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I would not flip the switch. I think that Athenian Golden Age would suit me better.

Greece was under a Democracy, and the most important members of their political
system were chosen according to their knowledge. With all the knowledge that I
have acquired in our time I would be more powerful and have more influence than
under the Roman political system. Augustus ruled Rome under what could be called
a monarchy or dictatorship. I would not like to live in a place where citizens did not
have the power to choose their leaders. In Greece the citizens (with some
exceptions obviously) had the power to choose their leaders and to change
whatever they thought was not right. Also slavery and corruption from what I have
read was not as bad in Greece as it was in Rome. There were just too many people
hungry for power in Rome. Greece looks like a better place to live during their
Golden Age than the Pax Romana.

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