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Animal Care

Week Beginning:
Monday 10th October
Group 1

Mrs Allinson

Identify one breed of dog or cow

Explain the history of this breed and
evaluate what this breed is used for?
Group 2
Identify one breed of dog or cow
Identify and explain the key characteristics
of this breed


This week students will be asked to calculate

the total cost of their mushroom vol-au-vents
using a table provided on p96 of their text
books. The table requires them to list the
ingredients, give a cost to each ingredient
and total the full amount. They then have to
calculate a cost for each portion based on
how many vol-au-vents they made today.
This homework will be given to students on
Thursday and is due in the following Monday.


Now that we are nearing the completion

of our first assessment complete the
programme note on your choreography
that has been emailed to you. Use the
example sheet to help you. Ensure your
choreography is completed ready for
marking one another during our lesson
on Thursday.


Mrs Timmons

Miss A Horn

Mr S Layden
New module House and home. Write a full
description of your house for Monday, 17th
Write a detailed answer to the following
Describe how a named example, in an
extreme environment, is coping with an
increased number of tourists. (6 marks)

Mrs P Sharples
Mr M Fletcher

Due in on Thursday 13th Oct


Im setting homework on Monday this week

and it will be due in for marking on
Thursday. Were working on developments
in surgery this week. Mondays lessons will
cover the development of anaesthetics.
Students will have a couple of sheets stuck
into their books to guide their notes. Both
sheets need completing for homework.

Mr I Johnson


Complete the logo planning sheet outlining

at least 4 different hand drawn logos with
design justification for each, and the
identifying your final logo choice and
explaining why it was chosen.

Mr M Fletcher

Due in Thursday 20th Oct


Pupils are to complete a final design on A3

paper for their project folders. This should be
a rendered, isometric drawing .

Ms R Senior


To continue to develop a final piece.

Ms R Senior

Pupils have been provided with specific

individual feedback to respond to in order to
improve and develop their final piece. Pupils
should now be working towards the deadline
to ensure that an imaginative and technical
piece is produced, adding embellishment to
demonstrate an ability to improve work and

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