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You men Voxel rm a dreamer...’ John Lefinon ein birthday te eo ee THEINSIDESTORIES ON... THEBEATLES SPIT| THELOST WEEKEND AND MUCH MORE Ma FROM THE MAKERS OF UNCUT _ .|MMennL) — WELCOME Imagine if John Lennon had lived to celebrate his 70th birthday on October 9. There would have been, among other things, anallstarinees up, Surely. Something at Madison Square Garden, pethaps, New York, Lennon's home by now forthe last 40 years, with guests galore anda great band — Ringo and Jim Kelmer on drums, Klaus Voormann on bass, Eton and Leon Russell on keyboards, FricCkapron and Keith Richards on guitars, eameos fram Bawie, Bono and Neil Young, a medley with Paul McCartney on the kind of rock'n'roll elassies The Beatles used to play atthe StarCluband The Cavern, a duet with, Dylan on*Norwegian Wood” that makes them both laugh when Bob slipsinan unrehearsed verse from 4th Time Around”. There would have been, .o0, no doubs, a prayer for George, Yokoin, ‘abag, everyone on stage atthe end for"Give Peace AChaneco”,acake ‘wheeled on stageby Barackand Michelle, the offer ofa few congratulatory words on behalf of the UK from David Cameron viaa video link from Downing Street less-than-poliely tumed down, There would have been a otf TV action, too, Lennon, approaching 70,doinga round of chat shows~Letterman, Oprah, a _greatinterview with Larry King on CNNand aneven better one with Elvis Costello fora BBC 4 special, plus the premieron HBO of Martin Scorsese's two-part Lennon documentary, Gimme Some Truth Maybe, on the otherhand, music for Lennon at 70 would be something that belonged to his past, partofhimselfhe'dlong ago lost interestin, although you'd like to thinknot.Ifthishowever was the case, just having him still azound, for alotof people, would be ‘good enough, the knowing that be was thereat least much better than its alternative, which would be his absence from our world. Since the ater, sadly, isthe factof things, there'll be no show at Madison Square Garden, all-star or otherwise, no TVappearances or Scorsese documentary, noteven a quiet eveninginat the Dakota ‘with Yoko. The most conspicuous commemoration of his birthday in the circumstancesis the release in eariy Octeber of digitally remastered versions, unheard at this writing, of eight ofhis solo albums, plusa greatest hits collection and a four disc anthology. The remastered solo albums includeJofn Lennon/Plastic Ono Band, Imagine, Some Tame hn New York City, Mind Games, Watls And Bridges, Rock N’Rolla new stripped down’ version ofhis tinal album, Doub Fantasy, andthe posthumous Milk And Honey. ‘These are allamong the albums that eommand our attention here, nthe third of Uncut Ultimate Music Guides, in which we individually re-vsiall of Lennon's solo recordings ~ starting earlier than the fortheaming reissue programme with Unfinished Music No 1 and 2nd the Wedding Album, the experimental albums he recorded with Yoko while he was til officially, Beatle, andive Peace ie Toronto, the ra 1969 document ofhisfrstliveshow since The Beatles quit touring in 1966. Inaddition tothe Fresh looks we take at Lennan'ssolo work, we've also delved, as they say, into the archives of Melody Maker and NME and come up with some franklyamaaing suf. Lennon famously had ‘the UK muse weeklies flown ourto him in New York, read them avidly and was prone tofiringofletersto MIM especially, usualy about the persistent rumours of Beatles reunion that more than anything annoyed him, althoughe was inclined topass comment onanything, relly, that caught hisatention, More than this, Lennon frequently entertained writers from both ‘Melody Maker ond NME and throughout the'70sallowed them ‘unique acess to recording sessions and his Dakota apartment and talked to them at engthabout just about anything they wanted toknow, nothing ever especialy off imis, John with opinions on everything and notalraid of expressing them. These archive gems offeraprieelessinsghtinto Lennon, hslifeand music, and asa coda we re princirom Uncut our 2008 Ballad Of John & Yoko cover stor, in which Yoko recalled in extraordinary detail her ife with Join her memorable description beautiful miracle’ ~ che ‘memory ot something solid inside herand the thoughtitor John’, music ever fading one thing that neither she oranyoneelse could everimagine Ae | war UNCUT DEPUTY EDFOR ok tvey #9 Dr EDITOR Mc ones tle [>RODUCTION RDETOR Mk ery Sein a om DSteNE my Yoong nse Be n/a at JatDane Mind Gare | Chie Stor Mick Mean Weking Clas Haw” MCTURE EDITOR Pi King ‘le ark” | CONTRIBUTORS id Sopou, Neil Spence Room” Desi Sb "old Tukey ‘Grau Thom “#9 Drv | COVER OTOs Bob Groth | TANKS: Mikael Connelly Ants Bron stn era Da antich “ GASSED ADVERTISING Neda Joe NARKETIG ls Mer PORLSHER Fath Hl covins Mai¥Eb 1 Wyndehamempact LENNON} ULTIMATEMUSIC GUIDE PLASTIC ONO BAND LIVE! Photo special! The Ono andi joined by an all star cast at London's Lyceum, December 69 THE EXPERIMENTAL ALBUMS A bored Beatle dives Jeadlong into the avant ganie with Unfinished MusieNo, 1 2and the Wedding Album “1’m not interested in history. 'm interested in now. And the future...” 1969: Apple’ | aashambles, and Lennon’ inbed talking peace, macrobiotic diets and burning baby doll LIVE PEACE IN TORONTO 1969 Voormann, Clapton, Lennon, Yoko inabag— “The Plastic Ono Band rocks Toronto! “People prefer adead saint to a living annoyance like John and Yoko” 1968: Mand Mrs Lennon tale disgrunted Beatles, returned MBES and doodling PLASTIC ONO BAND Utely, frighceningly, bilan the Yoko tinged and psyche baring solo debut “My function in society is to bean artist” John gets prickly about Paulin Melody Maker and incites Imagine hype in NME IMAGINE. ‘The enduring album and home of his “most famous three minutes SOME TIME IN NEW YORK CITY [Out of America Lennon turns minstrel journalist LIVEINNEW ‘YORK CITY 1972: An insecure Lennon in his last top billed gig “When people say I’m self- indulgent, it’s only because Ym not doing what they want me to do” 1972: Aftera New ‘York performance, the Lennons discuss finances and getting lo MIND GAMES /Nutopian anthems and pop psychology on a Weird enjoyable record “Ivery rarely write la song with adeep 197%: LAbound and Yoko ess, Melody Makerfinds ade politicised ex Beatle ‘lennon just liked arty, but at the end ofthe parry he wanted to destroy ee everything!” Spector madness! Binge drinking! Kotex! Lennon, Nilsson and an avfullot of bad behaviour: the full story ofthe fabled Lost Weekend. “4 still get recognised. 1 think it’s me nose.. The visa woes culminateina Iestertothe Queen "ohn not neo grovel at your Royal appendages but WALLS AND BRIDGES A jumble of emotions Elton helps get a lost Lennon cheu the night “The more unsettled 1am, the better Ilike it” UFO sightings, unconcepts, 1 unravelling: Johnbinges on takeaway with -Makerana waxes whimsical Molod ROCK’N’ROLL Lennon payshefty ransom forthe Lost Weekend tapes and takes on the oldies \“P’ve lost all that negativity Jabout the past” 1075:.John om coming backto ‘Yoko and coming terms with ex Beatlchood ‘DOUBLE FANTASY 1980" After four years ofselfimposed houschusband exile, he makesa triumphantand tragicreturn toms “and now he’s gone, we too seem diminished...” The world Lennon's murder: NME Balto Neil Spencer eulogises MILK AND HONEY Lennon's leftover companion piece to Double Fantasyislovingly completed by his leftover companion JOHN LENNON ANTHOLOGY ems, outtakes, captured Poignant moments: an odyssey through the slo Beatle’ recording career “Itwas just aman anda }woman coming together” 2003: Uncuthears the whole tale of John & Yoko in an intimate and lengthy encounter withthe surviving halt ULTIMATE DISCOGRAPHY An in-depth overview of the Working Class Heros singles catalogue, plus compilations, rarities and more STOP ME.. 'youveheard the one shout Lennon, Uncut roy Carr and The Bestleshunch pail $ LENNON: d uN LI DECEMBERIE, 1968. PEACE FOR CHRISTMAS! © The Plastic Ono Supergroup’s UK debut. 3 Goes on a bit, apparently... 7 » DECEMBER 15, 1969 AUTHE LYCEUM, LONDON i ndofeliteamming Hence the Christmas showat the allraomin Londen. ced rightis the NeilBoland (Moon's guard, fatally runoverby Moon IF YOU WANTIT Happy hristnas fom John Yoho ww 4. Rees Pera Et Coe LENNON: Cea ne) eet eed re UNFINISHED MUSICNO. 1 TWO VIRGINS LIFE WITH THE LIONS: UNFINISHED MUSIC NO.2 WEDDING ALBUM One bored Beatle and his new girlfriend dive headlong into the avant-garde, from the comfort of their own bed. 5” DAVID STUBBS OFINLENNONWASa nartistofgreat absurdity, aswellastheestent of Herealised thepeoplewerethere toseeThe Beatlesandtoexperiencethelrownhysteria, notreallytolistentothegroup. Ashelapsed into mock Spanish, doubled up with giggles andstrafed the keyhoardwith hiselbow daring ‘McCarmey’s'Tm Down’ heseemedlikea manalreadydo moptop, By 1967, thegroup had withdrawn othe studio, iment onmakingmusicthatwastobe listened to, notsereamedat. Be experienced, they wer withonly ‘ney ryingtohold fa ‘terock nolh let's put-on-a-showlads'spiit thathadlaunchedandsustained them inthe mn itchingto domore brokeranksin 1968 with hissoloalbum, Wonderwall Music released on theirwell: gunwanted, wasthefiestBeatleto quit regroup, albeit briefly. curing The White Albumsessions. Lennon, meanhile,contented himself with oup, He siverolewithinthey seitledinto the roleofbackseat driver, argetingMeCartney-whohad ass leadership followingthe death ofBrian Eps —withawaspishwit PlentifulintakeoflSDdid not evidently, dilute hisdeep-seated cynicism, Aippaneyandseorn, Anditwasn'tjustTheBeatleswho were invitatinghim;marviedlifetoCynthia was boringl.ennon,too.In November 1968,he foundhimselfatthe IndieaGalleryin London, drawninto conversation with eseartis, sevenyeats hissenior,called YokoOno.Ono was looselvaffiliatedtothe Fluxusmovement, New York multimediaartscollectivefounded bytheLithuanianGeorge —conaues oven» LENNON: THE ALBUMS TS UNFINISHED MUSIC NO 1: ‘TWO VIRGINS 1 TwoVigins-Sidel ++ 2. TwoVirgns~Sie2 ++ 2297 REISSUE BONUS TRACK ‘3 Remember Live + (© Releasd:Novoriber 29,1968 (© Produced by. Jon ennco scvoho Ono (9 Recodo: ay 18 1968 Highest chart URNA USI26 UNFINISHED MUSIC NO 2: LIFE WITH THE LIONS: 1 Cambridge +e 2 NoBed For Geatle ohn + 3 Babys Heartbeat 4. TwoMinstos lence + 5 RatloPly eo 1997 REISSUE BONUS TRACKS 6 SongFor Join +x 7 Malbery + © Released iy 91959 (© Produced by ohn Lennon soho Ono (© Recorded: Novrber 968, Mah 21958 (© chart postin: KIVA US14 WEDDING ALBUM 1 Jom & Yoko + 2. Amsterdam 3 1957 REISSUE BONUS TRACKS ‘3 Whotlas Seen The Wind? 4 Usten, The Snows Faling 5 Don't Wory Kyoko (Mummy's On Locking For He Hand in ‘The Soon) (deme) + (© Released overber7 1969 (© Produced by Jon enn, oko Ono araPhispectr (© Recorded ste Marchand perl 228 273969 (© chart postion KIVA US 73 LENNON | ULTIMATE MUSIC GUIDE [11 era Maclunas.Fluxuswas influenced bythe philosophyofcompaser John Cageand the Dadamavementoftheearly20th Century whose"happenings” theyemulated. Indeed now. elderly Dadaists decried Fususfor creating workoutofacomfortzone highlightinghovthesavagery of World arthad provided thecontextfor thei cowneariywork ennonmightreasonablyhavebeen expected toridiculeOno'swork-preoceupied asitwaswith whiteness, space, conceptual simplicity andan almostinfantileidealist, Espociallygivenhowhchadlongdecried ingellectalcontrivanceand oncesaidthat cis French orbullshit’. Instead he fellutterlyinlovewithher. Theirrelationship transcended romanceand centered arealmofuttermutualabsorption, It wasasithe didn'justwanttobeOno'slover, buttobeutterlyat onewithher, even beer ‘She'sme in drag,"he once sai Lennon saw herasspiritinghimbacktohispre-B days, wipingthatwholeslate clean, Perhapsin someway'shealsofilled thespacein hislifeleft byhislatemotherand muse Juli forwhom he stilldesperatelypined, Theywere morethana couple, heywerea spiritual merger Assuch, twas quitelogical for Onoto ‘accompanyLennon tothestudiosfortheLetit Besessions;adoomed astelfartinstigated by ‘McCartney toget TheBeatlesbackin thesame roomasaroek'n'tollgroup. Herpresenceonly exacerbated thetenslons of TheBeatles final months, FINISHED MUSIC NO Tivo Virginswas mmsecionges continouswordess, toni ns reactions—hearty ome Fee) coc saomasieet"'> Govedmbenilarment= —ohenamir 7 . and final satisfaction...” east he foundation ofApple uunkindness: Ringo Starr vasthecucforlomnand,— MfodyMakerPopPanel,——forexarple thought Yolotorealsether May 171969 couplewereunwiseto panic eee ea iisieprojec.iennonhed | goraichynolsesanda | physicalin dumped Maharishi BHEnC Col by ott Althoughitstracksare MabehYogieskigar, AGRERER REAM subsivded too Vigaris butstllwamestoespouse S973 Maybeyoucoukd sentallyonctongpece, theeatsmso — Galfhertofindoutwhat —mingsnahesofhone lvoatavernscedon $Aetsaltabout salon corset juNeedistoven ata HhlsIsallabout="Alen scr fetboad timewhentheworld-and even thecounterculture wasbecomingmore violentand complex, Lennon wentin theoppositedirection aliogether."i'veasy" hedeclared, and togethertheyhomebrewedapacifist philosophy whichdrewitss ncterfromtheirmiatallove. A, paradoxical mixof univ sal idealismand self absorption, and an assertionofindependenee from TheBeatlesandallthechaostheyhad meandering pianoand tapeloopedelfeets, occasionally reminiscentoftheearliestsuch -xpetimentsconductedbytheFrench ‘omposer Pierre Schaefferinthelate19406, Thereareaccasional rreverentsillywoices, nd snatchesofstaidold gramophone crooning, tlacksthe concentrated, layered nightmarishnessof Revolution No.9" andin aysreflectsthe desultorymindse ofits makers-happilybed-bound, and refusing goanywhere,orevengetup.Afilm secompanying the musi, by William Wareing, showssuperimposed,slow-motion imagesof Johnand Yoko blisstullykissing.A ccounterculturalrevolutin, with French studentslayingstegeto Paris seemedike the lastthingon theirminds 1969's Unfnished Muse No2:LifeWith The Lionswasmadeinmoredifficult circumstances, with theeouple tunderintensemediaserutiny aandcomingtotermswithYoko's miscarriage:partofthealbum \waseven recordedintheirstite ‘atQueenCharlatte'shosptalin London in 1968, Thefirst side however isarecordingmadetn Cambridge in 1969, Flere, Yoko. unleashesasustainedandon firstimpactuteslydisconcerting variation on herusualshrick-achildsery.asifchannelln thepainofherlostbaby. Lennonaccompanies ‘onfeedback, boldlybutwithout demonstrating anyofthetalentofaHendrixasasculptorin thismedium. I'sonlywhenseasoned.want- sgardemusicians John Tchical saxophone) and JohnStevensjoinintowardstheendofthe piecethatitachievesanysortofgradient Side Two features theconceptuallyamusing ‘No Bed For Beatle John’ inwhieh Johnand Yokoincant, acappellasiyle,presselippings aboutthemselves, Therestofthealbumisa homage ofsortstofohn Cage-“Iwo Minutes UNFINIsH 0 mu, sosatt wi MEN 2 a po SDE} silence” takesitseuefromhis"'33",butisless a meditationon what"silence” meansin music ‘more asimpleactofmourningfortheirlost childandabroken world. Finally, "Radio Play" sees Lennon playing witharadio dial, lipping aroundtheairwaves:lessimpressive than Stockhausen's Hymnen, madeaboutthesame time, which uses the same methods tomore magisterial effect. There's even abitofsel reference—TheBeatles “Ob-La-Di,Ob-La-Dy isoneothe songs broadcaston the wireless Wedding Abum, though, goes even further {ntoJohn and Yolo'ssharedsolipsism—so muchsothatyoualmost eel ikean intruder listeningtoit. On theopeningtrack, ohn & Yoko" the hedofsoundlissourced from recordingsof heir ownheartbeats,overwhich theycallacrosstooneanother with growing aandebbingansiety,passion andbliss as they’tetheonlytwo peopleon the planet. Side ‘Twocomprisesthetrack"Amsterdam’,in Theseare avant-garde gestures, rather than sustained works, and standas testimony to Johnand Yoko's togetherness which Lennon givesaneffectiverebuttalte ‘thosewhopouredseoonhisand Yoko's Bed:tn general inAmsterdamand hispacifismin There'smanywaysto protest. peaceisonlygothypeaceful methods. The establishmentknowshowtoplay the gameof violence. They can'thandlepeaceful humour Healsohonest enough, hough, to pointto his ‘own contradictions:“Tmasviolentasthenext man, Meand Yoko, were violentpeople.| prefer myselfwhen!/mnon violent AsThe Beatles unraveled, Lennonand Ono's shutofereativeactivity wasnotlimited to music. InSeptember 1969, theyexhibiteda selectionofthelefilmsattheICAin London, — LENNON: THE ALBUMS Theseincluded Yoko's 1967film Four better knownas Bottoms, in which 364 participantsin theswingingLondon scenewereaskedto expose theirrearends tocamera;and Self Portralt,a2-minutefilmofjohn'ssem'-erect penis. Theeveningwasnotasuccess Moreambitious asthe 75-minute Rape, inwhichayoungHungarian actressis harassed throughthestreetsofLandonby ‘cameraman NickKnowland, twas purported tobeametaphorforthepersonalharassment {eltby Johnand Yoko which justas nappropriately, they declaredto beofapiece with thesufferings then beingenduredin Biafraand Vietnam Farfromhelpingpublicisean undergroundworidoftheavant-garde ntlyhave Tennon’sdabblingsmayinadve igen itabad name. Crtieswhohadneve before been exposed totapeloops, radio waves, musiqueconerbteandsoon, had prejudicesconfirmed byalbumslike theo Virgins. hewrter Richard Willlams, then working for Melody Maker reviewed theblank aultytestpressingof The Wedding sidesofa Album, assuming them tobesound exercises inmaintainingasingletone Lennon,intrath, \wasfarmoreadeptat ereatingfuzzy scabrous rock'n'ollthanhewasintherealmsof experimental noise: heachievesmoreinthe harrowing fewminutesof “Cold Turkey another 1869 release, thanhedaesonallof these threealbums, ut there'safurther wis. ItwasMeCartney,notennon, who had first takenaserlousinterestintheexperlmental ‘musiesceneotthe 1960s, prompted by his JournalistiriendBarryMilestoattenda ‘concert by the ultea-frecimprowgroup AMM, Ithadbeen McCartney who told Lennonal aboutJohnCage'suseofradio ransmissionas ‘music, whichhad prompted ennonto indulgeina itof dialplay onthefadeoutto AmTTheWalrus ‘Thecrucialdifference, though, isthatwhile takinganinvelligentinterestin such music McCartney didnottryand makeithimself. We ccanlaughnowatthe primness of 60sdistributorswhoinsisted that Teo Virgins’ coverbe coneealedbyabrown paper bag. Butioday. its hardto think fasuperstarwhowould tryto pulloffanequivalentstunt. Lennon'sexperimental albumsarebestregardedas sures ratherthansustained \worksigesturesofan idealism \we'resupposedly toacleverto embraceinthe rstCentury Theavant-gardetumedouttobejustane ‘more phasein Lennon'sshiftlesslife-he ‘movedon from thebed-insandexperiment albums ePrimalScream therapy, o politcal militancy,todomesticbakeryandsechision and ohealthy marital bliss, Each phase was short-lived, chelatter tragically. Butdespite thechangesandchangesol mind Lennon underwent, Yoko Ono wasavirtual constant (May Pangandthe Lost Weekend notwithstanding). Theexperimentalalbums standastestimonyto theirextraotdinary togetherness. bel Te ee) BTU itera TS Ae WG CUT a AVA No longer a mere Beatle, John PRS yoy eee and RICHARD WILLIAMS the full extent of his interests in 1969. BTC ropo er ec R Ee Apple! Art films! Macrobiotic food! And the burning of baby dolls to promote world peace... Es LENNON: ARCHIVE 1969 HESUN BUIRNS brightly through, the Savile Rw window andi’ hhotand sticky busy day at Apple, ‘with Yoko hammeringaway at the lectrictypewrterand john Lennoninconversation,andall thewhile the beautiful Not ‘smashsounel ofan unreleased Lennonsongealled "GivePeace AChaneo" soaringand ‘thumpingaround theroom. Astatement of factis that thisrecordwillselseveral million snd that like*All You Need Isove" twill echolikeananthem acrosstheworld, Apleasantand intriguing irishman named ecil MeCartney hasbeen in,nottodlaim somelong-forgotten Beatles relationship, but totalkaboutwarandpeaceandhisloathing forthefiery death they eallnapalm. Lennon hhas been inspired and the result isthatseveral hundred plasticchildren'sdolishavebeen Dboughtandnowawaitmutilation and destruction ina grisly protest bumningin London's Kings Road the following day. One of themlies on the table,nakedandpinkand innocentand withits feeding bottle aloft. “We'reonlyat the beginning ofsellingour peace product,” Johnissaying, “and think and [hopeit'sbeginningtowork, Yokoand ‘can only go onthereactions we getfrom people when we're going down thestreets together ofcourse. know weden'tgetpeople reallyagainstus.Some ofthem do giveusa dirtylook, butthe others... busdriversand lorry driversand that... sameothem say'Ow yerdoin®’and Good lek andallthatstufl Theway lsevitis,evenifthey don't getthe sistofus,orwhyare those people hammering innailsorstayingin bed... heyknow we're in favourof peace. They know what westand for Thisisonly thestartof the campaign, and they'llsoonallknow ourmessage, and what wee tryingtos “Sure, Iknowwe'vebeen criticised by somepapers, but you know, some of thesejournalists ind people talkasifthey feel they spending 2,000atthe Hilton onabed-in When we could spend itfeedingbabiesin Biafra. The situations, 've done that, aswell-thecharity it And respect the sentimentsbehind charity, and fwillcontinue todo thingslike that. Butitdoesntsolve theproblem. “Islikenursing the canceraftersomebody’s gotit. There’salot ofcancertobecured, Butit Silldoesn't stop research, And welooktowhat we're ttyingtodoforpeaceasresearch=to prevent Biafrahappeningnext ime. ould giveall my money to Biafra, and maybeatew thousandkids would be safefor that day. But thewarwouldstillgoon.'musingmy money asanoverall campaign toadvertisethe cause of peace. “You know, these people who criticise. \whacare they doing? You've gotto remember allofyou~that thisismeand Yoko's best efor. swith both ofour minds. Soifany of yououttherecanthinkofabetteridea. then \wellldo that, Bucuntilyoucome up with an alternative, and notjust why don'tyou give it tothespasticsand nottothedeat thenwell stickthewayweare, “The thingabouttryingtabringchangeis, thateverybodyin the world itsbackand blameseverybody else. The whole human racoislike that, Wevotepeopleinto parliamentto tun the government forus, and then wesitbackand claimhowbadly they're doingit. Wealways use aseapegoat, andthe \whole systems just like that. Everybody sitsin thearmchairand says Harold Wilson did this and Harold Wilson didthat... buti’sourfault, not Harold Wilsons.” He picks up the pink dolland pullsits plastic out ofthesocket,and pauses fora ‘moment and looksat thetableandlistensas Yoko speaks rapid Japanese into the phone. “Once, Itoldhim, "youused to frighten the helloutofme, Therewasatimewhen lid ‘expect your nextwords tobe you Fourreyed git? Now, [find myself moreatease in your company: you'refarmoremellow: Hetees to push thedoll arm backintoplaceand he says tepresentsomebody. One Anestinated150“TharsbecauseTmmorenysel journalistmightthinkwenced —/SUPAISEWSS ow. rmintroverted andinsaying Iorecommunication.- butts jowlatpsasany that wouldhavebeento prevent Unfortunate Theymustgetoutof "therwedilong’ yousaying oureyedglt tome. thehabit-newspapermenand,_BedtinatRoom _tsjustacaseofsimple games. popstars,anybody-musttalkfor 17420fMontreal's’sjust’ __triestojam thebottle nto theempty armpit. Themelvesmean howdoesone QueenEzabeth ha Thadthegemectaggresson, | Hedacs\ sayanything bute geaitin inthe journalistknowhowmostpeople POA JONAS! —Ageressionwasmydefence.As | end-onearm,onefeedingbottle. feeltOK,sothepeopleinhiscice peara¢hance’in sconarsomehodycamenearme, | -"Thethingabout performing now" he mightagreewithhim.Buthow Sedecordinetton Tmakethetstpunch Ifthey "says, "westilustdonvagreeon a We'e just Inanystraghedocsheknow= nel. 1S68uitt” couldnthandlethatthen maybe | fourmidle-aged teenagers who don tage howmanypeople thataren't achorusoffans rd becruel—ormaybel'dbekind, | onit, We'reall professional musicians, sure, Booryfournalasd andesebrtes Now. tmrelaxedenoughtobe | bitmisilansatentnecesarivperformers. nod. owigging sviftly EAA? myselrandbelessfrightenedof | mean, gout. But you'etalkingtome,and axtheboteafihisky Th Siuiscan whatpeolesregeingtosay The Beatesassuchdontiranttpootanthe ftommypocketinasudd a iotherthingts tient | road. 1dontnind, -havingabed ns belng secretiveswoop, same way, ean only judge from my sidein that howmany traightsdolknow besidesat Apple, orthoseTmeet?Teanonly ionl getby peoplewavingor ngmelerters. And that happens. ure, nowthecrtieisms aboutus 16) ULTIMATE MUSICGUIDE | LENNON ‘outon theroadasfaras!'meoncerned. think George and Ringo don’treally fancy, butt

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