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A Cryptography based transmission of

data in peer-to-peer network using
Stackelberg game approach
Sushma T Shanbhogue and Poonguzhali E
Abstract Peer-to-peer network or system
gained its importamce because of its high
scalability, high video streaming quality, and low
bandwidth requirement, peer-to-peer (p2p)
system now a days can be used in files exchange
and delivering media content all over the internet.
But p2p systems currently is suffering from freeriding as peers exhibit their selfish nature. In
this paper, we propose a credit based incentive
mechanism that helps the peers cooperation in
heterogeneous network that includes both wired
and wireless peers. The proposed mechanism can
provide differentiated service to peers with
different credits through biased resource
allocation. A Stackelberg game is used to calculate
the optimal pricing and purchasing strategies, by
this strategy the overall revenue of the uploader
and the downloaders can be maximized. The
proposed algorithms need the downloading peers
to report their cis and dis to the uploader.
Malicious peers may misreport their credits
cisand their types dis to gain advantages against
other peers. For example, a malicious peer may
deliberately reports a bandwidth ~di smaller than
its real demand bandwidth di to increase its
priority (ci=di) in obtaining bandwidth.
Index TermsGame thoery, Stackelberg game,
network optimization, credit-based incentive
mechanism, peer-to-peer networks,heterogeneous
Sushma T Shanbhogue, Student, Computer Science
and Engineering, AMC Engineering College,
Bangalore, India. E-mail:
Poonguzhali E, Assistant Professor, Computer
Science and Engineering, AMC Engineering College,
Bangalore, India, E-mail:

Now a days peer-to-peer (p2p) network has
gained its importance in communication,p2p
networks is medium in files exchange and
multimedia content delivery all over the
internet.because of its lower bandwidth
requirement, higer video streaming quality,
and also
high flexibility Current p2p
network enormously depend on volitionary
asset commitment from individual associates
and don't uphold any necessary commitment
from other peers.This directly leads to the
well-known freeriding problem, which
refers to the phenomenon that a peer
consumes free service provided by other
peers without contributing any its resources
to the p2p network. Due to this problem the
performance of p2p systems decreases,
particularly p2p interactive media data
frameworks which have high necessities on
time delay and information rate.Freeriding is
common in p2p networks due to peers
selfish nature and the limited network
resources. Most peers only want to
maximize their own benefits without caring
about the overall performance of the whole
p2p community. It is accounted for in that
more than 70 percent p2p

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clients don't share any record in gnutella

framework. To the performance of p2p
systems the interaction between the users of
peer to peer network has to be improved so
that the peers are motivated to give the
resources by themselves without any force.
In this paper we also provide a security
mechanism which will maintain the security
issue to identify malicious peers in the p2p
network. Here the peer are motivated to
upload data chunks to each other to earn
points or monetary rewards in a P2P system
with incentive mechanisms. Without the
ability to identify malicious peers, peers are
more likely to forward polluted data chunks,
consequently degrading the performance of
the system.

The existing system for P2P networks are
fundamentally intended to work in wired
systems. For the heterogeneous systems with
both wired and remote hubs(wired
networks), the current mechanism may not
function well because of the contrasts
between the wired hubs and the remote
hubs(wired). For instance, the processing
ability of the remote hubs, (for example,
advanced cells and tablet PCs) is typically
weaker than that of the wired hubs, (for
example, desktop PCs, and workstations).
Accordingly, existing work may not be
suitable for portable(mobile) applications.
The reality of the matter is that there exist
top of the line cell phones with top of the
line is that core- processors in mobile
devices vary. Be that as it maybe highly
unpredictable are still not favored on these
cell phones as the battery of mobile devices
may drain out faster Also, the association
transfer speed(connection bandwidth) of the
remote hubs is normally not as much as that
of the wired hubs. All these factors are to be
taken into consideration when certain
mechanism are to be considered. Security is
also the major concern in the existing work.

We cannot find any measures taken

regarding the attack of malicious peers in
the system.



1. The Existing mechanism performs

environment due to the asymmetry
of the upload and download
2. Existing mechanism does not
provide different connection speed
for wired and wireless network.
3. It
4. Trust issue of the data chunks are not


Current mechanism with high complexity
nature may not be suitable for portable
applications. Without a doubt there exist top
of the line cell phones with different core
processors. In any case, the system with
highly complex nature are still not favored
on these cell phones because of the batteries
problem, that is draining of battery very
faster. Likewise, the association data
transmission of the remote hubs is normally
not as much as that of the wired hubs and in
addition the security issue and trust
additionally ought to be contemplated.

In this paper, A credit-based motivator
system for heterogeneous systems with both
wired and remote hubs. We consider a P2P
gushing system where every associate can
go about as both uploader and a downloader
in the meantime. At the point when an
information pieces is transferred by a
companion to different associates, certain

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credits is earned for giving the

administration. At the point when an
downloaded by an associate from different
companions, certain measure of credits
needs to paid for devouring the asset. The
net contribution of an associate in the
system is reflected by its collected credits.
An Identity based Encryption (IBE) is also
proposed to overcome the security issue in
the current paper. In the IBE model the
uploader has to encrypt the data and then
upload the data into the network so that no
malicious peer can hamper the data chunks.
The IBE is an important primitive of IDbased cryptography. As such it is a type of
public-key encryption in which the public
key of a user is some unique information
about the identity of the user (e.g. a user's
email address).
This means that a sender who has access to
the public parameters of the system can
encrypt a message using e.g. the text-value
of the receiver's name or email address as a
key. The receiver obtains its decryption key
from a central authority, which needs to be
trusted as it generates secret keys for every



Here,the uploader which has information

lumps is considered as the leader, and the
downloaders that demand for media
information pieces as the followers. A
companion which is considered as the leader
has the most astounding commitment in the
system The uploader or leader apply certain
cost on every unit of data transmission that
is provided by the uploader to each
downloader. At that point, the downloaders
or supporters compute their ideal download
data transmissions gave by uploader to
expand their utilities exclusively taking into

account the transfer speed cost alloted by


3.2 Advantages of the proposed

The advantages of the proposed System are
listed below:1.To the best of our insight, this is the
primary work that applies the Stackelberg
diversion to the motivation instrument
outline for P2P systems.
2.Our motivating force system can be
connected to heterogeneous P2P systems
with wired and remote associates having
distinctive bandwidth range.
3.Every peer is a vital player with the mean
to expand its own particular advantage. This
makes our motivating force component
perform well in a P2P system environment
with non-selfless peers
4.The optimal pricing strategies for the
uploader and the ideal purchasing
procedures for the downloader are both
5.It is demonstrated that the proposed
system can adjust to element occasions, for
example, peers joining or leaving the
6.The security issue which was unsolved in
the past system is overcome in the proposed

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4 Architectural Diagram

Database Connectivity


6. Implementation
1. Uploading Game Design.
Under the Stackelberg game model,
for the uploader, if we denote a price
on each unit of bandwidth providing
to each downloader then the amount
of bandwidth the downloader intends
to purchase is decreasing in the
bandwidth price. The revenue of the
uploader is the sum of products of
the bandwidth price and individual
Therefore, the uploader must
carefully design its bandwidth
pricing strategy in order to maximize
its revenue.
Fig 1: 3-tier Auto scalable web application
The uploader uploades the file ,which will
later be divided into chuncks for storage
purposes. After the file is divided it will be
encrypted by using identity based
encryption. Later data chuncks are
downloaded by the downloader and
decrypted with the same algorithm that is
identity based algorithm.

H/W System Configuration:Processor
- Pentium IV
- 2.8 Ghz
- 1 GB (min)
Hard Disk
- 80 GB
Bar Code Detector
S/W System Configuration:Operating System
Front End
Programming Language :

Windows XP/7/8
JAVA Swings

2. Downloading Game Design.

This Module is being carried out by
the downloader that requests data
chunks from the uploader. The
reflects the degree of satisfaction or
the happiness of the downloader
under the received bandwidth. The
degree of satisfaction increases with
the increase of the received
bandwidth. It is also observed that
the utility function of the downloader
consist of two parts: one is the
credits that peer is willing to pay for
the service it received ant the other is
the cost that peer has to pay for
obtaining the bandwidth.

3. Optimal Pricing Strategy.

particular module is based on the
strategy for optimal distribution of
price to the distributed peers using
the Stackelberg equilibrium. Here
the price of each file will be

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distributed among the peers who are

storing the data chunks and the
divided price will be credited into
their accounts.

4. Breaking and Merging of

In this module the entire file
will be broken into the data chunks
which will be forwarded to the
number of peers that the uploader
has selected to distribute.
When the downloader requests for a
particular file to download then the
number of chunks will be fetched
from the selected peers and then it
will be sent to the downloader where
the chunks will be merge together to
form the original file.

need to stretch here that despite the

fact that character based encryption
at the first look shows up like an
arrangement, its properties are
perfect for exceedingly dispersed
applications. A sender needs to know
just a single expert open key to
correspond with any personality.
Also, a recipient just gets private
keys for its own characters.
Furthermore, an occasion of focal
key server can be effectively
duplicated inside the network. At
last, a key server keeps up just a
solitary pair of expert keys and,
therefore, can be acknowledged as a
keen card, gave to each reciptent.

5. Identity Based Encryption

While a conventional PKI
framework requires to keep up for
every distributer or endorser a
private/open key pair which must be
known between conveying elements
encryption [6] gives a promising
distinct option for decrease the
measure of keys to be overseen. In
personality based encryption, any
legitimate string which interestingly
distinguishes a client can be people
in general key of the client. A key
server keeps up a solitary pair of
open and private expert keys. The
expert open key can be utilized by
the sender to scramble and send the
messages to a client with any
personality, for instance, an email
address. To effectively unscramble
the message, a recipient needs to
acquire a private key for its
personality from the key server. We

Fig 2 : identity based encryption

In this paper, a credit-based system that
allows the participation between peers in a
P2P system is proposed. Taking the peers'
heterogeneity and selfish nature into
thought, a Stackelberg game is intended to
give motivations and administration
separation to peers with various credits and
association sorts. The optimal pricing and
purchasing systems, which can together
boost the uploader's and the downloaders'

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utility capacities, are inferred by the

Stackelberg games. The Stackelberg game is
appeared to be one of a kind and Paretooptimal. At that point, two completely
dispersed execution plans are proposed and
contemplated. It is demonstrated that each of
these plans has its own points of interest. It
is demonstrated that the proposed instrument
can adjust to element occasions, for
example, peers joining or leaving the
system. Security issues are solved to some
extent by using identity-based encryption.

However, it is worth pointing out
that this scheme is in general suboptimal.
This is due to the fact that the price at the
new SE with the newcomer may not be the
same as the price at the old SE without the
newcomer. Thus, it is possible that the
newcomer unilaterally deviate in its choice
of the uploader to achieve a higher utility. If
we take this into consideration, the game
will become very complex and highly
difficult to analyze. Thus, we would like to
delegate this to our future work.
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