Creapure Creatine

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Creapure inside

Creapure is a registered trademark and a registered

logo. Well-known manufacturers of sports nutrition
products for the end-user market are granted permission
to use the logo as a seal of quality after signing a brand
license agreement. High-quality, and therefore safe,
creatine products bear the Creapure logo.

the ultimate for
competitive sports

Brand licensees
X-Treme Creatine
Pure Creatine
Pure Creatine Capsules
Multipower Muscle: Muscle Charge Drink
Multipower Professional Power Gym
Pure Creatine Powder
Pure Creatine Capsules
Creapure Monohydrate
Creapure Creatine

Creatine Monohydrate
Creatine 750 caps
Creatine 2500 caps
Creatine Powder

AlzChem Trostberg GmbH
Dr.-Albert-Frank-Str. 32
83308 Trostberg, Germany

Visit us at the FIBO 2007 in Essen, Germany,

between April 19 and 22 at Booth A16, Hall 10/11

Increase maximal strength

and endurance
Because it enhances performance, creatine has long
been used in sports. The subject of more than 300 studies,
it is one of the most thoroughly researched nutritional
supplements on the market.
In speed sports such as sprinting, triple jump, swimming,
and kayaking or rowing, as well as for intensive weight
training of body builders and cyclists, taking creatine, even
in the short term, significantly improves (up to 15%)
maximal strength and endurance. Improvement can be as
high as 20% for maximal strength in interval training;
approximately 30% for power increase and energy release
in short sprints; and up to 15% in training for repeated
Creatine intake also results in improved concentration,
higher endurance in training, and faster recovery.

It's important to know

that creatine has been classified as a food by the
IOC (International Olympic Committee). Creatine content in
muscle is limited and can be increased only to a certain
extent. Athletes can also increase muscle creatine levels
Creapure users
feel the benefits in
higher endurance and
improved performance.

through a special diet.

Using Creapure
Creatine occurs naturally in the body; it is present in
every human cell, and functions as an energy store.
Depending on body weight and muscle mass, the
body stores between 100 and 150 g of creatine, of
which about 2 to 4 g are used every day for normal
Heavy physical exertion, strenuous athletic activity,
or intensive mental concentration can result in
a creatine turnover of up to 5 g per day.
Half of the required creatine is produced by the body
itself; the rest must be obtained daily from food.
For an optimal supply of creatine, 500 g of raw meat
or raw fish must be consumed every day. Because this
is hardly feasible in practice, supplementary creatine
makes sense and is recommended.

Recommended dosage

20 g (4 x 5 g) of Creapure per day over

5 days in the loading phase, followed
by a maintenance phase with 2 to 5 g

Studies show that

athletes taking creatine
register improvement
in performance

(once daily).
Alternatively: 0.3 g Creapure per kg of body weight
per day, followed by 0.03 g per kg of body
weight per day during the maintenance

Creapure isn't the

same as creatine
A glass of cold water can contain harmful bacteria
and germs although it looks no different from
100 percent pure water.
Creapure now has a new design!

And the same goes for creatine. A white powder

Until the changeover is complete, both the old

that looks pure enough could in fact be inferior-

and the new Creapure logos are quality

quality creatine, containing toxicological, and

marks for pure creatine, made in Germany.

therefore possibly harmful, impurities.

Production conditions and the selection and handling
of raw material are critically important in determining
the quality of creatine monohydrate. Inferior raw
materials or a production process that is not
continuously monitored leads to the presence of
impurities such as creatinine, dicyandiamide and
Creatine is usually taken over a fairly lengthy period,
either with intermittent breaks or continuously. For
this reason, the quality of the creatine should be an
important consideration in selecting a product.
Creapure is the premium brand of creatine
worldwide, and meets high individual standards of
quality, safety and effectiveness. High-quality, and
therefore safe, creatine products bear the Creapure

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