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ECON 1203 Homework Week 1

Read the Course Outline from front to back.

Do the assigned reading from the textbook.
Get yourself logged onto MyStatLab under the correct tutorial.
On MyStatLab, find and view the following Business Insight video:
o Statistics help decision making under uncertainty
On MyStatLab, find and view the following two StatTalks videos with Andrew Vickers:
o What is an average?
o When should you use a mean and when should you use a median?
Go onto the Figuring it Out Moodle site, and find and view the following animated video:
o Lighting Up Statistics Why use the median? (available under the Describing Data
On MyStatLab, find and view the following two technology videos (for each, choose the
video for the version of Excel you have access to either 2010 or 2013):
o Introduction to Excel with Data Analysis Toolpak
o Histogram
Read the Tufte excerpt on graphical excellence available on Moodle.
Read the web article on When Facts are Not Facts: The Simpson Paradox available on

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