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the genetic code is degenerate: multiple triplets code for the same amino acid

it resists the affect of mutation as often the third base does not affect the resulting amino acid
tRNAs ensure the code is read correctly
amino acids are attached to specific tRNA and are then known as charged
aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase enzymes that attach amino acids to the specific tRNA
charged tRNAs form the link between mRNA and protein
ribosomes are composed of RNAs, proteins and a large and small sub-unit
prokaryotic ribosomes (70s) are slightly smaller than eukaryotic ribosomes (80s)
elongation factors bring in the correct charged tRNA
tRNA comes in to aminoacyl site (A) and matches its anti-codon to the mRNA triplet
the ribosome shifts across allowing tRNAs to move through the 3 sites
at the (P) site the tRNA is forming the polypeptide chain by peptide bond
at the exit site (E) the tRNA leaves
in prokaryotes open reading frames start with an AUG codon (methionine) and end with a stop
however methionine can occur elsewhere in the protein
the shine-dalgarno sequence ensures pairing between mRNA and the rRNA
and that the AUG codon is placed in the P site
polycistronic mRNA has a shine-dalgarno sequence at each open reading frame
in eukaryotes the ribosome binds to the 5 cap instead and moves until it finds the AUG start codon
this works as the first AUG is the correct place to start in eukaryotes
translation is terminated when the stop codon is reached and release factors are formed
non-sense: where a codon changes to a stop codon
mis-sense: where a codon changes to another amino acid codon
frame-shift: insertion or deletion of a base moves the reading frame
silent/synonymous: base change that doesnt affect the amino acid sequence (may affect stability)

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