in itself the creation of new forms of destiny and
new perspectives to contemplate and introspect from.


Chapter 4
Free Thought: The State, Propaganda & Memetic
Platos Guardian Philosopher Rulers
In Platos The Republic the discussion as to the destiny
of of human individuals and the social world really begins. With
the issue of how to organize the population and run society being
realized in its first true intellectual discussion in the western
world Plato combines social functioning with individual
metaphysics to great effect. In this text Plato discusses the
qualities of the leadership caste of society and discusses genuine
leadership the guardians of society and of civilization as a ruling
caste educated beyond the desire of material want and
showmanship. As such the leadership of society is not an issue,
which has disappeared, every social system which has come and
gone must account for the way in which the leaders organize the
mode of production and come to rule society. In the two
thousand or more years following The Republics original
transcription there have been many milestones of thought and
social revolution but the issue is still apparent of what it is that
makes a genuine leader and the issue of the objectification,
which we give to our present leaders and social system, is still
very much the core issue which comes to dominate discussion.
In an industrial democratic society where opinions are numerous
and varied it is to the foundations of social questioning which we
must look if we are to truly rediscover or uncover the hidden
truths to a complete and stable leadership. A leadership not just
of individual countries as it exists now, but to the stabilization of
the power structure internationally in the future of an
increasingly globalized and interconnected world.
The ideal of perfect leadership was originally found in
Plato whereas he conceptualized different strata of society, each
having its own unique members and these members in
possession of different skills and perspectives which lead to the
collective functioning of society. There were four such divisions
of people which he analogized at the propagandistic level with
the myth of the metals, each of the metals being analogous to the
souls or the most innate operating principles of the individuals


which possess them. These metals in themselves in ascending

order being brass, bronze, silver and gold. The two highest of
these types of people being the Auxiliaries as silver and the
Guardians as gold. The guardians as such would constitute the
ruling elite of Platos ideal society, their principle aim being the
development of the mental capacities and abilities of the
individual as philosophers in the original (lover of wisdom)
sense of the word they were developed in all senses as
intellectual beings and were allowed no room to develop
themselves physically it is speculated that this is so that there is a
power dependency within the strata of society, for protection.
The auxiliaries or the silver hearted people as analogized and
developed would be more lascivious or ornate then the gold
leaders who see little need for the splendor available to them,
they would also be more skilled in the arms of warfare and
serving as a midpoint between the skilled warriors of the bronze
and the elite leadership of the gold hearted people; they would be
also skilled to a reasonable extent in philosophy, arts and the
culture of the times, although not to the same precisionist degree
as the leaders or gold hearted people.
The Forms & The Myth of the Metals
The forms and their conceptualization is the real
metaphysical ingredient to Platos ancient philosophy. Plato
describes an artisan making a ship or a chair and in the making
of this ship or chair he has his minds eye set in focus upon the
ideal form of the object of his construction, the ship or chair. He
goes further to question the nature of skill itself, that it is our
minds eye that is set upon the perfect form of the chair or ship
and we trace through the depth of the human will the silhouette
of this the subconscious object in our creation of a chair or ship.
That is that we envisage subconsciously the perfect form of the
object that our skilled mind has its focus upon, in welding for
instance we have our mind focused upon the perfect form of the
welded object. The forms are the infinite and perfect essences
of the representations of objects, the perfect, and the ultimate
forms of the objects existence. Plato compares knowledge of this
subconscious essence, the form of an object as a higher kind of
knowledge then that of subjective belief, one which transcends
the world of subjectivity and change we inhabit as an essence
separate from the object as it exists in the unique world of the


essential forms. He describes the form of an object such as a

chair or ship in its creation and its perfection as a subconscious
object of contemplation and he compares this to the form of an
abstract concept such as the form of goodness or justice which is
essential to the guardians proper perception and perspective of
reality. That it is this essential depth of abstract perception and
perspective that leaders should be capable of in order to conceive
of essences beyond their embodiment as perfections which is the
true skill of leadership today.
The myth of the metals, the analogy Plato uses has also
been called the lie of the metals as it serves nothing more than a
propagandist justification for the values and social-structural
norms of Platos theoretical republican society. There was also a
strong element of eugenics in his original works, with courtship
and breeding in the society strictly limited to selection within the
cast in which one was born; it was not allowed for example for a
Leader to breed with an Auxiliary, if they did, then the resultant
baby was not allowed to live as this would destroy the harmony
of Platos society. Plato then describes how his society could
collapse and become one of numerous flawed designs of social
structure compared to his system. As such moving away from
Platos early conceptualization of what leadership is leaves the
idea that it is the temperament of each individual, their
knowledge and their skills are an implicit valuable good not just
to the individual but also to society and to the greater human
collective destiny. That this collective social good is one of the
aims and values of democracy and as such the freeing of social
spaces for the development of character and artistic
representation that will yield new perspectives and refine the
perspectives already existent in society. To re-use Platos metals
analogy it appears that within the necessary cultural grounds and
with the sufficient will that one is capable of transmuting their
base elementary constituents into a more refined state, what
could be termed a state of gold. This is a point, which I shall
discuss later along with the issue of the underclass and
underachievement how, as such, an alchemy of individuality is
possible as the failing of individuals to achieve a state of
flourishing rests on the ability of society to create a space where
we are capable of our evolution and self development and it is
upon the individual to initiate the change and evolution itself.
Now I shall refocus the question on how the original ideas of


Plato shed light on the nature of propaganda when considered

alongside Hitlers Third Reich.
For a society to have a firm base, especially that of a
fascism it is wise to consider that the role that history plays in
justifying what would be a states ideology. It was with the ideal
of the then modern day Germanic peoples being descendents of
the knightly order of the Teutonic knights and Aryan people,
even that they were descendents of Atlantis and this rose them
above the masses that Hitler settled on the symbolic swastika as
the accompanying symbol for the ideology which could be used
as a justification of nobility for the ruling classes. A symbol
which would become a symbol of tyranny and oppression,
opposed to human rights and in league with genocide and
slavery. As such Hitlers mode of society ran on a principle of
using slaves in the mode of production outlawed and frowned
upon with disgust in modern times and hopefully for all time.
As with all societies the leadership needs this kind of
ideological justification such as we have in western democracy
with a belief in the free market economy and personal liberty.
The people as a whole project their will into social symbols and
create a perspective and perception of the world weaved together
through these symbols as we do with many symbols in our PostModern society of cultural plurality. With an adequately
contrived or developed cultural body the symbol becomes
transformed into a sign consciousness as individuals locks their
faith into the tenets of society and the objectification of the state
in place of religious creed like with communism makes for a
strongly knit and highly coherent society. The control of the arts
and literature of society limits the space whereas individuals are
capable of reconstructing the meaning for themselves, and thus
ideas are less self propagating and the rate of memetic evolution
is slower as the development of new ideology or counterideology is stifled and the creation of symbols and signs of
individuality becomes sublimated by the state.
Humanism & Genetics
As such the comparisons between Hitler and Plato are
quite explicit, both have a basis in eugenics with Hitlers attempt
to breed the Aryan peoples of the future with the joy division
in the gulags of the 1940s and Platos beliefs on the maintained
and bred distinctions between different strata of society. Both


had beliefs of the restriction of culture and/or abolishment of art

and both had a belief in the slave base of their system, one in the
form of captives and prisoners taken from other societies in
times of war and the other in the form of ethnic minorities in
concentration camps. Such negative symbols of our past as the
human race in our mindsets seeks to remind us of how human
life has been horrifically and brutally laid to waste in the past
and seeks to remind us also as a warning that the same must not
be allowed to happen again in our lifetimes and that the future is
in need of some safeguarding in order for the greater human
social destiny to be protected. It is this form of nihilistic thinking
in societies leadership that humans could be reduced to a
subhuman level and treated as such that should never be allowed
to enter leadership strata of society in the future. That it is in fact
one of the goals of humanity on a global scale to prevent such
regimes from arising in the future and to preserve human rights
so that generations beyond us can enjoy such positive and
enjoyable states of living that the future generations are capable
of flourishing. That humanity should be considered and always
regarded as a positive symbol, one of a humanistic hope, that the
preservation of symbol of humanity in its positive light can
create social and cultural mindsets and the social consciousness
of the future. With however the advancement of genetic science
and the development of advanced methods of interpreting
genetic code we are however faced with the idea that there exists
a hope for humanity in science once again, a future beyond what
we currently experience. That through the manipulation of
genetic code it would be possible to breed a human of increased
intelligence, mindset and visualization and that this would be the
ultimate concept of a human. It becomes dangerous indeed with
the advancement of technology that our concept of what is
human could change and our ideology support a genetic caste
society from which human suffering and brutality emerge from
the will of what we as humans are capable of. That these
individuals of the future, the sons and daughters of the economic
and chosen elite of our time would be capable of perceiving the
issues and crisis of our day with an enhanced perception wrought
from genetics so that to them solutions more apparent, that this
would be a way of guiding the future towards a more positive
end presents a horrific scope for humanism of the future. This
scientific evolutionary perspective I have called genetic
humanism and it is the corporate and capitalist equivalent of


what was implicit in Platos theory and explicit in Hitlers

society, that through the manipulation of breeding using science
to produce a strata of super-humans there could exist a newfound
hope in the future, this is not however a perspective I endorse or
view with any true hope. When humans have barely realized
how to use their own brains and minds properly the idea of the
future resting on evolving larger minds I find frankly
preposterous as these are larger minds we will still use only to a
fraction of their potential.
Plato, Art & Individuality
Were it not for the development of unique originality of
perspective, progressive individuality, individuality that shined
in the genius of the past we would have been denied the
uniqueness and evolved synthesis, which lights the way of the
future. That change of our perspectives would have been denied
and the drastic and needed improvements to the world which
borne of the new & borne of the originality would have been
denied. Individuals like Newton in the field of the physics,
Leonardo d' Vinci and Vincent van Gough in the arts and
libertarian thinkers like John Stewart Mill and Jeremy Bentham
in the humanities and political sciences. Indeed it is this
individuality, this capacity of individuals to develop their own
unique and refined perspectives outside of the current
perceptions and ideas that truly advances society and makes for
the strength and truth of the liberalist creed and arguments.
That for the flourishing of individuals and of the greater
society we have a need of certain valuable rights, to free-speech,
to freedom from oppression, to free thought, art and to the ability
to develop and express oneself fully which makes democracy
such a rapid and dramatically advancing society. It is this
ideological base of liberalism that allows social mobility
between the classes and leaves people free to develop themselves
as they choose and live to some extent their own chosen
tangents. That there is room for true individuality in society and
that democracy is the society which allows for and emboldens
our individuality the most. That it is an inherent and implicit
good in itself as for true evolution to occur the conditions must
be right within a society for the creative synthesis to be at its full
in the social dynamic of individual meme pools.


I shall now come to discuss the arguments of Plato and

his ideas about the role of art in society, that art as such has a
negative impact on the population of a society through its being
abstract and apart from propaganda art should be outlawed. The
major philosophical concept developed by Plato is that of the
forms, perfect representations of objects with infinity of
perfection in its essence, which exist in their own unique world
to which spiritual speculations may be aspired. Christian
scholars later used this concept of a universe of the forms as a
justification of the existence of a heavenly realm where only
objects of infinite qualities such as omnipotence could possibly
exist and god could reside. The main point that I was intending
to make that art in its abstract misrepresentation draws us away
from a grasp of the objective realm of the forms. The idea would
be that whilst the skilled craftsman of whatever craft is making
the object of which it is their profession to make they have in
their minds eye a conception, and that our minds eyes need
developing through different practices in order to give us depth
and body to our perception of the universe and hence how to
improve the world through our own ingenuity and creativity.
Platos argument against art comes from his analysis of
drama and of the visual arts the idea being that there is the nature
of the universe as it is in itself, that we come to a true knowledge
of this through the perfection of skills and crafts and that this
develops our knowledge of the forms themselves. The argument
generally follows that the mimicking of the gods in drama, the
subjective abstraction of the world within art brings us to a
perception of unreality as the forms are as close to true reality as
we can come, what we experience is subjective reality as it is
perceived to us through the five senses.
I personally do not subscribe to Platos the idea of the
forms as the ultimate in knowledge through I do revere the
subconscious nor do I believe his argument against art, as art can
be very enlightening when viewed the right way. I do however
accept that there is a level of thinking and objectification that the
mind operates on subconsciously that can be likened to the
forms, but this as such is concerned more with the nature of skill
and the nature of judgment. The idea that the brain works very
similar in function to a machine makes for the hardware and
software comparison and analogy, that there exists within us
many different operating principles and evolved programs within
our cognition and the structures within the human will. That it is


the development of these through the artistic medium that allows

our consciousness to come from the deeper regions of the mind.
The line of reasoning that I would like to pursue is that through
the will, the active principle in the production of individual
consciousness and original art there exists the unlocking of new
perspectives which during the production of a piece of art
become manifest in the consciousness of the individual. The use
of art as such in mental institutions as a method of analyzing the
conscious and subconscious demonstrates its usefulness in
analyzing the deeper wiring of the human mind, its aspectual
qualities beyond the perception we experience in our daily lives.
The use of art however in developing individuality and the
capacities of the individual in artistic spaces made open and
accessible to individuals is however a potential of Post-Modern
industrial democratic society which needs to be explored. It
would be at the grassroots of society where the application of
such ideas to do with art would have the most success as it
allows the disadvantaged a place to develop their talents and as
such personality as well, it allows them the opportunity to pursue
an inspirational tangent, which could lead to successful artistic
Room to Grow? Cultural Space
It is the development of such individuality in the cultural
spaces of society, of the development of our perspectives, our
mindsets, our capacity for interpretation and the sophistication of
our analysis and synthesis, which is borne from this. The
production of homogeneity amongst citizens, the stifling of
individuality and the steady production of opinionated and
loaded propaganda leads to the stabilization and cohesion of a
fascist society. The people who disagree with the statements of
the state are quickly quashed, revolution for the greater good,
speakers for human rights, individuality and liberalism are taken
out of the picture and all is in accordance with the selfpreserving opinions of the ruling elite. There exists as a space in
our society, which guarantees us our individual freedoms and
expression of our voices. Spaces for creativity and the
development of individuality need to exist for the growing
generations. It is the limitation of these spaces of individuality
and personal expression, which produces homogeneity of
interpretation amongst societies citizens. This can be seen in the


ideals of Platos republic and seen as manifest in the fascisms,

which have existed in the last hundred years. The idea being that
the ideas which societies individuals live by are created by the
ruling leadership of the country and as such the filter down to the
citizens through the media and chains of association. As such
peoples interpretations of the nature of society, the ideals and the
beliefs becomes narrow and state decided as personal individual
opinion is disliked in the extreme. There is a level of
interpretation, at the individual level which exists naturally in all
societies where by the ideology of society becomes
individualized, we can all look at the union jack as a symbol of
sign of our society and read different meanings into it, freedom,
liberty, industrialism, capitalism are all different segments of the
grand value of the sign of our national heritage itself. Which
particular elements we interpret depend upon the individual
nature of the person, who we are, what our ideals are, the
lifestyle we live by and the individual perspective we have. All
personal re-interpretation as such is relative to the social cell and
economic strata we are a part of, and the spheres of our lives,
which we have cultivated in our quest to become individuals.
The more state control over the individual and the cultivation of
our individuality as such there is the more narrow our fields of
interpretation become and the less true our democracy becomes
to the true ideals of its pluralistic and liberal nature.
As such in the nature of our democracy there is an
intense reliance upon the media for objective opinions, these are
opinions which we accept and in turn criticize, it is the source for
the majority of our objectification that is outside the confines of
the teachings we are drawn to and the social cells we developed
within and around. As such we take opinions and make
objectifications, that is we take subjective ideas and information
and crystallize out of this information ideas which we personally
believe in. As well as navigating these ideas we encounter we
also interpret world events with the help of the media, when the
majority of people in society echo the same sentiments there
tends to be an element of homogeneity in society but this is
usually relative to the reactionary element of the individuals in
society in the first place. Like-minded people are likely to
interpret the world in roughly similar ways. Taking the example
of terrorism for example and the threat of terrorist cells the
objectification of the threat of networked terrorism presents is
relative to the proximity of the threat, people who live in a major


or capital city for instance are likely to feel the gravity of the
danger more than those who live in remote locations out in the
countryside, but regardless, all members of society are still
Likewise the objectification between different members
of the community is likely to show slight difference, the
objectification of terrorism by future terrorists will be negative
of course, but those who study the area of terrorism academically
and professionally who have knowledge of terrorist motives and
history of particular cells and groups are likely to have a more
in-depth analysis then somebody who only gathers their opinions
from news sources. As such it is through discourse that we
navigate the issues and objectifications of the social world and it
is within social cells of individual people in different settings, at
work, in the family and politically that we navigate the different
opinions that are presented in our pluralistic culture. As such we
may present different sides of our opinions in different places, in
the office we may be reserved in our opinions and in the family
we may be quite open about them as such it is the nature of the
individual in different social situations. However the nature of
the media in creating stable meanings and opinions in our
pluralistic society is paramount; a marker so to speak from which
we can assess the relevance and truth of our own opinions.
The Media & Memetic Transmutation
The opinions as such which we inherit from the media
and from our immediate or familial social cell are transmuted in
the life world, work for instance is a place where opinions can be
tested against the opinions of others as there are many different
individuals in all sections of the workforce due to the pluralistic
nature of our society. Different social spaces as such allow for
the transmutation of the inherited meanings in different ways, the
individuals we encounter in these social spaces and social cells
allow us a new form of interpretation and analysis. Judging that
all individuals are rational creatures and as such we have
reasoned arguments for how we live and what we believe in, the
meeting of many of these people in our life-course allows a
continual evolution of our original perspective and personal
memetics over the course of many years. As such society is by
nature an educator, we are forever learning new things about the
social world, genuine realities of others and about the drives and


nature of ourselves. Throughout this we will always have our

own objectifications be they religious, political or personal and
as such they guide us towards some decisions and life courses
and against others. It is the objectification of opinion, which as
such creates in part our current and future life-world tangents,
the way we react to others, and the opinions we are likely to take
on board in the future. It is the nature of the creation of these
opinions in a more refined state that will guide our social tangent
into the future, if our opinions and our basis of action does not
improve and evolve with the current times in which we live then
will make mistakes and with the world balance of power and the
existence of weapons of mass destruction this could be with
disastrous consequences. What is needed here is for the creation
of new ideology which functions, between cultures and
nationalities which works to safeguard our future and the future
of following generations on an international level. I as such
come to the next idea which I shall incorporate into this piece of
writing, that is of the memetic pool, the idea originally comes
from Dawkins and suggests that ideas, beliefs about the world
pass from individual to individual in a subconscious way much
like the way that viruses pass from individual to individual
unnoticed, the brain being the house or store of these memes as
long as they instill our lives with meaning. The idea of a
memetic pool as such is a social space or a space within the
individuals creativity where there exists a high state of fluidity of
mental ideas and the evolution of these ideas, an example could
be of an artistic space such as a gathering of likeminded artists or
individuals or of a sub-cultural space where empathetic
individuals share similar sentiments in a highly diversified sign
state, such as exists in Post-Modern rave culture. New ideas are
created and evolve in these social spaces, sub-cultures flourish
and the proliferation of fresh perspectives takes root in the
cultural spaces that are created and allowed for by society.
Platos guardians and his social leadership, exist as a
space, an intellectual one as envisaged where the memetics of
society are created in a highly fluid state of debate and deep
thought and are constantly evolving at a rapid rate, these are
transmuted to the lower casts of Platos society by filtering down
through individual members, each time becoming simplified and
acquiring new meanings or a gloss for easier interpretation. As
such societys perception of the world is guaranteed as a
particular perspective of high refinement and the tangent of


society in the apparent chaos of the natural world is assured, it is

easy to see where Plato gets his ideas of a perfect society from if
this is the way in which a society works. As such we live in a
democracy and the education-state balance lies in relative
disparage with loans as a necessity for higher education study,
memetic pools exist everywhere not just at the top in politics and
education, there is need here for consideration of how the
memetics of the life-world which develop in different subcultural spheres feeds into the higher memetic pools of education
and politics. This is a need for considerations of the future as it is
higher education which allows the manifestation of fresh
perspectives at the highest level. It is here also that I shall make
my next crucial point. That it is the cultivation of ingenuity
within individuals of society, that creates fresh perspectives for
the operation of the material world in which we find ourselves in
the form of new technology and the creation of new perspectives
in the humanities which allows us to implement that technology
effectively and responsibly. It is this ingenuity, which is
cultivated from the individual both from necessity of the need for
advancement and the internal faculty of insight, which is unique
to each individual and relative to the development of
individuality and character of the person. It is out of these
memetic pools that future fresh ideas both of a humanitarian and
a technological nature will emerge and they are paramount in the
setting of a tangent for social and individual advancement.
As such it is the way that where the sciences allow new
manipulation of the material world in which we live it is the
humanities and the social sciences, which guide the application
of this development. Without the balance of the two we would
either be lacking in scientific advancement or would be applying
the science in a haphazard way, as such in the realm of genetic
engineering we still have yet to see if there are any drastic or
dangerous consequences for the introduction of altered genus
amongst the biosphere, this will become apparent in our lifetimes
and as such represents not just the scientific will of our society,
but more the financial and capitalist drive, which could in turn
have disastrous consequences due to its incredibly narrowminded scope of future developments and of the future tangent
of society. When we are lining our pockets from a fresh
enterprise we rarely have time to consider how things will turn
out for other individuals, or indeed greater society in the
consideration of our collective destiny.


Neo-Modern Ideals
It is here that I shall turn this discussion on the
advancement of perspectives of society into a development of
the ideals of our society and indeed the idealistic narratives of
the enlightenment. The narratives, or to re-define the ideals of
the enlightenment is that through the rationality of the human
mind and the proper use of technology the situation of humanity
can be improved beyond what it is currently experienced. The
need of this improving through rationality is to be re-realized in
the modern day, hence creating Neo-Modernism. Indeed the
smoke filled rooms of the bourgeois intellectuals of the late
eighteenth century was indeed full of this type of discussion,
functioning as their own memetic pool of ideas the creation of
the artifacts of the enlightenment, the artwork, literature and the
passing down of their perspectives has in turn fuelled social
advancement and evolution ever since. Freedom of speech,
individuality, democratic rights and all of the other social values
we respect and adhere to were created in that atmosphere and
again at the beginning of the new millennium it is important to
remember that if we are not to lose ground to the stagnation of
our ideals we must move forwards and create this positive will
again and transmute it into new ideas and artifacts.
The holocaust effectively quashed the beliefs of the
enlightenment as new technology was used to destructive ends,
mass killings, machine guns and gas chambers were all
expressions of the dark side of the human will. It is from this we
must move, hold hope in our ambitions and exercise our positive
will if such a turn of events is likely to come again, with insight
and foresight the mistakes of the past are rarely repeated afresh.
It is then to higher education and to noble social ambition that
we have to look if we are to unlock the positive potentials of our
society, to link together the memetic pools and create the new
evolution of industrial democratic society. It is with this that I
call for a relighting of the fires of the enlightenment ideals and
point to the evolution of individuality, art and perspectives as the
gateway to the new eon of humanity.
It is the social evolution of perspectives within the social
cells and networks of society and within specially created social
space for art and individualistic learning, developing what is
innate within ourselves wherein the future lies: in the cultivation


of new talent. New perspectives within these different memetic

pools are formed and as such should be refined and carried on to
the battleground of higher education and politics if the true
ingenuity innate in the human creature is to be truly realized
within these spheres. It is within the sphere of higher education
that our original memetics formed individually and subculturally and from the life-world receive their best
refinements, lose their coarseness and evolve to a perspective,
which can benefit other individuals in society. It is then through
expression in the literature and artifacts of higher education that
these innately better and refined perspectives reach their
audience of the population of the social organism. It is also from
these pools of ideas that the political section of society takes
their ideology and their ideas, as such it is these individuals
which represent us in times of election and reflect our sentiments
As such the evolution of society can be analogized to a
story written by the historians of the future, the ingenuity of the
individuals in the here and now setting tangents which will be
acted upon in the next five, ten or fifteen years. As such the
future is written also by individuals in the here and the now,
people who guide society through their insight and people who
lead society through the goodness and strength of their will. A
healthy balance between the insight and the will of the nation as
such is necessary in order to guide society of the future properly
and decently. New perspectives are always needed as the
advancement of society is constantly ongoing and as such is
always in need of opinion and counter opinion; it is the balance
of these which produces the memetic advancement which
evolves us to the next level of play, the tertiary synthesized
ideology best discussed in John Stewart Mills theory of truth.
As such the greatest call is for new ideas which function between
the subjectivities of individual nations, and allows international
functioning for the greater good of humanity and the need for
new scientific ideology which allows the manipulation of the
material world safely and effectively, another example could be
the international funding of vaccinations and research into one of
the most debilitating and deadly of human diseases, the AIDS


Chapter 5
Skill of Self: Flourishing & The Underclass
The Making of the Modern World
The work of Aristotle catalogues his ideas in many
different areas; as such he was a biologist, politician and
philosopher among many other things and has many ideas
covering a vast expanse of different areas. Through observing
the different creatures of the ecosystem he came to the
conclusion that each of the different species he studied has its
optimum state of existence, a eudemonic state that can be
achieved by the species if the external conditions of nature are
right. As such he took this natural observation and applied it to
consideration of human individuals and came to a number of
conclusions about what leads to the best possible, the happiest,
and the most positively aphoristic state of human existence. Such
conditions as the ability to pursue a course of life of ones own
choosing, which is most wanted by the individual, so that the
individuals will, is not stifled by society. The ability to hold and
maintain ones own opinions about the world, to have our
freedom and liberty, to seek and fulfill desires that the individual
has a liking for, to have friends and companions of a like nature
and mind, to be desired and liked and have the freedom to act as
one truly desires be that it does not encroach upon another
individual are all desires which in their fulfillment lead to the
being of this eudemonistic state.
The modern day conceptions of a naturally arrived at
state of happiness is often mistaken for hedonism, the pursuit of
pleasure which in this day and age has become the norm
amongst citizens, superficial thrill seeking today at the expense
of tomorrow. As such a development of the concept of hedonism
would be that it denies in part the advancement of the individual,
the different meaningful sides of the human existence and the
different positive states of mind, which are achieved in different
areas of the life-world would be developments of positivity
beyond the scope of hedonistic thrill seeking. It is the different
areas of the life-world, which we engage within which allows
the temperament of the raw hedonistically driven lust of our
nature into more refined pleasures as was developed as a


perspective by John Stewart Mill in On Utilitarianism.

Eudemonia as such is a state of social existence, which develops
and emanates from within the core of the individual, the will. As
such the objectification of such a concept as eudemonia requires
a little more thought then just a statement of its ideological
shape, it requires work, that it becomes a concept with artistic
power as well as intellectual shape eudemonia as such can be
considered a state of mind shared by the individuals of society. A
perpetual state of being of self and society and as such it is as
idealistic as the Buddhist notions of enlightenment. It requires
great strenuous internal work to be enlightened and as such it
requires a merging of the internal and external world, to create,
to exist, in a state of eudemonia.
As such eudemonia is a state between the individual and
the rest of society. In order to truly explain the sociological value
of this concept it is necessary to build a new experiential
conceptualization of the human mind and the human individual,
this I shall do at the end of this chapter in order to guarantee its
completeness. Before this in order to place this concept in a
setting where it can be expounded to its maximum potential I
shall discuss the nature of industrial democratic society and the
situation of the underclass, to understand how society can be
best improved it is essential to look at its most dependent and
disadvantaged citizens: the poor and impoverished, it is the
improvement of the lives of these disadvantaged people which
has the most dramatic room for improvement. Democracy as a
social structure was originally founded upon the previously
existing system of monarchist rule and as the social revolutions
of pre-industrial Europe has shown that the people are destined
for rule by the people, there will be an elite as there has always
been but the people must have their own leadership in order to
escape tyranny. As such in the decades and centauries since there
has been founded a social system which guarantees us individual
liberty and the freedom of speech, the society in which we now
live is full of diversity, multiplicity and individuality. This has
been marked by the wave of modernity, which preceded the era
in which we now live, the ideal of social advancement being
realized by the use of technology to control the forces of nature,
which before this era had controlled and dominated the social
organism, it was a fight just to survive. In the industrialist wave
of development many of the first world countries set the
foundations for what is now considered as the western industrial


democratic society, an international alliance of creed which was

realized in the Second World War and has since been cemented
as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) which makes
up a most prevalent and substantial part of the United Nations
(UN). The importance of the international power structures and
the international agencies like the International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA) I shall discuss towards the end of this piece of
writing, until then I shall leave it at this passing mention and
continue with the discussion of how this contributes to the
eudemonic state.
As such from this military and international power
structure we are to a relatively great extent guaranteed the
potential to flourish in liberal democracies and other forms of
society to a relative extent. This been the action ethos of the Iraq
war and the main aim of foreign policy towards what is
considered as rouge and dangerous states, this is a digression
however and I shall refocus the question. With our freedom
secured by the military and political power structure which we
exist within we are free to develop as individuals and as such this
development of our individuality is within an industrial
democratic ideology. Such individual development is as such
directed, it is directed towards the development of positive
characteristics of the individuals, virtues which are needed and
respected for social solidarity to exist as a valid social
psychological construct. It is not necessary to always have a
clear and present sign of power to ensure our liberty, we are
autonomous and due to the nature of our social education and
socialization we are autonomous individuals on positive
tangents. We do not represent a threat to each other, we are an
open minded people, individuals worthy of each others respect
and appreciation and there exists a common social code beyond
and more developed and refined then the good manners and taste
which we develop adjacent to this super-ego crystallization. We
live and exist in a generally good state of individual and social
Eudemonia & Human Flourishing
As such this state of eudemonia and the achievement of
it thus is dependant on the ability of the individual to in his or
her society achieve what it is they feel in their hearts to do, to
pursue their passions as individuals as a part of a collective. This


is achieved most easily in a liberal democracy as the potential for

individuality and individual development upon many different
tangents is realized to its highest potential through the individual
freedoms we are granted. This pursuing of the individual will,
and its resonance within the social will is relative to what one
desires, if we desire something and we know that it is forever
beyond our grasp we will try and achieve, realize our goal
another way. We take the positive objectification we place in
that object or idea our hope and attempt to place the object and
its energies in another area of our life which we believe will
enrich and fulfill us just the same. As such no matter how free or
liberal the society we live in is we will always encounter the
inability to achieve certain goals and wants, this is inherent to the
world in which we live. As such it is the ability to channel and
displace the positive will which we place in our ideas and objects
into new ideas and objects which secures our happiness in the
future. It is the wisdom and the experience borne from such
attempts which we inherit from other people, our friends and our
family and it is this which guides us in our selection of new
tangents upon which we embark upon in the future. As such to
use an analogy our lives are like sharks, we must keep moving
forwards looking up at new ideals if we are to secure a steady
path through the water. Likewise if we fail to keep moving
forwards we sink and eventually if we are not quick to act are
overcome by the weight of the water above and perish. As such
there are certain beliefs and ideas which we develop in our lives,
new perspectives and attitudes which we encounter and it is the
wisdom we take from other peoples beliefs and perspectives
which allows us to live in the present and the future properly and
to the fullest capacity we have. But we are not really that ready
to take on board new ideas all that often and because of this
inbuilt stubbornness to new perspectives there needs to exist the
cultural social space for us to truly analyze and synthesize what
we have learnt from all of the different spheres of life in which
we have walked. Because of this, and the way in which in the
twenty-first century we are still in the immortal grip of
rationality and logic, the creative process of synthesis is less
adept then it was in more artistic times such as the days of the
enlightenment. As such we tend to act with the mindset of
knowing, from intellectual perspectives what is right and how to
act and adapt, but because of the plurality of experience we
encounter in the social world none of this intellectual knowledge


is truly integrated into our true perspective, the one we act from
on instinct and without hesitation. It is in the artistic capacities
and creative processes of the human being that we are to fully
come to an understanding of and the use of and importance of in
the next era of human social development as we embark upon
the new millennium. As such as the new enlightenment ideal the
intellectual fluidity necessary to interpreting individuals as
individuals and not as typecast stereotypes and the intellectual
holism developed through the combined use of our rational
faculty of analysis and our creative process of synthesis that we
are going to see the development of humanity in the decades of
the future make full use of. This all hinges however on
perspectives becoming artifacts and that valuable insight learnt
by individuals isnt lost to the reflexive apathy which so often
undermines the insight of an aphoristic individual. That there
exist the keys to unlocking the human capacity, the development
of new perspectives on the concepts which are expounded by
past thinkers, eudemonia as like the spiritual notion of
enlightenment needs tracing and outlining by the writers of the
present and future if the meanings involved are to be understood,
achieved and experienced by the many, not just the insightful
and educated few. As such in order for this to happen culture
must reflect more truthfully and realistically the experiences of
the many as the true sentiment of the artform, not just
representing the contrived opinions of the capitalistic culture
industry. Memetics of the past must come to co-exist with the
memetics of the future in the scope of the cultural evolution of
new perspectives from within the individual for the operation of
the individual life-world. That is the development of a new,
positive state of mind and perspective which can lead ultimately
to this social aphoria being realized in the synthesis of
individuals in society contributing to the state of eudemonia
within the social dynamic.
It then becomes necessary then to give some thought to
the idea that there could come to exist another social jump in
consciousness and individual perspectives through the beginning
of Neo-Modernism. There could come to be a new
enlightenment within intellectual groups and circles that there
could come to exist another jump in the perspectives of
individuals both inside and outside of academic circles. That this
would not be triggered by the advent of new technologies, but
new perspectives and ideology: the way we use technology and


the new culture which this new use of automated robotics and
green energy would produce. New technologies and perspectives
which makes the operation of the world easier and reduces
societies need for basic labour while still producing the same
amount of goods to the same standard of quality. As such with
the need for labour being greatly reduced leaves a lot of free time
for the masses to indulge in culture and become creators of the
artform in the form of cultural artifacts. Society exists in its preNeo-Modern state already technologically advanced to some
degree bound by the investment made by the capitalist owners in
the means of production. Society in its Neo-Modern form is
more geared towards the solving of global issues and the
achievement of individual aims inside education, the arts and in
the life-world. That is as a replacement to the selfish pursuit of
national capitalist interest and the perpetual rat race of selfinterested consumers we seek to become emancipated from the
mode of production. We are seeking the combination of
rationality with creativity in the desire and aim for new
perspectives with which to govern society and the self. As such
we have to look within the memetic pools of individuals and the
primordial social dynamic of rational and creative thought of our
democracy and international society for the sources of our new
synthesis, for the future of human perspectives.
It is within these memetic pools that the most work on
our character and our perspective takes place; the creative will of
the individual is at its most potent when internalized in the
production of the individuals artform, this is where the best
synthesis takes place, in the moment, in the mind of the
individual as they synthesize old ideas into new forms, old
memes into new memes in the mind of the individual in the
creation of the artform. As such we seek the balancing of our
individual beliefs with the social introspective presence of other
individuals who have similar or different mindsets of their own;
this presents us with the ability to share analysis and together
synthesize as a part of a perspective. Be these places of
inspiration and synthesis the offices, dance halls, artistic and
cultural hubs as formed by interest groups or the home they all
enable us to progressively work on our character and our
perspectives in different ways. It is from this synthesis that
tertiary new ideology is formed; new ideas, new beliefs, new
understandings of the world. These new perspectives develop as
a part of a collective social whole and die out as they become


redundant, replaced by ideas which fit reality more perfectly but

their existence in the past enables them to be contemplated again
and again, from future perspectives which are seeking inspiration
in the text and artforms of the old. That in the future Marxism
will be properly and truly realized is a long running hope and
beliefs of all the members of the left camp of social theorists, as
such it is their left-wing reanalysis of the present condition and
state of ideas, which shapes perspectives in the now and shapes
the world as it is to come in the form of the future.
Education as such is a social structure which essentially
acts as a mesh of these memetic pools through shared learnt
ideas, education is the core of individual affluence and hence the
social perspective in all its myriad of complexity: the more
educated people are and the more of these educated people that
exist the more these ideas will spread and the more advanced the
mass social perspective and social dynamic becomes as a result.
Hence when wars break out or major social events occur the
reaction the public has is based largely on the presence, absence,
shape and effect of this dramatically powerful structure of the
memetic dynamic as resulting from the education systems
structures evident and at work in society.
It is from the educated, technologically imaginative and
the socially empathetic few that the new perspectives forming
the paradigm shift have come in the past and will continue to
come in the future. As such this is how democracy has evolved
through successive social and industrial revolutions and new
policies implemented through the successive governments
elected by the people. With the development of the education
system we have seen society take, hold and change shape many
times over the last ten or so decades and as such the aims and
interests of politicians and political parties has changed also with
the times. It was in this way that the idea of democracy was
developed also hence the name of the early democratic thinkers:
the New Radicals. As such education is a necessary part of the
advancement of the individual towards a state of eudemonia, as
the platform of self understanding and learning that it offers, the
opportunity for the individual to sharpen their own perspective
and mind is what will lead to the saturation of the innate
perspectives as developed in the life world. It is this space of
individualistic learning that is as essential to society and to the
individual and the evolution of the social and the individual


memetics that will eventually lead to the individual realizing

themselves in the setting of the social will and natural world.
Therefore the freedom of this cultural artistic and
intellectual ground leads to the enlightenment of society in
general; in total as individuals and as a solid social organism.
Humanism as such is the vehicle for this train of thought and any
intellectual tangents which may spring forth from its revival in
the Post-Modern world are the product of the cultural space
made for the debating and synthesizing our ideas; the
competition of individual memes in the experiential state of
mind of the individual. After the Second World War the ideals of
the enlightenment were left in ruin and religious hatred still
dominates the issues and concerns of the world. A belief system
must exist which sees this state of affairs for what it is and
endeavors to positively change the real worlds of individuals
beyond their current capacity regardless of race, colour and
creed. This belief system is the belief system of humanism which
views the ultimate and highest truth and good is the discussion of
and improving the material and cultural conditions of other
disadvantaged members of the human race. The relative worth of
a positive faith should never be discounted merely because it is
cultural, as such new synthesis and ideological exposition is one
of the future tangents of discourse as such to be developed by
intellectuals in the vein of the humanities. As such it is from this
that international ideology can be conceived of and developed
and as such the achievement of eudemonia by individuals
through the improvement of the conditions of each individual
across the globe becomes an active potentiality, not just an
abstract idea. As such we must first relearn the value of our
ideals in our thinking before we reassess the nature, shape and
potential effect of our realist thoughts. So now as to take the
global social object of eudemonia and the positive contentions
here so far discussed to the social and individual world and look
at the creation and the formation of the underclass, the poor, the
perpetually disadvantaged amongst us and see how society
functions and has failed these individual needy members of our
western democratic capitalist society.
The options available to the individual as a member of
society are quite simple: one has to work in order to exist. If a
capacity to work has been diminished through ill health then the
state must provide a way for the individual to exist as they
recover. As society is a collective of individual members and


there are a vast array of jobs and roles within the organic body of
society which need fulfilling in order for society to run properly
and smoothly. It is the acquiring of one of these roles, which
should be the first concern of any of societies members as we all
need to make a living.
As each society runs in a roughly similar fashion as each
society has a mode of production despite differences in ideology,
and as there are common roles and structures within society,
which must exist in order for there to be a social structure, which
can be recognized. As such Plato from the previous chapter
recognized that there are specialized jobs and roles, that some
need a hands on and practical mindset and that some roles such
as the guardians or rulers need a intellectual mindset and
immense problem solving capability in order for society to be
stable and safe from both internal and external difficulties and
issues that arise. In Great Britain being a liberal free-market
economy and democracy the appearance and disappearance of
jobs is fairly frequent and the effect that mass redundancy can
have upon an area is often profound, whole areas plunging into
degeneration and succumbing to negative social influences if a
particular manufacturing plant closes. As such with people rarely
able to move to more affluent areas it then becomes the aim and
desire, if the previous generation is lucky for the next generation
to obtain the qualifications and education necessary to make the
most of their lives, make the most of the social structure
available and hence the immediate world around them. In the
world today this is expensive and as education becomes
increasingly pricey and the vast majority of societies members
are priced out of the top jobs through the lack of financial
support or funds to study for degrees we see society becoming
more and more specialized and highly skilled but with the
inability of the vast majority of societies members unable to
achieve these elusive, expensive and increasingly elite jobs.
The Underclass & Social Structure
I shall now formulate a perspective on society through
taking two of the initial concepts on which so much political and
economic theory is grounded, the social contract and
individual liberty. The social contract was devised and
developed by Jean-Jacques Roseau (1997) and the notion of
individual liberty (1884) formulated by John Stewart Mill,


philosopher of the New Radicals. The summation of their work

is such: that due to the social contract we are born into society
and have to accept societies rules and to an extent the cultural
conditions. We give up our natural born freedom to become
members of society and in doing so take on the protection of the
state which seeks to protect us via the military from external
threats and protects us through the police and justice departments
from the internal threats.
Our individual freedom or our liberty gives us the right
to private property and freedom from the majority of opinion: we
have individual freedoms of opinion and are protected from
coercion by legislature in the justice department. It is collectively
held that through the ownership of personal goods and objects of
value we are expressing an aspect of our freedom, our freedom
to be consumers, an element exemplified by our social system.
The other aspect of our freedom discussed being the freedom
from persecution or the tyranny of the majority as conceived of
by the utilitarian philosophers who conceived of the felific
calculus where the good of an act can be calculated and the
greatest happiness principle has come to be, where the greatest
happiness of the greatest number should be the underlying cause
at the basis of any social act not though if the rights of the
individual are compromised as such comes the principle of
liberty which protects our individual human rights from the
tryanny of the majority as he refers to it, liberty guarantees our
political freedoms and individual free will. As such we lose our
freedom in order to be a part of society but society but we regain
our freedom in the form of personal liberty within society. Also
in the Calvinistic roots of our society we find the origin of the
prevalent supporting attitude of meritocracy (Weber, 1930).
Meritocracy is the idea that hard work equates with reward and
that everybody is capable of the same work and that this work
comes with its rewards, we are all equals and reward can be
achieved by anyone. So what meritocracy really is, is equality of
opportunity, we are born equals and we have the same
opportunities as each other it is down to individual determination
and hard work to make it and get somewhere with life. As such
our social destiny as individuals is the product of all the work we
do in securing for ourselves the higher paid jobs through
attaining the qualifications necessary to acquire the highly
skilled work. The basic assumption then is that all human beings
are naturally equal and act under their own unique free will.


Attempts of explaining the inequalities between different

individuals and groups of people in a society therefore should be
within the realms of causal explanation to the social thinker or
reader. It is however not the most obvious of all answers as I
shall conclude later in the chapter it is the failings of the social
structure that operates and the effect which it has on the lifeworld and ego of the individual which has produced what can
be seen as an underclass structure, that and the spiraling and
confounding financial and economic issues which are to be held
accountable for each individuals personal failure and unwitting
membership of the underclass group. I shall now begin
discussion of the origin of the concept of the culture of poverty
and underclass (Murray: 1990) which I see as co-existing ideas
one of a lower class and type of individual to the common decent
hard working human being and the other a social concept
valuable in understanding inequalities between individuals
within society. There is the closely associated idea though of a
culture of social dependency who live in low-income
neighborhoods, a thriving place for underclass or scum, as the
rightwing image would create itself in the mind of the individual.
As such I need to briefly outline the way we use empathy to
create visualizations our theoretical or political concepts depend
upon this process of visualization and as such it is a process,
which must be understood in order for our opinions to be
unbiased in the conceptualization of what is an underclass.
The aspectual image created upon reading or upon
introspection plays on our cultural and social stereotypes, it is
political, it is rhetorical, it is designed to shock and as such
inspire a particular mindset of the target of visualization and
discussion the underclass. These are the members of the
underclass the disadvantaged poor, both the sufferers of a
visible social illness and the victims of a systemic poverty. But
the idea that there exists a portion of individuals whos existence
is antagonistic to the rest of structured society has some of its
origins in the works of Marx and his ideas a the lumpen
proletariat Marx (1838). Marx considered these individuals as
the dregs of society, the undesirable stragglers on from a
previous social system who were useful only as political
mercenaries in times of revolution, similar to the underclass but
the underclass is hardly as dangerous as the lumpen proletariat
likewise the underclass is not as undesirable as they are not the
hangers on from the old social system but rather are the


impoverished few of the existing society. Weber (1930) builds

from this by adding extra definition to the notion that these
individuals are the unfortunates who failed to appropriate
anything, to achieve anything in society and thus exist, in a
socially disadvantaged and excluded state at the bottom of
our/any class society.
So then to continue with the classical theory and talk
about the culture of poverty which originated with the work of
Lewis (1866) but we must be aware of how it has been
assimilated into the conceptual arsenal of the New American
Right and the British Conservative Party. Because the culture of
poverty is still used in the modern day in this loaded fashion to
disarm the concepts of their political applications would be to
deny these concepts their true nature, these are political terms
and they find their way into the debate of modern society with
apparent ease. The original Marxist counter-claim that an
excluded portion of society serves as a part of the reserve army
of labour ready to fill in the spaces made by those who drop out
of the mode of productions job market is debunked by the newright, this sort of person of the underclass neither desires to be
dedicated to a position useful to society or aim to do so, they
exist as an underclass exists as its own fringe culture, a culture
of dependency Hall (1995) in which there exists neither
enthusiasm, aspiration, opportunity nor creative ambition.
Drugs, crime, illegitimacy, homelessness, drop out
from the job market, drop out from school and casual violence
Murray (1990)
The quote above reflects the view of the New Right
Wing of political and economic thought, popular with both the
Reagan and Thatcher eras of political leadership. The image of
an underclass or a culture of poverty in our minds upon
reading, mention or introspection plays on our cultural
stereotypes. These words are rhetorical, they are political and
when said they inspire a perspective from within the character of
the individual. Murray describes the bleak as dismal life-world
of the underclass social actor not least with his captivating end
note on the nature of the casual violence of the underclass
citizen. As such it creates the image of a strata of society full of
muggers and thieves not the disadvantaged poor of the Marxist
camp. Murrays ideas have a cultural basis as the legitimating of


the sentiment-expressed of human nature centauries ago by the

writer and philosopher Thomas Hobbes:
No Arts; no Letters; no Society; and which is worst of
all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; And the life of
man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.
Hobbes (1651)
The notion of the term underclass (Murray, 2001) or
culture of poverty used in its modern context has derogatory
connotations, targeted at single-parent families; the long-term
unemployed and most other marginalized or excluded citizens of
the society in which we live. The right-wing decided that a
causal determination of biological factors such as intelligence as
it exists par intelligence tests because it shows the mix of signs
of inheritance of the basic aptitude of the human mind with also
cultural factors upon the mind taken into account as well. Within
the political ideology of the right the underclass is associated
both negatively and wrongly with a rotting away of the roots of
civil morality and a social culture of decency and of honest hard
work. The right wing also at the same time used intelligence
scores as the scientific bedrock for the majority of their
controversial claims (Jensen, 1969; Herrnstein & Murray, 1994)
As such the intellectual backlash was immense, the discrediting
and debunking of IQ as a valid measure of intelligence in followup studies (Flynn, 1980; Fraser, 1995) is more than adequate
enough to demonstrate that cultural factors are predominantly
responsible for the development of intelligence and that
intelligence is always relative between groups of people, in
making comparisons it fairs weakly. However, the distribution of
individuals in sink hole council estates in the U.K. or areas of
urban decay in the U.S. who have substantially poorer incomes
and educational qualifications is a substantial factor of the right
wing argument. As predominantly the distribution of individual
incomes and urban location traces a racial-spatial demographic
and herein lies the most controversial of the claims of the
culture of poverty, racism.
The majority of the racism was made though the
scientific claim that the concept of intelligence, analyzed as an
inherited characteristic, a genetic trait it could be used by elite
theorists as justification for the distribution of inequalities in
society, in a meritocracy an inherited lower intelligence and


supportive cultural framework of benefits dependency appears

more than reasonable. The culmination of these two factors laid
out by the right represents a point of interweaved causality, from
which a visualization can be expounded on the culture of
poverty by a researcher, theorist, politician or member of the
general public.
This takes us close to the heart of the underclass thesis, the idea
that once in place, and howsoever arrived at, patterns of
understanding and practice common to some fraction of the poor
adhere and hold fast, and a type of poverty establishes itself- a
pattern of and for behavior, a way of life perhaps.
(Hall, 2003)
The underlying theme or critical point here is that
between all individuals in who are marginalized or excluded in
society in a underclass or a culture of dependency have
shared meanings relative to each other as learnt through the
experiences of the life world. We each have an appreciation of
other peoples circumstances, relative to what we and those
around us have experienced. This lived aspect of individual
culture both strengthens our perspective on the world and
strengthens our position in the class structure. Through this
analysis comforting similarities between individuals serves as a
double-edged sword creating an escape from the negative and
bleak visualizations of an attempted tomorrow by reinforcing
and instilling a sense of meaning in the present, in the today. So,
in an underclass of mass economic, political and cultural
exclusion it has to be asked what new alternatives or ideas are
there in combating this culture of poverty. But first a little more
detail is needed on how this culture of poverty has come to exist?
That question I would answer though, in part, through
looking at the nature of the labeling process upon our self-image
and its relation to creating individual self-fulfilling prophesies
predestining our future through the effect that other people can
have upon our lives. The effect of the student-teacher
relationship in Williss study (1977) demonstrates this capacity
for individuals to become self fulfilling prophecies through the
application of concepts by the teacher upon the pupil,
subconsciously aware of the effect of the label through changes
in the subtle communication between the teacher and student the
student then begins to act up to the label thus becoming a self


fulfilling prophecy. An effect which labeling theory has upon

the individual is the effect the label has upon the self image of
the student social actor and in the learning of the tool of valuable
self-analysis the label is again at work shaping the conscious
rationality we develop. Labeling theory as such is reinforced by
Bourdieus notions of habitus (Jenkins, 1992) meaning the
lived cultural environment as it would exist in the family
environment of learning we live within. As such it is with the
family that our first learnings would take place before we enter
school at roughly the age of five and it is with the family that
most of our synthesis would take place. It would appear as if our
mental perspective is formed at the roots from our cultural
upbringing. Our mental development is thus formed and later on
in development musical and artistic aspiration and skill emerges
as our abilities are honed. As such the hopes and dreams of
excluded people takes precedence in our contemplation of the
causalities and realities involved in the existence of an
underclass. I will now go into the third diagram of social and
mental autonomy and explain it as a model of the mind which it
is when considering our the social destinies of individuals or
social cells.
Autonomy & The Human Mind
In the 1800s the philosopher Immanuel Kant developed
the concept of cognition that is of how we come to knowledge of
the material and the sensible world around us. This as such was a
forerunner of early psychology as developed by Jung and Freud
as the concept of normal cognition and sensation was
institutionalized in the medical profession and through the
Victorian social structures of mental health and asylums. As such
his model of the mind was pinned on four pain components of
cognition these were sensation, intuition, understanding and
finally concepts, all of which I have re-used in my model but I
shall give a brief discussion here as to how Kants model
worked. Sensation is the bodily means of having sensations, the
organs of sight, hearing and taste are all examples of sensation as
all of them perceive data about the world around us and relay
this to the central nervous system, where the sensation becomes
neuro-code, this is where the next three concepts of the Kantian
model of the mind are worked. Intuition is the means where as
the sensory information of the material world is given a place in


our sphere of perception as an intuition that our intuitions are our

perceptions of the objects in the material world around us. For
example right now we perceive the whole of the room around us
but we are only really focused on one or two of the intuitions
such as the words you are reading and the piece of paper this is
printed upon. The rest of the intuitions we are having are all
focused tightly together and packaged off into the background as
a single unified focused collective intuition of the rest of our
sensory perception. Of this sensory intuition the information of
the book in the foreground and the rest of our sensory intuitions
in the background; we are only aware of the general shape of the
room we are in, that is of course until we have stopped reading
this sentence.
The understanding is where the conscious rationality and
the individual perspective we have all comes into play as all
individuals have sensations and intuitions in order to be aware of
the world outside of us. The understanding is that part of the
mind which through the facility of self is able to interact with the
world as it is perceived, we all have an understanding as well
and this understanding is highly individualized spanning all that
has happened to us. We each see different meanings in the
actions, ideas and beliefs of other people, this understanding is
build from our education and our experiences and points to the
final part of Kants critical philosophy the power and the use of
concepts in the creation of our understanding and our
As such concepts are labels, which we can attach to a
particular object, person, a process, or any other observable
phenomena. We may inter-relate our concepts with further
concepts thus resulting in an elaboration of the understanding
and deepening and broadening of meaning. As such Jihad, good,
chair, evil, and computer are all concepts, which refer to
particular actions, perspectives, objects or cultures
independently. Likewise our use of concepts is implicit to our
being human, as humans we have evolved a language and
representation of meaning has taken a highly developed form. As
we all talk a language and language as such contains many
concepts it is the interpretation of concepts within a working
framework which is the first stage of the concepts application to
reality with the framework of understanding being the supportive
mental state as a part of our conscious cognition. As such the
more education and the more life experience we have forces us


to adopt new concepts in order to explain the world anew as such

as our perspectives evolve so too does the terminology we use to
explain our perspective and our understanding of the world that
we have developed. To explain how a concept relates to our
understanding I shall use the example of a computer. To operate
a computer it is necessary that we have software concepts, how
to operate the software requires that we know what the
individual buttons do and how to use the software itself. As such
the labeling of the individual parts of the computer software and
the understanding of the hardware of how computers fit together
all comes under the concept of what a computer and what a
computer program is. It is of course is possible to run a computer
on instincts without knowing all the details apart from the basic
labels of a few of the component parts and how they function.
Likewise an individual can operate at one level with a computer
and write essays and similar documents but if the computer
should break a different level of understanding, that of the
hardware is necessary in order to fix it. This also requires
knowing the concepts for each of the component parts and the
way in which they fit together and interact in order to fix the
computer properly. The sophistication of the concepts we use as
such leads to different levels of analysis and different levels of
understanding and this as such can be taken to the social world
where we use such words as ideology and meritocracy. The
sophistication of our conceptual understanding of the world
creates and shapes the perspective we have of it, two different
people in society say one who works as a musician and one who
works as a researcher may share the same beliefs about the world
but the conceptual understanding of the researcher is more
developed so whereas the artist can express sentiment about the
world the researcher is more adept in describing how things have
come to be and how things may be improved.
This was the paving and the foundation for what Freud
later developed as his conceptualization of the mind through
studying the different kinds of mental disturbance and illness in
the mental hospitals and asylums of the 1800s. As such he
devised a conceptualization of the mind thus, that the human
individual is composed of three distinct parts of the psyche: the
id, ego and the super-ego. The id would be concerned with our
innate human nature, the most basic animal instincts and
impulses of the individual, the survival instincts; the sex drive,
the feelings and willed desires most basic and innate to us, this


would be the id in us all. The ego would crystallize later on in

development after we have developed more self awareness and
self consciousness within our family cell, this would be our basic
self awareness, our internal conceptualization of self, our
knowledge of how we feel inside and where we fit into the world
around us, still in this tightly held familial cell. It is the superego where the individual reacts to society, socialization with the
wider world takes place and we find opinions of ourselves
contrary or dissimilar to the ones we hold already, a super-ego a
social self develops, our character and individuality develops as
such, we become evolved members of memetic society.
Taking these two separate conceptions of the mind and
infusing them with focus the object of our contemplation, will
the origin of all action and the core part of our individual psyche
and autonomy: our ability to act in the social world as rational
free agents comes together into a new model of the mind. As
such I have drawn a triangular diagram in order to describe the
existence of the social actor in the life world. The will exists on
the bottom most layer of the triangle along with the sensation
apparatus ads it is the most fundamental part of our psychic
anatomy, it is however not realized until the layer above,
intuition as the intuition of will is the basic starting point of all
autonomy. This is the layer where the memetic lens adds its
causality and idea becomes embedded in reality in the form of
memetic lenses and as such become a part of our conceptual
understanding of autonomy. This is because before we even
perceive an object we have given it a status of value in our
perceptual spheres through the mode of our sensations the
The will here exists within these objects, within physical
objects, styles of dress and concepts will in some form exists in
every level and strata of self. When we intuit the object we intuit
also our opinion of the object, the objects we look at and the
objects we mentally perceive are all colored with the will of
representation. When we intuit a stereotype we look at the effigy
and persona of what we believe a person to be like from cultural
tokens assigned in the stereotype. If we have memetic lenses in
our perception of the social and the natural world, which are
profoundly negative such as in the underclasss, we are most
disabled in acting in the world, this is represented in the strata
above as our autonomy is reduced by the loaded nature of our
intuitions. Our understanding and our conceptualization in this


triangle represents our perspective, this is because although

humans are, capable of spontaneous action we as such act in
fairly routine patterns and as such individual behavior can be
seen as both causal (following a pattern of prior actions) and
meaningful (we will perform some actions and not others
because we have reasons that are innate in our perspective) as
such it is rare that we shall stop to consider a course of action as
our instincts as such operate within this preformed perspective
and as such this is the focus of the majority of qualitative
sociology: to examine the construction of our individual
perspective which makes our actions meaningful. But as such we
are capable of spontaneous actions and this has to be included in
our understanding of autonomy because as such the human will
exists in a state of flux, of fluidity, which is capable of
spontaneous change. As well we have a conscious reaction to our
initial intuitions and our first perception of a social situation
despite what we have first intuited we may select a person from
what at first appears to be a distasteful crowd and talk to them,
this would represent the individual autonomy being strengthened
by a consciously selected focus being the group of tear-away
youths yet being determined in part by the perspective we
already have of the world and of the young individuals being
members of a social subculture. It is our autonomy our capacity
and our freedom to act which allows us to over-ride the initial
intuition of social ignorance and follow a different course of
social action. As such it is through the understanding of the
human will and the recognition of it as a concept which underlies
all social action and allows us to pursue deeper discourse both
on the role of art in the creation of the human will and the
creative potential of humankind to create its own future and
write new narratives of the peace and emancipation.
Autonomy, Self and Ideology
The human ability to focus and enter an intentional state
allows for the transfer and encoding of meaning from any of the
various medias of information. Focus is most at work when
introspecting where to object of our introspection is focused
upon, in meditation when we focus upon a particular and in
objectification where we turn ideas and particulars into ideology
through the encoding of meaning. As such meaning such as
phobias is encoded into intuition through the brains limbic


system before we have even perceived the intuition thus leading

to the postulation of the memetic lens, where focused meaning is
encoded into our intuitions which produces a hedging in of our
ideological makeup through the manifestation of the particulars
of our ideology within our perception of the world creating a
repeating cycle where ideology reinforces itself within our
perceptions of the world. As such the will is foremost involved
in the creation of intentional states within the human mind,
because of its primacy the human will is also involved in the
fabrication of consciousness and the mechanical structure of
cognition either in an active or a passive form. Active will takes
the form of focus within cognition or consciousness and passive
will takes the form of intuitions which are phased into the
background as non-dominant intuitions as the human mind
focuses upon something else which dominates cognition for a
while. As such both passive and active will are existent all the
time in so much as we are focused upon some content such as
reading a book some portion of the mind remains passive such as
our passive intuition of the room we are in when reading a book.
As such each related concept in a conceptual schema stands for
something different about the area of discussion. As such it is the
depth of analysis offered by different concepts which adds to the
depth and elaboration of our understanding and hence our
perspective. As such our autonomy comes from the active
structures which exist within the human will, that these
structures effect the stream of consciousness and cognition and
determine how we are going to behave with the will changing
from life world scenario to life world scenario. These
structures in the will are formed and altered through
objectification, the projection of the human will through the
human ability to focus the mind creating structure and dynamic
in the subconscious through the creation of meaning, the core
constituent in the memeplex. Our beliefs and ideas in their
objective form as structures within consciousness and cognition
objectified in their significance to self bear down upon the will
and form the raw aspect from which we act and visualize. As
such our ideology is both the object of empowerment as in
worship but also empowers the self in the form of our ideas in
the form of the memeplex empowering the self through the
human will. Our ideology through beliefs effect upon the will
and the self defines the boundaries of our capacity to take to the
streets in times of political crisis, our agency and determines the


shape of our capacity to act as free individuals. Ideology defines

the limits to exactly how we are to act in the world and what
empowerments and limitations to the self exist.
The reason why the dynamics of human action must be
understood in the terms such as the will in the terms of
experiential psychology is that cognitive psychology tends to
think in terms of mental functioning rather then in terms of
mental objects of which trains or indeed chains of interlinked
sequences of thought which are disempowering to the self as the
core which is the basis of will can be seen of as existing in the
ideology of the individuals of the underclass. Mental objects as
in objects of thought or ideas have a relational causality in their
being determinate objects of willed visualization or aspectual
intentionalization. The mental objects conceptualization as ideas
of interlinking causality is the process of dissecting a topic area
with concepts altering the ideas or thought structures imprints
through which the idea is recalled through adding both
elaboration in the understanding and crucial definition to the
willed state of our conscious cognitive intention.
Through introspection we can change the ideas imprint
into the subconscious, the imprint which is the token of what is
represented as the idea in its symbolic form unto consciousness
and willed intention but also what is represented in the thought
content of the idea itself. In visualization that part of the mind
which is used is that which is fluid and isomorphic in its
essential constituent make up. This means capable of being or
representing anything perceived in the external world the world
of sense experience or thought of or imagined in the internal
world in the world of idea. Introspection whilst creating the
artform is the raw structure of how we represent that which is
from within. Inspiration is where the essence of the artistic
object or artform finds a resonance with cords of self which are
represented or embodied in the artform in its representation of
subconscious. Art through the focusing of aphoria comes to
represent objects to the individual from the subconscious to the
conscious as form is bought out of the formless depths of
subconscious will according to the empowering nature of the
memeplex self, self which is embodied as structure in the human
will. As such art through the imprint of aphoria felt in the
creation of art and the inspiration that is the representation that
the work of art is to the self when in projective introspection
elaborates the self through the dynamic of the human will being


effected upon through the subconscious being part objective

imprinter of the object of focus and part subjectively imprinted
upon the mind through the intuition of the artform. In the artform
imprinting the subconscious through intuition and therefore
feeding back into the human will the artform in its creation in the
moment becomes a part of the representation of the artform to
greater or higher self which exists as innate structure within the
subconscious. In the artforms creation and in its representation
of the self to the self the process of elaboration is effected by the
focus of the mind being active in the aphoristic moment adding a
broadening of perspective and a deepening of self in the artforms
construction and representation.
As such art is an expression of the self, the self as relates
to objective forces as is objectified by the individual in times of
reflection and introspection. Our autonomy over these objective
forces as is determined by our ideology and how the ideas in our
ideology empower or limit us through relating the self to
concepts given objective precedents in the conceptual schema of
concepts of the understanding. In the moments of its creation art
seeks to give autonomy over the self in the representation of
what the self is to the individual as implicit in the individuals
artwork as emulations of what self structure exists within the
individual. As such it is a learnt mastery of the arts of
experiential psychology which the individual should aim for in
the elaboration of self through the artform, as it truly represents
the entirety of the human self and the will. As such we have to
truly remove from our cognition and consciousness cycles of
cognition and their associated spirals of cognition through the
objectification of the self as autonomous and positive and in no
way negative as the selfs core objectification. What is achieved
from seeing the self this way is that in the train or chain of
thought that each individual link progresses to another link in the
chain as moving upon in its own willed state its own will
contained within the link as it progresses into another link. As an
objective idea in the stream of consciousness the links
progression to another link in the causal chain as an intuition
reveals the way in which our thoughts are structured. As such it
is the patterning of our chains of thought which limits our
autonomy in the sense of freedom over the thought we having
and freedom as our capacity to act as free and spontaneous


Aspiration to do, or be something follows from the

inspirations that one has as a core constituent of the dynamic of
will in relation to the self. Self is embodied and positive freedom
empowers the individual leading to the inspired state of mind
memeticly replicating between individuals in the social dynamic.
As such we all have a focused coherent consciousness, we intuit
thoughts and we intuit self as we are constituted of thoughts and
self. We find that in the focusing of all the intuition of existence
there would still be the object of cognitive representation to be
accounted for: the representational self. The representational self
is much like a canvas upon which a picture is projected; the
projection of light though is a forcing out of a mental quality
whereas the intuition is like a sucking in of sense data by the
intuitions of the human senses towards the focal point of
representational self. Representational self is what is molded in
the creation of the artform by the aphoristic individual, thus
altering the nature of our intuitions through the causal effect that
art of any form is. That art an act of impression upon the self and
artistic creation morphs the self it is from the self of
representation which we represent the world of objects also
altering in representational content according to how the
representational self has been molded and formed into different
shapes of meaning.
Art, Neo-Modernism and The Underclass
Within any social structure there are those who are left
out of society, those who excluded or marginalized in the name
of some collective human good such as dual parent nuclear
families. There are always those who are impoverished or not
catered for by society such as in the private health-care system in
The United States of America or sink hole estates here in the
United Kingdom. Although the majority of society here in the
United Kingdom are supported by the benefits systems income
support It is hoped that through arts ability to transmute self into
new self through the state of aphoria of the artforms moment of
creation would be of such to be that the meanings employed in
the artforms creation would transmute into new self having
conquered the object of the art work. Be it guitar or violin,
poetry or m-cing art exists as a means to escape the world and
in escaping through the artform whatever the artform is we
become a part of the ideal self in its moment in inspiration.


Through Neo-Modernisms focus on the liberation of work by

technology it is hoped that the free time in peoples lives become
the part of some artistic or creative endeavor to liberate the self
of its confines and limitations. Right wing slogans such as the
underclass are highly rhetorical and often what truth there is in
them is often highly overrated an innately tactical. Whether there
is an underclass at all remains to the social researcher to either
prove or disprove but the possibility of an underclass remains a
part of the right wing politicians rhetorical toolkit.
What can be said is that with art the working classes as
well as the underclass get a chance to develop themselves
through self expression. With this chance to develop oneself in
society and the progressive development which can be made
upon self then the thought chains that one usually gets ensnared
in can soon dissolve away. Work becomes a seeking of goals of
the self within the freedom of consumerism and the consumerist
culture that we live. From art we can gain self through memetic
transmutation a part of memetic evolution, the meme pool of the
individual evolves and memes in their new form arrange in
relevance to make the individual memeplex and most
importantly the structure of self as the self-plex.
As such art allows the individual a type of autonomy
over the self and art increases the capacities we all have through
the transmutation of the self-plex or the self which is the core
operating principle of all social action. With a newly empowered
self and means of adjusting self it is hoped that members of the
working classes and the underclasss would find autonomy over
their work ethic and come to participate in society once again as
valued consumers pursuing the goals and goods of a wage based
social system. In Neo-Modern society it is hoped that through
the individualism of art none are excluded from creative
expression and hence none are marginalized or excluded, this is
however only a dream, a hope through which we can change the
present in the vision of the future.
In Neo-Modern society it is hoped that the increased
individualism that the self styled masses would have would
liberate the sign and the symbol from its cultural and sub-cultural
roots. With an influx of new symbolism the hyper real world of
high absorption mass media slogans, signs and symbols becomes
colonized by individualism and in so doing so saves the life
world individual during bombardment from the corporate
significationists of our day. This shows how culture could come


to evolve and what form it may evolve into through the

reclamation of art by the collective individualism of society and
the colonization of the hyper real life world by individuals
through the capacity for self style.


Chapter 6
Engineering Consciousness: Human Nature, Social
Scope & Genetics
Evolution & Nature
As we begin this chapter which deals with the genetic
capacities and potential of individual people and how this
benefits society it would be wise to begin with the underlying
root of most social questions of this combined scope and
magnitude which would be human nature. Human nature as such
is seen as developing within the individual from the innate
structures which are a part of the genomes individual blueprint
for us, the inner capacities and capabilities which we naturally
inherit and which develop as we grow older.
As such from one angle our nature is unchangeable it is
something, which has carried through with us from the times
when in our genetics we were more reptilian and insect in
structure and we were more basic creatures, we can point to
various parts of the human brain anatomy and label the
evolutionary stages, the oldest parts being reptilian and insect in
structure and as such our nature was more determined by these
ancient structures in the brain. These reptilian structures are
subconscious such as there are seen to be biological roots to why
our instincts have such an overbearing effect on our mental
faculties be it through the sexual instincts and aggression and
violence. This carries on in its qualitative aspects to the super
ego human qualities such as the more refined human concept of
pride. Fear, panic and more basal instincts may be seen as
instinctually human and animal as well in their shared quality.
The question of whether it is the evolution of our minds in the
life course has been occasioned or whether we are fated to live a
certain way as the product of our genetic sequencing. This is
both as our minds are experienced and analyzed in a qualitative
sense by ourselves to us in our individual experiences and
mindsets or as they are analyzed and studied for our evolution by
the different fields of the human sciences. The majority of
mainstream sociologists, biologists, and psychologists forward
this definition or at least the concept of human nature as a means
of explanation to many of the illnesses of humanity of the


modern world. As such it carries with it the dark image of an

unrefined and undeveloped caveman placed in society, educated
out of his darker ways by the social structures he is placed within
and left at the end of it to fend for himself in the urban jungle,
tempering the dark and the light sides of his nature in order to
rise in stature in the world. The dark sides of this general nature
is expressed in the way that we strive to have power over people
that we meet and the population in general in order to maintain
the security of the inner world, which we keep private and
individual where we express the lighter side of our nature in the
effectual bonds that we have within our households and familial
cells. As such it is taken from the combined scope and
perspective of genetics and the human sciences that our human
nature is set to develop a certain way and despite cultural
restrictions on the methodology of self and nature we accept and
use for life what we will inevitably fit into a perspective of the
human being which has become well established either by a long
historical tradition or is grounded firmly in the current culture of
science. As such images and opinions of human nature being a
obstacle which cannot be crossed in the progression of the
human situation and current human understanding are
profoundly common but this is not surprising as in the plurality
of opinion in the liberal world if one does not fall into one
category of interpretation such as scientific Darwinian theory
proclaiming through Dawkins that human nature is essentially
selfish then we fall to the other Christian opinion that human
nature is naturally flawed and we all bear the mark of original
As such those concerned with the issue of human nature
are rare and the vast majority of us are content in the knowledge
that we know enough about the world to live in it with the
lifestyle and ideology that we want. The issue of this profound
negativity of human nature which follows us into the next
millennium does not bother us as a whole Policy in the political
sphere and the global ideology of profit for its own sake as such
needs to evolve anew for a new era of progressively better
tangents and futures and the human race as a whole needs more
awareness of global issues, we must change in the now, in the
present, in order for the future to be what we all choose and what
we all will it to be.


It is from then these two different views of human nature

that the contention that humans are naturally selfish, bitter, evil
and will forever strive against one another in some form of ratrace comes from and deludes the scope we have of ourselves in
the present and thus in some sense the future form. We think,
feel and will that because change happens slowly it isnt
happening at all, people are forever in the anticipation of the next
big war, terror attack or global catastrophe and because of this
we live the way we do, in a negative ethos making a life for
ourselves as much as we can or dreaming of how the world could
be different, only to realize that it is not, so we swallow our pride
and have another go at the rat race maze we are given in the
modern day.
As such the understanding we have of human nature,
what is natural to us and how our nature evolves falls prey to the
established opinions of what we actually are, those of science
and religion. We are denied the foresight to actually see into a
better tomorrow because of the confounding situation of the
present circumstances. As such when it comes to the ideology
we operate the real world with the typical elitist arguments that
there is no better tomorrow we are too restricted by human
nature, that to make it in the present and live as a wage worker is
the only way to exist is not even really questioned, we need work
to pay for our life styles those who really choose to advance
society are eventually drawn into education and occasionally the
higher education system and bombarded with the negativity of
the present world situation until eventually they lose faith in the
belief in human progression. When confronted with a young
blood full of hope for the future they are generally pessimistic
letting them down lightly as if to hold on to the inner hope that
eventually someone, somewhere will make the world a slightly
better or safer place for us to all life. Elitism has won and the
only way to advance oneself would be to try to become one of
the elite, and for this potential to exist within society. However
to do this is by far the hardest thing to do as to overcome the
cultural, economic and other potential difficulties is nigh on
impossible for a majority of people.
As such the higher education and the further education
institutions in the countries of the world serve merely to educate
the elite of the future in the ways of modern technology and
human science so that they can follow the tangents of their


forefathers, hopefully bringing a western liberalism into further

As such I shall now expound an idea, the idea would be
such that if the human race is to evolve in a humanistic sense
something in our natures must evolve as well, a new state of
affairs must come to be. Our characters must evolve too and
exist in a certain state and this must be achieved through training
the perspective we have. As a part of our natures and our
perspectives are innate to us and come from within we can look
at science especially genetic science as a way of engineering the
structure of our perspectives. As such through genetics there
would be a hope in the change of our perspectives, of our
mentalities, which would exist within the culture and paradigm
of science.
Science can be used more effectively in a nationalized
social structure where patents can be bought by the government
or international agencies for the sake of the planets benefit
instead of being reserved for the wealth of the few where the
planet is in dire need.
As in fascism there is the overwhelming idea of the
sameness or homogeneity of all individuals as racism,
segregation and hatred of people showing individuality ensures
this sameness. As well this individuality is dignified in
liberalism, like the proliferation of human rights is one of the
social tenets that have made our lives as free in western
democracy and the western world as they are today. We have
only to look into the past to see the pain of incarceration, slavery,
genocide and the will of the leaders producing misery to know
that even though the sanctity of the human individual is valued
today it has not always been so. That even though from a future
perspective these are dark times we are living in they are still a
lot brighter then the world which came before our generations.
This is because of the way as discussed before in the
previous chapter that the labeling and the conceptualization of
the world and symbols in our language has allowed us to label
individuals as somehow innately different on the mental interior
from the rest of us, that they are something less than us
something with a subhuman difference to the rest of us, even if
that something is only skin deep. Through this process of
conceptualization and objectification racism develops and the
propaganda of hate, of racists is such as that some people have
no remorse inside of them, that they the oppressed are lesser


beings and this has led people to target individuals and make
them enemies, slaves or victims to the will that we have. Is it
really the colour of our skin a millimeter of difference which
makes us superior or inferior to one another or the sub-cultural
dress, the taste and style of our individuality which somehow
reduces us to beings of hapless victimization and scapegoats for
the strong and oppressive? The underlying message here is the
same type of sentiment, that emotion such as hate in the case of
the fascists or love and acceptance in of the liberal democrats
can really be channeled through this labeling process as our
objectifications. Our thoughts moved by propaganda and peddled
by the media can be dangerous to our ability to live along side
each other and hence our achieved state of social harmony, it is
an ideology of peace and love not war and hate which is needed
in order for the world to progress into the future positively.
As such we as individuals are a legacy as we have
developed in the areas we have lived in, moved to or have
through some means come to inhabit and our ego and super ego
have developed at the same time sensitive to changes in the
internal and external environments self finds itself in. We have
become empathetic to some who have some defined social codes
and styles and have become non-empathetic to others who we do
not see ourselves having a resemblance to. We attach signs and
labels to everything we encounter and as described in the models
in the previous chapter we are fairly incapable of changing our
opinions as they are objectified unless we are confronted by
something we cannot explain by ourselves out of the blue. We
watch out for the looming thug with his hood up around the
corner with a flick knife, we wonder in suspicion as we walk
through an ethnic neighborhood and wonder what it is that
possesses the leather and chain clad mohawk styled youth with
the ripped t-shirt to dress the way they do. We in our mindsets
are so full of labels that even the taboo area of sexual encounters
is reduced to the purely hedonistic level of perception, we cease
to see our reproductive potentials as the producer of our
offspring, carriers of our future genes, and see them instead only
as a means of superficial pleasure.
We then wonder afterwards, when the storm of the thrill
seeking has calmed down we were so ill prepared for child
rearing in the seeking of all that pleasure. When we are lacking
in introspection to such an extent in the thrill of the chase is it


any surprise that that to unrefined people pleasure is superficial

and not something more meaningful.
The Memetic Evolution of Human Nature
As such we pursue a tangent through life, and a line of
reasoning to justify our opinions and actions and realize in
introspection that our opinions of the worth of other human
beings and of ourselves is in fact a willed self and social
construction, a meme created and transmitted from individual to
individual. We take in the culture of signs and the prevalent
opinions we are presented with and adopt very similar methods
of interpretation, labeling structured perspective and as such we
come to inhabit very similar worlds despite room for individual
difference. The will as such is shaped by our life experience and
the plan and perspective we have of life is strengthened and
emboldened by the experiences we have in the world, we are
proved both right and wrong by other individuals in the world
and as such we build up a culture of our own, a representative
synthesis of what we have encountered synthesized with what
we already believed. We go to certain venues and not to others,
we choose friends among people of a similar likeness and
through the chaotic movement of the mass of individuals upon
their each individual life world tangents the plurality of our
culture is maintained. We may grow up in part of a subculture or
in the mainstream of culture, we may adapt new customs and
ways of life or we may live and marry in the same village we
have grown up in and known all our lives. This is our choice and
as such it is our life tangent, it is as we make it and it flows with
the will of whom we are. Our perspective, will and tangent are
all interweaved and function, in effect, as one. As such although
we are molded by society and the social situation we find
ourselves in we are free to create ourselves in our free time, and
it is ultimately the individual internal processes of insight and
introspection to name two functions that we come to change our
perspective with. Original ideas appear and true individuals are
created, the self shapers who come from all walks of life those
who have grasped their capacity for the creation of a positive
individuality the greatest. The role and truest nature of art, as an
individual expression, as the will of the individual as words on a
page or paint on a canvas has been replaced instead by the


repetition of common meanings as this artistic space been

capitalized upon in the making of consumer mainstream culture.
Enough of this we should say, our cultural space has
more worth to us and to others then what is made of it, we want
something meaningful, something original, that enlightens, that
inspires, that enhances our lives and evolves our artistic
perspective. We seek something within the object of the artform
that connects us to the artist within and teaches us the meaning
of artistic styles through individual uniqueness. If the social art
of hair colour and custom designed clothes will not awaken us to
the potential of the human race and of individuality to flourish
then what will? As such our perspective is shaped, is hedged in
by the culture of our times, words, pictures, objects, music and
ideas become the relevant psychology of our perspective. With
such dull uncreative mindsets forged through monotony how can
we shape ourselves and become new leaders of the future, or
how can we question authority with clarity and precision? How
can we evolve through art and its ability to invoke our higher and
inner capacities to take control of the most important issue here
in our social scope that would be the beast within, our human
So when it comes to the question of leadership of society
we are left with little to go by, no measure or test for Platos
heart of gold leader and with a political world so full of
repetition and scandal we really have to wonder if in the long run
and the bigger picture there is a third party hope for the
leadership of the country. As such the leadership of the world
when it is so divided and run by petty ego, consideration for how
the most positive tangents we can make of our lives is usually
rendered obsolete by the power of the international corporations
manifesto of exploitation and profit.
When societies social mind is so slavish to the consumer
culture, so petty and superficial obsessed with signs and memes
as advertised through the media is it a wonder that so many of
societies members feel used and exploited? What has happened
to the ideals of leadership, which began with Plato, the lovers of
wisdom, the philosopher kings? The myth of the metals may
well of been a lie to justify Platos ideals for leadership to the
masses but is there a more meaningful interpretation of this
statement, that there is something emotive to the ideal leader,
that they must possess an emotional and psychological
temperament in order to be able to properly lead and serve the


people. In the leadership of a country the leaders perspectives

must be a mix of both intellectual and empathetic qualities
refined to a level of individual perfection, a testament to the
ideology of individuality and self development. That the people
at the top of the social ladder would be not just capable of
incredible analysis but also incredible synthesis and that this
ability to synthesize ideas is a profound ability, it gives the true
leader the ability to understand the great multitude of meanings
in society and where there is strife or indifference to see beyond
conflict, to see where bridges can be build and new ideas
adopted where old ones have become redundant.
On this exposition is becomes apparent that there are
qualities for a leader of society and it is only upon understanding
this that we become aware of exactly how these qualities in
todays day and age we are more in need of. I shall now go on to
the next stage of this system of ideas and beliefs and that as such
would be how in the echelons of society there are streams of
ideas being transmitted individual to individual memes, that
these ideas become precedents for action and filter down through
society through the social dynamic. It is the role of higher
education in the maintaining the purity and practicality of these
memetic streams which increases the wisdom, perspective and
life world perceptions of the individual.
As such following Talcott Parsons idea of the organic
analogy the role of higher education appears as both a teaching
and research feature for leadership but one that is subsumed by
corporations more than government in its profit funded research.
That it is in fact using the right connections to politics and
leadership through the research and teaching staff and the
connections made to the general public through the students that
becomes a part of the democratic expression of our ideas and
transfer of the memes to the general public direct from the
source. That in higher education if the structure is successfully
remolded then people become closer to a part of the process of
the creation of individualized social ideology and physical
science, which should be a nationalized institution researching
primarily government interests for the benefit of the people as
opposed to capitalistic funding which is for the profit of the
upper classes.
Through presenting a grounded connection to politics
where both teaching and discussion can both take place the
feature of sciences relation to society in democracy becomes


evident and empowered. As such in a truly democratic society

this would become a part of the organic functioning, instead of
our leaders towering over us we are given a free reign in our
individuality from the masses. With the advent use of computer
internet superhighways those of the population who are of the
disposition of a learned being and are educated or those who
have an opinion to express can do so and vote on particular
issues as our technocrat conception of democracy is so extended
into the future. As such democracy becomes fuller, gives a voice
where there is none and takes on board the opinions of the many
instead of reducing to the will of the few. As such society
evolves a new method, individualism, where as once there were
streams of emotively designed media information and its
associated superficial judgment we can get under the skin of our
societies nature, we can educate ourselves to new perspectives.
From the top of the echelons the meme filters down through the
social hierarchy as the functioning of society would be
empowered by fresh perspectives, we would exist both as
educators and students at the same time with a new dynamic
necessary to the positive and progressive evolution of
democracy. Areas are thus created within the democratic
education structure where speculation can be the producer of
new ideas; authoritarian personalities give way to the energized
dynamics of the student masses. Skepticism ceases to block the
door to new ideas and no longer does the emancipated will of the
people fail or fold, the mentality and perspective becomes as
such evolved to new levels. New levels where mass participation
becomes possible and more common to the way things work,
rule of the majority becomes a viable method as we evolve the
nature that we were born with to one we can socially operate
with on such a great level. Synthesis and empathy become metanarratives for what can only be considered a new enlightenment
in the age of man, as such new solutions are found to age old
problems and society can begin to operate on the international
level without the cloak and dagger secrecy of the false leaders
ego blocking the way of the future. Global mindedness becomes
a part of individual psychology on a mass level and the selfish
hedonism of unsure times gives way to mass rejoicing, that
something is being done to make the world safer and fairer,
foundations for the future are being laid and positive steps are
being made. So to speak the dog wags instead of chases his own
tail and instead of being left entirely too destructive and selfish


devices in the individual mind and nature the well-being and

development of the individual becomes an interest to society; we
are free in this development.
But for another of these ideas is all too often recited to
dampen the spirit of the good will that liberals have, that society
in its heterogeneity and multiculturalism is too chaotic, that this
chaos is dangerous and destructive and is all too often associated
with the bad will in human kind, this will manifesting in groups
like the Neo-Nazis and the National Front. That in the human
stock there are some naturally bad eggs which will sink to the
bottom and become an underclass of violence, hedonism and
debauchery. This is the settling of the nature of the social chaos
but is a reflection of the mass human will. It could be said
though that from a more positive angle we have spontaneity
written all over us and as such fail to succumb to repetition and
can live truly inspired and positive social tangents. That same
chaotic will mentioned as a potentially dark aspect of our
humanity is just as responsible for romantic gestures, actions
which serve to enrich each others life with unexpected goodness
that is the true nature of the human being.
The realization that the will is our freedom to act and
hence the base of all autonomy is itself a concept structured
through the ritualized life world actions and the memeplexes
ascribed to in the creation of as true a self-plex as possible.
Along inside the core of the will we find the energy of the
emotions and this in the scope for memetic development gives us
that power to become good, to become great people as the
memes interconnection as objectifications in the will become
more intricate and emboldened making it difficult for us to try to
think an aspectual map ourselves of our will, for the human mind
supervenes upon the will. This is the nature of the enlightenment
of man, the spark to the golden age of man, that with truly
emancipating great ideas as a part of our ideology we become
capable of great actions and also worldly actions such as the
crafting of artifacts through which we are guided in ethos
towards creating a crafted perspective of ourselves and of our
social situation.
That through gaining an understanding of the inner
world, we can scare off the shadows we fight within ourselves
and through this enlightens the outer world. Humanity has many
natures and through inspiration we can become a nature of
choice, not a nature of pre-destiny, a view of fixed destiny which


memetics allows a way around. That eventually through the

understanding of memetics and memetic structure we can evolve
the cerebral and the mental elaboration of aspects of our nature
such as cooperation and empathy beyond the cold and harsh
science of biological reductionism and determinism. To reduce
man to a genetic code of innate harshness and bitterness plants a
seed of selfishness in the minds of individuals, a memetic in
itself, we become blind to our better natures and as such we
dwell on the evil we all have to live with, losing vision and
positive rapture every step of the way. Only through
understanding the nature of will and ideas can we evolve our true
perspective for ourselves and truly become autonomous
individuals who have a freedom for social action. In analogy
something truly autonomous would be a robot of its own
programming and self-creation, self design and selfspecification. It is then in art, in the evolution of our artistic and
creative capacities that we can shape the being we are the most,
pen to paper, paint to canvas and word to song we express
ourselves from soul to spirit in a way that gives us true
recognition of inner drives and forces, not for the sake of
financial gain in most cases, but for insight itself into who and
what we truly are and desire to be. For those moments we
engage in this rapture in the creation of the artform the memetic
pool within the individual evolves and the shape of the meme
within the subconscious mind of the individual takes on new
forms as the meme pool expresses itself in the artform itself. The
artist takes his tools and sculpts him/herself and through the
subtle language of bodily communication transmits his/her
mental cognitive state to others through the social dynamic. The
meme pool in many ways interacts with the social dynamic and
the social dynamic is a force itself in the passing of social will
and cognitive states between people. The ideas and ideology we
are educated within our youth and in the family environment
evolve in the social dynamic we live within and as such we are
placed as artists with a new synthesizing form of canvas, the self.
It is this synthesis we must be capable of and must become able
to use if humanity is to emerge as more positive, if our truest
most emancipated natures are to come to fruition. Within the
creation of the artform both in feel and in outlook of the future
more of the self is reclaimed from the subconscious and becomes
unlocked in the being and in the understanding of ourselves as


Because it is this art and the difference of perspectives,

which leads to discussion, and the evolution of the thinking, not
just the artistic mind but the rational mind as well advances
beyond its initial form; the superficiality of political rhetoric and
hyped opinion becomes blatant and the people refuse to accept
what superficial explanations were once given to them as their
justifications. Because of information technology and the
increased existence of meme pools in the sense of a social cell of
introspection existing in heightened and self evolving states,
individuals connected into elaborate social cells of information
through technology allows the interconnection of vast numbers
of likeminded individuals for group introspection. Not one line
on a single map is worth a drop of human blood, not one
objectification a human sacrifice, we are humanitarian, and
humanistic and everywhere the world though its lack of harmony
with itself is in crisis. With this in mind the situation can now
evolve towards a consideration of humanism and how humanism
combined with Post-Modernism will emerge in its Neo-Modern
futuristic form.
The Source of Art, Humanism & Neo-Enlightenment Ideals
The importance of the international mindset becomes
more and more prevalent as we become more accepting of the
world situation and the part we play in it. Instead of just private
funding and personal donations world governments can now act
together to try and solve world problems and as such a power
structure internationally is related to the principle deciding of a
few on the future social tangent we all embark upon. With the
fate of the world as a concern and the global situation of human
beings and their plight in general in the mind of the international
mindset cultural expansion must follow that reinforces this
precedent for global development of a more controlled,
productive and pragmatic, policies which reflect the famine,
ethnic violence, environment and global warming, policies
which are genuinely decided to help the world and all its future
generations. Like the enlightenment ideals of old with their faith
in the betterment of the mass human fate through the use of
sciences culture of reason we will absorb this old perspective and
make it more solid and radicalize it anew through our conception
of technology in the form of Neo-Modernism. As such new


precedents of international action and perspective will crystallize

and become the normality; this is the role that art and music also
plays in creating the social psychology we live in, heightening
our awareness of key topics of world debate. As such the role of
art in creating our individual, social and cultural mindset is
enormous; it presents itself as the vehicle for the crystallization
of our perspective and also emboldens and has the capacity to
alter peoples perspective of themselves and of reality around
them. As such art is one truly powerful entity, it is in essence the
nature of change itself for it provides all of us with renewed
insight and freshness of perspective right when it is most needed
by our cultural mindsets.
As such in a new enlightenment it is not just
technological advancement which will enable the world to better
itself, but a shift in perspectives which allows the tools of the
human race to be put to better use in the service of all. As such
human nature is not fixed, one solid thing as Hobbes or Dawkins
would argue, but is unique to each individual, a product of the
self-plex it would be a conclusion to give this improvement of
human nature a genetic base and say that uniquely evolved
perspectives have a genetic causality, the bettering of our nature
being something innate to ourselves. But it is the role of the
cultural apparatus of society to ultimately give us an
understanding beyond our basic ego crystallizations and
empathetic bonds as we emerge as individuals in the social
dynamic. It would make sense then, to make this memetic
evolutionary perspective concrete by saying that the evolution of
mentality operates both on a conscious and a subconscious level
that the evolution beyond our basic instincts requires us to rework both of these mental objects, that it is the subconscious that
the instincts have their base and through reflexive cognition
work. We can refine our instincts and our intuitions to new levels
of positivity and emancipation a new human nature as developed
from memetic structure within the human will. We emerge with
this will with a capacity to serve and help others in equal cooperation that the driving force of Neo-Modernism is not the
selfish natured evolution but the self developed higher natured
It is also with this influx of positive energy of self
contained within nature that new perspectives and ways of
working the world either in the technological or the humanitarian
sense come forth. It is in the artistic memetic pools set in motion


by the most introspective aphoria that this elementary rapture of

the will is fashioned into artifacts in the interests of the future
tangent. Inspirations lead to and influence our aspirations and the
progression of the human race is such is that these inspirational
ideas are bought forwards into the light not just as ideas but as
replicating memes.
As such a positive and inspired will and perception must
yield changes to our individual lives if not the social structure of
the human race. It is the ultimate ramification of social
ingenuity, which like technological and scientific ingenuity
revolutionizes the world we inhabit and makes it a safer and
fairer place to live. As such the production of plans and ideas
must ultimately revolutionize the social structures that exist, like
a prototype being built when new concepts of physics are created
and properly refined. As such the will of leadership has to
evolve, petty squabbling and conflicting rhetoric is neither
worthwhile nor productive. If in the name of partisan politics all
that we do is fight each other to try and look the better man then
there is no synthesis and no creation of new ideas, as such we go
round in circles and nothing is ever really changed. All that we
are offered from this service is the feeling we belong to a cause
when we mark our cross which we vote and a feeling of
reassurance that at least someone, who is not a dictator is
running the country. What we need is a more advanced social
perspective for the leadership of the country, more vision and
empathy with a lot of synthesis to ultimately, turn good will into
practical ideas. As such it comes to ideology and political
ideology at that to represent on an intellectual level aphoristic
good will and emotional positivity, if not then the insight and
positive drive for betterment and change is lost in the chaos of
life-world hyper-real billboard slogans and rhetorical
Social tangents as such are not just the product of will
but are also the product of our ideas as they are objectifications
within our ideology. With change working on all levels and
autonomous foundations running right through the cross-sections
of the human society a more positive tangent can be selected and
pursued by the human race. How the human race will socially
evolve towards a unified freedom and pursue neo-enlightenment
ideals as a part of the ideological package of a nations global
contribution depends upon the ethos of that country.


With a society with a strong artistic capacity ideology is

more rapidly refining and advancing. Technology and science
likewise advances at an astonishing rate and is quick to be
implemented in the areas where it is needed. As such in the
political realm likewise perspectives advance rapidly and quickly
as there is a high degree of synthesis the most positive tangent is
quick to be spotted, refined and ultimately made practical. With
a practical philosophy where the will of the people and their
representation is made paramount the political ego of rhetoric
and conflict soon subsides and instead the social will flows
through the political and educational apex at a more refined rate.
Through constructive argument, conclusion and synthesis a new
sort of individual can come to exist in the realm of politics, that
of the leader who rules with the people, not just for the people
and through the taking in of inspiration and its development into
insight the new leader is capable of more then the politicians of
our present day system. As such rhetoric and superficiality are
the old ways which this new leadership ideal replaces, if only
through the reading of a few words from another being can this
perspective of synthesis come to exist. Through our willed belief
in the ideal the new form of things develops its roots in the
individual at the grassroots level then the situation has already
advanced onto new tangent, new tracks for the train of social
destiny with a new destination we are bound for.
As such we need to come back to consider the individual
in society and consider how our genetics, the human blueprint is
involved in our capacity for perspectives and capacity for new
ideas forming and arising from the meme pool. The myth of the
metals in nature would be a lie about human nature used to
justify the status quo but its similarity with the potential of
genetics as a justification of unfair precedents of unequal
opportunity is spectacular. This gives genetics a status
intellectually where it must be considered as if in the future it
will be presented as a fact or at least used in some form of
rhetoric be it political or educational. As such we need to guard
against this rhetoric by seeing our unique individual potential
despite all of the social learning we have had reduced to this
factor of genetics and therefore we need to develop a perspective
beyond what reasoning would follow from the biological
determinists camp who believe that all is determined by genetics
and biology.


We have to see the human being as an evolving creature

with a set out biological structure but one which evolves also; as
new neural connections are always being made in the brain as
such. Because of this we also have to see the individual as a
potentiality which If placed in the right habitus and the correct
social cell will develop one way and if placed in the wrong social
cell will develop another way, as such good and bad tangents are
both possible but our true tangent is selected in the now by the
state of our will in the objectified beliefs that we have. We need
to be able to see the individual as a psychological system one
that will develop on the tangent that it is in their will to develop
but also that this will is subject to the social conditioning one
finds themselves in, much like a feral child bought up in a pack
of dogs will adopt the culture of the dogs and only in little way
will resemble a human being.
This comparison is between the genetic code of
individuals and their intelligence. I shall use this perspective to
look at the way social tests can be used as an example of how
genetic code may be used in the future. In the elite universities of
the countries of the west it is usual for a prospective student to
undergo a series of tests. The data of these tests is then used to
make a definite decision over how the student is likely to
progress in their studies, whether or not they are up to the
challenge of higher education.
As such the same way that we can use genetics to predict
what physiological disorders we may suffer with in later life one
may use genetics also to explain our limitations and
potentialities. One may use the same sort of logic and analysis
when thinking about insurance as such being discussed in the
United States of America. People will naturally be genetically
predisposed to the susceptibility of some disorders and not
others, such as heart or lung cancer, insurance companies can
request a genetic swab and charge their premiums based on this
information. This may realistically come about in the future
selection or even access to higher education. All that is needed
are prior actions and political sentiments and statements to build
up reactionary empathetic constructs within the individual,
preformed perspectives of emotional objectification contained
inside the masses of societys unconscious mental structure.
Within the emotional and pre-intellectual will waiting to be
triggered into action in the heat of debate by one side or another.
This genetic swabbing would not be easy as the population of a


country is unlikely to be content with their being priced out of

higher education by genetics alone. But if industrial genetics was
becoming more and more advanced in industry and acceptable to
law and legislation these corporate manures in insurance in
education could follow. As social perspective and mentality is
constantly shifting and evolving it is impossible to say anything
definite about the future we create, only that at least if we are
aware of the way things could play out, we may be better players
when definite action must be taken. But action taken under
reflection that is active visualization of the consequences of our
actions when weighing up cost especially about the environment
makes for far better application of science to the problems of the
world. Suffice to say that if we are still working with the
principle that genetics is a reasonable starting point in analyzing
human actions, perspectives and social existences it reduces all
the ideas, insights, intuitions and the perspective we have learnt
and synthesized to a reductionist biology placed in society.
Reductionism in the field of biology discounts the evidence that
it is social processes even parenting which produces a persons
characteristics, in a society where we have learnt our perspective
in different parts of society and different eras of our lives. From
people in society we have learnt different things and different
aspects of the same one thing which is life. Reductionistic
biology in effect says that from day one we have learnt all we are
capable of learning or at least willing to know and our destiny is
set from birth through the determinism of biological function and
blueprint. In the reductionist biologist view the processes of
introspection and the self-sculpting which takes place in
introspective reflection bears very little weight on the will and
basal instincts and intuitions being borne not of objective
thought but of the objectivity of the gene and natural
environment of competition not the meme and the memeplex
being the starting point in the consideration of all causalities. In
our mindset we must remember that it is in society we create
through our objectifications, our actions, our will and our
ideology we must develop our mentality, genetics is only the
basic foundations of our culturally inspired perspective. As
university and politics are interlinking structures in the social
biology forming the brain of the social organism the house of the
mind to the leviathan is constantly adapting and evolving
throughout our lives building new memetic structures of
cognition and perspective. Universities and education structures


within society develops our science and technology our

knowledge of nuclear fusion among many technologies that can
be used towards the good of humankind. We develop in our lives
also, therefore, it would be wise to say that it is the conditions
and situations that we develop under and not the genetic
sequencing we are borne with that decide our fates as ultimately
conditioned beings. This memetic will in our consideration of
autonomy is the structural composition of our will and the degree
of control that we have over it which we have in the moment
which decides our actions yet it is the circumstances and
precedents of our experiences which tempers our will into the
shape it is today.
Intelligence, Genetics & Memetic Humanism
This is where the comparison between genetics and
intelligence becomes apparent in regards to higher learning and
the assessment of what we are capable of as individuals and
members of the human race. Intelligence testing is already
frowned at by a large number of professional thinkers for whom
ultimately it assesses only a small portion of what our minds can
actually do, as far as the creative aspects such as artistic
synthesis and 'out of the box thinking' they are completely
unrecognized by the test and the general statistic for IQ as such
measures a small fraction of our rational and logical capacities.
Because of this the large majority of academics that believe that
mental development is nurture more than nature and have scorn
for IQ tests and as such intelligence tests as a measure of IQ
have fallen into disrepute. It appears that IQ tests measure a
small number of cognitive, rational and logical abilities
compared to the depth of skill that can be learnt in society.
Another left wing idea is that because of the nurturing of
the elite of society during the development of their youth and
progression into adulthood has more material wealth in the
middle classes which produces a positive cultural effect which is
found lacking in some working class families. Because of the
middle class culture of intelligence and the support and
education mindedness found in abundance in the middle classes
not the working class intelligence tests have now become used,
especially in the US for the academic blacklisting of the greater
majority of the underprivileged society. As such meritocracy is
only an illusion as the cultural factors tested in intelligence


testing are profound enough to make intelligence testing a

cultural not psychological test such as the word associations
section having cultural bias.
As far as depth and breadth of perception and
perspective goes there is no measure for this, it is not taken into
account at all and the far more learned and wise person can be
discredited and denied university or collage education because
they do not fulfill the test requirements. This is the sort of
argument which is discredited and refused by a large portion of
educational thinkers but is still favored by the elitist theorists and
thinkers as it justifies the current social existences of the class
situation as it stands and will continue to do so. It creates an ego
of superiority and self-class infatuation with becomes the mental
mindset of the rulers, not only this but it makes a membrane
through which only some members of society may pass
destroying the bridge between the realm of social thought and
social reality, the empathetic connection between the would be
leader and people is lost. As such our leaders tend to represent
only the well educated and intellectual ideas that better the ruling
classs interests due to the fact that there is no real representation
of the masses in education and the state. Solidarity of affection
becomes displaced by solidarity of power as the mindset of the
individual changes as it approaches the top. In dark times of
social history this will becomes eventually more and more power
orientated which becomes directed at the more fringe individuals
in society until the social precedent is such that the value of the
masses to the leaders of society is reduced to a point of
cataclysm, they no longer lead for the people and they rule over
the people with an iron fist. The genetic argument is already
starting to become popular with a portion of thinkers in higher
education and as such if it flourishes it does so against the
interests and the will of the masses and against and the greater
hopes of myself. The power of the genetic analysis is also doubly
as dangerous because is allows a certain presentation of the
structure, shape and the destiny of society. If everything can be
reduced to the level of genetics than genetic engineering
becomes the way of the future, the hope in science re-emerges
and the enlightenment revolution happens again, the only
difference being that from this there one major flaw and two
potential avenues. The flaw is such, that we already see the
brain, or mind as it experienced as developed to its fullest
capacity this would not be true as we lack the words, models and


conceptual tools and perspective of understanding to explain

sufficiently the most minor of personality disorders in terms to
give it a qualitative breakdown, words and meaning being the
programming language a micro-memetic language or structure
from which our cognition is formed. Of the human mind we may
be able to classify 'disorder' and 'difference' but because of our
obsession scientifically with the brain we have completely
overlooked the mind as subjective to the brain discounting the
software with which we use the brain. If we cannot use what we
already have beyond its minimum capacity not even beginning to
reach the ultimate depths of the subconscious. To attempt to
genetically alter humanity in the name of something would be
jumping the gun in the most dangerous of ways. If anything the
ethos that we should introduce genetic alteration into the
population in the form of an evolutionary science represents
more the darker side of the elitist will then anything that could
benefit individuals as we are. The centralization of data on
individuals their history, capacity and genetics could also be
used against us the social masses as the genetic analysis reduces
us to the level of equivalent nothings, no personality, will, self or
ontology, just as with a bundle of genes and a bundle of statistics
we see a reductionist perspective emerge and grow. It is as if we
are reduced to the code of a biological machine a meme machine
constantly re-programming itself through the dynamics of the
memeplex in the name of its own evolution and development.
Technology must forever be used in the name of the social good,
we must guard against its capacity for violence as exploited
during the first and second world wars happening again in the
future as the heinous mistakes we as a species have made in the
past are less than a hundred years in that past from us. As such
the more natural progression is that we must become more adept
in the programming of the mind of ourselves that is and increase
our personal autonomy. The words we use, the depth we peer
through into in our maps of inter-related concepts the methods
and models of explanation used in the analysis when we delve
into a subject are essential to developing our autonomy.
We have at the heart of this thesis the nature of humanity
and the will as the product of our objectifications and the base of
our nature. The will of the individual, will as it is expressed
graphically and musically and the way that it flows, changes
form, becomes emotional and becomes intellectual would be the
more reasonable as a fusion of neuron-computational and


supervening models of the mind. Instead of trying to drastically

alter the hard ware of our minds of which we know only what
neurology can tell us of the shape of our cognition which is
surprisingly little. We must develop the software of through
which we can come to know anything a coming to innate truths
through introspection. We must guard against this genetic vision
of humanism where nature and cognition evolves with genetic
engineering and our hopes of a better future rests solely in the
hands of geneticists, we must counteract with thoughts of our
own on the same level, this would be perspectives, ideas, learned
wisdom which has evolved both in our own minds and in the
social minds of people through the vehicle of art, music, dance
and all forms of individual expression such as debate. We must
defend against this biological genetic determinism with our own
conception of the betterment of human nature and cognition with
memetic humanism.
Intelligence as a concept originated with Binet (1916)
and because of its long existence in theoretical language it exists
as a definition in conventional discourse, in everyday discussion
we may talk about someone is or isn't intelligent. IQ testing as
such is has shown some accuracy in mapping general tendencies
in the structure of the mind. But the rhetorical use however of
the concepts intelligence, and more dangerously underclass
and culture of poverty by politicians and civil service members
alike has to be challenged.
There are two issues here, which underlie the structure
of these controversial claims, Firstly they rely on a reduction to a
causal determinant, a point of origin from which all causality of
consideration stems. Causal determinants are fixed points of
causality which fix circumstances beyond the scope of mere
chance in place and are believed to have created an individuals
life course and perspective. Factors of debate such as intelligence
or the future battleground of genetics can be used as causal
determinants and it is the recognition of them as focal points in
causality as such allows us to see past their weave in augments.
The second issue is a conceptualization of what a human being is
in consideration of our individual social value and worth, the
innate capacities that we are born with and the potential for
creative thinking that we have developed is naturally the
introspective skill of the artist and as such the representations
borne in his or her art reflect the habitus life-word and
personal reflections of the creative individual. It is from this dual


base of what we are and how we reduce what we are into social
analysis like that of genetic scope that new social policies are
created and over time emerge into the current discourse of
political language eventually to become a part of the lives that
we live. As such it is in the realms of political discussion and
language that I take the argument now for an understanding of
how the mind works in this area will enable us to better guard
against political slyness and bad decision making in the future.
Through being prepared we are ready for mistakes to be made, as
such we can guard against these mistakes as we have already
developed a mindset to view the arguments from and can see
where the thinkers are going wrong in their debates and in their
As such we must go back to the model of the mind
discussed in earlier chapters and be aware of how simple words
can be used as objects in the mind in creating an understanding;
a perspective. Three simple words, love, lust and lush all
represent different things and the learning of them from the
person gives the learner a new mindset to view the way things
are. Love for instance can be seen as a heightened state of
empathetic synchronicity, the two lovers feel each others
emotions and in many ways act and feel as one person, most but
not all individuals have experienced a state of love. Lust can be
defined as a more sexual empathy, highly erogenous and erotic
in nature its culmination in intercourse is its nature realized.
Lush, per se can be seen as a mid point between the two, where
sexual energy is realized but transmuted to a higher all
encompassing form of fertility, permeating, surrounding and
creating a feeling around the two individuals where they feel at
one with each other and completely satisfied with the nature of
their own bodies this would be the nature of lush. It is the
expansion of the nature of our language to give meaning to new
and more words that would be the reason for the study of
language in itself, how language puts words and the will of many
different natures is expressed and made more cerebral through
reflection and introspection. This however is rarely done as often
or in the right ways as it should be. As such our mental
perspective is constructed most fundamentally at the instinctual
level from what we experience directly, in this respect we are all
equal to each other as this factor is common to all human
individuals, in the majority of cases those who have not
cerebralized too much their instinctual capacities such as reading


body language and human interaction will be simpler than the

more heady of intellectuals who have spent their lives
intellectualizing and discussing the subtlety of the nature of our
But when it comes to the decision making of society the
knowledge of words, ideas and will comes into play those who
have spent their live dedicated to the subjects will be able or not
to argue what we believe. As far as the rest of us go the words
that we use are therefore important to how we represent
ourselves in society and debate and how we express the
meanings common and empathetic to all of us. But it is deep
within our minds, the constructs within our mentalities that give
the solid foundation for what we do and how we do it that it is
what these highly developed words represent that gives us
meaning to our lives, makes us all irrespective of creed, colour
and race human beings and members of the human race. As such
there exists at the deep level therefore the need for social
empathy to create solidarity greater than that of fear and power.
It is through the existence of peace and many other individual
and social goods that these intellectual abilities are developed
from. It is the subconscious to the conscious representation
which forms our immediate perception which shapes our
perspective which we operate the world with that would be the
key to the future of the humanist and neo-enlightenment mission.
I shall come to humanism and what it means to be a humanist in
a moment but first I shall conclude this section of the way in
which political arguments have an effect on the mind of
individuals and society.
With solid meaning to our lives from the core constructs
in our humanity, expressed and felt in the form of familial bonds,
a desire for love and affection, a need for power over ones life
and over oneself in order to make the most of the opportunities
in society. These core bonds and constructs in human
psychology act together in political rhetoric because they can be
loaded empathetically into the human will producing a
reactionary self which is touched by political rhetoric; that would
be the saying of things for effect rather then their relevance to
truth. All of these issues, where we can take our life through
development of the self, the security and safety of the family we
belong to and the shape of the future that our children shall
inhabit and inherit give meaning to our lives. Using the model of
the mind discussed earlier in this book the way we react to bad


rhetoric and negative political statements to which we disagree

depends entirely upon our agency, our autonomy in the moment
which determines if we are willing or not to take to the streets in
protest against bad legislation and political decisions. If we go to
war against a country and we do not agree with the states
decision then we will probably mention it to a few people who
are likely to hear our opinions and leave it at that. In more wide
reaching and concerted political activity it is usually only the
capacity of those members of society whom are linked in at
some level with societys political social structures such as the
socialist network. Because of this, political activism isn't
something that is really participated in and because of its
degraded status in democratic functioning it doesn't carry with it
a lot of weight as a vehicle of social or political change.
The majority of people who should be reached by this
sort of social political activity are not reached especially not in
the right ways and the more conservative people of our society
see active demonstration as a problem with society, not a last
line of defense for our civil liberties. Civil liberties which in turn
provide us with the liberty to take to the streets if government
action is against our wishes such as with the Poll tax riots of the
1980s. In order for a better tangent for our society to be
achieved the democracy in which we live must become more
open minded towards the nature of democratic process and about
individual development within the vast multicultural pluralist
social dynamic of democracy. A tick in a box every four years is
hardly a true democracy, we must be willing and able to express
our opinions as well as vote, party principles should be better
defined and should be strikingly different for if they are not then
we are not really voting for changes, just for a different
continuation of the norm. Finally we must recognize and utilize
the power of political protest, if we can show our numbers
through the ballot slips then we should be just as willing to show
our numbers in the streets peacefully for it is this final stand that
guards against our liberty being taken away from us, that allows
us to prevent the state introducing measures that are not welcome
in our society, such as the potential that genetic engineering
brings with it.
If we fail to see through the rhetoric of political
reasoning and do not realize the privilege that it is to vote and to
protest then we have hardly recognized and lived the true
democratic ideal. If we fail to recognize these aspects of the


democratic ideal then the power of society as well as the

decision making and through the control of the media the
empathetic will really is in the hands of the elite, an abstraction
from the will of the world and will of our democratic countries.
The power of the individual and the will of the masses are most
definitely in their hands of the capitalist elite and most
exclusively not in ours, false consciousness is innate to our
ideology and inequality is everywhere. As such when it comes to
the consideration of new tangents in the future of humanity we
have to adopt new perspectives of the mass empathy of society
and the will of individual people. If as individuals we are capable
of achieving these newly inspired mindsets and perspectives on
the functioning and nature of international society then we
become aware of how to view and treat the rest of humanity and
to a large potion improve the human condition of the world. How
to tackle major world issues as a united planet and how to
advance the situation of the world to new heights begins in this
new era of modernization, the Neo-Modern. This would be the
will of the original enlightenment to end human suffering all
together through technology and the socialization of reason and
creativity through education.
A Human being as such is a refined biological and
sentient machine, of both potential and current character molded
and shaped by individual experiences in our lifetimes in the inner
and outer world. Each persons self is a sculpted work of art the
personal art of selfdom is our individuality. Humanism as such
can be described in five principle tenets, the first is of faith as
faith contains within it a body of hope and it is this hope that the
future is founded on and through hope the future takes a certain
course, a tangent through the social and international dynamic.
These are a faith in the progress of science and the effect it has
on the world in making society and our social existence better
for all and a faith in the human capacity of reason to solve
problems as they exist and arise such as the aids virus and world
poverty. There is a faith in ethical values outside of religious
creed such as human rights so that we can all have a decent
quality of life and be oppressed not by state, group or individual.
There is a faith in the future of humanity that we will evolve the
right path and social tangent to an ideal state of individual, social
and global affairs. Would it be wrong to add two more to the list
of these, a faith in the capacity for social empathy as a bond
which ties individuals together, empathy and fear are opposite


manifestations of the same social construct that would be power.

The other tenet would be to include our creative and artistic
capacities and artistic creativity in light of what has been said of
memetics and our evolved human nature as a product of the
complex intricate web of emotional sentiment and the related
ideas known as the memeplex. The faith in empathy and its
relation to human nature is that within the subconscious meme
pool dynamics it is empathy that produces the best
crystallizations of character and subsequent art and memes,
which spread and benefit everybody. The faith in art is that art
can paint and otherwise represent the depth of the human psyche
the core of our nature and the truest great unknown frontier and
can represent future tomorrows and possible destinies for us to
ponder and question when we apply the technology of
humanisms hope in the coming Neo-Modern era. So with a faith
in empathy and creativity humanism turns into post-humanism, a
theory which must be tested against its parent humanist theory to
give us a view of where we should place our hope and faith in
our scientific ideology.
I therefore add that the scope genetics gives us in regard
to human potential and mental capacity allows a new scope on
social existences, new kinds of social perception on the causality
of self and nature emerge, one humanist with profoundly
negative consequences, the other post-humanist with positive
implications for both self and nature; the core substances from
which society is made and through which social harmony be
As such I shall present two of these different
perspectives within the humanist/post-humanist ideology, one
based on the faith in science and its advancement the other based
on a hope in the human evolution of self and nature based in
empathy: the two theories are genetic humanism & memetic
post-humanism. A causal determinant such as DNA can be seen
as a set of individual traits or potentialities resulting through
their temperament in the developed situations in the life world
owing individual traits to genetic causal determinants. The life
world products are seen as causal or determined from a
particular or specific quality of the human genome, we are fated
individuals on the possession or absence of qualities in our
genetics determined at conception.
The gene is also a reduction from the whole of what can
be conceptualized as a human individual, skin-colour, eye colour


and stereotyped appearances act as superficial or subjective

causal determinants where as intelligence or genetics due to a
scientific base becomes a materialistic or concrete objective
causal determinant. These causal determinants become a part of
basis of social theory and as such guide the tangent of future
human development. In causal determinants we find the basis of
logical scientific analysis and discussion but them we also find
the roots of racism and fascism: the political voice of blind hate.
With genetic humanism a potential perspective of the
future a faith in the future exists but as such is vulgar, dull and
materialist and in its social perception nihilistic in its nature. The
projected hope would be genetic, relying upon biological
evolution of innate human capacities such as the number and
structure of brain cells, reason and mental perspectives, ideas as
such would be based upon these genetic abilities being bought to
fruition in society. Out in the social environment perspectives
would still have to evolve, into the next layer of causality the
social culture which weaves causality in the form of our
objectifications and our resultant ideology and socialized nature.
The use of a genetic analysis upon a population however narrows
our picture of the human being from one of self, character and
ingenuity to that of a drone, just another worker in the
beurocracy of the state repeating meaningful actions. As when
this the analysis of the human social creature is reduced to
anything as finite or contentious as a serial number or a genome
there comes into view a misuse of the data used in the political
sphere, especially where it is focused into a concentration such
as a centralized database. The artificial reshaping of the social
equation, social engineering the removal of some members of
society based on their genome alone reminds use of the Nazis
and their gas chambers genetic social engineering based on a
centralized database is a dangerous vision of the future but if we
can remember the mistakes of the past then the future is
safeguarded from anything similar happening again. Bauman
(1989) speaks gravely of such matters, how databases,
beurocracy and social engineering have seen its embodiment in
the past and we should be careful to prevent anything similar
from happening in the future. The perspective of the human
blueprint, causal tangents of action and in the greater picture the
life course when considered in the form genetic alteration leads
us to consider how a genetic elite would view naturally bread
humans as inferior placing another obstacle between rich and


poor. Recognition of this slippery slope of social engineering and

its discourse is all in aid of and part of the prevention of these
future issues.
This perspective however of a faith in genetic science is
too withdrawn and distant from the real suffering of the world
we inhabit, existing somewhat removed from the lived
circumstances of everyday individuals to be of any real use in
creating a more positive world. In particular the lived lives of the
globally excluded, internally and externally and where alienated
individuals who have fallen through whatever safety nets there
were into their present circumstances need support. Mass
thought, strategy and therefore action on a positive note is
needed in both immediate social history and the present cultural
mindsets. Either this or structures are just not present and the
mass will of the earth is limited from moving in its truly best
direction along its most positive tangent. As such a more ready
necessary hope and sense of alertness in sorting out the crisis of
humanity is needed in the here and now, the living day, for
circumstances to be improved for the many by human actions in
the present, in the now. This would be the humanitarian will, the
Neo-Modern will, the humanist will, the ideal will, the will of
the best possible of the future being created the now in the name
of humanity.
Memetic post-humanism on the other hand holds that we
are all from birth capable of a multitude of natures and it is the
socialization of the family and the social structures in selecting
out the best of these possible natures for development in the lifecourse of the individual. There is a hope in humanity through a
hope in the empathy which catalyses the development of human
self and human nature and a hope in the artform which reflects
what is developed in human nature and the human will. This
hope and faith in humanity is based largely on the human
capacity for reflection and introspection which is the
internalization of socialization and allows us the mastery over
our own nature if we so choose it. Memetic post-humanism sees
human nature not as fixed but as a number of potentialities all
depending upon the ideology of society as reflected through the
socialization of the family and the education system. Due to this
view natures which would form the core of the Neo-Modern era
can come to be in Post-Modernism the new society of the future
forming in the germ of the old society. Human nature can be
selfish and brutal but this need not be the case forever, new


natures can come to be and in the future if not now as the future
becoming a social harmony of a new era of co-operation and
participation that can come to exist in human history.


Chapter 7





Energy & Industrial Power

Nuclear fusion may be enough with the right attitude
nationally and globally to begin a Neo-Modern era of
development in social history but what makes nuclear fusion
most prominent as an energy source is that it can produce large
amounts of energy at no cost to the environment therefore it is
clean energy and can be used as an ideal backbone to the energy
superstructure of society. This clean backbone of hydrogen
fusion powering the national grid ties in with hydrogen fuel cell
energy, which produces small amounts of energy in comparison
but large enough amounts of energy to power the transport
networks. The positive thing about hydrogen fuel cell is how the
hydrogen is synthesised using an electro-chemical process
directly from water, meaning that it is near limitless in supply
and does not harm the environment as water is the only biproduct, not only this but the energy from fusion power is large
enough to synthesise hydrogen from water for a limitless amount
of time.
This hydrogen then becomes a commodity meaning that
the countries who have constructed the power infrastructure have
a commodity as well which can be sold, so if three third world
countries built the energy superstructure between them as they
build the systems infrastructure (healthcare, police, housing etc.)
then between them they have a commodity also which increases
the revenues they can place into the modernising process.
The modernising process as it is today is a movement
towards complete automation of production to a point where it
requires very little maintenance apart from the high level
systems programmers who maintain the machinery. This leaves
very little for the labour force to do after the mode of
production an idea taken from Karl Marx has become fully
automated in society. As such this free time, which the
population has, becomes that is fruits as the flourishing continues
as a cultural wave of artistic and philosophical motion takes
place as the new ideas that lead on from the modernisation


process. The self-style of the direct creation of fashion symbols

and styles through the linking of automation to communications
technology leads to a super-fluidity of sign consciousness in
which the individual not the brand is the worshiped and
respected as an icon of culture, culture itself would become
reflective and introspective.
Automation & Cultural Revolution
During the advancement of the means of production
automation becomes more refined and as such the means of
production increases in the load it can handle and the quality of
goods that are produced. This is due to the way in which
machinery produces systematically the same quality of product
time and time again, there is no room for human error as all is
produced to a mathematical programmed code of perfection each
product tailored to fit the individuals needs as designed through
packaged computer software in the home connected to the
factory through telecommunications software.
As such this highly advanced mode of production
produces a decline in the need for human labour as the
requirements of the factory are for highly specialised workers
dependent on the state of the education system and with only a
few of them compared to the many workers of the production
line model first used in the Ford workshops of Great Britain in
the 1960s. This decline of labour results in a large portion of the
countries labour market being not required for work which if the
sustenance of the country is still met then these are the masses
through which the next phase of the neo-renaissance is coming
from. That is there is a large body of the countrys population
who are fit for work but are not required, their needs still met
through the means of production results in one of two things
either a long period of introspection built on the free time or a
desire for education which would result from the free
introspection as the end result of the introspections broadening
the mind.
As such there would be an artistic renaissance of the
sublime as this would be the inner frontier, the boundary to
which we go to the edge of but few since the renaissance and
enlightenment painters and philosophers have gone. As such the
way in which the means of production affects the quality and
content of the culture is that the original, the source of the


cultural buzz becomes more popular in nature then the styles as

designed by logos themselves. It would be that through the
increased number of individuals attempting artistic individuality
and uniqueness that the original is closer to the public as an
object even though there is still a mainstream which will take the
original and copy it according to a demand for it. This creates the
mainstream of Neo-Modernist culture and the standardised
quality for what is worth mass producing, what is worth copying
and re-distributing to the public. The multiplicity of originality
only means that what is copied is through its uniqueness is more
unique and of higher memetic quality then would be in the
capitalist mode of production. As such the sublime instead of
this faint intuition of the sublime becomes more known and as
such the scope of human consciousness increases to the
threshold of the sublime and our knowledge of the mind
increases also so that the threshold of the sublime we perceive
with our introspective minds is the true speculative thought with
our higher intuitions pushing the boundary of perception back
through the contemplation of the sublime.
In the cultural revolution, genius is no longer thought of
as unique and mass produced and packaged in such a way as
more and more of the populations citizens are capable of cutting
edge thought of that genius level, self design becomes the way of
the future. That is genius becomes and stays genius and imprints
itself through the mass-production of culture to become
superficiality or depth depending upon the symbology of the
individual. Genius through originality becomes a social object
and society becomes genius in itself. Human society and
individuals become more inspired and what is positive
spontaneous and unique in our will and in our nature becomes
refined to the extent where humankind reaches a new plateau of
nature and introspection. Humanity undergoes a cultural
revolution and enters a new epoch through technological
transformation producing a social and a cultural transformation.
All of this from the switching to fusion and hydrogen fuel cell
technology, and developing full automation, a step both essential
and necessary to shape the future the way that it is the best
possible future for all of global societies world citizens and it we
are to avoid environmental catastrophe.
Education & Infrastructure


Education globally and nationally is the lynchpin to the

mechanics of world change and the maintenance of a positive
condition of social flourishing. In order for the lives of the
people to improve the minds of the people must be educated and
educated to a good standard in order to contemplate the status
quo and powers which be, being free enough to develop our own
objectifications. The human individual being empowered enough
through ideology to facilitate that social change in order to
enable and maintain the positive normalities of true society. As
such education should be broadly in three tiers as such there
should be the basic education which includes the sciences, maths
and language which through the process of socialisation building
upon the memetic states as created in socialisation also instils
ethical code and normalities. That is normal ways of behaving
and acting as developed in our human nature through language
and introspection upon what is observed and experienced in the
As such there is then the issue of formal training which
is specialised and is technical, the advanced contours of the
subjects themselves are taught in general in order to make a
portion of the workforce technically minded enough to be put to
work in the lines of automation which are developing in the
countries structure and infrastructure. As such with a more
specialised means of production the labour market must become
more specialised as a result. Then there is the highest level of
training to which only some aspire but all should be able to reach
through the countries meritocracy, that of training in a university
where the whole of the subject in all its detail is taught and it is
taught from the cutting edge, the front lines of the subject.
As the socialisation at higher and higher levels develops
an increasingly refined and developed state of self this self
through its social interactions refines other selves as people in
the life world. The greater the degree of education a people
receives and the more people receive that education the greater
and more refined the memetic social dynamic becomes and the
more positive the state of memetic cohesion comes to exist in a
society, within the societies social psychology. As such where
countries develop industry and technology there must be a
development of the education infrastructure as the two structures
in society are co-independent that is they are independent
structures but are completely dependent on each other for the
highly specialised labour. Technology and industry is dependent


upon the highly trained people in order for the technologies to be

put to use effectively and the front lines of research in education
structure is dependent upon the industry infrastructure for the
latest theories and developments to be designed and put to use as
copyrighted patents.
As such a shift in education and technology produces a shift in
the cultural consciousness of the population be it through any
form of modernism there are refinements made to the population
mainly through the educative infrastructure but through any
structure which produces or leads to a socialisation which
produces an enlightenment of the individual. As such the self
develops and social cells develop in a way which allows their
flourishing and which produces a dynamic between the cells
neighbours, this through the social dynamic leads to the
flourishing of the vast majority if not all of societies members.
Ethics & Synthesis
Education structures through socialisation produce a
level of ethics of a society and a country, as such through
introspection the degree and level of ethical awareness of a
society improves through the heightened awareness of self to
other peoples self, we see the semblance of ourselves in other
people and seek to make people more aware of each other in a
collective empathy. As such education structures infuse ideals
and ethics in all strata of society and the degree to which a
country and a society has a working education structure is the
degree to which a country or society socialises ethics, morals and
normalities into itself, that it is a coherent and well functioning
As such it is in the workplace also that self is sculpted
and socialised into ourselves and the degree to which a country
is modernised has a large bearing on the style of socialisation
which takes place, from the refined self of the technological
workplace to the slavery and barbarism of the past social systems
which is still unfortunately reminiscent in some countries as their
modes of production in some way are subservient to ours, a
condition which must be alleviated in our plans for the future as
a global social whole. As such though our social interactions
have a large effect on the nature of the self-produced and as such
produced through the memes, norms and the founded culture on
which these agents of socialisation bear there is an introspective


synthesis which takes place in the self which becomes the key
through which the future of self is possible. As such the selfsynthesised in introspection must be that of a want for a better
future, for an improvement of the conditions of the present into a
future, which we would be proud to live in ourselves, the future
must be founded as a positive progression of what is positive
now so that the world improves and the potential for flourishing
social and individual increases. As such it must be that through
introspection the self and society is synthesised into a more
positive form of being.
Positive self and the embodiment of a noble higher
nature and a positive self in the ideals of society is essential to
the evolution and the positive introspection of the individuals of
a society. As such it must be the higher nature of a will not to kill
and compete with other people for their genuine self to be
conspired, agreed upon socially and through structures effecting
the human will through ideology committed acts have their
causal responsibility. As such with the death penalty we must
rise ourselves as a culture higher and above the will for
vengeance and become a will above entirely beyond the basic
and un-introspected will to violence and negativity which must
be judged over and which is embodied in the criminal of
societies members. We must become a will and a culture
enshrined in the ideals of the state to which people aspire to in
order for society to advance itself to a more positive and
enlightened state. In the state a higher nature and an ideal must
be embodied in order for people to strive for that ideal and to
make that ideal real. Our aspirations must in the state apparatus
be embodied in order for us to hold that ideal in ourselves, our
positive nature must be represented in the collective in the social
to be truly felt and embodied in the self, in our introspection of
what is and what could be. It is through this duality in which the
ideals of the state maintains its ethical levels but also through the
empathetic introspections of the self change begins in individuals
and social cells to improve the culture of society further through
our ideals, higher ideals seeking to replace the ideals of what
may not be a state of such an ideal nature. It is first the nature of
education to refine the self and then for the self and education to
refine the new self to a state of sentience, a higher nobler self.
Human Nature & Sentience


Human nature as such develops from impulses in the id,

in the basic part of our nature, which is most similar to animals,
in our desire for pleasure and in our fear of pain. As such this
will channels through the ego, which is our basic personality
structure. How the socialisation of the id which is largely
subconscious creates this shape of personality, which has been
acted upon by the world through the taking away of pleasure and
the giving of pain for bad behaviour, likewise in reverse, the
giving of pleasure and the taking away of pain for good
behaviour. The social ego the superego as such would represent
the effect of society and of socialisation but in the formation of
our nature as a part of the self. The social ego would be the part
of our autonomy which is our introspection upon the self and as
such allows certain pleasures, and denies certain pains, it is
through the social ego that we socialise the self according to our
own evolved memeology and transform the self into the true self
based upon the introspections and the ideals that we as
individuals have. The self is flexible and as such as our
introspections and ideals change over time so we choose to
become different people to the people we once were. Such would
be the ideology of the social institutions of the police and the
justice system in to how a person can turn from a criminal into a
normal member of society. As such it is the social ego, which
allows the individual his or her own introspection, and hence it is
within introspection that our human nature evolves.
It is with the super ego, in introspection that a person
aspectualises what is or is not his or her self. It is in introspection
that a person considers the ideals and the values of society as his
or hers own ideals and either takes on the ideals as a whole or
debates intelligently about how they differ from the state or
decide on how the state should change.
Sentience is a degree of awareness, a perception of our
empathy our connectivity to nature and our respect for all life
forms but upon the empathy we have introspected into our
perspective of the world. The same way as that empathy allows
ourselves to envisage the being of another person and what life is
for them, to take empathy and pity on them or to view them with
pride and respect this empathy as introspected upon deepens the
mind and we come to see all of the creatures of nature at first as
of having life if we first viewed them as subjective automata
such as standing upon a spider as it did not appear to be a life
form worthy of respect. Sentience as such is our projection of


self into the contours of reality beyond the projection of empathy

into people, as borne in introspection. We come to the
perspective borne of our perceptions and our introspections that
nature is alive with life and is not to be expropriated heartlessly
by humanity but there must be a co-existence and a harmony
borne of this existence between nature and humanity. Sentience
is a degree of awareness borne of our introspections and
perceptions which projects the self and the empathy into the
contours of reality to truly see nature as nature and not just as
trees, grass and birds, but as the thriving and flourishing life
forms already existing on this planet before and at the same time
as us.
As such as our introspection increases and so does our
sentient perception of the manifest natural world, the social
world and our self. Our moral basis too improves and becomes
more ideal as this sentience in the self and sentient perceptions
of reality refines our ego to a more ideal state. The manifest self
as the basis of moral choice and as a super-ego becomes more
refined and we begin to embody the higher nature which the
state should hopefully represent, as such human nature within us
has become more refined. Human nature as such is a basic
template designed for survival which must be introspected upon
properly in order for a truly sentient higher nature to emerge
which will do good not harm to the natural, social and individual
worlds of reality. We are born to develop the self, and then
develop the self to sentience.
The Aids & Unity Crisis in Africa
In order for the countries which are afflicted by AIDS to
develop their infrastructure there is the necessity through the
lack of resources such as water the need for superstructure,
which spans all boundaries and borders so that basic sustenance
can be met, this is so that people can live. This is also so that
their countries infrastructures can develop and can work
accordingly to benefit the people of a nation. As such in the
development of infrastructure there are the principle items of
which infrastructure is made, in this case the bid for
superstructure is that for an energy grid, the combination of
nuclear fusion and hydrogen fuel cell to make a energy network
upon which the infrastructures of a country can develop upon
using the raw materials that the African third world possesses.


To build this superstructure however a demand is made

for the capital to produce the superstructure, such as in the form
of a loan. Most of the countries in which this superstructure can
be built have vast reserves of crude oil which we refine for our
current energy based mode of production. As such the crude oil
can be bought at a reduced price to help alleviate the cost of the
production of the energy grid but as such the hydrogen fuel as it
is produced at the end of the construction process is the main
piece of the global development puzzle. It is possible to build
nuclear fusion and export the hydrogen for hydrogen fuel cell
technology at a price reduction in light of the commitment of the
global powers to produce the fusion stations: hydrogen produced
to fuel countries as payment of the building of the nuclear
fusion/hydrogen fuel cell infrastructure in the third world. As
such the building of this structure provides a means of
economical power and a social structure that to which other
social structures such as the justice sector and health can latch on
to in their development. This is after considering the first level of
development which would be water and housing, the need then
comes for power as society and its technology advances towards
modernism, hence the necessity for the infrastructure, the fractal
of society as like a crystal growing on threads can grow in a
multitude of directions all at once uniting in the completion of
the crystal growth, that would be societies development to a
plateau of flourishing individuals with their amenities and
necessities met.
The unity of Africa as a continent is a critical issue in
global development as it is the only continent populated by
native humans who are not unified in their advancement towards
the future, which as such are not modernising and postmodernising to the level of liberal freedom enjoyed on the many
other continents. This is because the majority of the countries are
exceptionally impoverished and have very little social structure,
not only this but famine and illness especially the AIDS and HIV
virus is rife. For a unity in Africa there must be the development
of a infrastructure which will allow in its creation the
development of a social structure more like the first and second
world countries, roads and houses, healthcare and justice. The
immediate issue of AIDS and HIV however is a chief concern
and must be elevated with western help, only then in this
emancipation from famine and sickness can the third world in
Africa develop to nation state status with proper and decent


social structures where a meritocracy can establish itself and

individuals live in a flourishing freedom and empathy. As such
the copyright on medicines needs to be lifted by the international
powers to make sure that the problem of the aids virus is
alleviated in the immediate near future.
Rebuilding Iraq & Afghanistan
After the war in Afghanistan in October 2001 and in Iraq
in March 2003 the national infrastructure of power and industry
was ravaged. Even through most of the bombs were precision a
degree of error was inherent to analysis and the country lies in
the wake of such war ravaged and unable to function properly,
its main problem being security and policing. As with the power
structure of defence gone the infrastructure as in the justice
department was also destroyed and we have had to leave a
certain quota of troops within the country in order to maintain a
degree of law and order and prevent the country from descending
into total anarchy.
As such the energy infrastructure needs re-building in
both cases and the industry needs to reconstruct in order for the
quality of life of individuals to be of a satisfactory level again.
Also in the wake of the war transport and communication lines
and networks need rebuilding and corporations albeit from
aboard need to expand in the country in order for a mode of
production to be established within the country. These
corporations once constructed need then to be sold back to the
country in order for the country to nationalise its own mode of
production and in itself be a sovereign state. As such in both
cases oil can be considered in the present a mediator of the
development, as oil is needed by the western states as redevelopment is needed in Iraq and Afghanistan. As such this
needs to become a precedent internationally for the future and
although the war was against the United Nations wishes in both
cases the United Nations needs to be involved and act as a
unifying force with all the major powers acting as one in order
for the precedent to be set and the causal unifying act
determinant in global history, a mile stone of global unity and
co-operation in a positive way.
Collective Global Superstructure


As such when it comes for considerations of the future

of where the world is heading in its strive for global unity it is
for the establishment of acts and legislations as determinants
causal to the future and the creation of what I call international
superstructure. As such international superstructure is not the
extension of globalisation which some would consider it to be
but is the unified co-operation of nations as individual bodies in
the production of individual goods and the sharing of their
modes of productions energy source and also water sources and
resources to the extent that there is an equilibrium which allows
all members of society to flourish positively and peacefully.
As such to this global superstructure there are those in
the elite who will contribute their effort and as such as
individuals in a capitalist system it is completely their choice to
co-operate in such a ways as to lift patent rights in the name of
humanity and allow the healing of AIDS and HIV in Africa and
the third world and rights to Hydrogen Fuel Cell and Nuclear
Fusion in order for the world energy grid to be created and
humanity flourish and as such be remembered as humanists, and
their personal legend be embellished as that of one of
philanthropic virtue of men which stood not just for themselves
but for humanity and its flourishing. Men and women which in
their contribution were not just members of the human race, but
were members of a far greater power: humanity.


Chapter 8
The Future & Neo-Modernism
Education and higher learning through art, introspective
thought and analysis slowly creates originality the hallmark of
genius and leads to technological and structural innovation
which leads to the flourishing of genius, art and introspection
through the freeing up of humankinds time through the end of
work; a society where technology has completely solved
humankinds need for labour and manpower. Mechanisation
relies on two things: intellectual manpower and resources the
intellectual manpower is there to build the machines and keep
the machines running properly. After the machinery and
automated robotics have been constructed the only thing then
required after the skilled manpower would be electricity; hence
the technology of neo-modernism: Nuclear Fusion Power.
The cause of neo-modernism is peace understanding
unity and prosperity through sharing resources such as raw
materials manpower and electricity; then all the mechanisation
and robotic automation can be built around the shared power
structure to create a global energy grid and world automated
production quota. Likewise in the construction of this robotic
superstructure there is the necessary input of manual labour and
the necessity of raw materials to construct the vital infrastructure
there are the fabrication costs either supplied at a cut down rate
to increase productivity and the amounts purchased by second
and third world countries by first world countries but most
importantly it is the fabrication of fabrication methods which
provides a good firm productive base with which the third and
second world can use hence unifying the globe on a financial
level, energy world can contribute to the global production quota
and in exchange for minerals and raw products at a reduced rate.
The sharing of energy is not enough to create a balance; a social
harmony, resources such as water and naturally occurring
minerals are found in some areas and not in others therefore the
collective wealth must be redistributed accordingly in the
unification which is neo-modernism; every country helping one
another in a global society which consists of state guaranteed
freedom to pursue futures and activities which are deemed legal.
We also need a freedom from oppression of the state or of the


bloodthirsty violent masses with pitchforks and burning torches

having their way with us in the dead of night. With these two
separate tenets of freedom existing as foundations of civil action
and ideals and the freedom
Humanism considers human condition, human affairs
and the proliferation of human rights as central tenets of
humanism. Humanism hopes for the betterment of societies for
individuals for the future as the highest of all topics of worthy
discussion and immediate concern: as shown in existentialism
we must work beyond our conception of god, god as essence
does not precede existence god as has been attempted by some
philosophers to show that a part of an infinite beings perfection
is that the infinite being exists, essence precedes existence. This
is not an acceptable argument as a being cannot be defined by its
essence into existence. God itself is a superficially plausible
answer to the many problems that have confronted as the human
race and as such has stuck through history for quite some time.
The principle conquest of modernism was the conquest of
humankind over nature through technology and industrialisation.
Post modernism is the impact of the technologies of the Second
World War and fordist assembly line production methods of
manufacture where each person works on a particular part of the
product as the object of work is passed from one worker to
another through an assembly line, this can be automated in neomodernism so that workers are replaced by technology, this
gives rise to jobs that are highly specialised in order to maintain
the robotic elements of the factory. What came with post
modernism was an increase in the power; the energy available to
us with the coming of the national electricity grid, household
appliances and the automobile due to the production methods
increased productivity bought through the fordist assembly line
production model and the developed level of technology
designed to replace unskilled workers in the bid for increased
productivity, cheaper production costs and increased profit
margins, such is the nature of capitalism. In the post modern
world in the wake of the Second World War in which human
rights, freedom and liberty were fought for and saved from
destruction of the once fascist Nazi Germany and its caustic
ideology. In the post modernist world technology has freed us
from household chores and so that each person would own their
own TV, microwave and clothes washer which would help with
the labour of the household chores. Similarly it was in this era in


which the nuclear family replacing traditional large families of

more than three children. The nuclear family consisting of a wife
and one or two children, the wife maintains the running of the
household and the domestic labour involved in bringing up the
children with the farther being the families sole bread winner
accounting for why men are paid more than women for the same
or highly similar jobs in the post war world. With this freedom
afforded by technology comes a cultural revolution afforded by
technology, with air courier and shipping technologies there
comes a time-space compression in which goods and information
can travel the globe in very short period of time linking people
which world otherwise isolated and remote from each other: the
internet is also a great way of demonstrating the time-space
compression. The cultural revolution comes from the
reinterpretation of cultural codes in light of modern day liberty,
we can pick and mix styles and cultural codes, obviously with
this comes the creation of sub-cultures but also with such
individualism true originality is possible with the artistic
expression which self styled fashion and ideology,
reinterpretation and synthesis allow for cultural individualism
and true originality adding inspiration and essence to the social
dynamic. Even ideologies such as those which are antagonistic to
liberty and liberal societys ideology such as neo-Nazis are
allowed to exist unoppressed. With this mix of both good and
bad ideology and a multitude of cultural codes and styles we take
our inspirations aim for our aspirations and emerge as true
individuals tempered and well rounded in their wisdom and
With neo modernism the revolutionary technology is
automated mechanisation, fusion power and the hydrogen fuel
cell technology as the driving force of change. Instead of being
freed from the forces of nature we are freed from the necessity of
mundane labour with highly specialised jobs replacing the
unskilled ones. The cultural revolution of neo-modernism is the
automation of the fashion industry to the extent where a person
can design their own clothes using computer software at home or
in the shop and when the clothes are paid for they are produced
by robots and delivered to the persons home address.
Automated mechanisation can be applied to all areas in society
and have a positive impact on individuals lives freeing us from
manual labour leaving us with time to indulge in art The main
difficulty with this type of automated fashion is the natural


resources available to make the clothes out of and for this

conundrum I have an answer: hemp.
Hemp (cannabis) before its criminalisation in the
nineteen eighties is so tough and durable that its fibres can be
used for rope and not just forclothes. But this is not the only use
of hemp the hemp flowers can be sold commercially and taxed
creating revenue for the government and also that legalisation
destroys the demand on the black market thus crippling the black
market demand for the substance through its legalisation. There
are three good arguments for the legalisation of the hemp plant
but the same applies to all contraband substances but this
requires a radically different view of the drug laws. If all drugs
were legalised then the black market would collapse as you dont
need weapons to defend drugs you havent got, how you obtain
the substances is through being scripted by a doctor who does
tests to check tolerance and allergy, this scripture method with
the drugs being obtained from a chemist is safer for the
individual with the produce being pure and unadulterated.
Likewise there would also be a lot of revenue generated for the
third world as many farmers grow contraband substances as a
cash crop. It should be legal to buy contraband in this way but to
maintain social decency it should be illegal to inject
intravenously any substance whatsoever.
The meme analogy and hypothesis cuts out race, sex and
age as the causal determinants of intelligence as anyone can be a
highly complex memeplex or a meme carrier. Indeed the only
restriction of the meme is knowledge and all this comes down to
is training and education. Naturally some evolutionists would
argue that intelligence is the main factor in the acquisition of
knowledge but I argue that this is not so the two deciding factors
in the acquisition of knowledge are fascination and inspiration, if
the work inspires it is easier to pick up and acquire as the will is
naturally directed upon the subject. As such in potential we are
all roughly similar, how we develop and progress comes down to
our aspirations, our inspirations and our habitus.
Through art especially abstract art and introspection new
perspectives can be gleaned by the self, it would be that gazing
into abstract art as if the subconscious would be trying to teach
us something. As such the subconscious is the real perceiver of
the world and what it truly perceives is filtered out so we only
have surface perceptions of the universe having an impact upon
us.. The subconscious manifesting through the abstract art


teaches us what is in our nature to perceive, through meditation,

objectification and introspection we can turn in on ourselves and
expose the innate structures and learn the subconscious and its
power over us exposing new perceptions and aligning higher
cognition, a cognition that we are socialised out of as young
children but exists within us for a time until later in life we
rediscover the subconscious and its power. As such abstract art
in any form leads us in our bid for self advancement, guiding us
to a higher emancipated self and a deeper and truer mind. Often
in many examples of abstract art it is for the individual to see an
aspect of their conscious or subconscious in the art work, very
similar to ink blot cards where the viewer describes what they
see in the abstract picture. The synthasia or merging of the
senses is explainable through the subjectivity of the manifold of
perception, the channel and processing in the subconscious
which communicates sensory data to the consciousness of the
person, if sensations merge then the manifold of perception is
misaligned and sensory data spills over into the manifold of
other sensations of a different kind of sense.
In Platos The Republic he discusses the forms and the
philosopher rulers. The forms are objects in a higher realm of
objective truth that are the focus of various people. This means
that a person building a ship focuses upon the form of the perfect
ship with their higher intuition. Their skill combined with the
form is what produces the ship; the form is an essence which
exists in its own objective reality which we view with the
subconscious eye. The philosophers introspect and see the form
of justice and beauty among many things with their minds eye
this qualifies the position of the philosophers, justice and beauty
are two of the main subjective situations requiring a direct
intuitive knowledge of the forms of justice and beauty. The
forms of these necessary essences are required to be wise and
rule well, because the philosophers have this inner introspective
power and a highly developed subconscious intuitive perception
of the ultimate forms of existence such as justice allows them the
capacity to rule well. As such the intuition of the forms is such
that the philosophers have a higher intuition of essences. That is
they have learnt how to use the subconscious in a form of
intuition of what structure underlies the creation of objects and
what is the concept of justice and beauty. It appears that
enlightenment according to Plato involves the sophisticated use


of the subconscious, instinct and intuition, that the subtlety of the

forms is replaced by true instinct and aligned intuition.
Because the meme can be as subtle as a gesture or a way
of speaking there is plenty of activity in the social dynamic
worthy of inspiration, as the meme becomes more subconscious
new types of communication take over from peripheral subtlety,
as such as the subconscious is uncovered and its functions and
mechanisms understood new types of higher cognition occur. As
such there are two meme pools worthy of mention; this is the
individual meme pool the product of an active memeplex in the
process of introspection and synthesis which results in self,
perception and perspective as its products. The second meme
pool is the social dynamic in which people communicate and
mingle, as such subtlety can be found everywhere in society
from the individual in a social cell to the individual walking
down the street the inspiration of subtlety is to be found, as such
the social dynamic evolves according to its members and their
knowledge bases, the social dynamic is different in all places and
inspires in different ways, this also depends upon the individual.
As such due to the memes subtlety and its bearings upon the
subconscious it could be said that through the meme we are in
constant subconscious communication with those around us, it
could even be said that as we deepen our minds by uncovering
subconscious mental programming and make it conscious that
instead of subtlety when the mind is trained to use the
subconscious there exists a communication schemata which
when developed can be used through higher cognition to
communicate increasingly more complex information. As such
each time we step into the social dynamic we are trained by each
others subtlety and subconscious to come to a more enlightened
perception and perspective. As such the individual and social
meme pools are in constant interaction and positive evolution
with each other and in themselves, the memetic evolution brings
light on new perspectives on life and new perceptions of reality.
As such in training the subconscious the deepest method of
elaboration besides music, art and culture is our capacity to
visualise; something unique to human beings. When we visualise
we use the conscious to visualise into subconscious thereby
creating an imprint which filters back into consciousness. Art
and introspective meditation may cause the conscious to realign
with the subconscious in new ways allowing for higher cognitive
abilities, this would be the hallmark of an evolving human race


but more needs to be said about the style and type of synthesis.
Synthesis involving introspection requires that the synthesis is
good and directed towards a good common goal, as such in order
to maintain the positivity of the introspection and the
conclusions which result what is required is a core metaphysic of
ethical positivity which transmutes the process of synthesis down
a more positive tangent.
Now it is time to examine the situation of the underclass
one last time. The underclass consists mainly of people who
have dropped out of society, who are aspiration less and survive
on state benefits. This is the common view of the underclass a
freeloading strata of society who do not value to society. As to
say this is how inspiration and aspirations are mediated by the
habitus of the social cells of which the individual is a member. It
is this habitus and social cell networking that decides the fate of
each individual through the habitus being the primary causal
determinant in the destiny of the individual. This is not to say
that individuals of the underclass are untalented. Many members
of the underclass have skill in some way the question is whether
or not these skills and talents ever break the surface and emerge
as successful people. As such it is for this reason that the cultural
social structure needs to be expanded so that members of the
underclass can work on their talents and elaborate the detail of
the empowered self; leading to the underclass members rejoining
society. The development of the individual meme pool through
aphoria analysis and synthesis leads to new perspectives. From
this emerges art forms which produce inspiration and cultural
trends and styles of art which then filter through culture back
into the social dynamic of which we are all subconsciously a
In the other meme pool the individual meme pool the
introspective mind is inspired through the subconscious in
manifestation, this is an experience more advanced then
perception and beyond the realm of sensation hence it is metasensory and can take many aspectual forms, this is where instinct
evolves into intuition and the manifold of perception expands to
incorporate higher cognition in its schemata of mental
programming. Control over the social dynamic is essentially
control of the mind of the individual and over the self. This is
especially true of countries that use state orientated propaganda
which restricts the aphoria in the individual meme pools and the
social dynamic, making the chance of inspiration very slight or


nil. Through the restriction of all art forms the social dynamic
becomes restricted and because of the memes subtle aspect there
could be considered a degree of state power over the individual
through the manipulation of signs and the subconscious.
The origin of the meme is the analogy between genes
fighting for survival and ideas competing for survival, that both
are essentially selfish replicators. The meme can be understood
as the idea in motion, how perspectives evolve as the individual
comes into contact with new cultures, sub-culture and individual
social cells as the meme transmits from individual to individual
like a virus. One thing traditionally missing from the meme
picture is the ability for memes to transmute and evolve through
introspective synthesis and aphoria into new memes and cultural
artefacts which transmute the social dynamic leading to a more
advanced society and more autonomous individuals with more
freedom to act then before. Although evolutionary theory is a
large part of the meme hypothesis it is hoped that as human
beings we have a much greater potential, which is the capacity
for co-evolution.
Co-evolution is based on cooperation and the sharing of
resources instead of competition for survival; it promotes
individualism, autonomy, human rights and inter-individual
harmony. In co-evolution the self competes against the self not
others this way the individual has respect for other individuals as
the real competition is the advancement of the individual, this
makes autonomous and self advancing. With this methodology at
hand a real movement within society can be seen emerging
where the struggle for survival is mediated by empathy and
group solidarity, such as that seen in a labour union. Coevolution applies also to politics where agreement as well as
disagreement rules that House of Commons, praise for good
political decisions is awarded. As such neo-modernism promotes
individuality and autonomy in order for both individuals and
societies to flourish around the globe.


Chapter 9
Psionics: The Future of Mental Philosophy
Platos philosopher rulers had a very advanced form of
intuition as they had a direct knowledge of the forms, which are
the subconscious templates of goodness and justice. As such the
advanced intuition allows the philosopher rulers a more
advanced perception and perspective compared to the average
layperson. As such the development of the mind to perceive
more and more, to perceive the objective realm of truth of the
forms means that the rationality of the individual philosopher
ruler would be very advanced and capable of something as
difficult as ruling a nation or city state. Those who develop the
ability to perceive the forms using the subconscious are masters
of their trade or of the disposition capable of leadership,
forsaking the glitz and glamour of fame for the real satiety of
proper leadership. As such the development of true leaders to see
the real matters for what they are and to work beyond the
superficial rhetoric of partisan politics is what makes a real
leader. This chapter is dedicated to psionics, the future of mental
philosophy and deals with how we can all learn to use the mind
in progressively more advanced ways revealing the true hidden
capacities of the human mind and the true nature of reality.
Life originated as such from the ancient comet impacts
fusing together into the first amino acids into DNA. Over time
these cellular organisms realised that they had an increased
chance of survival if they banded into systems and communities
with sensory awareness increasing in new forms with the number
of cells in a multi cellular organism increasing. As like the first
formed organisms banding into multicellular organisms members
of a society band into their various groups and social cells, each
individuals specialisation being required for the other cells
survival. It was Talcott Parsons who first summated this as the
organic analogy when considering society.
As such single celled organisms when removed of the
cell nucleus containing the DNA still functions as normal except
the cell cannot repair through protein synthesis. As such it
appears that the cell membrane is the real brain of the cell not the
nucleus of the cell at all. It appears that with the development
and elaboration of the cell membrane so that each bend and twist


in the dendrite structure results in a different synaptic code

which goes with all the other synaptic codes together in the
weave of consciousness and cognition. As such each synaptic
terminal has a different neuron-computational value each
equating with a different subconscious or conscious meaning
such as perception and memory. As such at the synaptic
terminals a two way process that is the releasing of the neuronchemicals and the releasing of ions in response to the chemical
trigger from the peptide transmitting first neuron. A binary
analogy of dendrite structure would be that every turn and twist
is either a along the original pathway ahead straight along or a
developed deviation in a direction, these directions of deviation
can all be given neuron-computational values and their cognitive
sum total can be considered as a part of our consciousness. The
question is how these neuron codes equate to consciousness, are
we more than the sum of our parts? Each of the individual cells
neuron code goes into the cell tissue code, that is the sum total of
the neurons firing creates a cognitive meaning in the tissue
studied. As neurons are added together the complexity of the
neural code increases and the meaning transmitted develops from
a subconscious meaning into a conscious meaning as the means
of representation develops in complexity. The question is
representation to what? Is the mind just the brains collective rerepresentation of sensory data to the embodied self to which we
respond? Or is there something extra, something immaterial to
which the brain represents its information via a nexus. The idea
of an immaterial mind began with Descartes in the sixteenth
century; he believed that the material brain represents to the
immaterial mind via the use of a nexus which he labelled as the
pineal gland. With the dawn of scientific materialism though the
idea of a soul or mind which is the target of mental
representation fell out of fashion and was quickly replaced by the
belief that thought requires a brain to think with, the liquid
crystal of the cell membrane quickly replaced the nexus of
representation in mental philosophy.
It is so that consciousness is the electrical stimulation of the cell
wall in different neurons all at the same time, the trouble is that
according to statistics and analysis we only use 10% of our
brains at any given time. The rest of the mind the other 90%
remains subconscious to us but becomes a part of our coevolutionary potential, co-evolution where the only competition
is against the self, not others, that we can become self-


evolutionary individuals with great potential. The question is

then how do we regain the unused part of our brains, parts of our
mind. This is the point at which I would like to introduce the
concept of expanded consciousness and developed cognition.
The subconscious is what lies beyond the boundary of
our mental scope and perception yet within the nature of
perception itself. Introspection and introspective meditation
reveals old and ancient dendrite pathways used in perception
which has been made redundant in the development of cognition.
From birth the blank slate that we are has much potential for
different levels of consciousness and conscious awareness built
into the dendrite structures that exist from birth. Through the
subconscious and its interaction with the parents subconscious
certain dendrite structures are fixed in place yet because of their
primacy some of the dendrite structures remain active and exist
through childhood giving the individual some degree of
clairvoyance or second sight such as perception of ether when in
the dark. Almost all dendrite structure relating to these skills is
lost however in puberty and remains redundant, yet this structure
still exists waiting to be unlocked in adulthood if we can
introspect far enough and meditate deep enough. It is the reemergence of these complex redundant pathways which leads to
the individual rediscovering their psionic power and ability
turning the mechanics of the subconscious into the mechanics of
consciousness. This is done by aligning new dendrite structure in
the cerebrum created through objectification and introspection
becoming aligned with old redundant structure and subconscious
perception in the midbrain and cerebellum through meditation
when the two work in harmony with each other than a monad of
expanded consciousness and advanced cognition is created and
can be used by the individual, advanced cognition such as aura
perception comes to exist. Much the same as birds have a
magnetic sense to guide them in migration we too have a
magnetic sense redundant within us which is more advanced and
allows us perception and manipulation of the human electromagnetic aura, this is the beginning of aura perception and
advances into perception of the etheric aura as the sense of
etheric perception carefully follows the template of electromagnetic sense. As such the cerebellum and the sensory and
motor homunculi contains many millions of cells which contain
redundant structures which need wiring into cognition to produce
expanded consciousness as such it is the cerebellum which


perceives the aura and has done our entire lifetimes as it

perceives and operates a subconscious way controlling the
movement of human body making our sense of movement
ordered and co-ordinated. When the subconscious cerebellum
communicates to the cerebrums sensory and motor homunculi in
meditation it unlocks the redundant dendrite structure in the
homunculi and we become aware of an aura around us even if
only briefly, it is the development and elaboration of redundant
neural pathways and their development of synaptic structures
which allows us the perceptions of the aura as well as the
manipulation of it. Etheric sight however requires the
development of the optical lobes in the rear of the cerebrum, this
can be done through learning to perceive the aura through
focusing on the peripheral perception, the outline of an object
under focus and looking for the faint impression of an aura.
Because of the redundancy of the neural structure involved in
aura perception successful perception can take months if not
years to perfect but there are plenty of exercises in books on the
aura to get the individual off to a good start.
Perception is locked in place through perspective which
appears to manifest in the pre-frontal lobes where sense of self is
said to exist. As such the self transmutes and changes into new
forms through the process of enlightenment attempting to
become the higher self of the individual that is the self which
resides in the subconscious and incarnates between lifetimes,
some would call this the immortal soul. However the process can
go wrong and instead of the higher self forming a personality
disorder can develop, especially in the development of telepathy
which involves the elaboration of structures in the frontal lobes;
right next to the prefrontal lobes where personality and sense of
self develops, the elaboration the product of stress and
disharmony not the product of introspection and meditation
rediscovering the neural pathways redundant since childhood
and birth. As such there are many ways the mind can develop its
redundant structure stress and meditation being two different
methods one direct and positive the other indirect and negative
usually the hallmark of a schizophrenic mental breakdown where
perception is permanently altered in the breakdown process. The
main intention is to create a platform that psionic power can
develop from in the cerebrum through altering our beliefs about
the world and the nature of our perceptions and experiences not
forgetting our perception of the self. With the new dendrite


structures developing in the cerebrum there exists the

development of a new perspective to fix our subconscious
perceptions in place when they start to become conscious, we
alter a part of our mind rationally in order to cope with expanded
consciousness and advanced cognition. With the development of
a supportive mental platform within the self there is created an
alignment between the conscious and the subconscious and leads
this in its advanced development the creation of a monad, this
also makes breakdown and personality disorder less likely as the
perceptions can be rationally understood within their own
paradigm of inter-related knowledge, the development of
psionics need not be a painful process but can be the result of
stress as the delicate balance of self and perceptions, the
conscious and the subconscious becomes unbalanced and psionic
structure and skill is uncovered in the process. As such
perspective is what rationalises perception and keeps perception
through the parameters of conscious and subconscious neural
code fixed in place, perspective would be the centre and core of
our being. As we alter our perspective our perception advances
and evolves within itself making subconscious neural code
conscious, we alter a small amount of our consciousness and our
cognition to change the sum total of our cognitive consciousness
and increase our perceptions unlocking the monads of more
developed consciousness for our use.
Dendrites grow in new directions representing the
qualitative element of our conscious cognition, the precise
placement of the terminal representing the specific meaning
represented as a neural code. The precise nature of the meaning
is incorporated as the collective product of neural codes between
many thousands of brain cells the dendrite direction representing
the new sensory information or the change in self image and the
synaptic terminal representing the precise qualitative point at
which the object of the meditation and objectification is realised
in full, as I said one meaning or representation can involve many
thousands of brain cells. The evolution of new dendrite
structures is not the function of individual cells but the function
of cell tissues as the passage of information works in two ways
one the release of a chemical trigger a neuro-peptide and the
other the release of ions that is electrolytes in response to the
chemical trigger. As such individual brain cells are aware at the
cellular level of the dendrite development of the neighbouring
cells as the dendrites have to grow towards each other in order to


create a working synaptic terminal. As such the direction of the

dendrite growth represents a qualitative deviation or change from
our original conscious cognition hence representing a
development of new structure or the accessing of old redundant
structure. Each individual neuron action along a dendrite channel
can be represented as a glyph of cognition which weaves with
the other neurons of different glyphs to form conscious
cognition; as such we have potential for many different kinds of
conscious cognition within one area of brain tissue and the brain
as a whole. As such a single neuron can fire more than one
synaptic terminal at once making the neuro-glyph complex
beyond actual representation as a glyph, as such neuro-code is
complex and the individual quanta cannot be represented in any
form but the qualitative function of tissues of cells can be
understood in terms of their function such as the frontal lobes
function in regulating both positive and negative emotion. As
such new sensory information comes from the subconscious as
redundant neuron-architecture is accessed and developed the
dendrite links growing and being strengthened as the
subconscious reveals more and more new sensory information as
the architecture develops. As this old structure develops there is
the need for this to be turned from instinct into intuition in the
cerebrum, this is done through introspection and objectification
creating a platform of interpretation of this subconscious
information within the neo-cortex allowing for an easier
integration of the subconscious information when it becomes
conscious. As such meditation leads to the development of
redundant structures in the subconscious mind and introspective
objectification creates new structures in the neo-cortex which
supports the growth of redundant structure in the mid and hind
brain, the two processes together leads the individual to the
uncovering and development of psionic powers and skills each
unique to the mental structure of the individual, as such it is
about developing through introspection and meditation of what
exists innately within the embodied self and higher self.
The process of psionic development is about taking what
exists in the peripheral perception and what exists sublime and
subtle to the self and developing it into a direct intuition this
however takes considerable time and effort to achieve. As such
there needs to be a developed platform within consciousness that
the ancient dendrite structure can latch onto in the interpretation
of the neural code from the subconscious. The first type of


manifestation of psionic skill is the manifestation of psionic

instincts which would usually reside in the subconscious as
instinct is largely subconscious and manifests as a part of our
animal self which is usually sublimated as a part of the Freudian
id. The next level of development requires extremely deep
meditation and introspective objectification as to wire through
the isomorphic part of our imagination which perceives the
world of physical objects with the instincts creating a higher
sense which perceives the data of the subconscious as an
intuition of the etheric, as such this requires many areas of the
neo-cortex working in unison with each other to create this
higher intuition that is our psionic sight. As developed neural
pathways multiply with the uncovering of the subconscious data
the instincts development into intuition is what happens when
subconscious structure becomes conscious; the next stage of the
development being the intuition of subconscious data instead of
the instincts apprehension of subconscious information. As such
the development of new dendrite structure in the neo-cortex
supports the development of redundant neural architecture
through providing a rationalising supportive platform through
which the new sensations from the subconscious can be
incorporated into the schema of ordinary sensation instead of
conflicting with beliefs and perspectives which already hold
perception in place.
Cognition which is the function of the mind represents
information to our consciousness; our consciousness is not
limited to our physical bodies as out of body experiences and
astral projection prove that we have an etheric body to which our
consciousness can be attributed also. As such cognition of either
the etheric light body or the physical body represents to our
consciousness as it exists in a higher dimension. As such the
physical universe consists of eleven dimensions it only makes
sense that some of these higher dimensions are responsible for
consciousness which exists as a vibration in a higher dimension
capable of influencing the lower dimensions of in acts of a
highly developed psionic skill trained to an advanced monad of
conscious energy.
As such neural code is not something which is unique to
one cell but a meaning which is shared between two cells one
releasing a neuro-peptide and the other releasing electrolytes in
response, there is a shared meaning between the two cells. As
such neural code is part conscious and part subconscious


different cells in the same brain area share different parts of the
meaning of say sight located at the back of the brain. As such
each individual cell is in a state of conscious awareness of what
the other cells in the tissue are doing and what new meanings can
be created between cells as the dendrites grow towards each
other to create new synaptic terminals and meanings within the
cellular tissue being studied. Each twist and turn within a
dendrite structure is responsible for a different meaning, a
deviation from the traditional meaning and neural code, an
evolved brain is detailed with many new dendrite structures
developed as the person matures and grows and sensory data and
self data becomes encoded as sequences and patterns within the
As such it is the development of the intuitive or higher
self which is essential, realising what can be made of the
individuals innate blueprint through a paradigm or set of ideas
which has a bearing on either an eastern set of beliefs involving
sacred energies of energy centres in the body which are called
chakras or if the student so chooses the energy centres and
archangels of the tree of life. In both these cases the conscious
mind is partitioned off into different spheres of relevance
through which the subconscious can manifest rationally and be
incorporated into the perspective of the individual. This
partitioning of the conscious and subconscious mind into
different areas is important as it becomes the rationalising
structure of advanced cognition and perception. As such the
development of the intuitive self takes considerable time as the
intuitive self must develop out of the instinctual self as more and
more of the subconscious becomes aligned with the conscious
creating a working monad of psionic power. As such what
psionic skills develop lies largely upon the individuals mind and
what redundant structures exist: the rationalisation of these skills
can involve many different paradigms and cultures but ultimately
it is what we develop as our own rationalisation that counts, it is
that which comes from within and that which exists innately
within us that we develop throughout our lifetime.
Abstract art is interesting in its development of psionic
skill as in abstract art it is the subconscious which gives form to
the painting or object, it opens up a method of communication
between the conscious and subconscious. As such what
manifests in the artwork is unique to each individual as a line of
communication is opened between the conscious and the


subconscious, in this way art can be considered as sublime as it

represents the nature of the universe as the subconscious sees it.
Art allows for synthesis and elaboration of perspective both
processes in the individual meme pool. As such we must
introspect upon the memes we have inherited from society and
uproot those ideas and beliefs which block perception and
restrict our positive freedom. The subconscious manifests in the
artwork as it is viewed by the conscious expressing itself as
shapes, faces, patterns and objects all of which have a degree of
relevance to the subconscious mind and our conscious awareness
of what it is trying to show or teach us. As our perception and
perspective advances the nature of the meanings within abstract
art evolves with each day, the patterns and shapes represented
altering as the subconscious tries to relay new information to the
Through artwork the subtle and the sublime can manifest
and teach the conscious self things which before were restricted
to the purely subconscious. As such art especially the individuals
own artwork when drawn through instinct can represent
information which before would have been restricted to the
subconscious. As we train the subconscious however the data
which is hidden from us can become manifest and therefore be
contemplated. As such artwork is another way of bringing the
chaos of the subconscious into an ordered state which can be
meditated and introspected upon, bringing more order to the
subconscious and more ordered and detailed information to the
conscious. As such consciousness is a mixture of perception and
perspective, our perceptions are held in place by memes which
operate at the subconscious level either enabling or blocking the
perceptions of the subconscious mind. As such it is down to the
individual to go through a phase of introspective analysis and
weed those blocking or self limiting ideas from their minds.
After the phase of weeding out those limiting beliefs the self
advances to cope with the new perceptions the meme pool of the
individual creates memes in synthesis of these new perceptions
which filter through the subconscious back into the social
dynamic which through subtlety advances the mindsets of other
individuals with liberated autonomous free minds.
The memory is another example of how the
consciousness and the subconscious can be aligned, each
memory in the subconscious has a conscious imprint through
which the memory is accessed by the subconscious. With the


development of a psionic skill such as telepathy, the passing of

information mind to mind using the subconscious there is an
imprint which is sent and received through the subconscious
through the fifth dimension the ether which when vibrated
produces photons which move both like a particle and a wave
through the atmosphere and outer space. As such both
individuals need highly open minds in order for the imprint of
the transmitted idea to retain its clarity and integrity and hence
be sent and received properly. As such introspective meditation
allows the opening of the mind to the fifth dimension, a
dimension of which the subconscious mind has been aware of
since birth. As such telepathy involves the human aura as when
the human aura sense is developed it can be used to detect
vibrations in the hyper spatial ether and uses the subconscious to
decode these vibrations and relay them to the conscious as a
message with its own unique imprint through which the nature of
the telepathic message can be understood. It is through decoding
the minds subtlety through introspection and meditation which
enables subconscious methods of communication such as
telepathy. As such the conscious and the subconscious are both
parts of the same fractal of consciousness as more light is shone
on the subconscious the self and conscious realign and
previously subconscious skills become conscious to the
individual and hence manifest as psionic skill. As such we
develop the active fractal of consciousness through meditation
and introspection each time developing the dendrites in the
conscious and subconscious parts of the mind, this concludes our
discussion of psionics and the rationality of psionic skill, that
there is much which can be developed from the human blueprint.
The idea would be that through meditation and
introspection we can come to access redundant pathways in our
neural cognition and elaborate with new structures developing
within the brain allowing for a fine tuning and expansion of
consciousness. DMT is the most powerful psychoactive known
to humankind and is naturally synthesised from serotonin in the
pineal gland of the brain. The idea is that through the correct
patterning of meditation and upon the introspection of our state
of mind we can come to trigger the release of DMT and have
spiritual experiences of incredible lucidity and power. It would
appear to be that in order to have these experiences that our
meditation and introspection be highly tuned and that we are
highly positive individuals with a large enough reserve of


serotonin to create the DMT necessary to have these truly deep

spiritual experiences. It would be as if the human blueprint has
the potential to have spiritual experiences innate to the
individuals experiential psychology. As such DMT is also the
drug released in near death experiences and as we die, DMTs
role in the parapsychology of cognition and consciousness would
be critical.


Chapter 10
The Nuclear Fusion Bomb and The Black Hole
The worst nightmare of any physicist is the black hole, a
planet threatening asteroid with the right thinking can be easily
obliterated but a black hole as an indestructible threat is off the
scale as an extremity, even giving all of the worlds current
technology the forces required to destroy a black hole are so
extreme that there is no hope for survival that is before the
nuclear fusion bomb. The nuclear fusion bombs delivery system
is the starting point of this discussion where I explain the ways in
which a black hole if discovered can be destroyed through
technology not that much more advanced than the present day
can be employed to save humanity from the forces of nature that
would be the black hole.
The delivery system of the fusion bomb is what I call the
magnetic acceleration tube. This is where sequenced magnets in
a line fire when the fusion bomb is in the convergence arc of the
magnet pulling the fusion bomb along at progressively higher
speeds until the speeds approach the speed of light. The first
thing to note is that in space the coldness reduces the resistance
of the magnet making the magnetic field stronger as the current
can move faster through the wire, what should also be noted is
that because of the temperature of space acting as a coolant
allows much higher voltages producing an even stronger
magnetic field. The final thing to note about the delivery system
is that because of its construction in orbit the gravity is zero
therefore the pull of the magnets has an astronomical effect on
the fusion bomb because the target being propelled has no
weight, there is no resistance to the effect of the magnet thus
allowing greater speeds at a shorter length of the sequenced
magnet tube.
For a fusion bomb what you need first of all is atomic
hydrogen which can be obtained through a chemical reaction
which is released into a vacuum. What happens next is that the
atomic positively charged hydrogen is released into a vacuum
which collects the hydrogen and stores it within magnetic fields
generated outside of the vacuum which holds the hydrogen for a
brief while whilst it is implanted within a hollowed out diamond
which by laser convergence is sealed shut. As such in order to


initiate fusion a group of lasers all firing from different angles

converges on the hydrogen itself whilst two magnets with
positive ends facing the diamond spin round in opposite
directions hoping to create an atomic friction out of the
positively charged hydrogen atoms generating enough heat and
pressure to cause hydrogen fusion to take place. This however is
not the true scale of the weapon; the excess hydrogen is fused
under the heat and pressure of the first hydrogen fusion and all
the hydrogen fuses into helium creating a truly apocalyptically
sized explosion. Such a weapon if constructed on planet earth
would explode with such force as to reduce the planet to an
asteroid belt of rubble but for the purposes of destroying a black
hole it would be entirely effective with the colossal forces
required being demonstrated by the cluster fusion of the device.
Gluons, Gravity & the Podkletnov Gravity Shield
The Podkletnov gravity shield (Cook, 2001) works in a
very simple way a super-conductive disk is spun at 6000 rpm
and reduces the gravity effect of all objects above the gravity
shield. At even faster speeds such as 13000 rpm the disk takes
off, the question then is how we theorize this behavior with our
understanding of how gravity works. This picture of how gravity
works begins first with how our theory of the cosmos is and how
the universes expansion is not just expanding but actually
speeding up. This acceleration of the cosmos is a somewhat
unaccounted for element of our cosmological picture but it is my
aim to reconcile this with a functional picture of how gravity
works as such which accounts for the functioning of the disk
within a greater cosmological picture.
Due to the speeding up of the cosmoss expansion it can
be postulated that there is some mass or some body at the edge
of space and time that we are accelerating towards. If there is
some mass at the edge of time and space then this would account
for the universes acceleration without having to appeal to
abstract forces such as dark force, the counterpart of dark matter
formerly thought to be responsible for the acceleration of the
Gravity is the product of two forces the graviton within
the atom which is also known as the gluon matrix and a higher
dimensional point particle called the gravatino named as such
because its speeds are vastly in excess of the speed of light. The


gravatino is unique to the atom, there is one gravatino for each

and every atom which constitutes all of matter in space-time.
Because the gravatino moves as a point particle in a higher
dimensional space its movement in the lower dimensions which
we inhabit is as a concentric movement from the edge of time
and space where all is connected in unity through all of matter
within the sphere until it reaches the gluon matrix within the
atom. As the graviton moves through matter it picks up
gravitational energy, this energy is released as a spasming of the
gluon matrix towards the object of nearest gravitational pull. As
the gravatino moves through the higher dimensional structure of
the chainmail linkage of the collapsed dimensions it creates a
vibrational charge and frequency, this frequency can be tapped
through harmonization which like a guitar string absorbing
energy through the strings when a violin is played nearby allows
for the transfer of energy through vibration. The movement of
the gravatino through the higher dimensional space also accounts
for the weakness of the force as it has all that work to do with
gravatino charge slowly dissipating the further you are from the
source of gravatonic charge.
The Podkletnov disk is basically a superconducting disk
which when revolved at high speeds creates the effect of a
gravity shield for all objects above the disk. This is because as
the disk is spun around the lack of an electric field or electron
vibration means that the more subtle vibrations of the atoms
when revolved can accumulate eventually reaching a resonance
there the gravatonic charge moving through hyperspace
harmonizes with the spinning disk leading to the absorbtion of
gravatonic energy by the disk through the energy transfer of
harmonization. Once the harmonization is achieved the gravity is
absorbed by the disk and at a point of saturation the disk takes
off in a funnel of gravatonic energy created which spins above
the disk. Saturation and take off are only achieved at the higher
speeds due to the vibration of the entire disk with residual
gravity as opposed to just the disks edges. This explains how the
disk reduces the weight or mass of everything above it and
explains how the gravity shield works without resorting to
infinities for the explanation of the point particle explanation of
gravity: the gravatino.
The question is: is it the mass of the object above the
gravity shield which is reduced or is it the weight of the object
which is reduced. If it is the weight which is reduced then the


story ends there but if it is the mass which is reduced then the
gravity shield has its uses as a part of the fusion bomb package.
As the fusion bomb descends into a black hole there is a spacetime distortion caused by the intense gravity shield, the question
is with enough Podkletnov disks could there be a cumulative
effect where all the gravity is absorbed and the fusion bomb be
unaffected by the gravity field.
Subterranean Nuclear Fission Bombs & Global Waste
France in the last twenty years has commenced with
some nuclear weapons testing on coral atolls in the Pacific
Ocean. When one of these fission bombs is detonated it leaves a
large hollow vesicle surrounded by tough solid glass made from
the heated and displaced bedrock in the explosion. This glass is a
few hundred meters thick and is sturdy enough to take the weight
of the coral atoll above the vesicle and support its weight for a
long period of time without cracks in the glass appearing or any
form of structural compromiseation. These huge underground
vesicles could be used as an international solution to global
waste management all that we need to do is drill our way through
the thick glass near the surface to reach the inside of the vesicle
where there is a huge space for the dumping of waste both toxic
and non-toxic.
Yellow Stone National Park & The Potential Eruption
If the acid dome volcano in Yellowstone park (which
actually comprises most if not all of Yellowstone park) erupts
then the dust and ash thrown out into the atmosphere would be
enough to blot out the sun world-wide for many decades if not
hundreds of years. This catastrophe would cause crops to fail
world wide and the famine and temperature drop would cause
the human race to die out. If however a nuclear devise was
detonated subterraneanly some distance from the volcano so that
the detonation does not trigger the explosion of the volcano to
create a vesicle much like the coral atolls which the magma can
flow into then the only thing remaining to be constructed would
be a tunnel between the diaper and the newly formed vesicle
which tapers off the pressure of the magma chamber beneath the
volcano reducing the pressure at the surface to a safe level where


no explosion is going to happen. As such the tunneling device

would have to be pretty advanced with a sophisticated coolant
system to tunnel at such high temperatures and all to be operated
remotely as no human would be able to service the machine as it
drills through the metamorphic aureole.
Electromagnetism, Zero-Point and Free Energy
Circular momentum in an electromagnetic field excites
zero-point ether in such a way so that virtual electrons manifest
into true electrons from the electromagnetic field leaving the
wire in the electromagnetic field as it rotates or as the wire in the
magnetic field as the magnet spins to soak up these newly
manifested electrons. This is possible through only certain
metallic elements and represents the spectral lines of the
elements electron shell as a absorber and emitter of
electromagnetic energy. The idea now is to create a spinning
magnet which loses none of its energy as it rotates.
To begin with you need a sealed vacuum for a bar
magnet to rotate within. If a hole is drilled in the center of a
powerful bar magnet and another bar magnet is threaded through
then at either end two magnets of corresponding poles can be
used to levitate the spinning magnet leading to no loss of energy
from the turning of the magnet as it spins within a vacuum,
leading to no loss of energy through air resistance. As such as
long as the transfer of energy from the spinning bar magnet to
the wire in the electromagnetic field as the magnet rotates loses
none of its energy in the transfer of energy from magnetic
rotation to the wire then the bar magnet should lose none of its
energy spinning indefinitely, the spin can be created using a
petrol or electrical motor to initially spin the magnet then
separating off as the magnet spins floating of cushions of electromagnetism. If the physics behind this vacuum generator is
correct then this device is a perfectly viable way of tapping the
electromagnetic ether for energy as the vacuum generators
energy output as electricity is greater then the input of rotational


We have now come to the end of our journey through
philosophy, sociology, psychology, memetics and physics; all
that remains is a brief summation of the material used to give
closure to the book as a whole. Culture exists as artifacts and
interpretations, through the artforms creation the individual
transmutes the self and has an effect within the psyche upon
which the human will is based. Through art people can overcome
the boundaries they have as individuals through creative
expression, boundaries which before limited them in both
perspective and potential. The artform then feeds its way back
into culture by becoming an artifact of inspiration and
introspecting, shaping the self of others for decades to come.
We have considered here a model of how ideology
comes to be and in what ways it shapes and governs our capacity
for action: our freedom. As such the model of ideological and
political freedom has been discussed in terms of our capacity for
protest and social activism and discussed in terms of our
objectified profane ideas which determine our ideology, our
autonomy and our free human will. We have come to consider
consciousness and cognition as a selection of potentialities
within us which have come to exist buried deep within the
human mind in redundant neural structures with advanced
psionic meanings and neuro-codes ready to awaken within the
human individual.
The discussion of genetics in regard to human nature and
Post-Humanism is that a greater and nobler nature can be
effected from the human genetic blueprint without the need for
engineering another more advanced blueprint. The argument is
very much that we should develop what we have consciously and
cognitively have to its fullest extent without redesigning the
blueprint itself. Humanism as a basis for world unity in solving
the constant ongoing humanitarian crisis of the third world
serves as a potential ideological backbone with great effect, it
considers the issues of humanity the greatest issues of debate and
argument. Global policy should be about the resolving of global
issues not a principle of organizing the division of labour
internationally through a process of the political legitimation of
current global trends of unfairness and exploitation.


Meme theory as a theory of the copying of cognition and

consciousness brings new light on how we see the fundamental
processes at work in the social cell and social cell networks.
Through the consideration of the memeplex and the self-plex we
can come to a new understanding and perspective of how
through objectification, introspection and synthesis we can come
to sculpt the self and given the weight of the idea having its
knock on effect on the human will come to sculpt our own nature
and perspective to a level of refinement unforeseen by past
philosophers. The effect that our ideology has upon our lifecourse is astounding within the weave of ideology, self and will
working on all levels to create our tangent of social destiny. This
is true not just of the individual but of greater society and the
world as well with political characters in charge of nations
deciding on a daily basis the fate of the globe. Action must be
taken in the present in order to shape the future as we would like
to see it both for ourselves, for our children and our childrens
children that they may inherit Gaia in a state that we would like
see where harmony exists not just nationally but globally.
In social regimes of state control there is through
propaganda the control of culture and the social dynamic
affecting the potential of the individuals autonomy and capacity
for synthesis as the meme states the individual enters into are
repetitions of the status quo. Because of this there is no room for
synthesis as there is no debate just a one sided rhetoric in the
justification of the state. As such consciousness and cognition
are effected also with the self of the individual as the target of
the propaganda the state controlled meme seeks to make all the
individuals of society its hosts; manipulating all to the given
ends decided through the manipulation of consciousness and
cognition by the state, cohered like sheep to a sheppard through
control of the meme, likewise any introspection attempted by the
individual is only capable of transmuting ideology through the
lived experiences and conditions of the life world we inhabit
and the tangent we are on.
Within the book there are generalizations of the nature
of human flourishing and how through the right social structure
the individuals of different classes even the underclass can
come together and shape and sculpt self and destiny in the
creation of the artform whether it be poetry, vinyl turntables or
even guitar. Through expression of the inspirations each
individual has as a part of their ontology an overcoming can be


had where the ideals of the underclass are transformed through

creative expression as new individuality the initial part of
founding our autonomy which when fully formed has the
capacity not just for social action but social participation such as
having a job and going to work. As such with the most excluded
and fringe members of society able to found their worth and gain
social participation and expression then democracy is ever
enriched by the constant hyper-acceleration of liberal culture
through the mass individualization not the mass production of
As such this book has also looked at the possibilities of
Neo-Modernism as an extension of the Post-Modernism of the
developed western world. That is through the development of
shared infrastructure in second and third world countries a
development can be had towards all the social structures coming
to exist in a country which was before in dire need of
development. As such a hydrogen fuel cell and nuclear fusion
based infrastructure in the west as it will come to be should be
supplied by the at present second and third world as then they
have a commodity which can be exported for the capital
necessary for the proper running of a national government.
Likewise with famine and illness afflicting most of Africa
patented drugs should be bought off the corporation who funded
their development by the United Nations for mass production in
order to help alleviate the situation as it stands in the third world
today with thousands dying every day through disease and
malnutrition and disease, something needs to be done and now.
I shall now end this book with a brief mention of the
fusion bomb. Should a black hole ever be discovered on our
cosmic doorstep or too close for comfort then this is the sort of
mega weapon and delivery system which would be required to
destroy it. This weapon itself is only there to use against
something like a black hole with its intense apocalyptic gravity
field. If a fusion bomb were ever detonated upon planet earth
then the sheer force of the explosion would shatter the earth into
tiny fragments leaving behind a faint asteroid belt as the debris
floats into outer space. Should a black hole ever appear on the
star-charts at least we are now prepared for the worst?


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