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Prospect Park Railway Santa Special

Sunday 11th December 2016

Included: Meeting Santa
An age related present from Santa
Unlimited rides on the railway
Coffee/ tea, mince pie and train rides for two accompanying adults
The cost of this event is 8.50 per child
Additional adults and children are welcome for the free train rides and refreshments will be
available at normal prices
Please indicate the session you would like to see Santa on Sunday 11th December 2016:
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3

11.00 to 12.15
12.45 to 14.00
14.30 to 15.15

Please indicate the age group and gender of the children so we can arrange a suitable gift from Santa:
Gift for child up to 2 years old
Gift for child 2 to 3 years old
Gift for child 4 to 7 years old
Gift for child 8 to 11 years old



Please consider selecting the next age group up if the childs birthday occurs soon which may take them into the next age bracket

Your name:
Your address:

Contact telephone number:

Email address:

Please return this completed form with a self-addressed stamped envelope for your Santa Special
tickets and a cheque made payable to Reading Society of Model Engineers (RSME for short) to:
Peter Harrison, 31 Haydon Road, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 7JA

To arrive no later than Sunday 20th November 2016.

For more details please contact Peter Harrison on 07920 833 546 or look at our website at or
Facebook page Prospect Park Railway where further information will be available shortly.

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