RE - City Workers and Vehicles Distributing Pro Levy Flyers On Work Time

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Sylvia Hanneken
Joseph Migliorini
Nick Molnar; Jan Tulley; Dave Engle; Kevin Bilkie; John Hnottavange; Mark Guidetti; Diana Augustine; Josephine
Arceci;;; Jon Golden; Rhonda Hall; Claudia Dillinger;
Bob Rodic; Laura Butto; Sylvia Hanneken
RE: City Workers and Vehicles Distributing Pro Levy Flyers on Work Time
Monday, October 10, 2016 7:30:23 PM

I am glad you have confirmed that these employees were doing this at your direction. The City has
access to newspaper, city Facebook pages, and email lists to inform the residents of any meeting. Your
decision to take City employees off task using city vehicles to promote a meeting that promotes these
levies is not acceptable and not in the interest of our residents. The residents have every right to expect
those working for the city will be working on the residents concerns, not promoting your agenda to raise
their taxes. I may not be able to prevent this waste of taxpayer money, but I will certainly inform our
residents about these activities.
Sylvia Hanneken
Macedonia City Council
From: Joseph Migliorini
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 5:17 PM
To: Sylvia Hanneken
Cc: Nick Molnar; Jan Tulley; Dave Engle; Kevin Bilkie; John Hnottavange; Mark Guidetti; Diana
Augustine; Josephine Arceci;;; Jon Golden;
Rhonda Hall; Claudia Dillinger; Bob Rodic; Laura Butto
Subject: Re: City Workers and Vehicles Distributing Pro Levy Flyers on Work Time

Sylvia, first off, this notice that was handed out was not either pro or con as it relates toissues
18 and 19. This was merely to inform residents that there is a town hall meeting on Thursday
October 13, 2016 at 6 o'clock at City Hall.This is permissible under the law to advise
residence that there will be a meeting where they can ask questions on the issues. Get your
facts straight before you try to condemn the situation as this is very typical of you. You need
to check the ethics of your conduct not mine.
Joseph Migliorini
Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 10, 2016, at 4:01 PM, Sylvia Hanneken <> wrote:
This morning a resident called me to complain that they had observed city service
department workers and vehicles being used to distribute pro levy flyers to Macedonia
residents. I received a cell video from another resident documenting that service
department employees (working on city time) using city vehicles distributing these flyers.
First, I am shocked that you would authorize city workers to take time off their regular
tasks working for residents needs to involve themselves in a non work related activity.
Second, I believe that use of city resources in this manner is a violation of Ohio Revised
Code. The city should not involve itself in a pro levy campaign using city workers and

I uploaded the video referenced above to You Tube. Here is that link.
I fully intend to bring this to our residents attention, but wanted to ensure you were aware
of this matter first.
Sylvia Hanneken
Macedonia City Council

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