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Cost Reduction by Design

Cost Reduction Opportunities:
Product development determines 80% of product cost. The
concept/architecture phase alone determines 60% of cost! See
how Design Determines Cost
New article on Designing Low-Cost Products shows the
top 5 design strategies to lower cost: breakthrough concepts,
designing out quality costs, eliminating change orders, vendorpartnerships, and designing to minimize part cost and material
Article shows why cost is very hard to remove later after
products are designed
The Results:
Significant cost reductions by design for parts, labor, material
overhead, quality, and product development; designing for
lean production can maximize lean savings (See # 2 Lean
Production Cost Reduction below).
How to Reduce Product Cost by Design:
Practice Concurrent Engineering with early and active
participation of manufacturing, purchasing, vendors, etc.

Design for

Manufacturability ( DFM ), Design for Lean, and Design for

For dramatic cost reduction - half cost to order-ofmagnitude - optimize the concept/architecture phase
To convert ideas, research, or prototypes into
viable products, use commercialization techniques to ensure
Convert expensive welded frames to assemblies of CNC
machined parts that are assembled rigidly and precisely using
various DFM techniques. The Steel & Cost Reduction
Workshop shows how design more manufacturable frames, like
the illustration on the right:
Activities Supportive to Low Cost Product Development:
Co-locating Engineering with Manufacturing ensures the best
teamwork; avoid distant offshoring
If outsourcing, choose local vendors which ensures early and
active vendor participation in product development teams

Pre-select Vendor/Partners who will help develop

products; avoid low-bidding
so that vendors will help with design
Implement standardization and good product portfolio planning
for the best focus
Total cost measurements (#8) to quantify all costs affected by
Correcting Counterproductive Policies. New ventures and
startups will be able to implement these principles right away.
Established companies may have to first
correct counterproductive policies, by prioritizing portfolio
planning, scrutinizing high-overhead sales, emphasizing
thorough up-front work, quantifying all costs, and avoiding
time-draining attempts to reduce cost after design, going for
the low-bidder, or moving production offshore. See full article
on counterproductive policies.

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