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The success and final outcome of this research required a lot of guidance and
assistance from many people and we are extremely fortunate to have got all along the
completion of our research report. Whatever we have done is only due to such
guidance and assistance and we would not forget to thank them.

We respect and thank our supervisor, lecturer Mr. Sanjaya Jayasooriya for giving us
an opportunity to do this research about fisheries industry. We are extremely grateful
to him for pay keen interest on our research and guided us all along till the completion
of our research report by providing all the necessary information for developing good

We are thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support and
guidance from all teaching and non-teaching staff of National Institute of business
management which helped us successfully completing our research.

We would not forget to remember and heartily thank for fisheries industry people in
Galle area for giving their attention and spend their time for interviews with kind
responses.Also, we would also like to thank our parents and friends who helped us a
lot in finalizing this research report within the limited time frame.


Page i


The purpose of this research is study the difficulties that affect to the fisheries
industry in Galle area. As one of the main occupation in Galle area fisheries sector
plays major role in social and economic outlook. Through this report we described
those major aspects and difficulties of the industry. Fisheries sector faces several
difficulties that challenge to maintain good industry level. Here we wanted to make
clear clarification of various difficulties. Identification of those difficulties leads to
find better solutions and paths for future success of the fisheries industry.

At this research we went for a site visit in Galle municipal area and gathered required
information through the interviews. We used pre prepared interview questionnaires to
gather required aspects of the study. We covered various levels of fisheries
community and officers through our 30 people sample. Our sample includes
fishermen, fish sellers, boat owners and officers. We tried to get real data by
interviewing them directly and friendly way.

Collected information are analysed by descriptive way. This research based on

qualitative data. So we weighted to explain the problems and presented difficulties of
fishing community under three main levels of fishermen, and boat owners. And
research report clearly shows the replies of government. According to our analyse part
we made a comparison between problems and replies of offers. Via comparison we
exposed findings and made proper recommendations.

At conclusion we answered for the research question via our analytical outcomes. We
found and clarified the gap between government and fisheries sector. There are
available solutions for fisheries problems. But active levels of those solutions arent
enough to give permanent solution. When solving current problems, new type of
difficulties can be occurred continuously. So this report describes the current
difficulties and ways to manage them and provide guidance to face future difficulties
by establishing dialogue between fisheries community and authorities


Page ii


CHAPTER 01 ..................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 1
1.1.1 Introduction to the topic ............................................................................ 1
1.1.2 Background ............................................................................................... 1

Problem Statement and Justification .............................................................. 2

1.2.1 Problem Statement .................................................................................... 2

1.2.2 Problem Justification ................................................................................ 2

Objective ........................................................................................................ 3


Significance.................................................................................................... 3


Scope .............................................................................................................. 3


Limitations ..................................................................................................... 4


Map of study area........................................................................................... 4

CHAPTER 02 ..................................................................................................... 5

LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................................... 5


Previous articles regarding to the topic .......................................................... 5


Dimension particular to the study .................................................................. 7

2.2.1 Safety ......................................................................................................... 7

2.2.2 Social and Economical Status of Fisheries in Sri Lanka .......................... 8
2.2.3 Fishing Technology................................................................................. 10
Information and communications technologies in the fisheries sector ............... 11

Previous research and project reports .......................................................... 12

Abstract ............................................................................................................... 14
CHAPTER 03 ................................................................................................... 15

METHODOLOGY........................................................................................... 15

Population .................................................................................................... 15


Sample.......................................................................................................... 15


Data Collection ............................................................................................ 16

Primary ............................................................................................................... 16
Secondary............................................................................................................ 16

Analyse ........................................................................................................ 17


Page iii


CHAPTER 04 ................................................................................................... 18

ANALYSIS .................................................................................................... 18

Social............................................................................................................ 18


Economic ..................................................................................................... 19


Safety ........................................................................................................... 22


Environment ................................................................................................. 24


Technology ................................................................................................... 26


Replies of the government officers .............................................................. 27

CHAPTER 05 ................................................................................................... 29



Findings........................................................................................................ 29


Recommendations ........................................................................................ 31


Conclusion ................................................................................................... 33

REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 35
ANNEXURE ..................................................................................................... 36


Page iv




1.1.1 Introduction to the topic

Fisheries industry is one of the major industries in coastal areas of Sri Lanka.
Fisheries industry is the base of coastal culture. Although Galle is a famous fishery
area, Industry people have to face various difficulties in their life style. Basically a
cost and government rules make various difficulties to the industry. This research is
about analyzes the various problems of fisheries community and make conclusions.

1.1.2 Background
The fisheries industry plays an important role in the economy of Sri Lanka by
providing livelihood for more than 2.5 million coastal communities as well as
providing more than 50% of animal protein requirement of people in the country. The
industry can be divided in to costal, offshore/deep sea, and inland and aquaculture sub
sectors. Marine fish production which is contributed more than 85% to the total fish
production and the most important sub sector in the fisheries industry of the country.
Due to more fishers engage in coastal fisheries its contribution to the marine fish
production is higher than the deep sea fisheries

Galle area is the one of the major fisheries industry area in Sri Lanka. Status of the
fisheries industry facilities level in Galle is relatively higher than other areas in Sri
Lanka. Government increases fisheries infrastructure and doing valuable investments
related to industry. Galle has crowded fishery harbour and newly opened canned fish
factory. Galle fisheries industry is not limited to harbour and there are few fisheries
places situated outside the harbour. Fishermen use lot of methods to get massive crop.
Motorized and non-motorized fishing boats and dragnet method mainly use in Galle
area. There is a new fish market at middle of the city with lots of facilities.


Page 1



Problem Statement and Justification

1.2.1 Problem Statement

Difficulties in fisheries industry in Galle area badly affect to the industry status.
1.2.2 Problem Justification
Seasonal nature of fisheries industry, income and other uncertainties such as weather,
social cultural conflicts, inability to find fish etc. make huge difficulties to fishers
community. Coastal fishing depends on monsoon climate patterns and selling price of
fish fluctuates with these changes. So there is no stable market for fish over year. The
2004 Tsunami disaster destroyed down south fisheries industry, lack of facilities made
it difficult to rehabilitation efforts in the poorest industry workers. They lost their
family members and everything they had, but national level rehabilitation projects
mostly focused on giving boats and other items to the owners. Ground level industry
workers hadnt any effective rehabilitation programme. Galle has a fish market
situated in middle of the city. But it has facility to only few stalls. Most of the sellers
sell their daily harvest in roadsides with low facilities.

Fuel prices also affect to fisheries industry. With the industry expansion there are
large numbers of boats with motors. Engine boats need to off-shell fishing and
coverage huge fishing area. But increasing fuel price affect industry badly and
industry has to put all extra cost on selling price of fish. With large number of boats,
average fish crop is decreasing and fishermen cant cover at least basic fuel costs and
maintenance cost of boats and equipments.

Although Sri Lanka has large fishing area over southern province, fishermen still
couldnt get massive use from it. Because fisheries community has many difficulties
to overcome problems with their low level fishing facilities. They have problems in
expand their industry level traditional to effective modern fishing techniques.
Although Galle area is major industry area, sill has unclear difficulties in industry.


Page 2


Fisheries industry in Galle area needs effective solutions for these difficulties. If not,
Fisheries sector in Galle area will become unstable.
Fishermen families will try to move to other occupations.
Fish prices may unstable and selling prices will go high.
Low quality of selling fish, make decreases in demand.
Lack of facilities make disturbance to approach maximum level of crop.
Lack of safety facilities will increase life risk of fishermen.


To determine the impacts of the fisheries problems to the fisheries industry in Galle


As island, Sri Lanka has widely established fisheries industry in all coastal areas. And
industry gives massive support to the countrys GDP. But most of the industry people
still have primary life and industry style. Because they face many difficulties at this

This research will give useful support to determine the difficulties in fisheries industry
in Galle area. Report will explain the problems of industry people. And government
can identify key problem points in industry through this report. With our discussion
we hope our recommendations will give balanced solutions for the industry and
people can get direct and indirect benefits via solutions.


Our research focuses on fisheries industry in Galle municipal area. And we select 30
industry people. All of them represent various fisheries methods and stages of
industry. Research hopes to discuss fisheries problems via four aspects. Those are
fishermen, fish sellers, boat owners and government officers side.


Page 3




Some people may not pay much attention to provide useful details.

Communication problem such as impossible to get information via

questionnaires from basic industry workers.


Research sample covers only few percent from population.

Map of study area


Page 4



Previous articles regarding to the topic

There are many published documents about fisheries industry and its nature. Previous
research reports and reports after Tsunami disaster gives attention on common
difficulties of fisheries industry. But there is no more attention on regional level
discussion on problems. However previous data reports provide convenience to study
the regional level difficulties of fisheries industry.
The December 2004 tsunami had a devastating impact on Sri Lankas fisheries sector
and post-tsunami aid has been a major contributor to the sector during the past few
years, particularly at the household level. Numerous governments, donor, NGO (local
and international) and other projects have helped rehabilitate the sector during this
period. However, the excessive amounts of uncoordinated assistance during the posttsunami period appear to have resulted in an over-supply of boats, which may have
exacerbated the over-exploitation of coastal fisheries, a problem the government and
development agencies were trying to address prior to the tsunami and influx of relief
efforts. (Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources 2006.
Fishers belong to a social group in our country who are subject to a diversity of
social and economic vulnerabilities. The Department of Fisheries and Aquatic
Resources stand firmly committed to ensure their safety at sea and that of the vessels
which carry them to the oceans in order to bring bountiful harvests of fish and provide
valuable protein to our population. In addition they also make a valuable contribution
to the nation by providing valuable foreign exchange earnings through the export of
fish and aquatic products. It is in pursuance of this goal of ensuring fishers' safety that
we requested the technical assistance of the FAO executed Regional Fisheries
Livelihoods Programme (RFLP) for South and South East Asia in preparing a
National Plan for safety at sea of fishers and fishing vessels as a part of the overall
strategy of the Ministry and the Department to reduce/mitigate the vulnerabilities of

Page 5


(Nimal Hettiarachchi ; Director General, Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources -NATIONAL PLAN

Until the late 19th century, the fish resources of the worlds vast oceans were
thought to be essentially inexhaustible, even by the most prominent biologists [Smith,
1994]. As the fishing industry expanded and technology made larger catches possible
and more areas of the ocean exploitable, the received wisdom that fisheries were
inexhaustible soon became discredited. FAO estimates that 25% of the worlds fish
stocks are currently being fished at an unsustainable level.(Food and Agriculture
Organization, 2007)

Apart from the tsunami catastrophe there are other burdensome issues such as
technological gap, improper management in all types of activities, economic
recession, political changes, cultural and attitude changes pertaining to the fisheries

It is clear that the fisheries sector is faced with new global challenges to uplift the
livelihood of the devastated fishermen back to normalcy whilst increasing the level of
its operations. Therefore, the research has been carried out to identify the appropriate
technology and the key stakeholders of the fisheries sector to introduce a new
framework with following objectives; Ascertain the history of technological
development in Sri Lankan fisheries sector; develop a framework by integrating key
stakeholders to eradicate poverty through technology in fisheries sector; identify
future technology development directions in the fisheries with respect to ICT usage
and find solutions to eradicate poverty through technology to improve the fisheries
(L. Bandula Perera and S.W.S.B. Dasanayaka)


Page 6



Dimension particular to the study


What is an accident at sea?

The full definition of an accident is contained in the MAIBs enabling regulations. In
summary, an accident is an undesired event that has occurred directly by, or in
connection with the operation of a ship, that has resulted in:
The loss or abandonment of the ship;
Death, serious injury, or the loss of a person from a ship;
Stranding or disabling of a ship;
Material damage to the ship, another ship or marine structure; and/or
Serious pollution

Workers in the commercial fishing industry face wind, water, and temperature
extremes along with boating, mechanical, and ergonomic hazards while doing their
jobs. Knowledge of the hazards, boat training and experience, and plenty of
preparation are the main requirements of safe. Although world marine industry
develops with the various types of safety methods, fisheries accidents at sea occur

More than 50% of the world's population lives within 60km of the coastline. Billions
of people are depending on the scarce marine resources, they are depending on the
fishermen and the fish that they bring home. A lost vessel and a lost fisherman have a
vital impact on the coastal community.FAO estimates that roughly about 30 million
fishers are working in 4 million fishing crafts operating in capture fisheries
worldwide. There are 1.3 million decked and 2.7 million undecked fishing crafts at
sea now. About 98% of these crafts are below 24 metres in length, and not covered
adequately by international rules and regulations. It seems plausible that the fatality
rate in fisheries countries for which information is not available might be higher than
those that supply statistical information. Thus, the number of global fatalities might be
considerably higher than the figure of 24 000 deaths world-wide per year estimated by
ILO in 1999.


Page 7


Innovate and improve safety techniques can only be truly effective when the fisheries
motivation to apply them. To establish and maintain a safety culture in fisheries
industry is a never-ending task that involve with participation of fishermen and their
families, boat owners, legislators and the whole community. At present there are
many individuals and NGOs who interest in fisheries sector established an effective
dialogue with the fisheries authorities to promote safety in fisheries industry.

Some of developed fisheries countries where appropriate regulations, enforcement

and training are in place, there has been a measurable decrease in the annual number
of fatalities over the last 15 years. Although these developed fisheries communities
account for less than five percent of the world's fishers, they demonstrate that results
are achievable. Recognition of the issue of safety at sea is a major and continuing
problem for getting the correct first step towards its mitigation. It is considered that
responsibility for safety at sea should be borne by both administrators and fishermen,
and similarly that effort and assistance at facing safety problems is shared between
those two groups to ensure an effective partnership enabling a safer profession.

As part of its extensive work in the field of fishermen's safety, FAO has developed
this web community to facilitate the information distribution. But the problem is
access of these safety information are in low level. Specially fisheries industry of
developing communities pay a less attention to safety side because of economical part
getting first place in their lives.


Social and Economical Status of Fisheries in Sri Lanka

A livelihood made up of the capabilities, activities and assets that contribute to the
means of living. The fisheries contribute to peoples livelihoods, especially in
developing countries. Livelihoods are influenced by policies, institutions and
processes and are external factors. Fisheries provide a food and protein sources to
fishers households and the wider population and in coastal areas the depended on fish
is usually much higher.

Fishery related livelihoods are complex, dynamic and



Page 8


The income from fishing may be towards community projects and improving
infrastructure and services for the community or towards support needy families.

Almost all the active fishers are male. Female are responsible for caring family. There
are reasons for high generational link low level of education, rate alternative
employment opportunities, relatively high income with independence. Half of the
households owned fishing boats, while another 8% shared boats with other
households. The vast majority of fishers were uncertain as to the future respects of
their profession. So more fishers had a negative outlook few fishers had positive

Around 38 million people worldwide are employed in fisheries, 95% of them in

developing countries. The majority are involved in small scale fisheries. Related
industries such as processing and marketing also provide employment for
approximately 50 million people. Sri Lankas marine fisheries resource base has a
total extent of 538 500 KM2 and is rich in species diversity. The contribution of the
marine fisheries segment to the fisheries sector is around 86%. The coastal fish
production contributes a 53% of the total fish production. Fisheries can provide an
important contribution to household cash income. Fisheries perceived negative
changes. These included the observation that the cost of living has considerably
increased. Over the years and that fishing as the sole occupation can no longer meet
these costs.

The fisheries sector plays an indispensable role in the economy of Sri Lanka
contributing around 1.3% to the GDP. The sector provides direct and indirect
employment to around 650 000 people and is directly linked with the lives of
approximately 50% of the population who resides in the coastal belt. Fisheries sector
contribution to the total export earnings of the country is around 2.5%. At present
fisheries sector contribution in terms of export earnings is insignificant and only of
the local fish catch is exported. Given the fisheries resources of the country, fisheries
sector has the potential to contribute more to the country as a source of foreign


Page 9


In order to develop fisheries sector there is a need for private sector stakeholder
involvement in developing the fisheries infrastructure and operation of facilities such
as harbours, minor fish landing sites.
The fisheries development policy aims at exploiting the countrys fisheries and
aquatic resources in a sustainable manner, while conserving the coastal environment.
The government is targeting self-sufficiency in the national fish supply and a
significant increase in fish exports. Total national fish production in 2012 increased
by 9.3%. However off shore fish production (deep sea fishing) declined by 2 per cent.
Because the increase in fuel price effective from February 2012 and relatively high
ice price reflecting increased electricity charges pushed up the cost of production per
trip of multi day.


Fishing Technology

Depending on ethnicity and religion, and the targeted resources, diverse of craft-gear
combinations are used by fishers. Given the open access nature of marine fisheries,
access to technology determines fish workers access to a particular resource.
According to the size of capital investment and the area of operation types of the craft
will vary.

The common indigenous crafts exploiting coastal fish resources of Sri Lanka are
beach seine craft, the log raft and the outrigger canoe. Fishing techniques commonly
employed by these craft are small meshed gill netting and cast netting. Those who use
the above craft-gear combinations are called artisanal fishermen and the technology
used by them are considered eco-friendly and sustainable.

Today, the offshore and deep sea resources are being exploited both by Sri Lankan
fishermen using day boats with inboard engines and multi-day boats and by foreign
fishing vessels permitted to land fish in Sri Lankan harbours. Open-access fisheries
have long being considered as natural resources, which could be exploited with
moderate levels of technical training and investment. Almost all countries endowed
with these resources have hundreds of years of experience in harvesting them. In Sri

Page 10


Lanka too, the traditional fishermen had mastered the techniques of harvesting fish
with the available technology: oru (outrigger canoes), vallam, theppam, beach seines,
etc., by the onset of the Second World War. Yet, the post-war period saw high rates of
growth of population and increased demand for food. Increased food demands too
necessitated higher rates of exploitation of fish, but the sea-going ability of the
traditional craft was too low to bring in sizeable increases in fish landings.

In order to face the new challenges of the post-war period, the State, which assumed a
regulatory role during the pre-war period, took an active role: one of reformism, to
expand fish production. Many technological innovations have been introduced to
fisheries since then, with major emphasis on mechanization. The State intervention in
fisheries was mainly characterized by measures adopted to improve traditional craft
and gear, introduction of new craft and fishing techniques and the development of
fisheries infrastructure to facilitate reaping the full benefits of the above measures.
Among these measures, the commencement of exploiting deep-sea resources through
the introduction of multi-day craft in the late 1980s and early 1990s marks a very
important juncture in the development of Sri Lankan fisheries.

Information and communications technologies in the fisheries sector

In fisheries, new ICTs are being used across the sector, from resource assessment,
capture or culture to processing and commercialization. Some are specialist
applications such as sonar for locating fish. Others are general purpose applications
such as Global Positioning Systems (GPS) used for navigation and location finding,
mobile phones for trading, information exchange and emergencies, radio
programming with fishing communities and Web-based information and networking
resources. A wide range of technologies can be adapted and introduced in all but the
most remote communities and once appropriated by users, can have positive impacts
on their lives.


Page 11



Previous research and project reports

Innovative Communications for Improving Fisheries - Weligama Nenasala

Information & communication technology Agency

The Issue
Sri Lankan fishermen are usually averse to technology unless it accessibly helps them
increase their profits without additional risk. Then, they are enthusiastic early
adopters: most fishermen have mobile phones to help them reach customers and many
multi day boats have GPS satellite navigation systems which can help them know
exactly where they are in relation to land and the safest way to get there. What they do
not have is an idea of where best to fish. The standard procedure is that fishermen
head for their normal fishing grounds and circle around it until a sufficient catch is

As schools of fish - especially the more marketable breeds - move around quickly
depending on plankton concentration and water temperatures, this search can take
days, wasting both fuel and the fishermens time. It also puts their lives in danger: the
longer a boat is out at sea, the greater the risk it faces of encountering bad weather.
And, as they keep returning to the same grounds, the grounds can become over fished,
creating both the macro level issue of depleted fish stocks as well as the more
immediate issue of a diminished catch.

The Solution
Mr Nilaweera of the Weligama Nenasala Telecenter after a study tour to South India
organized by the ICTA learned that some Indian organizations remedy these issues
by giving fishermen coordinates of prospective fishing grounds. These fishing
grounds are identified by the use of satellite technology that displays plankton
concentration and water temperatures, helping pinpoint areas where fishing is more
likely to bear fruit in terms of the profitable varieties of fish such as tuna.
With this best practice in mind, Mr Nilaweera approached the e-Society Programme
of the ICTA for guidance and assistance. The aim was to implement such a project
through the Weligama telecenter, which is close to one of Sri Lankas biggest fishing
harbours, and help the fishermen in his area.

Page 12


The Implementation
With the financial support of the ICTA, they signed up with a US based satellite data
provider and began a service of identifying higher potential fishing grounds and
sending those coordinates via SMS text messages to fishermen as most have mobile /
CDMA phones that work up to 50km offshore.

This data was initially provided free of charge to test the viability. To ensure
sustainability after ICTA funding was exhausted and the value of the data was
demonstrated, a monthly fee was levied per boat to help meet the subscription fee for
satellite data which is in excess of $300 per month.

Currently, over 300 fishermen have signed up with the system and the project has
expanded via Nenasala (rural telecenter) based agents to other areas around the
country. A login-based website with a map quadrant style interface allows fishermen
to identify higher potential fishing grounds has also been created; this is accessed
through internet cafes / telecenters while some, more advanced fishermen access it
via GPRS on their phones.
Recently, a fisheries equipment company, belonging to one of Sri Lankas largest
family held conglomerates, expressed interest in entering into a partnership with this
project. This clearly demonstrates that innovation and ICT can bring even the smallest
of entrepreneurs to a new level of recognition and accomplishment.

Key Success Factors

Entirely mobile phone based operation lowered or removed ICT literacy barriers
An organization with local credibility and strong grassroot marketing capabilities
The benefits of the project - reducing costs, mitigating risks, increasing profitability
spoke to the fishermens everyday concerns


Page 13


Income diversification and risk for fishermen.

Kasperski S, Holland DS.
Alaska Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Seattle, WA 98115, USA.

Catches and prices from many fisheries exhibit high interannual variability, leading to
variability in the income derived by fishery participants. The economic risk posed by
this may be mitigated in some cases if individuals participate in several different
fisheries, particularly if revenues from those fisheries are uncorrelated or vary
asynchronously. We construct indices of gross income diversification from fisheries
at the level of individual vessels and find that the income of the current fleet of
vessels on the US West Coast and in Alaska is less diverse than at any point in the
past 30 y. We also find a dome-shaped relationship between the variability of
individuals' income and income diversification, which implies that a small amount of
diversification does not reduce income risk but that higher levels of diversification
can substantially reduce the variability of income from fishing. Moving from a single
fishery strategy to a 50-25-25 split in revenues reduces the expected coefficient of
variation of gross revenues between 24% and 65% for the vessels included in this
study. The increasing access restrictions in many marine fisheries through license
reductions and moratoriums have the potential to limit fishermen's ability to diversify
their income risk across multiple fisheries. Catch share programs often result in
consolidation initially and may reduce diversification. However, catch share programs
also make it feasible for fishermen to build a portfolio of harvest privileges and
potentially reduce their income risk. Therefore, catch share programs create both
threats and opportunities for fishermen wishing to maintain diversified fishing


Page 14


Methodology describes the overall framework of this research. This includes research
design, population and sample. This part also describes the research techniques that
used in qualitative data collection and reason for using qualitative methods for this
research. And how we focused on main areas of this research problem.
3.1 Population
This research covers all industry people who directly involves in the fisheries industry
in Galle area.
3.2 Sample
Mainly there are four fish landing places and about five fish marketing places in Galle
municipal area. Our population was all the fisheries industry people in this
geographical area. Thousands of people engage in fisheries at Galle. Since
Researchers usually couldnt make direct observations of every individual in the
population. Research team decided to collect data from a subset of individuals a
sample and use those observations to make inferences about the entire population.
This sample corresponded to the larger population on the characteristic(s) of interest.
In that case, the research conclusions from the sample were probably applicable to the
entire population. In this case we used random sampling method for interview
fishermen & fish sellers. Before visit to the field we decided number of interviewees
should consist from each research point to interview. At the field we randomly
selected industry people and interviewed them. We interviewed three boat owners
from this area. We selected these three industry people under the three categories of
fishing craft. They were Multiday crafts, One-Day motorized crafts and One day nonmotorized crafts. And, last two officers from fisheries department were interviewed
by research team. Those two officers represented the government side at this matter.
30 people which represent main parts of the fisheries industry.


Fish sellers


Boat owners




Page 15



Data Collection

As primary data collection we interviewed 30 industry people. Conducting interviews
were the most suitable method to gathering qualitative and descriptive data from
fishermen and sellers. And also we interviewed boat owners and government officers.
Those interviews helped us to get some advanced information from them. Various
industry levels face various difficulties. Problems of boat owners may different from
problems of fishermen and sellers. And government offices have widely defined
vision about difficulties in industry. Our interview method focused on directly
addressing the industry people and getting all related useful information from our
selected sample.

Then as secondary data collection we referred internet. Specially web site of
Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources-Sri Lanka. And project reports
regarding the difficulties of fisheries industry. We used previous research reports of
NARA. Further we examined foreign publications about fisheries to compare local
and international level of fisheries problems.

To getting effective and real information research team made four different interview
papers and research supervisor accepted interview questions. After finalized the
sampling frame, research team visited research area to meet industry people. We
divided interview process into two time groups. 1st day we interviewed fishermen and
fish sellers. Researchers randomly selected these people at their fisheries bases inside
the sampling frame. Every team member participated to the each interview that
conducted first day. All interviews were conducted live by team members in Sinhala
language. Besides those individual interviews we had chance to conduct a group
interview with participation of about 15 fishermen and industry leaders at the Galle
fisheries harbour.
2nd day of our data collection was for boat owners and government officers.
According to our sampling frame we interviewed three boat owners of three different
craft types. And we interviewed two government officers. Those interviews also

Page 16


conducted according to premade question list and additional questioned and

information was generated at the interviewing process.



After information was collected, we categorized that information to three main subject
areas. We expected to consolidate our information into Safety, Social, Economical,
Environment and Technology groups. At the analysis we saw that most of fisheries
problems can be directly include into these topics. We presented those problems in
descriptive way under sub topics. Every written description was made after wide
discussion between team members.

Group discussions gave dominant to compare problems of fisheries community and

solutions and strategies that implemented by government to overcome those
difficulties. This report clearly discuss about gap between problems and solutions.
And researchers widely described about currently unresolved difficulties in fisheries
industry in Galle area.


Page 17


4.1 Social
Fishing industry mostly distributed around the coastal areas. Sri Lanka is most
suitable for that because it is an island. So around the coastal area people find job
related with the fishery. Their family background and environment also related with
fishery than other jobs. Most of fisheries are doing fishery as a traditional job. They
do this job after their parents. Because of this fisheries have more experiences about
fishery since their childhood. They have not professional qualifications but they have
knowledge that taking through the experiences. Most of them believe only about
themselves. Sometimes it may be affect of their experiences. It means they are only
believed their skills and attitudes get through the experiences.

According to the census of population and housing report 2001 we found some
calculated information about fishing industry.
Sector of Non-Agricultural and Fishery Workers



Senior Service







Technical and Clerk









Related workers


Percentage of employed population in agricultural & fishery sector by district and sub
groups of occupation.



Unskilled laborers

workers, Subsistence
and agriculture


Fishery workers










Fishery sector

Page 18


There is good relationship among the fisheries. They always try to help each others.
Because they do not expect protection or facilities from the government. There is lot
of reasons for that. According to their experiences they cannot get enough support
from the government. They mention that they have not unique market for take their
equipments. And weather forecast also cannot be believed. When boat faced a trouble
other boats should come to help that boat. But fishermens said boat owners now do
not like to help other boats. Because it is extra cost for the boat owners. However
some fisheries conduct good relationship with others. But government said their
duties they done in right time. As well as they said there is unique market for fisheries
to take their equipments.

Fishing industry is more valuable sector for the country production. It mean fisheries
also valuable persons for develops the country. Fisheries said government does not
considering their contribution for the country annual production. Because of this they
have dissatisfaction with their jobs. And they said they only doing this job because
they have not other alternatives without this job. They think government avoids them
as considering non important parties for the country. But in government side they said
they try to develop fishing industry better than past years. Because of that they
divided their department for several sections.

In Sri Lanka, most of the fisheries are male. Female contribution cannot see always in
fishing industry. But sometimes they help for the several areas. Mainly they have to
care about house workings. But male fisheries mainly support for fishing industry.
Because fishery is their livelihood. As well as they have to communicate with lot of
people such as, fishermens, boat owners, fish sellers etc. So through our research we
found that there is no contribution from female. Sometimes it may be reason of
culture influence.



First question we asked for getting income details of fishermen. Multiday boat
fishermen said they earn only Rs 7000-10000 as an individual income at single

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fishing trip. Multiday fishing trips from Galle fisheries harbour takes normally three
or four weeks. They further mentioned that they cant even fulfil their primary needs
and wants from that income. They said that they cant think for a good life than this
because of this income. Most of them are living nearby or in Galle municipal area. So
they have to pay money for everything. They have to balance expenses will this
amount. Most of fishermen said they havent enough money for giving good
education to their children. And because of that low-aged school leavers are increased
in fisheries society. At age of 15 and 16, most males in the families are turn towards
fisheries industry for giving their contribution to family economy.

However any income level in fisheries industry is not stable. They said that they have
to wait till sold out the fish crop to get their portion. Normally boat owners and
fishermen divide their income by 50:50 income bases. However fishermen show
disagrees to this basis. They said in multiday fisheries are normally engaged with
seven people. It includes boat owner and six other crew members. When dividing
income owner gets half and other six have to satisfy from other half. They showed us
it is not enough for them. In present, some boat owners divide income 40:60 basis for
maintain the industry.

In the Warakkan (Jargon for the fishermen) period fishermen have to do huge struggle
against sea to maintain households. Their answer for question we asked about how to
find income in Warakkan period, they said now t hey dont pay attention about
Warakkan and other weather forecasts. Because they have to earn more for maintain
their families.

Fish Sellers
Fish Sellers mentioned that their economic levels are depend on sources of fish
production. It means economic level of fish sellers who are engaged in multiday
fisheries is differ from sellers who are engaged in one day fisheries. Fish sellers play a
major role in this industry. They are the link between fishermen and market. They
have huge responsibility to earn profits via selling fish to maintain industry hierarchy.
Even at low facilities they have to sell fish crop in high prices to earn money.
Although fish prices are high, fish sellers cant get much income. Because that fish

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income have to satisfy three industry levels. Both small scale and large scale fish
producers send their crop directly to market. But they expect various incomes from
same fish type. So sellers face more difficulties at selling. In Galle area, there are
various prices in same fish type in various places. Fish sellers said there are many
conflicts between them at selling process.

Galle area has good market for one day fisheries. Because of that Dewata Wella,
Jakotuwa and Ratgama Wella fish landing sites have on site market. They sell in road
sides and customer attraction always going for them. So sellers of these sites said they
have reasonable income. Multiday fish crops mainly selling at Galle municipal Fish
Market. However sellers of market said they havent good sales due to high prices and
road side sellers. Although market have 18 stalls, only 4,5 stalls are active per day.
They said they have to pay rental of about Rs 8000 per month to Municipal Council.

Boat owners
Boat owners directly said they cant satisfy about economic status of the industry
now. They said they have to pay 60% portion to fishermen from total income. So boat
owner have to pay every other costs from their 40%.Boat owner have spend more
money for oil, gas, food, ice and many more. Although they lands boat for few days
(less than month), they have to pay full month rental to the harbour. Boat owners said
it is unfair to industry. They expect day based rental plan.

They show their dissatisfaction about high oil prices and equipment prices.
Government limited oil subsidy only till June, 2014. However they show us irregular
function of oil subsidy. Otherwise they havent lasting point for buying fishing
equipment for reasonable prices. They said they have to pay black market prices for
equipments. Specially communication equipments in fisheries sector are affected
hardly from black market prices. Some time they have to spend 200% or 300% from
real value of equipments.

Boat owner has to spend more cost at the accident or damage at sea. They said they
have to pay Navy for rescue. They charged more than Rs 500000 for brings back
crashed boat from deep sea to harbour. After that they have to bear all repairing costs.

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One of them said although they paid about Rs 40000 per year for the insurance
premium, companies dont pay for partial damages. They pay only at full boat wreck.
They said repairing material prices are unbearable. Fibre glass is the material use for
boat repairing. 1Kg of fibre glass is about Rs 200 and that quantity can cover only 1.5
Sqft of the boat body. So they are economically unsatisfied about current costs.

And also boat owners in the harbour have to pay for water and ice. They said they pay
25cents for each water litre and Rs 200 for 50Kg ice pack. Boat prices are also high.
Boat owners mentioned that they have to spend 7 or 8 Millions for purchase Multiday
boat and they havent special financial support from government and banks.



When we were discussing with fishermen, they said that there is uncertain situation
about their lives, boats and equipments. Status of sea is unpredictable. Accidents can
be happen any time and climate changes are occurring every time. They said they are
doing this industry with low facilities and low income. So they havent ability to pay
much attention on safety methods. Most of new industry labours havent enough
knowledge for facing difficult situations. They said one or two members in boat have
some technical knowledge to small repairing. But they accepted our argument about
everyone in the boat should have proper knowledge for safety. They said many times
crew members face various diseases at sea. They havent enough knowledge to use
first aid in this type of situations. At the health troubles experienced fishermen give
traditional treatments for these sea diseases. But it is not acceptable method, they
expects proper solution for facing diseases.

They said that communication facilities should be increased to communicate with

harbour and boats at trouble situation. High prices of communication equipments and
lack of proper knowledge to communicate in other languages make difficulties at
getting safety helps at international sea. In this situations crew members have full
responsibility for their lives and boat. They said sometimes they have face struggles
with foreign fishing vassals and they makes damages for our boats and equipments.

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Government established a rule for fisheries to wear life jackets as a necessary rule but
most of the fisheries do not consider about that rule and they did not take life jackets
with them. As a reason they said they cannot take life jackets in concessionary price
that only having black market price. They said one life jacket can be at least
Rs.2500/=. As well as they said if government establishes it as a necessary rule they
should provide facilities for buy life jackets.

Boat owners
Boat owners complained if a boat faced trouble in sea they can take minimum
contribution from navy. Even boat owners and family members gave all the
information about boat navy force said they only care about around 5 miles in the sea.
If boat faces trouble more than 5 miles away distance navy force not contributes for
takes that boat. And they complained navy charges high prices for take a boat. They
said because of above reasons they did not aspire navy contribution they only take
assistance from other boats around in that situation. But present, getting safety helps
from other boats are also difficult. Boat owners said although crew members ready to
help rescue, their boat owners do not like to send their boats to help other boats.
Because when boats engage in rescue process, sometimes they have to give-up their
fishing trip and help to bring damaged boat to harbour. Most of boat owners do not
like to help others because of this. So when boat is asking for help most of other boats
do not consider it and they turn off their radios.

One day mechanized crafts also face many more safety issues at sea. As motorized
crafts they are going deep sea to catch crop. These small boats havent any type of
safety equipments for facing risks. The owners of these one day boats said they
havent enough ability to fulfil safety requirement for these boats. They have only
mobile phones and compass at the sea. When they are going deep area mobile
coverage isnt there. So at risky situation one day boats cant even ask for help from

Boat owners further said that if they have proper way to getting weather forecasts,
then they can safely send their boats to sea. Government weather forecasts gives
wrong information about bad weather and fishermen do not like to engage fishing

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trips after weather forecasts. Boat owners further mentioned that they cant send boats
to sea even good weather conditions, because of wrong weather forecasts. Owner has
the full responsibility about boat and crew members. So they have to forget about
fishing trip for safety of boat and members. Sometimes they have to give advice to
turn back boats even at successful trips. Boat owners expect proper way to get safety
information and weather forecasts to maintain safe in industry.



From this Environmental part we would like to focus more about the factors that the
fishermens have in day today fishing life and more importantly about their
occupation/ life style with the environmental challenges. These points we gathered by
the fishermens living around the Galle fishing harbour and the people who work in
the harbour to confirm that the information we collected 100% truly much as possible.
Asking questions and interviewing some fishermens. Also there are some points that
fishermens facing everyday but there is no solution taken till now by the authority.
Today this topic is the one of famous confusion topic in our country. disappears and
lost about the fishermens. There are some statements, comments and also the top
headlines in the newspapers and local television news headlines in the present day all
about natural troubles which facing by the local fishing industry. So they hope and
they believe now is the time to stop or reduce these things by hearing them and
understanding them to ensure their occupation and the future of this industry. There
we noticed some major Environmental factors. by Asking questions from them.
Combination of All of the surroundings harbour, ports and natural resources in the sea
including fish/sea animals, sea plants and weather, climate changes, are topics
according with the fishing environment because the fishermen created their own
fishing styles, methods adapting to the environmental factors. There are one day
fishing fishermen and also multiday fishermen and few numbers of fishermen
catching other methods. We asked what are major problems which facing by the
fishermens, with the environment factors. Then they answered us,

Most of them

travel in to the deep sea for fishing face much more environmental issues and
challenges day by day. There are major natural disasters, As the fishermen comments
and thoughts the these disaster can happen at any time at the deep sea because they

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told us thats the worst thing to survive at the sea sometimes over 100 km/h wind
speed can climbed the waves up with thunders and rain. At that time its too difficult
to control the craft with the winds and waves. Sometimes the craft can blow up for
parts, but some of few times them survive their life luckily. But its not happen well it
can happen 10% with the disasters. But with the modern technology some fishermen
use wind meters to change their direction at the sea or avoid from this at the deep sea.
But the problem is as they told us most of the fishermen dont have the knowledge to
deal with these equipments or some of them use traditional ways or some of them
have no ability for purchase because high costs. Some of the fishermen take the risk to
travel those areas for fishing because they have no any other alternative occupation to
live at these times.

They also remind us about the rough sea waves during some periods at the deep sea
which comes especially with the winds. They mentioned mostly with the monsoon
seasons these waves can jumped up for 4-5 meters or more from the sea and can do
harm for crafts as well. This is also can happen with the storms as well. Some of them
use radio transactions for gather news from other crafts or the harbour control room to
gather information about these waves. They told us the safety methods that they are
taking to prevent from this disaster they always keep alert on the wind speed and the
signs from the sea environment, nature. We have two types of seasons for a year in Sri
Lanka thats way we have two types of monsoon in a year first with the changes in
Bengal the winds flow and climate changes. As they saying begin of the year
February- March north east monsoon that time is very dangerous for fishing. And the
mid of the year June July south west monsoon is very dangerous for fishing. As
fishermen thought they told us this two seasons changes different sides of the island.
June-July is the most effect period for the southern fishing areas. As they said sea
tornadoes and other disasters can happen any time at the deep sea as they saying this
experience totally different comparing to the ground tornadoes, because at the sea
there is nothing at the middle of the sea to pressure up theres only salt water. And
huge amount of sea water goes up to the sky by creating cyclones with heavy winds
towards to the cyclone or of the things around that cyclone suddenly drag up
and pulls in to the air with water pressure. Over 110 miles per hour speed wind
pressure water p 250 feet up can destroy the craft easy and quickly. Most of fishermen
still in disappeared people list to these disasters. They still remind us the Tsunami

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disaster as today in 2004 December 26.they lost everything destroyed everything and
lost many human lives to the worst disaster in ever happened for Sri Lanka or to the
entire history as a black memory. As their comments these waves mostly effected to
the crafts in the harbours because the waves have jumped up near beach or its raised
up with 8-10 feet high and comes straight n to the grounds, all the boats near the
beach and their homes destroyed with the waves. As they saying any time they have
that risk because they live around sea. Present day they said there are some alert
system situated by the government in the Galle and affected areas to prevent like these
disasters. We always take risks thats the set of words they usually said for us.
4.5 Technology

Technology in fisheries sector important for all aspects of the industry. We asked
about the technological difficulties that affect at fishing tours. Fishermen said they
have many technical difficulties at current level. With the low facilitated boats they
have to face huge struggle to find fish full areas in sea. They said they havent sonar
to find rich places of fish crop. Foreign vassals have sonar and they can directly go to
the fish points at sea. But our fishermen have to find places with wasting of time and
fuel. Fishermen said they have only traditional knowledge about fishing and primary
level equipments. They said they have communication equipments with low options.
They use Radar machines to identify places at sea and use radio signals to
communicate with others. They said radio signal method is ineffective and basic level
of communication system. They said they havent method to get weather information
at sea. They havent phone signals to communicate with the boat owner.
Fish sellers
Fish sellers said they havent enough facilities to store fish. They havent enough
refrigerator facilities and places. When they selling fish at open air, expiration of fish
become quickly. They said most of road side fish sellers face the problem of
maintaining quality of the fish until sold out. And they said they havent quality
transport system for fish transports. To provide good quality transport for fish, they
need freezer vehicles. Few number of industry people have these facilities and this
lack of facilities make problems in fish utilization.

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Boat owners
Boat owners said they havent enough support from authorities to improve technology
in their boats. They said they have to spend huge capital when purchasing boat. They
spent more than 7 million for boat and engine without any other communication and
fishing equipments. They said they havent enough knowledge in electronic devices.
They said they basically use Radar, GPS and radio devices for every boat. They said
government does not pay attention to develop technological side of the industry. They
said they need new technology to face challenges in this industry. Boat owners said
they havent enough facilities to repair boats in harbor. And Galle harbor havent
crane for boat handling. And freezer facilities inside harbor are not enough. So boat
owners have to send fish crop immediately to the market through the high cost
transport methods.


Replies of the government officers

When we interview the government officers of Fisheries and Aquatic resources

department, we directed our questions to getting straight answers to doubtful facts that
we gathered from fisheries community.
Firstly we asked about the identified problems of the fisheries industry in Galle area.
Officers said lack of space in Galle fisheries harbour to landing the Multiday boats is
the major problem for them. And there are no enough port facilities to landing Oneday crafts. They further said some of problems like lack of space havent permanent
solution without implementation of projects for developing fish landing sites. Officers
said government give solutions for the problems according to prominent. They said
they have proper system to identify problems of fisheries community. They have
active Watcher men to identify problems. Officers mentioned that after identifying
problems they discuss with the related industry units and exchange their ideas to make
appropriate solution for the problems.
Answer for the question about government reactions for the accidents at sea is
fisheries department office of Galle gives full attention to the safety of fishing boats
and crew. They said the Regional Founding Centre give immediate responses at sea

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accidents or problem. They said any boat can directly connect with this centre via
radio signals. Officers further said they have direct connections with SL Navy and Air
Force for getting quick rescue. Ministry facilitate to get weather forecasts for fisheries
community via their web site. Officers said they update these weather details through
Meteorological Department. And they said fishermen have responsibility to check
weather forecast before fishing tours.
They said us government takes effective actions to develop this industry. They said
about the new fish market in the town and new development projects inside the Galle
fisheries harbour. Officers showed us new buildings in the harbour. They said they
take actions to develop harbour facilities and already established a new ice plant and
fuel station. And also government gave factory for the canned fish production.
According to officers, government implements various types of projects to increase
social and economic level of fisheries community. Government provide houses for
Tsunami affected fisheries families. And provide many

benefits to overcome

poverty. And government introduced insurance plans to safe future. Government

make rule for this and every fisherman should have insurance to engage in fishing
tours, and also introduced pension plan for future social security for fisheries
Officers said they facilitate to buy boats and other fisheries equipments at reasonable
prices through the Cey-Nor foundation. Foundation already started to produce fishing
crafts for Sri Lankan market.
Government takes legal actions to manage fisheries industry. Officers said every
possible situations they take actions against illegal fishing activities. And government
gives maximum attention to avoid sea boundary exceeding. They said government
prohibited some fishing nets and methods to ensure protection of sea resources and
future of the industry


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They have only experience about the fishery and they have not technical
knowledge about the fishery. Whatever the thing they do related to the fishery
they only doing by considering their believes, values and attitudes. Sometimes
it may be right and sometimes it may be wrong. And this is an uncertainty job
certain times they have to take decisions immediately. So they need to get
education related to the fishery.

They cannot get necessary support from the navy because they look for more
benefits from fisheries as well as they are not considering about the fisheries
who met with an accident beyond the coastal limit. Fisheries have not new
technology to inform the land about the accident that they met.

Fisheries who met with an accident not easy to get help from responsible
parties. They cannot take enough life insurance so current life insurance is
Rs.100 000 it is not sufficient for continue fisheries family lives. They have
pension for their future. But most of them not consider about that.

In present also they use traditional technology (find direction, find the distance
from the land) they have to take long time and high cost for search fish crop.
Internationally there is equipment to find fish crop. But local fisheries have
not such an improved technology to find fish crop.
Boat owners

As a main problem we saw that there are not enough spaces for at anchor in
the harbor. Main reason rise that problem is anyone can get permission for put
boats into the harbor. There are no strong rules and regulations to enter the


Page 29


fishing industry. So now there are large number boats in Galle harbor. But
deck is not enough for those boats.

Fisheries have to maintain high cost for one fishery tour (e.g. fuel, ice, etc.)As
well as their boat repairing. Because of that final fish crop price also increase.
They need to take those things and to do those things in more comfortable
price than current price.

There is organization called Cey-nor Lanka which have to take fishery

equipment. But there is not branches related to that organization. So all the
fisheries have to come one place to take their equipments. That is difficult for
them and they have to waste more time and cost for that.
Fish sellers

There are several places to sell fish crop. But most of them are informal
markets. They doing fisheries in coastal areas. There is fish market in Galle.
But there is not enough space for all fish sellers. And they have to pay high
monthly rent for one cottage. Because of that 3 or 4 cottage currently available
in that market.

There is not control price for fish. So there is inflation in fish crop. Because of
that fish sellers cannot forecast their income. As well as they cannot fix some
value for the fish crop. So there income always unstable.

They need to take weather forecast center which given data by accuracy. They
have not trust about local weather forecasting they take information from the
international websites. Currently they are doing their fishery tour according
that international weather forecasting.

There is no strong connection between fisheries and government. Now fishery

department divided into two sections and one section situated outside of the
harbor. Fisheries have to waste more time and cost for do their duties.


Page 30




In immanency situations they should always take right decisions and they
cannot only depend from their believes, values. Hence, they should get
knowledge related to the fishery. So government can training college for
fishery. And government should motivate them as considering valuable part of
the country.

After the near 30 years war this is the time period that has to develop the
country. So fisheries act main role for the country economy. All the fishing
industry related parties should help for them because they are doing very risky
job. That help should not only focus on gains. For justify their security
government can situated centre for help emergency situations by taking navy

Should provide more than Rs.100 000 life insurance with comfortable
payments. And after giving insurance facility, some responsible member
should provide information about that.

Traditional technology usage is the main reason for decrease our local fish
crop. Internationally now there is technical equipment for find fish existing
places. But in locally we have not such kind of technical equipments.
Department of fisheries can search new technologies and introduce for the
local market for suitable price.

Government can expand deck area for the fisheries or they can implement
more rules and regulation for enter the fisheries (e.g. increase registration fee,
limit number of boats).and government can allocate some specific area for the

They have to spend high prices for take fuel, ice etc. it is related with their
income. Their income also not stable. If government give control price for that
they can be manage their income according to the monthly expenses.


Page 31


According to our research Cey-nor Lanka is the only one organization which
provides fishery equipments. As a monopoly market they can sell their
products according to their requested prices. Other two or more organization
should provide fishery equipments for the local market and their branches
should distribute around island wide.

Galle fish market should provide cottage for suitable prices. As well as they
can expand their location and maintain it under the department of fisheries.

Weather forecasting should do by taking international support. And harbour

can situated centre for that.


Page 32




Fisheries sector is one of the traditional industries in Galle area. It should have proper
navigation to give maximum contribution to countrys economy with solving of
various difficulties occur at the industry.

As the one of the main city in Sri Lanka Galle has developed background. When
comparing the major occupations in this area, a fishery has the leading place. As the
traditional industry, fisheries community faces various difficulties when engage with
the marine industry. At the analyse part we discussed about the problems and special
areas that revealed by the active fishing community.

Fishermen play the basic and most active part of the industry. They have to manage
life with poor social and economical bases. They face and should have to overcome
environmental and safety challenges at sea. Lack of education and knowledge of them
give extra weight to them at facing those challenges. Fishermen are making
economical bridge between fisheries industry and economy. At the competitive
market environment, they have to sell fish crop through the unstable price levels.
Relatively low facilities in fish markets make difficulties in income generating for the
industry. Top level of the fisheries industry is Boat owners. They have responsible for
both crew and the boat. Boat owners face difficulties at purchasing boats and
equipments for reasonable prices. And owner has to bare full cost at fishing tour. Lack
of financial and government help for boat owners make problems in maintaining good
level in industry.

These three groups in fisheries sector expect effective management from the
government side. We noticed that Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources has
various types of solutions for these problems. But active level of those solutions is not
enough for the industry. Authorities should maintain good service for fisheries
community and should make a proper connection between fisheries community and
government. Need better way to providing financial and other benefits among
fisheries sector.


Page 33


So fisheries industry in Galle area has problems and also available solutions. But there
is a gap between them. When solving current problems, new type of difficulties can
be occurred continuously. So this report describes the current difficulties and ways to
manage them and provide guidance to face future difficulties by establishing dialogue
between fisheries community and authorities.


Page 34



Website of Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic resources Development









Website of Ceylon Fisheries Corporation


VESSELS AT SEA SRI LANKA - Department of Fisheries and Aquatic resources




Fisheries Sector in Sri Lanka- The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce

Fisheries Industry Outlook 2011 NARA

Risk and Dangers in Small-Scale Fisheries an overview. International Labour

Office, Geneva: Working Paper of the Sectoral Activities Programme .

WORLDWIDE PROBLEMS AND CHALLENGES IN THE INDUSTRYInternational Fishing Industry Safety and Health Conference


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