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Boss Monster B&W Print and Play Created by: Carlos - "Koey' The following PNP is created based on the information posted on the Boss Monster wikia and is intended to be posted on BGG and has the permission of BWG. PNP would only be created for the Prototype version of the game and no updates will be made. If you like the game please consider buying the released game. The following cards have these changes: - Once per turn added to select Cards - Mimic Vault is Trap/Mage (Now Confirmed) Custom Cards - from extra spaces. TBD Jewel Cannon Chaos Cell ANERERAK +“ DRACULA “Bypnotic Wan pire an ~~ xYZAE Propeniiordich mr: aes conn ‘Hach of your opponents Target opponent reveals ‘hoosetwo cardsfrom the Ee recerreete lll (eeereseenresers | lf Freres eee Sees ae on @ ©, ar or Or Level Up: Level Up: Each opponent must choose and dearoy one You may draw three Spell cards, then discard Tesnure espe Room in hisor her aSpell cad. duageca, sooxP Z 400xP ¢ 650xP a sEDUcrA cLEOPATRA corcona econo coun Level Up Youmay seared through town, or the Hero dedks, choose ome ‘Hero, and put it at the emirance to your demgeon 6o0xP: Level Up Coote aHera in town, Immediately destroy that Hero and place it face down in your seorekeeping area soo é BOSS BOSS 68OSsS BOSS BOSS #8OoOSS BOSS 86055 8OoO5SS KIRAX sme catemeeper Level Up: For the rest of the game, thichas $78 worl HELLCOW Rossy Monster Level Up Choose my cungeom, You may rearmgethe placement of theroomein ‘that chngeon, 950xP ZY THE BROTHER WISE ‘Two Headed Monstrosity Level Up’ ‘You may search through the Spal deck, choose one Spall card, mdput inte your hand. ait a BONE CRANK Mae Reom- Trap When you build thiereom, deactivate cmezoom in ny Dungeon. (tietumed aidewaye until end of turn} @ u TRASH COMPACTOR ‘Thiet Room Trap If a Hero survives this room, this room deals no more damage tnt end of turn. @ é GHOUL YARD ler Room - Monster This room deals double damage to Epic Heroes, SHARK TANK igiter Room: Monster IfaHerohastaken damage equal to half ite Health ‘before entering thieroom, thisroom deals +2 damage tothat Hero, @ F AGENT OF EVIL on oo Choose one Hero in town, Placeit at the entrance to an Opponent's dungeon. «, purto Placetnis cardin your scarecesping are Tryout alz0 Wave atleast one higiter oneatage one ‘your acorstecping area this card is ‘worth five ara EoUIE * 60 BOSS BOSS 68OSsS ROOM ROOM ROOM SPELL SPELL ROOM DARK ALTAR Cleric Room - Crap Destroy this Room: Choose one card frem. the discard pile and put it into your hand. @ 3 SUCCUBUS SPA Once per turn, if aHero dies im thieroom, choose m opponent. Takearandom Room er Spell card from ‘that opponent hand. @ g SPECTERS SANCTUM When yon build thisreom, choose am opponent. [hat opponent discards. random Spell card. @ g BRAINSUCKER HIVE Mage Reom- Bonster Onecepar tun, if a Haro dies in this room, you may craw a Spall card @ u DARK LABORATORY “Mage Room: Trp When you build this room, draw two spell cards, then discard a Spall card @ 86 HLTCHS KLTCHEN Maye Room Honster Once pe tun, you may discard a Monster Room card to draw a Spell card @ J GOBLIN ARMORY Fighter Room: Monster Monster Rooms adjacent to this room deal +1 damage @ #6 GOLEM Factory ‘Tauier Room =aconster Once pa tum, if a hero cigs in this room, draw a Room card @ A NEQNDERTHAL CAVE You cannot build an Advanced Room on Neanderthal Cave, @ cA ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM DARK ALTAR Cleric Room - Crap Destroy this Room: Choose one card frem. the discard pile and put it into your hand. @ 3 SUCCUBUS SPA Once per turn, if aHero dies im thieroom, choose m opponent. Takearandom Room er Spell card from ‘that opponent hand. @ g SPECTERS SANCTUM When yon build thisreom, choose am opponent. [hat opponent discards. random Spell card. @ g BRAINSUCKER HIVE Mage Reom- Bonster Onecepar tun, if a Haro dies in this room, you may craw a Spall card @ u DARK LABORATORY “Mage Room: Trp When you build this room, draw two spell cards, then discard a Spall card @ 86 HLTCHS KLTCHEN Maye Room Honster Once pe tun, you may discard a Monster Room card to draw a Spell card @ J GOBLIN ARMORY Fighter Room: Monster Monster Rooms adjacent to this room deal +1 damage @ #6 GOLEM Factory ‘Tauier Room =aconster Once pa tum, if a hero cigs in this room, draw a Room card @ A NEQNDERTHAL CAVE You cannot build an Advanced Room on Neanderthal Cave, @ cA ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM DARK ALTAR Cleric Room - Crap Destroy this Room: Choose one card frem. the discard pile and put it into your hand. @ 3 SUCCUBUS SPA Once per turn, if aHero dies im thieroom, choose m opponent. Takearandom Room er Spell card from ‘that opponent hand. @ g SPECTERS SANCTUM When yon build thisreom, choose am opponent. [hat opponent discards. random Spell card. @ g BRAINSUCKER HIVE Mage Reom- Bonster Onecepar tun, if a Haro dies in this room, you may craw a Spall card @ u DARK LABORATORY “Mage Room: Trp When you build this room, draw two spell cards, then discard a Spall card @ 86 HLTCHS KLTCHEN Maye Room Honster Once pe tun, you may discard a Monster Room card to draw a Spell card @ J GOBLIN ARMORY Fighter Room: Monster Monster Rooms adjacent to this room deal +1 damage @ #6 GOLEM Factory ‘Tauier Room =aconster Once pa tum, if a hero cigs in this room, draw a Room card @ A NEQNDERTHAL CAVE You cannot build an Advanced Room on Neanderthal Cave, @ cA ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM OPEN GRAVE eric Room” Erap Once per tum, if aHero dicein thisroom, choose oneRoom ead rom the discard pile md pat into your hand, @ g DRACOLECH LAIR At the beriming of your turn, if you would dear a card, you may instead chore one Room card from the diseard pile and put it imo your hand, @ g VAMPIRE BORDELLO Once per tum, if 2 Hero dies in tis room youmay heal one woud (Flip over one of your wounds, adding its Soul value to your total.) @ g HAUNTED LIBRARY Mae Reom- Trop. At the beginning of your ‘num, you may draw from the Spell deck intend of theRoom deck. @ u ALL-SEEING EYE Advanced Mage Reom-7np Oncepertun when a opponant playea Spal card, you may discard a Spal card to ced its effect, @ W LIGER'S DEN Acean ced Mage Room - Monster Once pe turn when you play a Spall card, draw a Spall card @ J MONSTER'S BALLROOM Fighter Room: Monster This room's damageis equal to the number of Monster rooms in your chingeon, @ A. MINOTAUR'S MAZE ahter Room -aonster Thefirst ime a Hao entas this room, send it back one room. @ A BEAST MENAGERIE Figiter Room" Monster Once per turn whan you build another Monster room, draw a Room card. @ cA ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM OPEN GRAVE eric Room” Erap Once per tum, if aHero dicein thisroom, choose oneRoom ead rom the discard pile md pat into your hand, @ g DRACOLECH LAIR At the beriming of your turn, if you would dear a card, you may instead chore one Room card from the diseard pile and put it imo your hand, @ g VAMPIRE BORDELLO Once per tum, if 2 Hero dies in tis room youmay heal one woud (Flip over one of your wounds, adding its Soul value to your total.) @ g HAUNTED LIBRARY Mae Reom- Trop. At the beginning of your ‘num, you may draw from the Spell deck intend of theRoom deck. @ u ALL-SEEING EYE Advanced Mage Reom-7np Oncepertun when a opponant playea Spal card, you may discard a Spal card to ced its effect, @ W LIGER'S DEN Acean ced Mage Room - Monster Once pe turn when you play a Spall card, draw a Spall card @ J MONSTER'S BALLROOM Fighter Room: Monster This room's damageis equal to the number of Monster rooms in your chingeon, @ A. MINOTAUR'S MAZE ahter Room -aonster Thefirst ime a Hao entas this room, send it back one room. @ A BEAST MENAGERIE Figiter Room" Monster Once per turn whan you build another Monster room, draw a Room card. @ cA ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM BOULDER RAMP Thier Room “Trap. Destroy anotha room in your cumgeon: Deal 5 damage to a heroin this room. @ 6 RECYCLYING CENTER ‘Advonead The Room T7p When ancthe room in your dungeon is destroyed, you may craw two Room cards @ é THE CRUSHINATOR Destroy another roamin your dungeon: Your rooms deal +3 damage until end of turn. @ é CENTIPEDE TUNNEL ‘Hybrid Reom- Monster When you build this room, you may swap the placement of two Rooms in any dungeon. @ #8 CONSTRUCTION ZONE “Hybrid Hoon - Trap When you build this room, you may immedatay build an additional Room. @ #6 MEMCe YAULT Bybrid Room: Trap When you build thisroom, Choose one ordinary Hero in town ad plaeeit on the entrance to your dungeon. @ 68 MONSTROUS MONUMENT BybraRoom- Trap ‘When yon build thisroom, choose one Moneter Room from the disezd pile and putit in your hand @ %7 @ TORTURE CHAMBER "aybrid Room= Trap Destroy this room Choose an epponent That opponent discards arandom Room card 26 @ ZOMBLE PRISON ‘Hybrid Room aon ster Destroy this roam: Choose 3 dead Here in an opponents somekeqping area Sendit bad tothe entrance of that player: dimgeon 26 ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM BOULDER RAMP Thier Room “Trap. Destroy anotha room in your cumgeon: Deal 5 damage to a heroin this room. @ 6 RECYCLYING CENTER ‘Advonead The Room T7p When ancthe room in your dungeon is destroyed, you may craw two Room cards @ é THE CRUSHINATOR Destroy another roamin your dungeon: Your rooms deal +3 damage until end of turn. @ é CENTIPEDE TUNNEL ‘Hybrid Reom- Monster When you build this room, you may swap the placement of two Rooms in any dungeon. @ #8 CONSTRUCTION ZONE “Hybrid Hoon - Trap When you build this room, you may immedatay build an additional Room. @ #6 MEMCe YAULT Bybrid Room: Trap When you build thisroom, Choose one ordinary Hero in town ad plaeeit on the entrance to your dungeon. @ 68 MONSTROUS MONUMENT BybraRoom- Trap ‘When yon build thisroom, choose one Moneter Room from the disezd pile and putit in your hand @ %7 @ TORTURE CHAMBER "aybrid Room= Trap Destroy this room Choose an epponent That opponent discards arandom Room card 26 @ ZOMBLE PRISON ‘Hybrid Room aon ster Destroy this roam: Choose 3 dead Here in an opponents somekeqping area Sendit bad tothe entrance of that player: dimgeon 26 ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM BOTTOMLESS PLT ner Room= Trap Destroy this room: Kill a Hero in this room, @ 6 BOTTOMLESS PLT hier Room= Trap Destroy this roam: Kill a Hero in this room @ é BOTTOMLESS PIT Thiet Room- Trap Destroy this room. Kill a Heo in this room @ é DIZZYGAS HALLHAY ‘Thier Room - Trap Uf thenext room in your chingeon is a Trap room, it deals +2 damage @ 6 DIZZ¥GAS HALLWAY ‘Thiet Rom: Trp If the nest room in your chngeon is a Trap room, it deals 42 damage @ é DIZZ¥GAS HALLWAY Thiet Room -Trap If the next rocm in your dungeon is a Trap rocm, it deals +2 damage @ é JACKPOT STASH ‘Ther Room= Trap Destroy this room Double the treasure value of your other roams until end of turn. @ 66 JACKPOT STASH "Thiet Room Trap Destroy this room: Double the treasure value of your other rooms until end of turn. @ 66 JACKPOT STASH ‘Thier Room= Trap Destroy this room: Double the treasure value of your other rooms until end of turn. @ 66 ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ROOM ANNIHALATOR Give one Trap Reem 43 damage until end of tun, * ADVENTURE Assassin Choose aHero in an opponent's dungeon. Give that Hero +3 Health until end of turn. * ADUENTURE CAVE-IN Destroy a room in your dungeon. any Hero in that room is destroyed * ROVENTURE ‘COUNTERSPELL Choose a Spell card that has just bem played Caned the effects af thar Spell card (tis sent to the siecard pile) Rh sovennunc/eurio FEAR Choose a Hero in any dungeon and put it back in town. * AOUENTURE GIANT SIZE Give one Monster Rooom +3 damage until end of tun, * ROVENTURE JEOPARDY ‘All players immetiatedly diocard thar hands, then draw one Spal eard and two Room carda Rh sovennunc/eurio PRINCESS IN PERIL Choose one Hero in town, Placeit at the entrance to your dungeon. «, purto MOTIVATION If you have fewer roams than an opponent, you may build an extraroom this tun. « eurLD SPELL SPELL SPELL SPELL SPELL SPELL SPELL SPELL SPELL ANNIHALATOR Give one Trap Reem 43 damage until end of tun, * ADVENTURE Assassin Choose aHero in an opponent's dungeon. Give that Hero +3 Health until end of turn. * ADUENTURE CAVE-IN Destroy a room in your dungeon. any Hero in that room is destroyed * ROVENTURE ‘COUNTERSPELL Choose a Spell card that has just bem played Caned the effects af thar Spell card (tis sent to the siecard pile) Rh sovennunc/eurio FEAR Choose a Hero in any dungeon and put it back in town. * AOUENTURE GIANT SIZE Give one Monster Rooom +3 damage until end of tun, * ROVENTURE JEOPARDY ‘All players immetiatedly diocard thar hands, then draw one Spal eard and two Room carda Rh sovennunc/eurio PRINCESS IN PERIL Choose one Hero in town, Placeit at the entrance to your dungeon. «, purto MOTIVATION If you have fewer roams than an opponent, you may build an extraroom this tun. « eurLD SPELL SPELL SPELL SPELL SPELL SPELL SPELL SPELL SPELL TELEPORTATION Send aHeo in your domgeon back to the first zoom of your dungeon. (It contimesto move through your dungeon thie tum.) * ROVENTURE TELEPORTATION SendaHeo in your dungeon back to thefiret room of your changeon. (It continues to move through. your dungeon thieturn.) * ROVENTURE EXHAUSTION Deal X damage to one Hero, whee X is the number of roomsin your dungeon. * ADVENTURE FREEZE Deactivate target roam. (itis tuned sideways until end of turn) Rh sovennunc/eurio FREEZE Deactivate targetroam (itis tumed sideways until end of turn) Afe soventunsyeurio FREEZE Deactivate target roam, (itis tuned sideways until end of turn.) Boe aovenrurc/ourin FREEZE Deactivate target roam. (itis tuned sideways until end of turn) Rh sovennunc/eurio ZOMBIE ATTACK Choose 2 dead Hero in an. opponent's ccorekesping area. Sendit bask te the enmrance of ‘that player's dungeon. It nas #2 Hest wmtil end of nx, & Sees ZOMBLE ATTACK Choose a dead Hero in an opponent : ccorekeeping area. ‘Send it badk te the entrance of ‘that player's dumgeon. It has 42 Health wil end of nm, & a SPELL SPELL SPELL SPELL SPELL SPELL SPELL SPELL SPELL Scarlet Anja the Dilettate "By cay sh eweas a princezs of Arcadia but by night shedonned Dlackiestuer ang dated inte = — : THIEF ‘onginary Eero andbie barbarian companion. Rathiller the Masterless Former apprenticeta 2 muratoret icard mowthis trickster ie Porced rereapen nis wits wir biz @ az a THIEF ordinary Hero MMuephy the Magnificent "wewas a chartstan, a carnivat prformes 2 co man. But head oiaes nownmven ors ienewse @ no THIEF ordinary zero Testa the Rogue “onay, soya taketheDig ry on the left with the axe yorverot thetwo lttleoner on trerignt wien swords marhtaketnis angerousiootny THIEF ordinarrtero Francisca the Endbringer This highty trained asszssia from the onthe SitverRingdom is (moun ar the" painter of blood. 9 a THIEF ‘ordinary Hero Kins Klaus, Mad Conquistador 1's hard formato think sbowt aesth neverthinkabout desth.Z havent ren proper statedte lreyet” @ is a eLerce { ©, Ordinary zero Nick the Masher reyoung ceric was wet arm ect and bravem ough to taken the Drayon Sing nim rev air crea: ‘Dash fewieh my mace cLeRre | @ Ordinary ero Everlea, Acelyte of Law "Even 25am acoyte stewas feared by demons theurdead and dust buries.” @ ni a cherre (@ Siig too (SE ‘Tyrone, Temple Seibe "Bis mastay of wieragypa swas amcanay feroneroyoung Bet hie [Roi ar an atin werenathing nat = to FR HERO HERO HERO g Q HERO HERO HERO 6) v B HERO HERO HERO 6) v B FIGHTER ‘ordinary ero Boden the Panes Rover's courzgeis matched ony by hi Porpetullress. The-gu est to ‘ee nis misplaced 2mm ar = a : FIGHTER ordinary mero Stille Tam'Findel as, Swordmage world ard becamean elie era Stitewas a ast 25 mighty 2s warior aehethoastt himsat eLerce { ©, Ordinary zero Kyle the Incorruptible This scowtearmnecrder aecizred brim eee treetrom sin 20d immume ro tempeztion ..2m vawarerng ‘pent orvirtve, FIGHTER ‘Onsiginary Eero Marius the Beld "wecamerrom hemblecrigins ber newas cestinedte peso ene depen sorarcacia's caches ‘dun pean." @ wz a FIGHTER ‘ordinary mero Johnny of the Talent Watch worm to forsake ami, tacethe Sian cLeRre | @ Ordinary ero Romero, the Indige Friar whe wants to ree thewerld costed in owe vee mignecrinn nes depressed but hex sctuaiy Ce, vay R>ppE. @ iu a FIGHTER ‘ordinary Hero Jarek, Squire to the Lien Kini ghte "As squire Jarakloved aothing morettan stories and tere dx. He rad ne idea teat someday be aaa FIGHTER ‘ordinary Hero Dirtheard, Canine Warrior Eatinyerom teezighianas this nop solciernevertamms down 2 fetch quest @ is a cherre (@ Siig too (SE Katrina the Lightbringer Iis priestess aren ecreator was blessed thepowerto conjure crestures sculpted rom light ise @ a HERO HERO HERO g Q HERO HERO HERO 6) v B HERO HERO HERO 6) v B ole ( ‘Tier and the Magic Bubble Armenwitn nis trusty ouabie Tieg braves dan paren costes anal aungeonsin rearen of te meteial instrimante olen trom his people @ J MAGE ‘onaginary Eero Diumble dalf the Blond "as 2pouth Dem peasirwas 2 loyal hiand te the dered arawhe became Cereals, Som esp eh @ za onnce.. (@ Daphne, Daughter of Leyende {Ber thera 3 timetcraing legen cay princess. But shewas tirirlinte the fvture” S a a NAGE onainary Hero Kalish Ninefinger Fn perand his freedom in ane nigh ‘Taugmet mayicin prizan by hig sorcerous climate Ne now ils eri! ‘wit ie, MAGE ordinary ero Darttecn, Hf Pyromancer Someatres just want towaten the ‘world burn a MAGE ‘orainary Eero ‘Quothe Ladykiller, the Polymath Rortatier worden 20,2002 master aPthearcane but mort of ‘ita ladies ran. @ is a weno? ‘The Focl is lured to the eomgean of the Bore Monster with the fewest Souls, (lube cease of ate, he waits in town, vntil the tie is broken) PIXEL LINCOLN, Epiekcers ‘when PetZincoln appearsin tov, ‘sch playermay cine up tothres spell cards. Durin gin eBait Phare dun peon ofthe plarervwith the most cards in Nana @ x a The Demigod is ured to the a@mgeon of the Bore Monster with the fewest Weumds, (in the case of atic, he waits in ‘town until the tie is broken) @ x aa HERO HERO HERO HERO B THIEF Epiiera Seaslet Anja, Queen of ‘Thieves “Thay ciled ner the'SheDeriwtn 2 krorsbow! and sheave feared oy ‘Boss Monsters acrost Arcadia” @ 3 aa THEEF é Eee THIEF é ie Musphisteles, Tiefing Rogue “Discovering his ta en tere dtd sotning to sway Ata phy from the path of hervism.” @ a4 FIGHTER Epic wero Stille Del’Reyas, Kai ght of Bahamut Ridiceted by demons recasted 26 2 bemtard ana near nin Oy Tie. yet his ero remained surpeisin gly intact @ waa FIGHTER Epic ers Six Jarek the Dragonslay ex “onyy 2imripnt with 2 clererimingt ‘ronpams 20.3 purehest could possible iefest the Galen @ 3 0a FIGHTER Eplewero Armor the Aweles wa aeairmoriacis in tactical 3crig: me ‘morethan makes ap forin impuiriveness, Therese aeorte wor Wciecown, cterre (@ Epewers (AP Lord Van Ette A prophet ana collector orttnes (octire omniscient Cefestial hi “miracles” are enhanced by the brandantje Gitied oy eh em ons @ 3 00 cere (@ mpcmwe (OF Katelya, Angelic Healer Amanyrtemost cated derenacs ‘of riphteousners itepa iz ‘rom etines revered to a2" singin 3 @ nad crerre (@ tacnes (ae Tyrone, Pharach Ascendant "ya tnerinatpatiewite tre emmy, Tyrone reatzed ht the divine power menietted wz hit @ i aa OO OG OO Oo Oo OG Oo OO OG FIGHTER Epi Her Marius the Mighty certing 2 wes etwas his re priority, defeat Xing Croakwas i wee.” @ 3 aa THEEF é Eee Blackbeard Jake inguit swordghting i 2oaty- trap filed career thecozet of 99 cterre (@ Spicmee OF Everles, Priestess of ‘Order “snepecsme2 enampion orpesce order and obrecsirecomplusire tidiners”| @ waa MAGE a Epic wero Dumibledalf the White ‘Lon fas is bear point was nis hak and mighty ae his magi @ waa me, (@ Tempros the Time Marander ‘world cavid bea etopia. @ aa MAGE a Eplewero Mysterious Adrenturer Twister could beyou! For mare detiate viat Broth erwiretames com @ 2244 MAGE a Epic wero ‘Terric W arbelm, HaltEie SS feomarex amrex (Az mamma (A Thisero is wreatethedvnseon With th highest combinacTigntar MansterBveredenl-1darmaze te thie reap nacter (6 Fpicmere @ Tir ates inured to tre aunpeon ‘wite thehiphart combi ec 2 2p= ‘Thisxtero vores alRoom ability ‘tect, When ig in a dungeon, Room setiratea abilties connat Bewsed, @ x aa OO OG OO Oo Oo OG Oo OO OG

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