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Managing dirty data in organizations using ERP: lessons from a case


Jodi Vosburg


Anil Kumar



Subject Terms:

Data collection
Data integrity
Enterprise resource planning
Systems management
Information technology

The integrity of the data used to operate and make decisions about a business affects the
relative efficiency of operations and quality of decisions made. Protecting that integrity can
be difficult and becomes more difficult as the size and complexity of the business and its
systems increase.
Recovering data integrity may be impossible once it is compromised. Stewards of
transactional and planning systems must therefore employ a combination of procedures
including systematic safeguards and user-training programs to counteract and prevent
dirty data in those systems. This paper discusses issues related to the origin of dirty data,
associated problems and costs of using dirty data in an organization, the process of
dealing with dirty data in a migration to a new system: enterprise resource planning (ERP),
and the benefits of an ERP in managing dirty data. These issues are explored in the paper
using a case study.
Copyright MCB UP Limited (MCB) 2001
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Jodi Vosburg: The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Wisconsin, USA
Anil Kumar: The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Wisconsin, USA

1.0 Introduction
Daily operations, planning, and decision-making functions in organizations are increasingly
dependent on transaction data. This data is entered electronically and manually and then
organized, managed and extracted for decision-making.
The same data entered and used to facilitate building, shipping, and invoicing goods is
also extracted and manipulated to evaluate factory and sales force performance in the
short term. In the long term this data is used to chart the course of the business in terms of
manufacturing facilities, products, and marketing. The integrity of the data used to operate
and make decisions about a business affects the relative efficiency of operations and
quality of decisions made. Protecting data integrity is a challenging task. Redman (1995)
comments that "many managers are unaware of the quality of data they use and perhaps
assume that IT ensures that data are perfect. Although poor quality appears to be the
norm, rather than the exception, they have largely ignored the issue of quality". Other
scholars (Greengard, 1998; Kilbane, 1999; Tayi and Ballou, 1998; Wallace, 1999) also
point out the importance of data quality for organizations.
Maintaining the quality of the data that is used in an organization is becoming an
increasingly high priority for businesses. In a recent survey of 300 IT executives conducted
by Information Week (Wallace, 1999), majority of the respondents (81 per cent) said,
"improving customer data quality was the most important post-year 2000 technology
priority". The respondents further stated that there would be "significantly increased
spending" on data quality in their organizations. Companies that manage their data
effectively are able to achieve a competitive advantage in the marketplace (Sellar, 1999).
On the other hand, "bad data can put a company at a competitive disadvantage"
comments Greengard (1998). A recent study (Ferriss, 1998) found out that "Canadian
automotive insurers are taking a major hit from organized and computer-literate criminals
who are staging crashes and taking advantage of dirty data in corporate databases". The
study found out that in one case several insurance firms lost $56 million to one fraud ring.
How does a company end up with dirty data and what can be done to prevent this?
Disparate data stores (individual, departmental, and organizational) that have been
developed and used by organizational users over the years lead to dirty data problems.
For example, dissimilar data structures for the same customer data (spelling
discrepancies, multiple account numbers, address variations), incomplete or missing data,
lack of legacy data standards, actual data values being different from meta-labels, use of
free-form fields, etc. (Kay, 1997; Knowles, 1997; Weston, 1998). These problems can be
compounded by the volume of data that is stored and used in organizations. One way of
overcoming this problem is to use technologies that integrate the disparate data stores for
an organization and help companies clean up their data. Enterprise resource planning
(ERP) systems (SAP, Peoplesoft, Baan, J.D. Edwards, etc.) are examples of such
systems. "A good ERP system offers an integrated option, implementing browser and
client-server modes while maintaining consistent data and function within the enterprise
and out to the supply chain" (Stankovic, 1998). In recent years, ERP vendors have gone
beyond providing the traditional integrated applications, such as manufacturing, financials,
and human resources. Newer applications that have emerged include supply chain
management, customer-relationship management, data mining and data warehousing
(Caldwell and Stein, 1998; Stankovic, 1998) and browser modes that enable organizations
to reach out to customers and the supply chain. Caldwell and Stein (1998) also point out

that "most important, ERP forces discipline and organization around processes, making
the alignment of IT and business goals more likely in the post-ERP era". Aligning IT and
business goals has always been a top priority for senior management. Thus it might be
helpful for a company to implement an ERP system.
In this paper, we discuss the experiences of a company, which implemented an ERP
system in their organization. The discussion is focussed primarily on the data aspect of the
implementation. The paper is organized as follows. In the next section we describe the
case-study organization. Section 3 defines the concept of dirty data and its impact on the
integrity of organizational data. In Section 4 we list the costs incurred by organizations as a
result of using dirty data. Section five highlights several lessons learnt from the case-study
organization and, finally, in Section 6 we summarize the guidelines for companies planning
to implement ERP solutions to overcome dirty data problems.
2.0 The case study
The organization where this case study was conducted is a $650 million division of a
Fortune 500 company located in the Midwest. This company is a manufacturer of
electrical, lighting, and automotive equipment. The products of this company are marketed
domestically and internationally. The company employs approximately 1,600 people in
manufacturing and sales facilities located both domestically and internationally. There are
17 manufacturing facilities located in North America and Asia. The case study was used to
understand the implications of dirty data at the company before and after the
implementation of an ERP system. The ERP implementation in the company replaced a
number of independent mainframe legacy systems used for order and quotation
processing, manufacturing, transportation, billing, and finance applications. One of the coauthors of the study works at the company as the system/support supervisor for the
Customer Support Center (CSC). In this role, the author was directly involved in
identifying, trouble-shooting, and training for dirty data concerns in data entry and with
specifying, testing, and distributing customer and sales-force reports. In addition, we
interviewed several other employees in the organization who were involved with this
project. These employees included the manager of the CSC and marketing services, an
information analyst in the marketing services group, and a customer support
representative (CSR). The manager of the CSC is responsible for managing domestic
order processing and sales and marketing reporting for the division. The information
analyst works with users and programmers to specify report requirements and does much
of the testing and trouble-shooting for those reports. The CSR is the data entry point
analyzing and translating customer purchase orders into ERP documents. This study will
look primarily at issues relating to the CSC.
3.0 Dirty data defined"At first, the abbreviation for black was blk. Then it was changed to
bck. We didn't discover this change until someone said the color mix didn't look right
(Horwitz, 1998)."
Dirty data exists when there are inaccuracies or inconsistencies within a collection of data
or when data extraction is inconsistent with intent. Inclusion of dirty data in a data source
may pollute the entire data source making it difficult or unwise to use the data for analysis.

Dirty data in a transactional system can mean incorrect order taking, products not built to
specification, or errors in packaging, documentation, or billing.
The result is dissatisfied customers, loss of shareholder confidence, unnecessary material
and labor costs, and the real and opportunity costs of time spent correcting errors resulting
from dirty data. Those interviewed define dirty data as follows:"The GIGO (garbage in,
garbage out) theory applies to dirty data. If you don't have checks in the system that
prevents human error, you will have errors in your data. Data integrity refers to data that is
systematically edited or edited by "experts" after data entry to remove errors (Manager,
CSC).""Duplicate data or data that is incomplete or extraneous (Information Analyst,
Marketing Services).""Anything that is entered incorrectly (CSR)."
The definitions used reflect each one's experience with dirty data. Awareness of this
problem is growing within the organization as users, systems people, and management
uncovers and deals with problems resulting from dirty data.
Data integrity requires awareness and control of dirty data. A collection of data has
integrity if the data are logically consistent and accurate. Data integrity requires that data
additions or changes be reflected in each of the locations where that data is stored and
that data is consistent across the storage medium(s) used. Data integrity also requires that
the users of that data understand the meaning of the data within the context of the
business. Maintaining data integrity requires a systematic approach to data processing,
storage, sharing, manipulation, and reporting.
4.0 Cost of using dirty data
"Errors in data can cost a company millions of dollars, alienate customers, and make
implementing new strategies difficult or impossible" (Redman, 1995). The manager of CSC
commented that:"Any business that has to issue debits and credits or that throws out
surplus, unusable inventory, understands the costs of dirty data. Each credit or debit is
estimated to cost the company $75 for the clerical efforts of analyzing, generating and
disseminating the document. Added to that are the following: production errors from
erroneous bills of material or misinterpretation of a customer's specifications; freight costs
for shipping and returning product; inventory scrapping charges where the product cannot
be resold; financial penalties charged by the customer for our error; ordering of unneeded
materials; scrapping of raw materials; wasted labor charges at the organization and its
customer; warranty charges to fix the product, if it can be modified; and unknown cost of
the customer not ordering additional product from you because of your data problems. The
managers and people involved in warranty, credit and collection and finance understand
the ramifications. The rest of the organization understands what their managers or
supervisors have shared with them. Our quality program emphasizes feedback to the
person involved with a quality problem. It is up to the management team to insure that all
people understand the problems dirty data can cause as well as prevention."
The information analyst for marketing services was of the opinion that "most of the costs
associated with dirty data cannot be measured in terms of dollars. If these costs could be
quantified the management would be shocked". She stressed the cost of the endless
number of consultants required to configure the system to prevent a particular data
problem or to determine or correct the results of one.

The CSR focused on "costs associated with customer dissatisfaction - lost confidence and
business are hard to measure and harder to win back". She pointed out the frustration and
time lost at the factory, in the marketing departments, and at the CSC in correcting
problems resulting from dirty data.
Each person's perspective is culled from that person's training and experience. The CSR
indicated that she had little understanding of the way in which the data she enters is used
in peripheral departments and how it becomes part of reporting. For that reason, it is
important to examine the data and rationalize it. Data rationalization involves determining
what data is important to which department and prioritizing the value of those data sets.
Once this determination is made, plans to correct and prevent dirty data can be laid.
5.0 The ERP implementation: lessons learned
The start of data integrity problems is really a failure to treat data as a strategic business
resource. Scholars (Redman, 1995; Tayi and Ballou, 1998) point out that data is a key
organizational resource. However, as pointed out by Kilbane (1999), "Many companies
who use data contained in legacy systems are not leveraging it as a strategic company
asset." The primary challenge to maintaining data integrity is the lack of resources
allocated to it. To maintain data integrity, people with an understanding of the origins and
results of dirty data and the ways to prevent and correct it, must be dedicated to the task.
Redman (1995) says that: "Due largely to the organizational politics, conflicts, and
passions that surround data, only a corporation's senior executives can address many
data quality issues. Only senior management can recognize data (and the processes that
produce data) as a basic corporate asset and implement strategies to proactively improve
them." Where data integrity is one of many responsibilities of people with no understanding
of the concepts surrounding data integrity, dirty data is the result. Integrity, issues receive
attention in times of crisis, but as soon as the crisis is over, those with responsibilities
other than data integrity turn to the pressing deadlines or daily tasks that they are
responsible for. In a complex ERP environment, this can result in perpetual crisis
management. In the following paragraphs we discuss the lessons learned from this case
5.1 Understanding and communicating new demands of an ERP system
Before the move from legacy applications to an ERP system takes place, considerable
thought should be given to how the system change will change the roles of the users. The
conversion to an ERP system is not just a data extraction, cleansing, transformation, and
populate process to effectively implement an ERP system. An organization needs a
strategy and a plan. Atre (1998) points out that "legacy data is invariably in worse condition
than you realize". Caldwell and Stein (1998) comment that "ultimately, by feeling their way
through the initial shock of an ERP implementation - new business processes, new job
roles, new management structures, and new technologies - companies are transforming

In this company there are 48 CSRs in the CSC. These CSRs are responsible for entering
orders taken from domestic customers. Now, with the ERP, the items on these orders not
only initiate the manufacturing, shipping, and invoicing functions, but also are the raw data
used to generate the sales and marketing reports. The sales and marketing reports feed
the decision-making processes that steer the business. The correct and consistent
entering of these orders is critical to preventing dirty data.
Most CSRs believe that the order entry process has increased in complexity with the
implementation of the ERP. Some estimate that the time required to enter an order has
increased two to four times. The reasons for this widely-held perception are threefold.
First, the ERP is still quite new - system glitches can mean several unsuccessful attempts
at entering a single order and the eventual involvement of system support personnel in
processing. Second, there are more steps to the order entry processes, and greater
variation across product lines. Legacy systems were used for narrowly-defined transaction
sets. For example, each of the four product groups in the company had their own
manufacturing system. The homogeneity of the transactions and of the users meant that
the legacy systems could be customized to accommodate those tasks without affecting the
ability of other users to perform other tasks. Now that all users share a single system,
transactions must be generalized to fit all tasks. Where customization cannot be
automated, it becomes a manual part of user work processes - the order entry process
varies greatly from product line to product line. Greater expertise is required on the part of
the user, not only in the performance of their assigned tasks but also in those of others
that are affected by their system transactions. The learning curve has been steeper than
anyone imagined. Third, data entry skills are no longer enough to successfully enter
orders- the ERP requires system savvy and an analytical approach. It has become critical
that CSRs understand the logic behind the processes and the ramifications of their actions
on-line. Many are inexperienced in this way of working. The combination of these factors
has increased the occurrence of inaccurate, inconsistent data being entered on the ERP
via sales orders, as CSRs attempt to complete their complex and time-consuming data
entry work in the same amount of time they did prior to the ERP implementation and
without a clear understanding of how that data is to be used by other functional areas in
the business and by upper management for analysis and business decisions. "Lesson:
Organizational users need to be educated and prepared for the changes that will take
place as a result of ERP implementation."
5.2 Developing shared understanding of data
The lack of a shared understanding of the uses and value of data among those performing
the same tasks and among those performing different tasks can lead to creation of dirty
data. Tayi and Ballou (1998) point out that "the data gatherer and initial user may be fully
aware of the nuances regarding the meaning of the various data items, but that will not be
true for all of the other users". Where those performing the same tasks have a different
understanding of the data being processed, inconsistencies are inevitable. For example, if
the marketing services department members differ on whether abbreviations are to be
used in customer master data, inconsistent entry is the result. Locating this data becomes
difficult for CSRs because they cannot be sure if they are using the wrong abbreviation, or
if the data has not been entered. The result of this lack of shared understanding is
duplicate records - when the CSR cannot find the record that they are looking for, a new
record is requested. Even if marketing services is able to locate the record and corrects

the abbreviation before creating a duplicate record, both the CSR and marketing services
have spent unnecessary time.
A lack of a shared understanding is common among data generators and report writers. A
CSR knows that the promised ship date on an order with a production block is not valid,
but a consultant writing a backlog report probably does not. As a result, the invalid date is
published on the report. Geographical distances and functional barriers exacerbate this
complexity. The further an employee is from another employee, and the less that
employee understands what is required in the other's position, the less likely they are to
share a common understanding of the importance of the data each deals with. According
to the CSC manager: "In the business right now, those entering the data and those using
the data are so confused that there is little understanding of the data in the system. We are
working with users AND the IT departments to share the knowledge about the entered,
calculated AND extracted data. Without this, we are, and have been, subject to
interpretation of a field with a title meaning different things to those entering versus using
the data. We are finding how difficult it is to deal with a program written in another
language, as field translations have always assisted users and IT people in the past. In our
ERP, there is no such extra help available for those looking for field definitions and
understandings. ""Lesson: Champions of the ERP implementation project should ensure
that all users understand the organizational data in a manner that is consistent throughout
the organization."
5.3 Ownership of data and responsibilities
Responsibility for ensuring data integrity belongs to all employees. Tayi and Ballou (1998)
comment: "The capability of judging the reasonableness of the data is lost when users
have no responsibility for the data's integrity and when they are removed from the
gatherers." Atre (1998) points out: "IT staff need help and cooperation from business users
to identify and cleanse operational data. Users should be primarily responsible for
determining the business value of data. Don't rely on systems integrators - they don't
understand the business value of the data." One has also to consider the "politics" which
play an important role. Often managers may agree that they own the data, but may want
everybody to be involved in cleaning it. The manager of the CSC commented:"I believe
that data integrity is the responsibility of every company employee. All positions, all
departments are responsible for insuring the data they are entering, reviewing or utilizing is
error free. It is the responsibility of every manager to make sure the tools are in place to
insure data integrity for the data they are responsible for.... In the past, users relied on the
IT departments to make sure the edits were in place to make the data correct. With ERP
systems and more user controlled systems and input, it is a joint responsibility. Users must
understand systems better and IT personnel must understand business problems better in
order for them to work together to achieve the highest level of data integrity. Too many IT
people are good programmers but not good business analysts."
The marketing services staff is responsible for maintaining customer and salesforce
master data, for testing and maintaining the ERP data structures that define transactional
data, and for authoring and generating sales and marketing reports. Marketing services
has been successful in guarding against duplicated records, misspelled names, inverted
text, missing fields, outdated area codes and ZIP codes, and other kinds of dirty data in
customer and salesforce master data by employing combination of user training, well

defined procedures, and tight control and auditing of additions, changes, and deletes.
Every CSR received at least four hours of training on the use and import of this master
data. During that training, CSRs were asked to review the master data for their assigned
customers and to advise marketing services of any necessary changes. New master data
requires the completion of a form to ensure all necessary information is provided. Only two
people in the marketing services department do the actual addition of the new data to
ERP. In addition, an audit report is run regularly to identify changes made to the data. This
report helps to catch mistakes and identify where additional training is required. A data
steward, who is responsible expressly for protecting data integrity, should support the
efforts of the CSRs and the marketing services department. This data steward would be
responsible for raising awareness about data issues and implementing systematic
procedures for data auditing and user training."Lesson: Ensuring that all stakeholders of
an ERP system understand their responsibilities with respect to maintaining data integrity
will lead to a better quality system. Data that is a part of an ERP system belongs to an
organization and not to any individual department or user."
5.4 Migrating legacy data
Ruber (1999) comments, "Migrating information from departmental databases and
transaction-processing systems ... is a daunting task." He goes on to say that the "hardest
part is cleansing the data, yet people tend to underestimate that part of the process."
Legacy systems in corporations, which were created in different generations, create major
stumbling blocks for migrating data to integrated application systems. Quick fixes that
become embedded in the case of legacy systems create complexities that are difficult to
overcome. Most of these systems are usually lenient with the data that is maintained,
resulting in lack of data standards or documentation in the form of metadata. Before this
data is migrated there is a need to clean it. An effective strategy for companies planning to
implement integrated applications, such as ERP, may be to use automated tools for
cleaning legacy data before integrating it. Tools provided by vendors such as id.Centric,
Vality Technology, HarteHanks, etc. (Knowles, 1997) may benefit organizations
significantly. Sales of such tools used for data extraction, refining and loading, was
expected to reach $210 million by the end of 1999 (Kay, 1997).
The initial ERP implementation involved a programmatic load of legacy sales order
backlog onto the ERP. The order load program was developed and tested over a period of
months by a programmer familiar with the organization's business practices and a team of
users. The load was simplified by the fact that the legacy system was well supported. That
support meant not only that data to be converted was relatively clean, but also that the
data in the legacy system was well-defined and understood - a program could be written to
capture only relevant data. Unfortunately, the idiosyncrasies of the order entry process for
the various product lines and of the ways in which CSRs entered the orders meant that no
program could convert the data without some errors. Because the data integrity of the
orders was so important, each converted order was reviewed on the ERP by the
responsible CSR. Many data errors were caught and corrected during this review,
including item quantity, material number, and ship to errors. But some were missed. A
tremendous amount of time has been spent and is still being spent to correct these errors.
One of the most common errors involved contract release orders. The program designed
to convert the data somehow selected and input the wrong material number into the
converted order. The CSRs, possibly tired after consecutive 12-hour days of data
verification, missed many material errors. These kinds of errors, though, are always found

eventually - usually by the customer. The results of these errors were: shipment of the
wrong materials; angry customers; time spent investigating the error; cost of processing
credit orders and replacement orders; expedited production of the correct materials
(resulting in late shipments of other orders); transportation costs for returning the wrong
units; and/or cost of scrap or storage. No attempt has been made to assign a dollar value,
though, to the results of this dirty data.
Overall, though, this data migration was a success - the inevitable data errors were
identified, some sooner, some later, and corrected. The success was due in large part to
the fact that the legacy system was well supported, the migration process was well tested
and documented, and those closest to the data verified the data after the migration.
Customer master data was loaded programmatically initially. Customer master data
includes addressing for billing and shipping, tax identification numbers and designations of
customer type and pricing levels. Migration from legacy systems to the ERP has allowed
marketing services an opportunity to scrutinize and clean data maintained about our
customers and sales force. More stringent master data requirements in the ERP, in fact,
made this a necessity. For example, the legacy system had used an address in Varnons,
Georgia, for one customer for years. This address was kicked out in the programmatic
load of customer master data. On investigation, it was discovered that Varnons was not a
city, but a stop on a railway line. The ERP will determine the zip code and county given a
city and state. This not only ensures that the city and state are entered accurately, but also
that the customer has provided a valid city and state combination. Customer data moved
from the legacy to the ERP system were relatively cleaner than they had been on the wellmaintained legacy system.
Migrating poorly-maintained legacy data
Atre (1998) comments that "you are likely to run into problems such as incompatible data
formats, codes that no one can decipher, data that's embedded in long text fields,
overlapping customer records from multiple systems, some with redundant data and
others with conflicting or outdated data and even chunks of mystery data of long-forgotten
provenance and uncertain ownership". Weston (1998) suggests using flags for dirty data
that is migrated. As a result, a decision-maker can decide if he/she wants to use the
information or leave it out during data analysis activities. The customer and salesforce
master load for the migration from a much less well-maintained system was a more
tedious and difficult procedure. Keeping that data clean on this legacy system was never a
priority. The data was entered by the order entry group, as there was no position assigned
to the management and control of master data for this system. Misspellings, duplicate
records, and inconsistencies were the result of a lack of control over who could add,
change, or delete customer master data, of instructions for proper management of the
data, and of auditing procedures. The problems were exacerbated by the fact that, when
the company purchased this facility, a completely new group of users began to enter this
data. A lack of shared definitions of the components of the master data and their uses
increased the number of discrepancies and errors. Where the original group might define a
salesperson as a customer or a vendor or an agent, the company group defined the
salesperson as an agent only. Subsequently, where there was no agent-type record for a
particular salesperson, one was created, thereby creating the potential for inaccurate
reporting of sales data. Thus, before any master data could be moved to the ERP, each

record had to be manually reviewed. The marketing services group again handled this
process. Spelling errors, duplicate records, and incomplete data were addressed before
the data was loaded to the ERP.
The sales order and production data on this system had been subject to inexplicable
changes. For example, in November of 1998, the order entry group started to notice that
some items on orders were being closed by the system for no apparent reason. Thus, they
would never be built or shipped. The in-house support could not identify the cause or
propose a solution, nor could the manufacturer of the software. The in-house support
group advised CSRs to address these system-generated cancellations as they happened a virtually impossible task. After much discussion, the support team agreed to write a
report to locate these items.
The data on this legacy system was not well supported or understood. The data was in
such poor condition that sales and marketing reports generated from system data were
virtually useless. For example, the Canadian order entry location might enter orders using
the same customer master record for different customer locations by overwriting the soldto-address text to reflect the different location addresses. The domestic location would add
new customer master records for each customer location. Existing reports could not
accurately reflect these contradictory approaches.
These factors combine to make a programmatic migration of the sales order data to the
ERP infeasible. Instead, sales orders were manually loaded onto the ERP by CSRs using
an expanded backlog report. The lack of understanding of the way the system stores data,
coupled with inaccuracies and inconsistencies in order entry and processing, made the
writing of this report very difficult. For example, the initial run of the report included
thousands of freight items. Freight items are added to sales orders by the shipping
department to indicate carrier and shipment date of materials on the order - they are not
backlogged. These were difficult to suppress in the report because of the inconsistent
ways in which they have been added to the sales orders - some were loaded as text items,
some as freight items, and some in a closed status, some in an open status. Attempts to
suppress this data on the conversion order might have, without extensive testing, resulted
in inadvertent suppression of materials that should be converted - the Miami order entry
location uses freight items not to communicate shipment information, but to charge the
This project, though, was also a success. While the manual conversion presented an
opportunity for entry error, the process was largely error free. This can be attributed to the
extensive testing of the backlog report serving as the basis for the conversion, simple
comprehensive check-list style instructions for the CSRs in the use of the backlog report,
and, most importantly, a group of CSRs now more comfortable and experienced in the use
of the current ERP. Again, migration to the new ERP was a boon, because it drove the
process of examining and cleaning current data."Lesson: Migrating dirty data is a
challenging task. Use of automated tools is a good strategy for organizations planning to
implement integrated application systems. The most important factor is that the data needs
to be cleaned before it is migrated to an ERP system."
5.5 Recognizing the complexity of integrated data

The integration of several business functions on a single system holds tremendous

potential for reporting. All transactional data is now available from one source. Reporting
that was difficult or not feasible in the past is now possible. This consolidation of functions
onto one system has forced the various units of the business to develop a greater
understanding of the work done by other units of the business and their interpretation of
the data. With this potential, though, comes increased complexity. Tayi and Ballou (1998)
point out "personnel databases situated in different divisions of a company may be correct
but unfit for use if the desire is to combine the two and they have incompatible formats".
Kilbane (1999) says "the problem is that data is, too often, in different formats and
companies don't know how to properly bring it together and turn it into actionable
Locating data tables within the ERP system appropriate for the intended reporting has
turned out to be more tedious and difficult than anyone imagined. Reports used by the
salesforce and in manufacturing to describe sales order backlog have been found to be so
error-ridden that they have been totally scrapped and rebuilt. Reports meant to describe
incoming businesses took months to write. Several iterations of these reports were
developed before the set currently in circulation was completed.
The information analyst describes an error that she stumbled across while researching
another reporting data discrepancy. It seems that the same incoming business report was
run for the month of March on April 1 and then again on April 3. She noticed that the totals
were different. This should never occur - once the month is closed, no updating should
occur. She indicates that locating the cause of a problem like this is difficult and time
consuming and sometimes proves to be impossible. In this case, though, they were able to
locate the source of the problem - the reporting structure was identifying the wrong date
field as the determinant for which month a particular type of order would be allocated to.
The correction of this structure error is perhaps more tedious than finding the cause of it the field reference must be changed in more than 100 places in each of the several data
structures. These and other integrity problems detected in the early going have meant that
several manual adjustment schedules must be published with each run of this report - the
data cannot be cleaned. The information analyst attributes these errors to a lack of
comprehensive testing of the updating that occurs when these orders are processed. She
sights a lack of communication between those that understand the way the company
accrues and processes data and those responsible for building the data definition
structures. As a result, some basic assumptions were made in the definition of data that
were incorrect.
The complexity entailed by system integration is compounded by the marketing services
staff's inexperience with the selected reporting bolt-on, the ERP data structures, and the
architecture of the data itself. Basic reporting requirements to operate the business,
coupled with this inexperience, have resulted in an inordinate reliance on consultants for
report writing. While these consultants are skilled in report writing and the integration of
ERP, their lack of understanding of company business and the transactional data and
processes, and subsequent ERP configuration changes, has impeded accurate
reporting."Lesson: It takes time for users to comprehend and use integrated data as a
result of using ERP packages. Care should be taken to ensure that all users understand
the concept of integrated corporate data and use it accordingly."

5.6 Testing the new system

The costs of insufficient testing prior to implementation can be very high. Months of
suspicions were confirmed in March, when it was discovered why incoming business
numbers seemed too high. CSRs had been entering the sales credit designation on orders
more than once. Whenever a new item is added to an existing ERP sales order, the ERP
returns an error indicating that sales credit is missing. The correct action is to activate the
existing sales credit designation on the order for the new items. This problem was not
anticipated or clearly understood. Thus the correct handling was never made part of the
ERP training for CSRs. So, CSRs generally entered an additional sales credit designation
with each addition to an order. Some orders showed a sales credit allocation of 400 per
cent or more of the net value of the order. The sales credit numbers are also used to
report incoming business. In total, this data entry error resulted in an eight million-dollar
overstatement of incoming business. Because this affected incoming business and not
shipments or production, the cost was minimal financially. However, sales managers were
forced to adjust sales engineer bonuses downward as a result of the discovery.
This data cannot be corrected on the ERP system. All adjustments had to be handled
manually. Some preventative measures were immediately put in place. In the short term,
additional training was provided to the people who enter orders to make them aware of the
impact of this error. A daily report is being run to identify these errors as they are made,
allowing on-line corrections. In the long term, the ERP configuration changes have been
requested to eliminate the misleading error message and to add messages when more
than 100 per cent of the value of the order is allocated as sales credit. According to the
manager of the CSC: "The problem might have been prevented if we all knew how to test
wrong. In all the massive testing done on order entry and reporting on it, not enough was
done to try to enter bad data. Some of the edits seemed so self-evident, that there lack
was almost impossible to comprehend. I think we are just now learning how important
understanding and testing for dirty data is in a truly integrated system.""Lesson: Test, test
and test again. Testing is a crucial aspect of implementing ERP solutions. There should be
no short-cuts in testing. Different user groups should be involved in the testing process to
ensure that all possible scenarios are used for testing the ERP system before the
conversion to ERP is implemented."
5.7 Training
Lack of proper training can frustrate users when they begin using an ERP system in an
organization. Caldwell and Stein (1998) point out the example of Amoco, where "managers
found SAP so unfriendly they refused to use it. Few [of our] people use SAP directly
because you have to be an expert". The authors further comment that in the case of
Owens Corning, the organization found out that "the cultural and organizational impact on
IT organizations is a little short of revolutionary". The entry and extraction of dirty data can
be prevented with greater dedication to initial and on-going training for those responsible
for entering and extracting data. A lack of time is typically sighted as the reason for
inadequate training. The time required to investigate, understand, correct, and prevent
problems due to dirty data is considerably more, though, than that required simply to

understand and prevent those problems. The additional cost of this reactive approach is
the loss of shareholder confidence in the system, employees, and data.
A significant training effort was put into teaching those that would be using and entering
data in the system. Each CSR received in excess of 50 hours of training in meaning and
population of the various fields comprising the order entry screens. Order entry procedures
are documented in detail and available to all CSRs. The difficulty lies in knowing how
much training is enough - a difficult question to answer at conversion time, given the
consultants' lack of understanding of the particular business and the employees' lack of
understanding of the new system and the potential problem areas. There is no question,
though, that additional training will be required after implementation to address the
numerous unanticipated problems that will arise."Lesson: On-going training is a
prerequisite for success in implementing ERP systems. Organizations should plan ahead
of time to train all users before and after the implementation. Periodic exchange of ERP
experiences by users in an organization from their work environment will go a long way."
5.8 Prioritizing data maintenance
According to the CSC manager: "Data integrity is assigned a high priority at the
management and IT level. It is not as high a priority at the middle manager and lower
levels, as worrying about data integrity can slow down production, order entry, shipping,
etc.." The information analyst and the CSR expressed similar opinions when asked about
the prioritization of data integrity at CPS. The information analyst indicated that data
integrity was critical in the marketing services department, but prioritized much lower in
departments dealing with the day-to-day operations.
Even marketing services, though, does not have a system in place to check data regularly
for problems. The information analyst indicates that the department spends so much time
"putting out fires" that there is little time left over for carrying out systematic data checks.
The problem is exacerbated by a lack of tools for auditing. The information analyst
attributes this to the newness of the implementation.
At present, data integrity is protected through a combination of system safeguards, user
training, and data entry procedures. System safeguards are the result of building data
integrity rules into ERP. For example, ERP will prevent a CSR from entering a ship to
address in a sold-to-field. This is a hard error, preventing saving of the data. Soft error
messages give the CSR the opportunity to review potentially erroneous data. Additionally,
many fields are populated from drop-down boxes, eliminating the chance for misspelled
entries or entries outside the acceptable domain for the field."Lesson: Organizations
should emphasize that maintaining data integrity is an on-going process and everybody
needs to play an active role. Maintaining data integrity does not stop with the
implementation of the ERP system."
5.9 Using consultants
Care must be taken to ensure that if consultants are hired for the transition project, the
internal stewards of the system understand their work. For example, in this company,
consultants were responsible in large part for developing data structures for the new

system, and form the system metadata. These structures are used in conjunction with raw
data to define the context of the data and to ensure that data reported is consistent with
what is intended or required. For example, a structure may define incoming business as
the value of the selling prices on sales orders not including items that have been
cancelled. Thus reports providing incoming business data will not include cancelled items.
Direct involvement by the manager of the CSC and the marketing services staff throughout
the development, ensured that data structures defined by the consultants matched data
the way users of that data defined it. This prevents the possibility that once the consultants
leave the project, the users of the system understand the data that is being processed by
the system."Lesson: Hiring consultants to assist with the ERP implementation is an
effective strategy if organizations ensure that all work done by the consultants is
understood and documented. The ERP implementation knowledge should not leave the
organization after the consultants work is completed."
5.10 Post-ERP implementation
Counteracting and preventing dirty data - current perceptions and practices
Data entry procedures have been created to control the potential damage accruing to dirty
data. For example, CSRs are required to place a production block on orders for some
material types. This gives the product group marketing departments an opportunity to
review the order and correct any errors before production begins. Taken individually, this
procedure seems like a reasonable safeguard. Taken together with all of the other
exceptions and qualifiers to the basic order entry procedure based on material type, or
product line, and order type, though, the procedures begin to seem like the source of the
errors rather than the way to avoid them. As the procedures grow more complex, the
likelihood of entering data accurately and consistently drops.
In almost every department within the business, the increased complexity of performing
the job has meant more time required to do the same work. This means even less time
and attention to data integrity issues and more dirty data - where someone may have
taken the time to find out what an error message means and to address the data entry
error prior to the implementation of ERP, now they may pass the error without addressing
it because of the work backlog.
Out of necessity, though, where data integrity is compromised, user involvement into
testing and reporting procedures is increasing. The correction will begin with an
investigation by system/support and/or marketing services of the problem. Then, reporting
tools will be generated to find all instances of the error. Finally, users will be enlisted to
implement corrections. CSR involvement in the corrections is critical because of their
intimacy with the data and as a training tool - those repeating the error most frequently will
have the most corrections to make. The more corrections that the CSR is required to
make, the greater the likelihood that they will be able to avoid the mistake in the future.
Counteracting and preventing dirty data - areas for improvement

A systematic approach should replace the more reactive crisis management approach to
data integrity. Data audits should include daily integrity checks within the system and
regular audits performed by user groups. Problems uncovered in those audits should be
shared with all affected parties. The causes, effects, and resolutions of those problems
should be systematically documented and stored so as to be easily accessible to
interested users. If a similar problem occurs, documentation of other similar instances
would be readily available. Where necessary, the communication should be followed up by
Regular training sessions should also be scheduled to ensure that users understand data
integrity concepts and methods. These sessions would not only build a shared
interpretation of data and preferred processing methods, but would also foster a more
global perspective on the part of the users - instead of seeing only their own role, users
would see their role in the context of the business. This perspective would assist in paring
down some of the current procedural complexity. Simpler procedures would further
increase data accuracy.
Equipped with an understanding of the impact of their work on other areas of the business,
users can be analysts rather than data entry clerks. Analysts can make good decisions in
a complex and dynamic work environment. Broadly-trained analysts would also be in a
position to work effectively with consultants thus reducing our reliance on them.
Performance measures should be taken regularly to gauge the effectiveness of and to
improve on the system and training initiatives. All of these measures would directly
improve data integrity and would serve to underline the importance of data integrity to all
users. These measures would reduce errors in carrying out tasks throughout the business
and all their associated costs and help to draw a sharper picture of the business to
improve long- and short-term decision-making.
6.0 Conclusion
Implementing ERP systems requires reinventing the business. Several legacy systems are
integrated in the process with a single integrated system for managing operations across
the organization. Data that resided in dozens of disparate sources is now available through
one integrated system for all users in an organization. To achieve success in ERP systems
implementation, project champions should make sure that they address the relevant
issues. Some of the key lessons from this study include, among others, the following
- The champion of the ERP implementation project should ensure that the transformation
is not viewed as an IT initiative, rather a business necessity. This requires educating the
stakeholders about the transition to an ERP.
- The champion for the change to ERP should recognize the value of data as an
organizational resource and educate users about it. The issue of sharing corporate data

and assigning responsibilities for managing it should be done with a view to avoid any
political issues arising from owners of disparate data sources.
- The ERP implementation should be planned to prepare users for the change. The
expectations based on new responsibilities should be outlined upfront to avoid any
- The user community should be given time to accept the changes in their work
environment to minimize the impact on organizational culture, such as overcoming
comments like "we've always done it this way". Users should be encouraged to use the
new system by providing incentives.
- All data that is migrated to an ERP system should be cleaned before the migration.
Automated tools for data migration can be very useful for companies.
- Training users on a continual basis is very important. It is important that users do not get
bogged down by activities that take up too much of their time.
- Extensive testing is required for implementing ERP systems. A good strategy would be to
phase-in the implementation rather than making a direct conversion.
- Consultants experienced with ERP implementation can be very helpful. Care must be
taken to ensure that all the work done by consultants is documented for future use.
In this paper, we listed and discussed issues pertaining to ERP implementation. Though
implementation in different organizations can vary based on the organizational culture and
business needs we feel that the lessons from this case study would be valuable for
organizations planning to implement ERP systems.
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