Teaching Statement: Experience: My Teaching Career Started With A Faculty Position in A

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Teaching Statement

In my views as a teacher a person should be able to help students to

become knowledgeable independent thinkers and researchers. I try to
encourage and challenge my students to learn and understand the
concepts, foster critical thinking and pass on the inspiration I have
received from my teachers and my own experience. Most importantly, I
try to create an environment in which students can realize that
learning concepts and acquiring skills can only be done by being
interactive and asking questions of their interest and by clearing all the
doubts they are having in any topic.
Experience: My teaching career started with a faculty position in a
computer center PTech Computers just for 6 months contract. There,
first time I realized how good and satisfying teaching could be. There, I
have taught not only children but the man much older than me even
some who are managers in firms of great repute, that job showed me
that I have a flair for teaching and I like nothing more than this. After
that my experience as an educator is diverse. It includes work as a lab
assistant and occasional lecturer in undergraduate at School of
Management Sciences, my work as assistant professor in Buddha
Group of Institution which includes taking lectures for graduate and
post graduate classes of Software Engineering, Networking, Data
Structures, Database management and Programming languages like C,
C++ etc and mentor-ship and guidance of students doing projects in
both of the above mentioned jobs and my work in Higher Institute of
Plastic Fabrication which includes teaching Saudi students subject like
computer basics, MS- Office, Windows etc and providing customized
software solutions as and when required. I developed more than ten
different software using different languages here. It also includes the
support I have provided in Networking and installations in all of my
jobs. It includes around fourteen years of teaching computer science. I
try to bring a unique and practical oriented perspective to teaching
computer science.
Way of Teaching: Computer Science is a practical field. And based on
my experience I found that, for better understanding hands on
experience is the key to not only providing a learning atmosphere but
also to make the class interesting. As I am teaching something so
practical based I try to come up with some small project where student

can immediately see how the concepts are being used in applications.
This way is really helpful for them to grasp the topic quickly and impact
of hands-on practice is more effective and stays longer in their
memory than if they learn them in theory. I give them topics to prepare
and encourage them to present those topics themselves to their class,
this gives them a very good idea of not only topic but also of speech,
presentation and discipline. It also gives them confidence and
improves their communication skills. I start with small and simple
programs and gradually increase the complexity. I evaluate them on
multiple level by giving them assignments, quizzes, short programs
and projects. So, I am able to know their strengths and weaknesses
and can work on them.
But as the world of computers is ever changing, a teacher has to
introduce his students to the technologies and advancements being
introduced in their field. For that I introduce them to some new topic
and then I try to organize some discussion sessions between them
where they can present their views about the topic like "Is agile is more
efficient then the other development approaches" or "WPF v/s
WinForms" etc.
Philosophy: Teaching is a wonderful opportunity to educate and
influence young minds but it comes with an great responsibility of
giving a right direction and a positive impression. I enjoy teaching
because contributing to student's intellectual growth is profoundly
satisfying. Interacting with students and sharing ideas is symbiotic:
here you are not just teacher but a student too, as a teacher, the
process of improving on how I communicate concepts helps me refine
my own perspectives and command of the material. I feel a
responsibility to students to educate them as well as I possibly can,
staying true to that responsibility requires an ongoing commitment to
improving my teaching skills. I enjoy teaching very much. Good
teaching requires a very careful balance of sensitivity, humor,
acceptance, and willingness to demand the best from students while
encouraging them and allowing them space to experiment. My most
effective tools as a teacher are my own love of the things I teach and
my willingness to devote time and energy to helping students and
understanding their perspectives. My love of the subject and my
commitment to helping students is evinced by the strong positive
response I received from the students.

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